In Automobile History Settled An, 1 1/ý Cent Per Hour Wage Mcîease rgsEdt 113 Day GeM. Strie The Genecral MttCorp, 1ra- tioll aspangan aven-agewage of $'I1 an bout-lin Septemiber, 1945. The meni have gained an increase of 18y'2 cents an heuOýr. 1avl til tae hcm abouit (SOIday's- vith the addedl8/" ensthe i -one the-y lestiiî the i113,dayýseu of work. But bisaîîdrsttesthe imatter, ecuethiey cuidh have gel a con- siderable increase, as did the Ford and Chyirunions, wihou ay strike MI il.Before he stoie too)k plate thýe General Motor s maaemniad offered anin i ecase tof10prnt-prxmty ei , et nhu.v fwe as- suel lethalthe wrrscubd bave louenebetter fthon this wvithout, a tîki rneantb, lat they gaiued by the stnike only 73/1 cents au 011 dO Iis ba is itwilb lake- themll1680 days - or aiearly five yers-t ake np the ba inlo me Afler 113 days of idlenesa tSe ,wajge boss ,te thtstikeýrs bas been calcuated nt $107691,000 lby 1the inion and at $144,19000 y the manragement. Fr1ont any point ,of view I i ïs stike bc as beenl both futile anle t rag ý,,i C It bans set back ,:the ina- tionial program ilof rcnversion; il basý cost w th Gîerl tors Cor- pora;tion sveral hudred ibiiions in production; buit principal vidtima sareche'iethe helmacIves. As is itsinsabe fate, the puiblic bat, teeo commienta The Globe anid Mqi il arcompiliý- cated eoumytere Î,is,) nei7eans for tnaciuig acrt the fol penl- alty of scba strike onihile "cont- a u uler." Not oi-nly did the cein- nr1unitieýs ffected blose the!busçinless "Di theicidie p1ý-ats asd C eir iît wretbut the s toppagebak- up n slbfied indusj-ýtries and comî- muniiities tblrouighouit the natLioný ,and,(!even intothsPoic.r- iiction i in mny nes avas balted or slow&1 doavu fe the detniment of ail conuiectedý witb thlei. More- over, the seittement agreed te muai mesu te Iblis, as teothLer industie(s whviJiCilbavefolbowed subjStantialy thl same pattern, an increase in-. the Cost of -production, tbe fblk nI4 whlich the -,pubic wllpay. l'lieGeneral Motors sthkà bs been setted by cnp joisejut as il coudbave been seted 113 dsy3,s cietr witba lttie more gooclavil. dslvdon botb aides àîn Needs Oit From Iran Wells e siguiicane te Great 1Bril- - in terao f ou-la mdi- si reliaýbie ý11thoubpartljyun eiatsofth wrds d Irn produiced seVen1 tr, i.î the folliovài g respect- ~ots suid b tde«Pet- Presa Servie":31,900,00 14, 0i00 tn;25,000,000 id 7,00,OOtons. f om Cuti- da. Hockey By ED,>ITJ There's -i opa liptwx th Cup qa1d1Éth, lp - epcal h Giginto the oSt-ssionpay off hir, Mntrel Cnadensare faort -.)II thir -ecord tbey deseve uchaccam bult 11:1t perorancs ount for littie iii Stanley Cpigwe the style of play bous owntoamafo-a TorontoMpe!eusemhsz ed that polintlast year whcn they uIzacdzen-ie to upse't Can- adins ud henDetoitto take the, championship. iGreat1netm 1ding isa ou-st in thsilaýyo)ff jou-sa î i o. i his respct. andinsare zin(a Trop-hy wne for the third (with Frànk rimsk> adDtri (\with oung IarryLuly ar also aces, innemdng And thei