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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Mar 1946, p. 5

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WEEKLY TIMES TE raisig ~.ture NÎNA DURBIN IN -IELP SINGING"ý ýolOr and Sh-orts HALL, ORONO ftV. Mar. «23 Aduits, UNMENT Children, lOc. S,"TORES EATURES Kraft, Dinniýer, pkg. Wecston's Soup Crackers, lb. Caniadian Old Cheese, lb. Ice Cream Mix, pkg. Lux Soap Flakes, pkg. Canned Dog Fond, lb. 38c2 tins 4Toddy, deliejous chocolate drink, tin Welsh's Grape Juice, bottie Celery, large bunch Parsnips, 2 lbs. Grapefruit, pink centre, 3 for Sweet, Juicy Oranges, 288'sdoz 19e 22C 35C loc. 25c 29C 45c 29C 15eý 15C Local News MISsCaro! Staples, Toronto, seat over Suiny .îirh her pairents, ?Mr. lisd Ma.M. H. staiples. Mr' and i1rS. Dave Hooperspn the w'eek-end 1visiting vwith irelatlives hn Peterborough. Mr and Mss. Wyven Reid, of Bow- mannille, were visitors in town last Sunday. I* MrLM C. Hall spent the week-end with eltiesand ifriends hin Tor- onto. Mrs. Geore Covier Srn spent the past week visitig lher 'brother and other fniends hin Oshawa. Cifford Cooper, who lias been ovresfor, the pa"st few years, se- turned hnomne on Tuesday 1,1s t. MrýWs. 1Hazel Fl init of11spent the wek nd Toronto visitingrea ties. _Mîýs Margaret Milîson, O shawa, spent over the past week-end witdi her prns Mr' and Mrs. H-. A. milîon. Miîsses Tounrjee, of Tor-oato, vsit- e'd vjth their aurt5 Mrs.s. Srah M 1Mrs. Jas. 3Moff'att returned hmi on Mooday last after spending the winter months with Mh. and Mris. Keit, of Toronto. Ms,ý and MWrs. Herbert Babcock, of Bowmanille, ere visiors ls un- day at the homne *f Mr. and Mrvs. C. L. Powers. Msn and Ms. Charhie Mill1es and AMr. andMr's. 'George Couvies, of Hlighland Creek, and M'Vrs. Victor MýcFa lane, of Sydnawr weeký-end -visitoýrs at the hom--e of Ms. and Mssr. Afred Jakeman. Ln the interests of the United Chiurchl'i "Ctsadieý' movement, Rev. S. Ltlwo occupied the pulpit of! Brechlin United Ghuorch last Suaday. Mer.M. Maddon', of Brechia, vwas the- miiser et Orono and Kirby. 2 lesasi- W. J. Riddel and R. E. Logan aittended a .Preýsbytesial mieet- ing ini St. Adew Church,' Oshawa, bast Sunday afteroon wVhen a pro- pose tesio0-ftheUnited Church Penson Ùndwasunider discussion. MýssNra.ikrNwnte redetof the? Durham and On- tarjo VW.C.U, wil prreside at :a, teaý meetinig of the W.C.T.U. t b)Iý1e heCd la K'ing Sre CucOsaa n Sprinlg'ike wete eid sf te appoac ofEnser.This Lenten seaison emns s esIf wha Christ lias dnefor lus. Chus-chisr ývices are prpit te season. Come wthyourfaie. Mr. aýnd -Mrs. James Pow'ers, of Tosonitospent the week-nd with the tomrsparents, M1 ili nd Mrs. C.L. Poers. - Jim" las been successihil in pasiglis ", îlway tlgah course. These PHl be a salvage in Orono on Saturday, Mardh 3th, for papes, rags and scrap iron. Hand lîus ihil be dlistrib-utedaoud'the town givi'ng isruton .oncýerning the div -e. Save your pmapers, etc. fo r the driv. spenidîng two wee'kýý with Mr. aLi înd frls .1J. E. Flynn, of Hualtingdon), Quebec. Theýyas expect to visit ~ehitivc in Moat[real, ai-IC on thel way back stop at liagston for a1 few days. jMs, MartinaUbinton was lettof a<hoiebasket O otûher goo)d tigthegi cal Union of tne " Goo at Bomanvlle-Ms.liAnitu lai pr hieIlà for two btlatest reports inidicalý imprvemet inh~scondi TUE DUSTRY 0F TUE FUTUREiF FUR FARMING Mink and Fox MUTATIONS Buy a Trio - We Ranch Them WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. R. KNOX (RONO, PHONE 42 v2 ROYAqL -i THEATRE BOWMANV1LLE Phone 589 A1 Special Double Bill for Thurs., Fri. Only MARCH 121-22 "ýBE WITCIIED" A thriller packed wilh action and "BLONDE FEVER" A comedjy of a romiantic old man and a gay young t ihig Satuirday MARCH 23 ,"MOON OVER LAS VEGAS" A rip roarinig musical comedy WesternStl SECOND RIT . "CIIUMP AT OXFORD" Cartooni Mon., Tues., Wed. MARICH 25-26-27 "JUNIOR 11t will make youi sighl a little, cry a littie and laugh your heads offý - Walter Winchell. starring PEG(lly ANN ARE Addled for your enjoymlent Cartoon- News - Sportreel PARK ST. UN4ITED CHURCH S, Littlewood Mr. and M,,s. R. C., oboog and daugiter Mrlyof Nia g*araý