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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Mar 1946, p. 6

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i m NEERViiIE.'NC' M liES li M PAl OFF I to corne back-couldn'lfl a room anywhere!.<~ "HOw's the ra estate business yourtow?'0ashet! the visitot, "ie"replied the agent. " Ail ec landiords want newv tenans and! I the tenans want nw landiords." 'Your husband seemns to be a ian of rare gifts." "!L'l sy lle is - lie hasni't given me one snce wc were married." A laddie from colleýge niam-,d d4own by B A.'sl and! Ollapset! from ithe strainl li te doctor: "It'ý plain, 1u'e illin.g 3yourself biydere" When youi son has Complet- cd his stsudies, what wvil he bel' "Oh, about enteih yeýýrs of age. 1 should think. -- n'yorfrient! Clark pretty 1 shldlc say not. fi took hwlmr (nrr hotirs to dive hîis new girl ruen-d fi'feeucil Ies !,ouse frou s lancelsfngt "What can 1 grow in -,3 gar. den thirty fet' squatre?" asks a corespùdet~Very, very tired. Tht' e-achIerwa, ryngte rake Ls, understan,.d< subîÏractjin ana. ,hF saiit!: "Yu have ten ige, »tsinp whas wuldyou ïhave 1 n , i Isic lessons ,-', said ihîsie THE SPORTING THING i MIDWESTERN STATE IDei10, PL A NEGR -nh R ice. state,- A L E E A AN PLE3rttsfae Afia E G -1A eAN 1N4 State of 1l S ouothAfJc , meal. O~DS~STDr c TET pr.fud 12 Us caital L sE l~ E msensibliy AS ODEf0 18iHave bee7n, l4ea. DEADU _ RAw Vj20ODust (Scot,>ý. 15 ClothmesreON ENN CMT 'M 22 Lilce. 16 Arrive(abr) E1 -HA T E 23Unversal 17 Uncooked. P,_SM -S'A T' SL M lnuae 19Wooi,4d sorrels, HtA1 - OT25M ;eeýp des-elit 2lPrt - To ARA 'ILMS TE_ RC;Bustle. fire. T F R? N 33F}Lw part 23 Flower.paý, 24 anges, 42Sm-l prtcl ERTICAL 36 Mother0 or 26 East (r..93 Surs Srgifather. 2 7 Fo r-t ifi ed 4F'6 i-int 3eee7 Tbhm . pfýý1ison. 47 Lighit brcwn, 2 Over al 3P Duration, 28 Any. 48 Exist. b.. 40 Invigoratinig. 29Moiie pat 9Has dined. 3 nan 41Rma 31~ J F'nharil 51 Anger-. 4Sesame (pI.). maitae 32Fahe. _2 Cheia iei 43 Cariban 33 Spns ubstancce 6 Separated. ïindiani. (abr.> rated tq 7C1hurch 44 Go by. 35 Let laU. ce1llul1os e, (ScOt.). 45 Let -'t stand. 3-! Street (a 17) 4 Ad Jus, Over(po)et..48 Eey 32 Abatee5-int 56 Itis called 9 Trani is p ose 50reek lttr (eîlq., he " (abbr.). 53 Depart. 41 Rooff îinil, -"10 Poinited shaf t. .55 Size Of Shot. GUNS NOT NEEDED "àt isan ancient aage now,' ass conteora'ry, 'that the did'tkuw-t-ws-oaedgun is muLch te ýbecere "Thie tragedý,y in such -cses is iceae!by the fact that aot ielie uf of 10 there is n elne!franylbodey snvdat vn have a gun, --lraulford Exposito ANNUAL IMPULSE IN'sjusi abut tis lime of year, T'hatpepesrthtirhre! thei meaus INSULT TOC NJR And here theseRussian spes halve noý t0nl ee gate! h -Haiiilon Se c Ltor. THE STING STAYS bees fhas beremo .Th tn rempalus, as thr ihîlrc ti!b WITH M',lUSIC ADUED $65,000 o piav fir-stbae bsyar For' common ,S ordnary sore Good Advice to Those WHO SUFFER WITH PILES M yyou are one v 11 is yor bower novemnents truldwith sor e, ithn asier and lespaufIil 2> panfl ies leig yu , it relieves !theterrible itching