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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Mar 1946, p. 4

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ORONO WEEuKLY TIMES TRJURSDAY, MAIICH l4th, 1946. The Orono WeeklyTimes iSstablished January, 1937. P-ubiissied every Thursday morintg 3at the Tim-res Offiice Adàver-tisinig Rates on r-equest Suboscripijon, $1-25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher orono, Ontario We Break Into the News y recently a friend phioned uis froin Toronto and diur- sof thie conversation re-marked, '"I hear yuae -vn mlatch if Oro n oàacertain Saturday ,ýnight". lIn repfly ion as to how lie got this information, the friend re- )ud work donc by initerestedi local n our young folk w%,ere bandcd o- Unes of organiized sport me k-nei lie imi-elight -as a town and coni- of IporsonIs iii continuie o help At present the bld for local farnie of the lhockey teani. Ail honouýr 1 theni on tiieir road toward sport- lb * *, A Receptioni For Re.-ently Returned Men It miishortly lis aur duty and flpivilege te ecoeinco- mnllity fashjintho numoreous overseas servicýe monwh have re-. tuLrn-ed Vto aur miidst recently. Last summer mýe did something of a simullar nature on onc of ths evonîngis uponibiihhs cesýsaticon of 'hostilities mas celebrated. Doubtiess Our vai w elfars rgn izations wili takçe the miatter lu band and ciîoose the day and the hour for another 'big- event. To ovelo ur duty la this matter would indced be a grave error-, When. the timie cornes o honour these youi- ng mn, m,-e feel that all home organizations co ,rb tin o 1thir coIlIfort during their overseas exile sliould be lionoured anwitli thei. W are fully acquainitcd mitli the gratitude of raur overseas mon tomard those nt homne who kept their nseds in mind fdu'ring the mar years. Lot -us aiso makie way for the public exipression of thaniks aur monc-ý aire maitilng -te give. Here's Hop-ing A pre-,seasýon int that Spring is on the may as ours with hs announicoment of a meeting Vhbs -wceek of Vhsil-Jorticýulturai octy. IV is nat that the Society does noV met -during the Winîter either. It is .iust that horticuitural activities are se linksd Upf Wîth Spring and Somumer, thiat the realization that he Saciety is mi-eein-g and that ths tune of ysar is around the riddls of MaIrdli, and we ffnid ao for a doube asuro of h]ope for btter tig Vo cone. A, splendid comneback lias b)een staged by the local Hri c!ultur-aI Society and by the Soclty at lage e believe. With char- acteristic zest, Vhs folk of the aid tomwxilI dress Iuptheir gar-donsý ndgrounds. Sprýing is a wond(erfi season, Peopter ,a s-wellPas plants and fiomers seerrtotatIie on new ife. The haope that dwels e-ternal iia the hna be.tfinds nieýom opporýtuityfor expressioni. Tro shlako off someo ofths lelgarthiy of 'Witer moý will e out and wo th the sali. The resuits mi be seen ïin due sýeason er's ho-ping" can m elili aur slogan for he preseat. St PtrcksDay We l Canda ejoy that enviable prîvileg'e througili mhich ,,eca share wholeheartedly in the celebratin of 01d Land naïtionial das and stil, reta in aur idontity, St, PtrIick's Day coneslafor ths nii a honours hs same as -St. Gýeorge's Day, St. Da"Id',s Day and St. Amdrew's Day. We have toucbed hef'ore upoii hs