ýiawks hveold Mike c Karakaus ~h saly rises 1tor,akb If there i any big upset thS aprig, itwoidn' suprise us if the BostnBruin are the ,ýperpet- Cowley an Ro Coach rruina now Cari e hrees' iunes - and wh Brimasek 1o back up q fairly rugged defein, Art Ross and fhis merIory e mybetoughi neof or ouing rad rn WVoodstock wndrsif'a ebys hiave jusqt ias good achnc as Cit-Y boys to10bconmýie ockcy paes Well1, *Lete-, h an 0erto ha is: 1t al depeods uon the b oy imii- seAl. bcheis ambitious enougb t) beoe iockeylyerthen oth0- ing will stop him. There are three major requiites a boy Prut hav- Headliear! and Legs. The fist thiing fhe jmust (do ;ý to le-arn to skate - sud keep on skatig unti he lbas really pretdstyle an'd speed. hs' one cf the first t'hings a hlockey scout look's foii i a yngtris skatirIn abîity be- cause if a boy ca.'t skate, then b bias litt;t chanilce to gctaywee Then hemuet lemrnto use bished -40 osize u -p a situation at aglance and to akesmnart ovsat thie riHt ImmOn top of tdetbhemust have ear-and by that we mean courfage to keep 0on battling even whcn La gmeappears le be h iope- less l b S$P %CIAL FEi E pl--os9r m lx TURE, Yes. ondai acosifo Znly -3 fa 4c par poat. Thsi he 2firatspt wrj'îec feneing ecoomy', Eaçch yer two eut of three cutreated poSsa le brokean off due 10 rot cit f15e ,groundilpne. This meanGs- not poSt, eW tare-and i agaI ai cf me truble. 'Oamoi.ýe Speciel Fence l'ost ixre cambising 5 timne-iested îlndustri-it pre- 9"n point from 4" abova groundline. Ovor il taeophone polos id Caynada are yousr -,am îlabour lIme and t tn years, thon liko ir fellow formersan<d ir Order for Osmose. e * --I..'.' But asWe suid boumr, tere man3'Irip titrai cu Su.,d)- so gel ready for anyting le hap- 1)en r. l It uily does. * * l* This columo iitermJiîîaý ourcon- tribuitionsfor ith> is esl tla beenýi a pleasaure te keep you po-Led nlext yearI, îv'lbe ackat hi sameniï san. ntl hebeat oflc to alIl. M M oWy ReievS misere of ldPlaalyDrgNgi Today, the modem way o ti mo1thers use te reieve iere of'colds is to rub VicksVaou on the throat, chest and bpack at bedtime. Resuilts are so gooJd because VapoRub. Penetrates deecp intoco- irritated brorichial tubes with its special, miedicinal vapors. Stimulateschest a>nd back SUrfcsbk a warmning poultice. Then For Hours VapoRub's Special action keeps on vwrkùig Invites restful sbeep. Ofîen by mtorning most of the mnisery of the cold is gone! tome-profed b mllOof usera, VapoRub's special pen- trating-stîmubating action works just fine'So be sure Yeu get the NION KTOFCN POULTRY FAR CHICKS iJOU buy baby chocke for 0nW reason. Tu receive dividenis on Vesteti. Ne offer you aycok flrm a Pultry Farm witbeeny brede pllorum tettnti gev- 196ies liaiantidsrpieca- MO K ,T0N POULiL TRP FARMS, MONKTON, ONT. STARTED CICK BT ,HR la your opprilytosecre Motsor cocereswlepure breeda or hyrdSeni for' special !j'It'qat ens, assu='l%y l ntIsat long, AIse 8 Ate 14 wk un forras pu1llets for imtlt eley RELIABLE CHICKS Jua lthnk