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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Mar 1946, p. 3

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- I FocsThat ¶Jnify a Nation iSarnuel 7: ,1-8 1-5 an i iyll eyn o',ady israel Repenlts pthe arkaiod i Krjtbjeri toi thm h 'tIcy couild get d- teywudretura to eovbwith ali teir hartand pi'tl wayail Now ilu truerp.rtac Ie ptaway aldisegosand sevd tise ,Lord ol. The Ga,'hering at Miýzpah Samue Lreced tiem t iit iaerat iph -lie,, ert corne tgethert ray. Theýy fis \rV wt Gt n p, rdi oit JicfnreJehxah"0 F;yýiubel cof -their utter help!,sns sudthepon'ýg oit of thecir hlarts befre odThey fa1stüed as a sigri fthir humiliation (of[ e lan F', ert es efo firidGo. hy madecoufs-,în ofthers lu thiaar 11st -Elplol Colorifl pa- fody wen w bitd past me- hefon you an' Keller came no!" Kele h? That's how alil th' cow- on. , a'yo'egoï an ilfrepood vTLe i;!dsusrucktheoev an like a biow;lis facebn n i te dknshis steel-gray eye s shone stagi.but he s aid ntig -1There s (tehe bouse, we're goin to~~~~ thIe' uatr.Tat 1there row o windws îward lus ail lit jima's fr«.(ieds was okdouwt puemoiahere an' tby gota raudnurse an kep' hlm he's a hleap better. OId Teresa sayés he's gotnade i"Mcaddiaughing hr- Lax(lSteuhr ~Garden 'oe _bGORDON L. StIVIH Wh ,eSace - -Short Those unfamniliar uwrtb gardrunug art am1azed t te out of vege- taisaPlott w-'rds square cm' of grouud 12 feet we aud 25 f eet log should yWed pactiaiy Ailt' vegetable, ec ptts,, a amali faii qwll qire from e ariy juiy MOtIlfros. For rase in cuitvation, rows zUwsn luia»Y case. the ~ ~ ~ shl crafo te iI ral hud br 1IoniSe abo'y. MacDwel al ssid; "int-ay gil l tes prt cn l cb ber!" She urud l br aaddle uwt wachth ighets sing p lut audflikerugusecaudîrs il]ii tg. D' kwas own here iu .the vailey, but up on dtho !Md Uraimmbeesas a yellow iiht behlillthulbe sycaimorFs, suid geal Baýrra off-yeliow aud or- ane sud rrd ilu esunlset sky. Be- low beý,r iytepr-ivate rnawd !f -"Las Palomnas," bler brotber'-s f'-bridge 0 mettheStte ig road, five mils away. There was a b)ig c 1iitff 1 îe b (L. 11m1 K ic tise'] lof býIs tng it, It heha'] sparc; i-omd hr f111 lte ,rid']sDoreearge etn Ï, -, 1)- iie but111bis msrrsdid iuntst. Shie wsfiuiglbikn ard. Teliftiing bre to the ar euîng ouf neÀof tbedistant tcliff, she saw a sudIdeu glow of lgh sdth nexfinstant, tie beadlighis of ïa big hig-power focur-ing car emlerge'] The gil rconzdif wif b a starb ofSrprise, t xva ifm'scar, "0id Jia nt ai, the whrri. Ur-"giuig ber horsbh 5lopddown thec fraiil 0iutercepIt tecar Ibefore if reacfe'] The cbridge. A ineýarervix shoxrd er nd McDOwe(ll iin if, and asrne tlihe wbetiel. As sce rode up dey stppd the car "Mac, s1' 'jat e wh's irne s spe] ul. "Yonve bor ynnrat ht' vngMa? should run across the width, not the lenigth of-4 thecplot, aud they can bc as close toýgethe!r as 12 inchles for iifttîC, uarrnw ai d eaýr!iy stu11U like 1etcrds and ecarrots, abou1t1 luchs fo bepu sd hanaid 1 iluches ýfor 'coru auld tmans- To sav e room suid iduce erly au md c1ean fruiits thýe latter shoudbe skd ihail side banhes piuicb- Sce eu b svedby itruaiu sorts like bet,carrots sud ninus By the ime tde second graup MIa ly rq iresailroOnu h iriwl have been remonvcd and eten No Hurr-v ilîn theplanfling. As a utatter of be nosicilrsh tlaagn tingto get') a-bit of tegre plant1ude']erly, but it is foolish ]toI rîsk theunsaiplantig untilaildan ger of frost lès oves-. And iu apy' case if the garden) is Il pilued at onýcethen ,thýe harvesftl ail Corie î,eter wt a fea1St forafe