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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Mar 1946, p. 4

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Weeklv Times every Thrsday morning at the Times Offic.e Rates on request Suboscription, $1.25, R. A. Forrester, Publisher Oronio, Ontarlo Standard Timre ring toçwns tirough.nîýt *OtaiO io ii be faced with, )f ither adhiering to the present Standard Timae or aylight Saving. It seem-is logical that the timie chosen sanie the couintry over. For a long timei there nias n until the Dayliglht &Saving -measure was made lani niar. as a class favor 'Standard Timne aiidanayonie fm a b'e nis cani jnderstand the reason. Farmiers should be ,hese mnatters, The country is too dependent uipon the Ui ta fiaunt their wîshes all the timie. However, this ge of tinie nl not be goveraied by smnaill ommuii-,nîties AUl ne can hope for is a measure of conformity. . * .*.- e General Motors Stik-e Enids ,littie doribt but the news of the cessation of the Cenvral Mtors siike wul brinig great rejîcig in te 'n-. That rejoicing %vil be echoe.d in our onin townn e a number of eniployees of the big neighbhoring Conditions res.ulting from thJe strike have flot been as those of some pr.eviouis perioils of unLimploymitent. ~ymn.tinuraceand Ihe granting of bonuises for ail tended Vo ease the financiel atrain upion parents foot tbe femdily bills. ýMen wll be gled to get back ihopest task. It, is to be hoped that uonemiploy- haunt Mhe workefs of this and other lands as it has past. There should not be a dearth, of work in a great lnada. Getting donin to business in O~eaxH!iido h tihe spectre of unemnploymnent. Coming withi the enl- eof Spring it wHil end new hope and give rest Vo many idie duting the long Winter's days. The 0. C. S. Commiencemenit t Vo the O.C,S. Comm-tencemýen,-t lasýt Fiday eveninig. iCh wouid be said and dJone et this funjction neye fairly us beforehAmd. IIere, fiowever-, is what îimipressed it- mind as the evcninig progressed. lierewa a neN g folkefinding advancemient and mrak-inig their jast bid As previous years have passed we have seen other ingste-rs who appeared to be just about the acmiee f Te feit that neyer again -would such talent enisue fromn )iroao; this town VhMat J J. Mllrdeclered last 1"1-i(ay Sig" town, Stili, theepine at tnis lest comi- s exiiaratig. We saw suchl evidence of fine teach- -arnhig that we came raey convinicedl that the days and the days thait are- to corne comipare well with are gons, en folk willthîk in terms of the present as em- ions that are mwach better than those of thec past. o Me thingsof O..S.mne aris cindthough to see ysed. Mlany cicizens wlIH hark back to the great stu- er days. We were reminded of the great students of we foilowed throu,)igh the commuencemnent program. To tudent or teacher laprfrec to the rest nudin- irable inecessity of mraking comipar-isonIs.Ah ne wouild ro point out the cooertion wbich must hav e ested e year. "ohege Hlill" stili ioomns large in the affairs people. The public spirited folk whoimake possible f commrenemnent are to bce comended. Another Orono young mnen and women nWl e embarking ýs for -which they ha-ve been fitted, Rev. S. Littlenovod il fact ashe ouched upon the word "omneet enun--g. For many studentstce nstrationsof the e flnsd. Thenell-oved associations nAthteacsers idents are a precious niemory. These young folk go orld carryig the splendfid Orono tradition with thiem. id have eared to mniss the commnenicement lenst Friday 1nty nature Of its prOgram, WVe realized that me ting in huible fash;jion, in a rmrai ceremýoa)y. Lg a party of young people aitaining to greater heights cher mnuchl lnded predecessors, It nias 14commilienice- broadest sense. 's union 1,111s l U ý(nio o W.C,T.U,_Mrîeetiing ['uesday, March i9th, th Christian lTemiperane z. waso, ho1d a o+t+ l'm ro- was re- Ptts by ayer by 's cl items, s. The "nlec nisof the treas- s p eL t1, Orono WY. I. Conicert wllbe Med in thie Tona Haill on Friday even- in,-, M;'rch 2122. Attend' and hear D.anny Boy inperýso.n, MILLSON -- At King Hlospital, Kingstoni, Monidey, March il;, enid Mirs. J. C. -Mihiso gar.et Mlsna son, anlo, on 1ee Mar.- nl James. SIXTHLUNE Our rýoad condlitions have be eni ver y bad of late but we hope themu holes mwiii sooni be dried up. Mr. and Mi-S. Sp)ence Gordon and famlly visited Mr. and MÏrs. Wm. Curtis at Ke!1dal. We uniderst*and Mr. Wm. Le ko hais sold his farm Vto a r-etu.rned sol- dier fromn Toronito. Mr. Leslie M-Norgan entered the hüospital for an operation. WeV' hope that he -%viii soon be weil again-!. 'Mrs, Wm. Greenwood has return- ed home after visiting relatvsl St. Catharines for a fe, weeks, Mi-, and Mrs. Don Oke and Wtýaynje, of Toronto, Miss Je.an 'Hoy and Mr. Bob. Staintoni, Bowmaý,nvil le, visited atJaes HO'oyS. 