hstthia m-eans te (h , vorth hi w hen you uchi yoDur chieks from nts. Dur repeatl ordera year affar yecr la the proof of cour qaitChik.ln tetngfr iorum ons Ceah Flocaçs. Millets ChlckHtcay Fergus, OnL (Success« or t .1 1) J1ohnsone). ÏNE\ M A N' 'S BRED-TO-L'AY Cl-fICKS. Wbe agorna, Barreti Rcks anti anret Rock Whie ghorn Croabreda duble tasteti. An Ontarie ireeang Station yer %aViinfarlo LEýýT TOP NOTCH ICS IAE llmey for you. F ou c enîojy retrprofitýs frmput (i yearif yu 'stant with TojpNth chatodaîvYDlour inijtialaîn 'ornles from i leabtnilcs dliacoutl(aIllwed bToioonn tICifS PROM BLOOD'- tock. hie Leg-honn;: kýsa availbi Wi te se Way Staritink ih icstotiay meansýZ [!cLvona suhataniafe yc tha- BABY CHICKS lets 70a. 2.00 Hoilywood Leghorp Pulles 10 weks oMdint $70.011;pr 1110 for siemient NMarch 151h. Lrehusýky sulafom] becS witb rlecords oft200egganer yea r forf0 genrations. Thea«uWet wýiil lay p neofhirg egga ex ,umminer and VFali whso e-ggs are a gond pie.Aise 1ay olichiekas hatching twimceseah week, rocks. hybriti rosses. rite ifor pis list lanticalen'dar.BPi' Rck Farm. - Mile ochs.OntbBx STARTRO CHIC'K BiJYBES I}nc'. We hae a ond coiesnow ile toarntithreewsk id pre pimle-ts or coukersîs Aise fhor 1r-1set i pules ix weets uxp te sixýteen weeks, fr itlade- i vsry. Senti fr speiatprîcelisi todaiyý. Free atlgu.TwsdLIe 25 FREE CHICKS orgn f ondtin ani Re- b1inotitteti Pri-es tfcrm eôt 25. Ilgurnteetiex ce il el la yera eDon't dslay, orde7rino w. rotdanrd Ch1,ick Hatebe hý'rle s Bn- "ania Fisabta.Ont. YIJUIIGUI =NMEN'1 APPEUVED ehicks trom Accediteti Fiocks should ha ordereti 00w. Barret Rocks, New tamphe, tNew HampX BaretiRocks, aod Light Sussexm X Nsw Hamp HyýbrI-da. AIL bre0ees hinoi-eatet forboN NFi regular nd X atmris of PollorUm for your Protection., Lîneoi Chick ttatcbary, 2 Race Street, St. Caîheîns. Onani. NEW DISCOVER!, TESTED SAVES 45% gasolie, garaneet sent 'Stat'ii envalope. S. B roe, Vi1l,.AIta. oPPO(ýlrTUNITY TO'î 0RAISE R'A L chiiinchsi niaS. profitable bu- siesof'yo on at homne,p- direi bredes from prlze an ring Atrais, $885Prsu>iygua- ranteet; fea lterature.Imperial Blvd. SanwichWest. idsr AreasCnt c~abl nI brd work. Ifyucaoailve a car ïanti sali, why ot try sllîna ghtnln tr e hatri res or, yourself wth gn ,.nilrsisGv Write tor p tiuair antierr1ito- painy, Lm'd200%TiainSret Totoloi M.WOOL GROWER We oplerate aGovramntLce- eti Vol arhus nti are pre- paedt prhaathis saofi'a woo scipaccordinrg to Goe- men GadngStandards rantiF, Prompt settlements matie. Yeu can apply your miont cradit aaatblaýnket purchasesj. We ara wa able to do Customs Work. THE STRATHROY WOOLLit MIL!S LIMITEI) STRATHROY, ONTAIf ATTENTION MIR. FARMER Al'e you interested inlehavlng your eraand ohrbuildings spr'ay painta tY hs spring? Uf se get Yn touch woth Nuil Crts.Spray Pane.Stratford, Ont., for ain eaýrly start.Naesluupmat spri)ay pito;work guaranteeti, and fea aestimatesgiven by writ- ing le thre aoy idreas. 