days follow.d by a fame In the greaterpart of Canada one Mau go on plantig vacge ansd flower-cs r oh p tb JulyIlst - ilu- deed ui omear-eas -,'t is po-)ssible to planItt beau , arots and beets even bar and sINl get gond returms.Ex- perienrcd grees iiethleir serd intu att leaf fherparýts and make successmna sowiug about tou days y0 two weeks apart. For ten- der thigslie bas ou oa fors, pppers, foiatoes, aud n îý nu, noùthlilKg b gaiued hy rs iug t Hesgot pals, mgfgtahoe -or e-aift in cr uyas ' here alýýone' (idMac Said. in i fatherily way. Youride alnng be- side t'11 arif you swon't gtlu anIl' !et this ynulgnginsu ride ,Tex- home." Janle laghe. liliase if;l'i beiat you f0o it!'" Tisyouing n waiî%'ýlts wnrk o aranch,'" Macaidded, putig is wr)llhbaud ou the st-frauger's shoul- der; "th il iss Jaile Keillr, dt Sister (f the bo)ss," lhe said f0 his Janle caugbt thie oufine cf Jthe rman's headyas h wung onf biébat buit she spoke ftO Mac wifh ber eisp EUtt% tue of autboriy. MWen you gef t the ranch sendý 1,im1) o me- l'il ae.haf1I cn do for him until Jim one.Im ou t' 1e te bc ort cut; Tex e au ra anyni ca, alcT "a te s'ltp her, toumakýe brride beside Utern, but shewaàs ioff lise a shýot; tbrey CoLild just sec thie beutiful1 dark outline of ber horse as hr Ieape-d the crcýecis. --Aýi' nt hat b bery, biess lber!" nOd Maclage lu bis beard. "She iC u'scred o a tbing for hrslf-nu'iy for Jioxý! Si hbed be scaredsniaf if h thought she was ouf aund jordai mîight he hW0e5 "Til ime about tlis jordan;i cau' .t 3 mr t make itcouf. Cttethief or wbaf?" askrdd te Young Mau At tce Mwhr "lt'a tbis ýsay-take thauttu, tbcrres Las Palonas up there-Jor- dan Ismd f0work hrre; hes a gond cattiema but be drinkýs li1e blazes, a gond many of 'enudobut eho ok fo dope runuing, setilin' ithbrrr f0 fbe cowpuncbrers. Jin icauiigbt im at it a"thlere wvas a big row. Jor7- dan,bauf druini, tried f0) kijll Ju-in. That settîrd if; lhe was fired. Th ,lenl h-e fnok f0 cattîer rustliug anl' b's got a gang of cuf-thiroats aioug svifb im; ma: luybe some cof our feilers areC in cahloots wilith t' gang t, get d(-ope; we don' kow H' clearedoufn solrne of nur beinst cattîr. lesitaybegof druk an',il*caile back tf0 brag. Jirn KeClier s mn- nusF; he lassor'd jordan l!ikeaseer we tied hlm up an' stsrted.Jun envas goiu nof0 hve hilm i ledsre, ibut h('e11 go w y; yu carne ao ! S ouknlow. W ll, h'ii try fo get iln ur s1shnoting!" Q]!Mac stnpprd, wit nexprssvesbu MacDowrelindd Sue ae ton), if Sstands i bis wa h b'S mat as eindicivea arttà . e me, yong mu Teyouuger ve1nn kept b1is ej, e stail Oite 1lnunîjîlarro;']. butl priz. "nio't meu; that the tu rac~wnnld tytvur ht3ong girl?" "1!f he 1t'iînghit hb cu']gl e jau' hold ber oser Jiî head for as nutch dang]er-às imthf' wt 1i ( -,("f -orne hai" If nyertaislut ifponta! \Wr kuow ,vth-at te be trure, aron'] brrr ayybotb literl-1y asud fig:ura- fivriy riday ibt WCewerr frçst- rd f0 s iteriai nepea o-u how Partuerand were simoig quie- ,y at bone, prpaed 0 njoy bear- iug a broadeasffrM Our own home n outhle Ctarloanioramaii progrmme. And Hennweheard if sud I doui't men iseradio drip, drip , . drip, drap, drip. Partuer w nt ouf d0ite kitchien. 1u a f ew mnutesther was a cali for bl.Whn w nt fif didni'f seem possible f know whcrc f0 'tarti Àtb pots; sud panis t0 catch the drlips. Their numberJic was legiou. And sinice tie oi iaad lbren ne- Ilrred a ya ao Vwe ccrtaiuiy were nof look1iug for al)y sucb cafastro- pby.v But hr t vsadthere- alan veeU ePauer r v in fl](c t- tic ivsiaig u onbc- io'W moppinýjg Iup Itle floor sud ta- bd l sud lmiug dishies aro,-uud un.