iappy 'csmop-olitan nlature Of our p)opuilationi- and have poinited ontths wo-rthlY Contribution made by hs I>irih o 'hs flnished praduct,_We 'have even suspectod ia tige ofý lIIhin aur own rinake-up. Soietlhing skia ta blarneynust be repn-hefor a lo0t f th comupimentary tbings me con,'te ta say, me c-se. At any rate, hs, Irish lias made vond(lerfiii conýtributions Vo Vhs ifs of th-is country, The rest af lus can epes ur appre- ciation of hs fact without fear of too mucli resentmoent frm1a ele faction. On hs sevsntsenth therefare, me ii join la the slnrîgig, hs cheering or mhalptsver cornes along !in support of hs aib l rieli, dear reader, or sh( you -miii know lby now that this seveneeenth of Auld Irsland is atb of tie ltue aylewrom tnc youlay Ci Èfhl nffing, Paradise Durham County f imesfroni Ho1pe and at - utý Club mwitia se lins restockiig st Vhs ardent elose, ths offlicers round table con- Aubs atnd Vo flnd icrenso he oam-fe Clarke Township Council The Carke Township, Council met on March thie fifth in the Counicil Chiamrber., Orono. Ail the mnembers mers present. The inu-ates of the previous meetingl were r'ead and ap- proved. WT. E.Amtrn and O). A. Gis by appeared before thie Conne-lil ask- ing for consideration for hs O)roo Athlletic Association. It was agrýeodl to let the matter sLýtnd Vo ses ho-w widespread over the Township the movement becomes. Ons hospital notice wais re-fladn acceptedi. TheClr drew the atten)tion of the Coun cil to ti h danger7ous condi- tion of ths stove in Vhsbe )s,;em-ent and he vwas instrucý,teCt to arrange for' thle securing a- f lanother stove. A loUer concernhingii in iiato ed the OntaiaHopital at (Cobour;gwa 1sf t with the Clerk- for further ini- vestig-ation. It was dlecided to make furthier ini- quiries about W'arAst equiprnsnt to flind aut if thlese m-iachinles WOUldI be suitable for- snýw polnand if se, purchiase the -sanie. The Road Sprnedn was in- structed to secure a niecessar.iy su7P- plyv of steel culverts. 'The fofllowving ro solutions -wsrs passed : Ras. 1271 -Areigta continue the policy of supply cailcium chloridle On theCse conditions. App)lîcant shial asueone third of thsecst.Ai ordsring shah be through ither the Gle(rk or the Ron-d Superin-tenidentý. That the applications shah lbe in îlot laVer than April lüthl, 1946). Res. 1272 -- ContLiingiil C. F. AIde asTx Colleetor u lp to and ini- c}lding -April 22nd, I1946. Res. 1273 - Appoîin.ting the Cirk and Road Superintena ont to i ake fuhIino,,iuiries re hs pui-chaising aof R1es. 1274 - Authïoriz,ng hsClork Va Cal for tenders for -snow ,ploms if hs have mahiniliery is purchlased. Res. 127,5-Acptg the reporti af Vh auditors. Re.1276 -Satn ihat the Clarke ýQCounicil is hi ful accord mitli hs Ganiaraska Dsvclopmonieit Sclicmse. 11t was decided o eaila speciai mïeeting on Tuessday. Mý,ardi 19Vhi, at hs hour a f itwo 'inlaths after- neon VIo disoýuss road bulsiness sud hs niatter af' Vhs Bommanville Hos- pital. The folflowing bis mers, ordcred paiid:ý Mýrs. H. Morris............