qerv ous Cdi rritable.,ma- Ind bznig: (3) i ae h ing your every bowel mevn-uiisorenes;(> tad men rt aded a infu hCling tire sore, sensitive duty. If so yod shol n ple tumors. Thse action of dea aratetsd mn the emi-Rood cis iadre- risk Of 1ltting this condition abeWithïin a few,, days ec icronic. lyuwlltewatenRî Rectai l iing aiii serelca do feIyulStis easy neis or painful bewel mo anipleasant teus-gve mentshecase efpile are ~2naazingly quick andefe- Nature'sWarninjg te you asd ive ac t )n. yoiu sheu1ltitake stepa ro 110W S seem thre height f0, toe]ý lee thti conit.ion. W"e foly for you te continue te3 mak tisganres ffr sifer tht ag'onvizingtormenit directly te yeul. S ie rfpla nAie rmd aý chance Iot ry smpemay be badatuch a smal hiome remedy WTO1Tcost.if -yen arý et ci', CoTfidesogiveyo peel atisfied wtih wh'lat prmo ad ffctveactionHem-Roid "dots fer yo-if, Go te ny dru, g store te are nt raty lasd day, sud gt akg e et1yeur nmeney aniSbce hee- Hem eid anintruatret Psedb~'t Fofe.rioasd Mode fully refuIndeti. mient i,, ch ir&'ts it,- NOTE-Thie sï,en.ser et miedical adion tcerreciu thIle causýe cf yer iis notice fs an old, reliahie firm doing ui. piles. Piles ar e really causecd b y bati cciltion ness in Canarda for ever 20 years. eiRd of leeç i )i thelewer bwe.Theyare gratl rmsa hbelp your ap.ney-ing rand rpaioll pile aggrav ated hyconsipaton sud straýýiing incondition-mnusa do, it q tcly esity and boeImoemnS. pleasasintl y or your oarn test Of ibis renark. The H'em -Reitiformula i la ateese Iayably suiccesîfuiL forninti CnçtS yeu eiotirg. to hielp y1tu. 1t atin 4 waýys. (1) ïIt m-akes Try ftîoday. ThiaC's almojst< as mlçlh asaPresident Trumngts - with pano solos Windor Star THERE'S4ASURPRISE yet !ried deliclus 3Maxwell IlueCcdffee It's "ai alth extra iflavOr iin fhe superh hMaxwell bulse blend,. 'Ii Co. Limited INFORMATION ON REQUEST Boug; ht -- SoId -- Qtuoted' H-1a roil-k MïýEMBEiORS - Th, Th, 330 BaY Street d A Prscot &Co. se Toronto Stock xcane se Winnipeg GainExchange. TORONTO- WA. 4831 "I eugh off a: pLck of hungry shoppers to bag this package of crîsp, eirnchy, de-licious Grap-NýutsFIsoe" "Bravo, Sir Arciba)ld! And l'di be- 1as'dld ones; iron for the b)loo; trnd lieve Yeu I you sald you foughlt 1oft'her foodi essenitials.." throughi a jungle ful of lions for tha,-t "Ils w o(cig-in i n inalt y-rich, seta-antfaof 'Ihoet r gle riswe ?o)st's Grappe-NuitsFlk!"mte baey recmiid n -And of course, Gentlemnen, we mnust GaeNt lks hyr pcai remnember tha,,t Grape-Nuts Flear bedebedadtatdfrlo, not only mrelosydelicious-they cipeses iestioni." .supply carbohydrates for energy; pro-. "Let u Is rep)air 10 the breakIfas ro teins for muscle; phosphorus for tceeth anid shoiot a, gint econiom2y packag--,ýe." have you, been?ý mrnuGtes Jteli'" tActuallIy Happenied i ,iriwtllthe EgihIn renfed an m aýparîmi-euit and acfor theanilseîves wilie b1052oteoe girl fojeIthe md uanarer iînti lfi th!l REG'LAR FELLERS -- Not Alilhr By GENE BYRINES POP- Pop Knoews Ail the An By J. [MILLAR WATT -7 2- OII QLY A MNSLIJ

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