,t in't en ough to knrow the aily- siso a feed yo-u mst know ho that aayi is made u-p. You -nuLst know how many pounds cý f the ex)ensive ingredients like pw dlered mlilk, meatl meal and cereal dion, right every îa- 1 A C-h i CkL ýe you to Compare the k Starter with other ives you fuiliform-ula/ ~UiiAjJ5U U3 ~SRTER. LTRY FEEDS FOCK FEEDS eds on tfhe mtrket, ýany Limited and sold hy 01tL, Phone 51-1 nt., Phonie 43-1 Seled Fair H-OPE MAROH 21 )ON PROGRAMMDE - 4.00 p.m.l -this interestingad t and progra'mmne E. A. Suimmers, Sec. Duirhnm Co mrvmn ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TRIJRSDAY, MARCII l4th, 1946. ELIINATE the feed hazard in chick raising THE I-NDUSTRY 0F THE FUTURE FUR FARMING Mink and Fox MUTtT!9>N&3' Buy a Trio - We Ranch Them. WJLLOW CREEK FUJR FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO, PROM? 42 1' 2 brFetîr11enof1 Or(,o Logeatnd Lodge, Nwate nMna vn M.and ~Mrs. D, C. Foryrester and sontT' F. O.Douglas, r -enl etUued 'home from Oversea's, spenlt Sna afternoon with Mýr.andMs R. A. in thîe recent eXaInPat!iins la conecton ithte To)ronto Conser- i vatory of Music,AnaStapoles was suiccessful in passing GaeX Piano with honors. Plan -ito attend [theOro-no Coin- uainSdbociComncmetin the Town hallat Orono on Fidyeven- inlg, Marci l5t11. -Agod 'eicf entertainment lias lbeenarned Thre Gooyerits" lessr Fs. Ted Williamks, Alfred Jkmnand Colin Taýylor have beeýpn asnt from teir work i he nihoing -plant tis yweek ýowýiiin oatc f"l~ Messrs, E. R. Woyr and Ed. Ne2ilson atendedthecneninof the Canlaian Cabr fComn- on Tu.esday and- edOs, of this week. Mr. and Mrs. W.S. C ldikat- tnded the fanierai of theLTcNlson Colbbledicýk-inl oot o ody Tley ,were acman - yMr, and Mr. oward Wailsh ant1d Miss FlIor-a CoIý bledick. M\rs. Fred Tamnblyn, Ms E. Eas Mr. n ld Mrs. W. Staintoný, and Mr. 1~..,-. Local Newvs week-end in town. MisOdeli Underifi 0( the Civil Ser- vieBrai, Ot 0tawa, im ii:n it r and Mrs, Ncil F, Porter. Mn . Bverey Fogg, Bwaville, spent the iweek-end wihlis par- etMr. and MrýýS. Geo. Fog. Lloyd lilsreturned home fo Toono here lhe reeýved his di- charge from the arnmd forces. -Mr. John11 and Br.enton Fogg are cuttin,, timber for George Laing for- the barn he intends toc build. MASs Margaret M1ilson, Oshawa, spent the week-end with lier par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Milîsonl. Mr. A. A. Drummrond resumeil lis duties as an"Iager ofth Banli of Commerce on Mond-)i(ay of this week. Mrs. Jas. Ick"Son visited oCVer the week-end at Kinigston wili Mrand Mr.J. Milîson, and at Belleville witli Mr. and Mrs.Trey A number of Youn.g boys and gbils front Orono attended the Diental da c ed i iniaus all, Tor- onto, on Friday evening of last wveek. ln our mnodernu funeral chapel the services may be condtucted with ail the dligity and reverence that wouîld obta-in in a chuirch or private home. lu addition, the Chapel pro- vides extra conveniences and facilities not possible anywhere else. F. F, MORRIS 00. DURHAM'S LARGEST FUNERAL DIRECTORS 480 - 7a4 A Orono 27-1 ST THEATRE, BOW AN LE P ne 89 A WEEK 0OF SUPERB ENTERTAINMENT Thurs., Fri. Onîy MARCU I14, 15 Alexander Korda's Mighty Technlicolor Production "FOUR FEATHIERS" Also Sport Reel and Cartooni Saturday MARCH Wf 16 "SING A JINGLE" Songs, Laughter and Lots of Fun SECOND RIT "REG'LAR FELLERS" Those lovable kids from the funnies Mon, Tues., Wed. "lANCIIORS AWEIGH". wvith FRANK SENATRA KÇATHRYN GRA,ýYSON and GiEEKELLYi Sinatra's singing and Kely's danlcinýg c0mbýined egve you a picture yotu wiIl lonig re- miember. Fo)x late news DRESSES Nw Spriiag Di-esses js arrivedi, Crepes and Silkç Jerseys, ail sizes, frot.....12.5 0 to $18.50 SPRING SUITS lu Ail W001, Spring Shakdes, sizes 13 toý 16, pricedý from.$---------$26 SILK CREPE lin 'Green, Rose, Gold, Blak,, 38 iniches wvide, piriced[ per yard.....---- .....---..$ WOOL A[ 54 inches wýide, in Red, Ro0s e, BI1 Greeon, priced- pe ring Cleaning lb.I tin 25c Gloss, tin 53e LARGE Pineapple 18, each the aaasaFili red abyiatne amd the f ICE CREAM IMIX pkg 10ec 11.00a.a Why 2.30 p.n 7.00 p.r '6s i eToronto, justrcnty mi% vEar1 Gilbank, wh hs rn leW.Luxon fa'. orover ears, lies burciased the Wi ainor fariii on Concession , er.M-r. and -Mrs.Gian ram)ily oedo Moayt ver thleir newpossin This newspaper had te ho f being m..-entioned at te very et of "Neighborly Nes"lst oult- Sun- du erthecpin t tentn1o-here 1 RAVE A FEW Pediar -s. Lai rilose *rtei-c-sted i n rootoal ar e The fnoor iii the tirmouï-ie1 h as'e'd to 'be a t the Arvmoüuries on heen marked out for baebl n T'uesday evening n iext for ani rgnlteboy's are inow patsn h ization meeting". Iping themselves into sae of -this Clean, Family Newspaper TUiE CHIRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR 'Free from crime and sensational news ..Free, fromn political bias ... Free from 'specia1 initerest" co-_ntrol . . . Free to tell you the truth about world events, Its own world-wide staff of corre- sponidents bring you on,-thie-spot news and its meaning to you and your family. Each issue filled with unique self-help features4 te clip and keep. r ., r i ySt reSet on 15, YUshi g So t ty [ P l e s en d tem p le c ofeï I 'U ofeThe Cbrktýi.n Sciencea t an...................... .............. Aoitr ISee....... ...............................pleae seted a One-montb Cf.................._Zone ... st.. trialt subscription. I en- I va-ac'ose $1 .4 ~ R.GI O.w, Gordon Durham (C Corn DRESS LENGTIIS lFlowered Siii shades ýf Mjauve, Red, Grey and _B 1a ck, 4 yard lengthis, priced........-$ý 7.50 DIGNITY and