-------$ 5.00 Mrs. E. J. Randafl, R vs F_ 32.00 J. J. Mellor, Salar-y, Postage and E xoliane.............9------ q2.419 1MAter Cars ----------- ------ --10,00 !Ontario Provinicial T e s r r Inuin----------------- --__ _- _ .65 LILLIAN MAUD BKUTON There passed away in Orono on Suniday, January 227th, 1946, il ;lian Maud Br1uton, widow of R. E. lBru- tan). in ler 6thyear. The late Mrs. Brto hd noV en- joýyed'ïthie best of healVhtb for the past six years, but mas able Vo be up and1 around unti! a couple of weoks ,of1 her passing. Bcooro coring Vo Orono sho and lier family lived on a faini aorth of Kendal -which shel ran for a,,thure. On April 19th, 19218, she and lier family of five sons and tire daughters rnoved to Orono, liv- ing in the sanile home until lier de- mise. The laVe Mrs. Bruton -was a willing worker, having Vo raiselier famly whichi she dici mith great for- ?itde, and at the sanie tume s.seing thae they recéed a good education. Sho leaves Vo nmourn ber ioss, 'hree sons, ,Stanfley, of T'oronto; Cor- don. Toronto, whio is 'corpiting his studies for a minister; Clifford at hiome; .Mrs. Quinney, Providence, and Mý,rs. Hall, Bowmnanville. Tmo sons gave their lires oveoseas, Cecil, ofi the R.C.A.F., and Normnan with Vhse F-nerai service mas heid in St. avors(Anglican) CliurchNithl lier Rector, 'Rsv. D. R. Domwdney haI ing charge of the service. Intermenti lokpace la, Orono Cenetery., ENTERED INTO REST On Thursday),, Fobruary 1'l, 194(6, '~ayAna11MoDonald, widlowef ths laVe Thornas Luxon, Millbrook-, ini lier 82nd ysar. -IVrs. lLuxon mas thes daugh1-ter o the laVe James MDo -i'ad bis wife, Charlotte Kïlilatrický, Clarke. She mn as bride ta their, farli homie on hs 9th lins, Clarke, laVer moving Vo ýMillbrook, sud living in their- home, recentiy purchased by Mr. Melville :Bail. To this union thrse cidren wers bora, Charlotte (11Mrs. George Mc-, Cullough, Clarke(2); àf/argare1t, ami George mlia(died in infancy. Both daugliters graduated froni MillIbrooek Higli Schol, and served as teachers in day school aad Sunday Schiool, for soveral years. Mr. Luxon died in Octobe, 1927, and 'Miss M largaret in April 19q44. A rdevated wif e and im-other, sud faiithfi member of the ohrcil, Sn day chol, and Vhs W.-M. S., Mr S. Luxn aves a memiory thiat is very preciaus ta hsr close friendcS. sud especlEy Vo ler daugliter and son- mi-law, AMr. 1and Mrsý. GeorgeM- Cuhllougli, and granddaughter, Laur- osa M1cCuilough, with wloim she ived Vhs haLst thireo or four yoars of lier Cie, Mfer having spent about ton years wiflh lier brother, Mr. Gea. McDonald, 4th lias, Cavan. Mrs Luonhad issaenin faiiing health for sevai ysars, and almost e.onrletely bid, and yet she mas lats Mr. Geor linterm-len.t ly plot la Mvlillbro-ok, 111- inig iisýter, B.D., Neïwton friead(s fromi Classified1 COIGEVENTS A ane ndrthe asicsof N caleSkaýting Association wîll be held in Nwcste omunýity Halon Fida"ïy, Mrhlt.Rs creighiton's Vrey lneBand wil be hI tteildanlce. Amsso,5 c. perpesn A g-ood lrish rorawllbc given ini the Town Hiall, Oronio, on Marc 22n, uner te auspices o OronoWome's Istitte.l1e chief entertainer will be Dannyý Boy, with ohd and new sns and music from a g-uitar and uke banjo. Alter the progr-ammi--e a dance will be held, Ad- mission Wtop.roglrammi-e and dance, 50c. All men intere-sted in fooù) b a1l (soccer) are asked to, corne tO a meeting in Éflie Armouries on Tues- day evening-, March 19th, ab 8.00I p.m., to see if it iýs po-ssible to or- ganize a teain. to play in the comling, season. Cabiniet wovrk, uphoistering