'It is repote-d that Clifford Coop- er, a former Sixth, Liner, la expected1 humie froi noverseas this ïeek.1He has served in the army for a num- ber of years.1 L.A.C. Vance Cooper, Mrs, Coo- er aichildren recentlyisiede Mr. C. V. COoopeî's. We are glad tol report thait Vanece l feeling quitel well after an appendicitis opera- ti on. s The house that suited Fido las when he was -a pup, is'quîte inadec It will ake a major operastion ta. bri present needs. Mien you wire 1 rememnber that your use of electricitý loo. Prevent needless cost and inc later by doing a compiete wiring iý limne. Provide fully for future c îmmediate requirements. If you are like most people, you electrificalion of your farm with a amount of new equipment. The wi do is to gel "working equipmnent" firs that wiIl save labor and mnoney, ar production. Electric lights and a mc for grinding and pumping are typic As your farm becormes more profital the use of Iow-cost Hydro, you wilt homne conveniences, und also man aids for the barn,. tool house and da provide wiring and sufficient outiet beginning to serve ail these you monoey and have "adequale wirinq Any good electrical contractor or rural superintendent wili be glad to on how to wire your farmi wisely. ASK YOUR HYDRO RURAL OFFICE FOR THlE NEW FOLDER "HYDRO GOES TO WORK ON THE FARM" ohl iy. up t0 farmn, COMI N G EVEI ýNT S a good Irish Programi will be given ini the rTo'wn Hall, Orono, on March 22nd, under the auspices of Orono, Wom-en'sLInstitute, The ch-ief entertainer will be2 Danny Boy, wt odand niew songs, and music from pa guitar and ulke banjo, After the prïogrammei a dance wilI be held. -A-d - msinto programnme and dance, 50 c, Cabi-net vwork, upholstering and repairs; prices reasonable. Will pay cash for used sewing machines. C. F. Duincan, Phone 719-16, Orono. tf, WANTED Lire Poultry ani Feathers. Top prices paid. M. Flett, Bethany R. R. No. 1; phome 7 r II j-10-P. FOR SALE Two Du(rham- Heifers ahnd one Grade Jersey, to reniew i n March and April. . H . Ke aie, Phione 51 r 3, Orono. C-10-p. WAN'ýTED By Bovmeniiville Canning Fac'tory, acreeýge of Picklifng Cun.cumnbers. Canian ýtiCan-ners Limited,Bomn ville; Phone 782, C-10-c, FOR SALE Quanty of spring eed wheat; and one 13-hoed s.eed driL. Brooks Gowan, Phone 84 r 13, Orono. FOR SALE OneMasyHrs 13-tooth Cu-l-1 tivator, near4y new,ý; also one girl's bicycfle in good runnning condition, L1yal Lowery, Phone 14 r 13, $ùrono. a-9-p. NOTICE 1 hereby give notice that any hod, peu»o or pesos hunting, shooting or carrying firearmis on, or about the premnises of Lot 25, Con. 4, or Lots 25 and 26, Coni. 5, Clarke Tow-ýnship, wil be pros.ecuted to the fulI extent of the larw W. C. EVANS- SALE REGISTER Friday, arh22nd, l1946 .- Horses, CtiPUdtr"y, acLney and Furn>liturce, t'he property of _Mý._W. Lewko, Lot 9> Coession 6i ,,Cak Township, )ne~ concession south of Xenidal. Sale to, coinmenice at 1I.00 p).m. sh-arp. TIerms Cash. Posi- tively no0 reserve as the farm h'las been sold. --Jack leis, Auction- eer. Friday, -March 29h--mlmns HIarness, etc., the prýop)ert.y of Wm11 McloalLot 31, coacession 8, ClGar'ke Townshiip, 1 mile n.orth of, Leskard. Sale to commence at one o'elock Terms Cash--Jack Reid, Iuctdoneer, Thursday, April 4th-4dIises Cat- Vie, FPeed, ImplemenIts, ;Furnîttre, etc. the property of R. J. Archer, Lot 27, Concession 8, Hope Towni- ship, at Elizabethville. Sale to comi- eneat 1,0o .m Ternis Cash.- Jac'k Reid, Auictionjeer. Sa~tuday, pril th-~ Eed mpie. me-rits, Fuirnitutre, ée., the property o -f t'he Est,ýate of the late W.A- gue, Lot 10, Concession 2, in t'he Vil- laýge Of Nepw7t0nVi]l. Sale to Coll- mence at 1.00 p.mi. Terims Cas.- Jac'k Reid,Actner Wednesday, April lOth- Horses, Gattle, Iniffements. etc., the nroper- ed Kendal bas the be arounid A. E. McKENZIE, M.». PHYSIANai-d SURGEON 2.00 to 4.00 p.m-, 6.30 Ue 8.00 p Sunidays and Wednesdays by appoluimnt only PHONE 47r1i ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAVILL, ON. Phone: Office 688 Hof me 553, W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOL(ICriftO VETERINARY VETEINARYSURGEO1. Office main st. 0OrJn Phonoe 63 r i, Oroino. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty,Auobir and Liability ORONO ONTAIO DANE FOUTND - District Re1e«ntth e t Consuit me for your future Income Plans The RUTTERP GRANI Port Hocpe, Oxitarlo Monunfents, Gaeakr, Engraving, GolleafiÉng TED AKN Aucionerand Valuator. and at reaisonable rates. communicate with him at Poe PerykOtarico, or see. hi8 Clerk, ÂJl E. Morton, at Orono, fort date. J A C K REIDTL Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize ini Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit mie for ternis and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke TAXI DAY AND NIGHT SERVI-CE,. Reasonable Rates UP-TO-DATE CAR 'e VouLli ke STAI ,YNE'S TAXI 97 r 16, Orono al Chaipter O.Ew 'n then y"Ou tuirned w'ea' the pIyingof the euls c h have comlenmilo and other knitted good: l quilt5 and neet nia. och have gone in ufel,- to th'e need fnero un alike in the AliedNa vs. T.,lidtc pk mme, havîng sent three éllevueDay Nursey in nd gave an itresting sa he daily porm a evso.mrs7. C. Ka . "" curr'ept events and as Sh onte, the ninnes Wi. IVJercer mand Mi's h0 meting iosdi wih

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