- der the I ge sfdip.Buit ifdidni'f niiany d]1, ýiffrence. For v 'ery drip tha stolpped two more starbe']nup ln u ifs1plce. Afra u a 1Itiuer go g usted4udnwetof0bcd. But I sbaye'] npbecauseMObIa) big ing hmes iitr isucle,-off bbc idnghttran. o tusif itwasý nur vsitorwas iven asonwa dsîn recptio. Hecamle frnm Mionfraieat-id. knowiug uwwe fod o'lfi1h, hebrougbt with lm a big par-cel o f itPegr'tfes f!sit ever tseat (lastthis ide of the tlanic. ut wu bad to tab f-ish iforamnt uvr leal for fwo days Vonsec whatI Jmeanq) . . . î Saurday lPartuer hýa'] trouble wiha cw en-fday, auotberl cow hd acaif. Aind the Ile2 rnorning weha'] to ciii a *"vet". More 'ram, yousec. The( aievitfb isios ic Chrlisina)ýs e havent[ bad ayn 5fa ihere af ail. But thiswe- mid unponnrdi'] c -v ariv ihn tvoorebIlwil. !lu tiueridicU of thlis I1ecivdtu eîtria e- quest for 12M0 ord 1oua givenl bopic. And i nue defuifritly doesni't 5aupposýing bc ousvwre on fire. One oui ut hep put Oufthle lire au'] thn get on wit b b ob So nw brr1Iarn, affer a bci -'t' Tlie healigqhbs of the car ilim lue']beras she leaur d frnm t Ii< adlf0q1uestion hIlm, but if ef 0w.Jae e bis ryis; îhe n ber~~~~ým ovueaiyudcast uî foreran epiain'] ubcrîI,"Ji a'apaf ouf.Vnsuer, we figure']I we]got JrdaI'kwured, auit as fyhowh roelns hnwe e th1at place na imn'wlW gax-e chase -bnh fus,anIfe au', spaudb olm' i']w ami; if hapd'tibeeni ',For this yîîgmail herehe cme Lonig au' blp' m ktinde jarai] Jnda ightlu i bac hueea Sm! nfmetouAmin th' en.Jim ai ribthesgoft ea mning whib iuciudd gtin tbiree sepïaate brea1kfasts, sedu cafchinig the vet by phionebeor he left for parts innknlownl, rsu asickpllet, arginif touf witb a banS icer!i about a imistaike ilu our hlnch for Bob, wblo,indnaiy bad had b is own troubýIles wbru b le fouud a ýtfiat ire on bis Ëtruck. - Buit ïfor altat freaI13y abeu tifL mriggau1ete for anyone with eariy chicis. Ours o'tarrive u tite se-cond weeký lu April. Last yrar we ad thbrm iunal Match, but fhecy wev-r fil- grownl, begiiir.g Éf0 la r sud a] to be shutlupbefoe wr yrte ready te deal wit hei'.PTis vyear we are1i iryiug tf0 avoi'] a repefuifiotn of thït trouible. Xrw au pleegsl th fail buit iedn' a the the no mdde fthesummer.un PO FTYR T FY ISRUS linstantiy relief froin 1heand cold dis- testarts tGecoirne vheni you put a Ibrtie V-b-o nehnoti.Aa it heipa pLrevnoiec s r devo- lngïf used intimelî Try if! Worzs Jnet You'1l lilce it! îenoi~d -ne, en85 in ýASTER SI upoi s lpretl )ar.y Ymanner, '] fwil DrtRnoi Weat, Toro)ut, tveuuiýibr delighit thec $1.25 eacbi Minister oin Strike /~MayImaPTyOIN See fýorourself how quickly Asp tilssl Drop oeein a glasýs of v, eudndoc"it. Wifhýr in to seceo. ii- wiflsatrI 10disintegrate. Itd the saine whrn you take it.,éI resuLit, il provkIdr relief with ress, able sperd. Get Aspirini toda,,y, "Bayer" coson each tabiet isyvotur gularante thtit'a Aspirie. çr ie Pccket box cf 12S '~ ~ 18C Econonny boitllecf 24 ,.ony29t FaIl lz c 00 * .017?z akes You Fee MiAIL ORDEIR CO. st., foronto, ont, - T h, le e c to( r of anp E p i co p a l churjch ýat rliok Solad as fùoowed the ph-lan fthiscneud tiogSC) ft S i z uowui, lie strik'e ibas ( n ffiaiatiain iii - aund othelrFs - 1for In, St1jri lai .11albongh thilcy se l']m enter thef cburchI For til, rgu'ar erl cesof YOU'LL BM DELIGHEPD withthesuperb Il 1avor of MaxwellîHLu e ,Cof fee. 1lt'S blend-ed by eprsfo fineSt otial-ogv you opeecofests Voi WIIEnjCy St iA TheStRgiHoe UkcwT om.-ON TO e1 CLp niGIN",GER FAR

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