Flî s, spjent the week-end ini Orono, and attended the O.C.S. omne mïent. Mîr. and Mrs. Carl Tennantce- brated their Si-ler Weddling Ann1i- versary last Sulnday anId were pleals- antly surrisd hen their familyv presented theni with gifts suitable forý the occaision. On Saýturday lns-it M-r. Orle Cba lmansufee a palInful ac-cident, xiele hwshebping to tear d'o1n a barni near Les kard. A lreba in fallillg strueqk -Mr. Chama o thie shooLue. MedicadI aid assu mnoned and the in jured man1 wa taken to a hospital and theshfdr X-rayed. t was found tha lte shoulder was badly broken, heing- -raeked frone the top) right around o the basýe of the shoulder at the back. On Fiiidaiy afternoon of last weekC Mi. James Bali, near Leskarid, sa-ý a deer on his far'm, about tweny oý north of his house, which lampe I over a fencè onto iMr, Ed.BLi? farýmto the r :outh and s,,ondI (s. appeared from sight. Ths is thr- fttimme that Au. Baol ever saw aý deer onu*hisfamwic bin the anlimal pretty clos"e to t'lie oubskirt- of the villag-e of Orono1. Other ee have been seen la the Leskard ares %0 precus yea ru dousbt 1nîirg, fr'om the biges amp near ind . ENGAGEMENTS Theenggemntis announced W c Aliexandra Margaret (Alla), daugh- ter of Ms Alex. Murandl the a M1r, Muir, to Etaniicis Thomsoa, son of Ms Wa. Thomson and the lats Mru. Thomnson. The maruiige to taIl« place quietly on1 A'Pril 13tfh. (To-day) Thursday, Mar-eh 21, the first day of' spring, F. F. MORRIS 00. DURHAM'S LARGEST FUNERALi DIRFICTORS Bowm anville -. 480 - 734 A ms WALLPAPER OurNe Wi)alaer has air- rivedl. Ail New Desigans. Cone in a see thelu. COATS Ladlies' New Spring Coats fin Twýeeýd and Plain. DRESSES New Dresses ii, Flowýeredl Jer- seys and Plain Crepes. IIARRY IIORNE'S JELLY POWDER Combination Kl-it 'H- 24 2.80 pm 7.00 p.m UYn,1 4*~Ç s, oe n Vhe L.TL. eld their Imeeting haf parkSý .S. . n jMondai.y afLernicoo vth agodnm r of dhlîdrea- pres- eat. A go,,od prograiimmle -wn. as- raniged for the afterniooii, unider the ,supervision of Mrss H. Pow%,e. The next mneetng vil be held on Monday after noon-, Mri25th. AlIi Wden are invited teoattendf. Mi% H. Lever2ington willmove ths coig Satur.daýy to Mss. Wmlk. Cowan's bouse on the 5Qi Coaces- sie Oï C-Th kes Mr. H. Piestir. of .,)" Ille atd home o gsow ý,up ,perinitend- Oroneo 27-1 RONG'7 MATS size 25 x 48, !olOr, rol priced at...........------ Axnster, 27 x 5-1. Pric u t .--- - - - - - - - - - DRAPERIES New Drapeesin ailSs Monk Clothi in three ii Shades. Fîowered Draperies h? Rose and IMBue backgrouil HARRY HIORNE'S ICE CREAM pkig Shftrteninig lb. 20c. Satuircay only Gral W6s, Oirono 1I HAVE.A FEW Pediar Automatic 0~1 it isn't enougli to know the analy- sis of a feend you must know how'ium tht nalysis s made up. You rnlust know how mainy pounds of th-epensive ingredientslie Pow-,ý $ dered milk. mneat meal and cerealý gr ass are in the feed. Ad you get this information, rightn down to the pound., of every il- *grdintin CAFETERIA ChickA * Starter. W\,e cani't invite you tLo compare the ingred ients oï CAFETERIA Chick Starter with othber chiick starters for no othier feed ives you full formrulýa information. Wý,e invite you to vtyour nearest MONARCH and CAFETîERIA feed dealer to check over tche complete ist ing redients in CAFETERIA CHICK STARTER. CIAFETERIA POU LTRY FEEDS MOUARON LIVESTOCK FEEDS The only -o pen formula" feeds on the markfet. Made by Maffle Leaf Mifing Conspany Lin ited and sold! by R. GLANVILLE, Orono, Ontt., Phone,51-1 O. W. ROLPII, Orono, Ont., Phone 43-1 1 Dedicated to Better Service Iii choosing your funeral [Irector, decide on one who hias a proveni reputation for conscientious service anud a regard for the di-gnity of his profession. Toantfficipate your needs-to make the last service asi. perfect and impressive as possible-is our pri-vilege and sacred trust. Long experience and careful triingi make it possible for us to give you the utlmost in service and quality at prices that are most moderate. Every convenience connected wýith an up-to-date- funeral establishmnent, in quiet, home-Iike, restful surroundingaÏ is at jour disposal i.at1noextra cost.

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