anid repairs; prices reasonable. Will' pay cash For used sewing macýhines. C. F. Duncan, Phone -16, Oron-o. tf, W A-N TE D Live Poultry 2,ii eathl s.Topn prices paid. M, Flett, Bethzny R. R. No. 1; pjhon-ýe 7 r 13.j--. WANTED Sm-a'Ill car. Reats unb>4 prceMust be in good conditi m as;Phone 79 r 16, Ovon1o.a8 - fi FOR S: Two Duirhaýn11JÇîfei5s anJioee Grade Jersey,i tq/frenew ;%'in 'I 2[anch1 and April. AV IR. Ke a ie, Phonie 51 r,-3, (Qrono. -0p LOST Tliursrday, March 7tv Tail Gate off fruit truck bee Orono and Pontypool. Pleas4 one 674 Bow- mianville, in regarff' o informiation. MoFeeteraBa.,Bsmavfe WIANTED By Bowvmnvïil1eCl j«ng Faictory, ac og f piski , urn-ers Canadiaun Cannrers Limnitod, Bo,-_-, vill; Phone 781.ctOc FORSA Cartier Sos ý-O s, Coronaion Spring Wheat, I ed is f ertilized. 1 BravmaGe]liïi , 16 yeairs old, wlth wý,hite face and foot, gDod sinigle or double, wight betwsen 1200 and 1300 pounds. Apply to Kenustb Hlilî"s; Phonle 5 r 3, Oronjo. FOR SAE Oasill1-olstsi C just rnwd one part Jer.s yeW;the lut of Apri; one Wc B1.-H. B r, 7-foot cut, prac- tically new ith nom cannas; quan- ity of coke at hraif price, W. E. Evrans, Orono, a-S-p ANOTHER "YOUTH FOR CHRIS T" Doar Editr: Soneo-ne 1carnna moment, exactiy, miý gestion that Vhs pi of a cmbad burgi systenm be flaanc-eled ' large. ]Beliviag as 1 de alarrn systena woulld advantagsous and or boter than any protection, I Vink tVI ish ra3tepayers me Vhs costs. Assuming the around $10MOOOM, y hs mors affluent ( would ho anxious Vo tiai donathi. Sncb anintla preat Luse ia many asi con- ýchlo1r- plamas, ill lie Vplay, uj The i I reache MEDICAL A. F. McK'IENZIE, M.D. PRYSICIA-ýN andSRGO 0filce EHours 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. ; 6.30 te 8P.00 p.m: Suumdays and Wed-nesdays by atppGîiinent only PHONE 47rl ORCONo ~~LEGA L Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMNtANýVILLE, ONT. Phoneo- Oflice 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRI STER SOLICITOJE NýOTARY Office 825 Residen-ce40 VETERINARY~~ DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERTNARY SURGEON Office Main st. Orone Phone 63 r 7, Orono. INSURZANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobile and Liabilîty ORONO - ONT-APIO District Rpeetdst h Manuf acturtrs' Life Insuran.ee Copmýu1t mne for your future Icme Plans MonentW The RUTTER GRANITE COMNPANY Pho-ne 5K1-- P.O. Box 6'22 Port Hope, Onitarl.o Monuments, Gravemarkere, AUUI'IO1NEERS TED JACKSON Aluctioneer and Valuator ConýdUcts Auction Salses of ail azms and at reasonablo rates. Comuniatewith him nt Pwrt Perry, Otari., or Seol'A% Clerk, k, E. MortOn, a t Orono, for date. JACK REID Licensed'Aucý.tion.eer and Valuiator -Specialize iFaria and Furniture Sales Consuit mne for ternis and dates Phone 1620 Clarke TAXI DAY ANI) NIGHT SERVICE Reasonable Rates UP-TO-DATE CAR STAN PAYNE'S TAXI-J Phone 97 r 16, OOrn, srng, *t is anniounccd by r A . llVLaNabb, Piip',,al Caf the Coliege, The new dctor's degroe will re- place tlie degree of Bachlo(r -of Vt elrinary Scien1ce whrýic li as be granted by the Veterinaýry oiee through1 thé Iniversîtyofoot- with h~chit is affiHiated, since10 Dr. Mav1cNabb aise ainnuen)ced th Ile new dîegreo ii bJn)e avi

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