1,A\\E YOU ANYTHINGýC NEEUS dyaiog or cientng? Writete u tor informatrion. We are gadtit anawar yuDustos epart- ment B PaSrker'a Dye WVorkis Limited, 7W1Yonge Strept, T- bouht ad.rebifl t:baýllapul- laya bruh~sAllen Electrle Com- palny Ltd.. 226 ufferin Sft.'Tor- mits. nt. ff you wani aevalebl0 ,vrit fr l'psof LIFETIM On aIrer aoiling Pins. hi Shiawa FOR SAL non Sti RARRITS: FLE Importeti Whi Dosa, ens Blac Steels. Opel t two Dosa, fiv Ernie 1Tollowe ton, Ontanie. FOR SALE, BAT ruons, about Semis, ne Hi~ Soith, Cotunn~ RADIOS - NEX EOR SAL0 "RFI) TOP", Electric Chickere Brooder Hurýon Engineering -,A eeac Czoderich Ontario g04ArE A rFM WSH OA bul CIiiildg , h i't', iwatsr in bous fe lot, iltb or iihouit stock 'anti Wrie:. J. CioRaarde sas, itb r or, obcc.Six roomsd hus an5f;X 8test Han ous, Pig Pan, Ga'rage, tm- p Se:otSha Imeiaepsess io, Prica 300 dwoGilas. Cen- session St lenlcos, Ot ?OtfAE, QIICE SALE. NEyE milesifrom town, No. 2 Rgwy Bo 0 2Adelaide WToronlto. L-A i Ai Ll U Lt E S j N i- Ruobertson ým ethodu. r uinrmlatlioni ou raquesi rsega ri' Cl1a Sse S. WVAN-ýTE1,D S1NGLFIM A N FOR1 ches orkj on amatil daIry farm1. G-ýood wages. H. A.Noewallj, R, R. lise in, Countriy girl aepei char hselp kzept: gond wlgea. 4 BruieGdsTrt. HOUEKEPER SMLL URAL Robt, Goran, P. ÎR. No. J, Oak-, ville, Ot WA-NTED G001PAT1A PR wageîs tei righ t maniH. A. Newall1, COUPLEFOR flIR Y FRMe, SF fuelfurnshed StaefIge5a. John stosoffensive ooInc aniy 45e a otils. Ot naaent.Dn ma ru tore, taa aetl ReumticPainis or Nauritis, shlti try1-3 lDinli's Rmd.Mun- ro rug Soe,25 lin tta- lai humausli, alil ages. orle im mue!Wh nt ini eut I thîsis PROVN UREMEDF - VERY S1Ur- ferer ofReuatcPains or eu riRa1 saý linuiijtry in P, Rsmetiy., uneaDrug Store, 55 Egîn, tta.Pnoatlid $ 00. NaillFix 1relieves panin iî(staintly animva ding-")nowoau lua fewaplctin. 10 a bettie. WýAïRT FPIX Vgly Wrts melt awy plja %wih this guaprant-eeti remed"y. 35c, al boîtti CÏRN 1IIIX fiase-s pain at once, anti! remnovas stubhonn iiCorna le a f-w -minutes. 35.abottis. Sentpspat by -A. C', homsn, hemit, Det.A. 33St. Ciarena Ave., Torontio, ARE TC CONSTIPATE1'D? DO YOU frqunty a-vaheadaches anti1( srsaed ainti irritabie? De you sutu- fer from gastritis aiàin-digestion backach' 11es> anc ucurinate tee ofteln? Hae ou p (pmeora bletch-y complexion? if'enhave hs spto use CGolden Rlùti Fa- syte uPiter , te anti leei piir-. Prioespotpa'd toaey aiddresa $1,00.Reuis uaanteeti Remedisa,. Box , rStation F., Te. WVHY SUFFER? do wbal counriesa nlmbr, vof biappy lisersa are doinig ?er thie efcierelief ce: Chlrenie Ca ta .rchal condiýt ionsil,(as île ron- chilis, Athma, & Sinis Pains). Skirîn tilsorderssuch as Bous ianti Pipe:Arthiiilire,& heîîmatlc Pan;Ask yoîîr Dugs OdrssandtiiTsielesAD A -,1S lG AR1 i C PE AR11LES 0or wri iite Rîcme d Adam Ce.. P O. 37q. Vaneouer. Ca. $3 par 0 Peales enughfor 5 saseha YOUR HEA;LTH 1S RELATED ta the SOIL Pr. G. H. raroThma, -notetchie logziats apilo arle ri stirrng messag, '~SiisotiHeaIth. ' Senti !Oe. today for your copy:, nti ( lenlr2 heVitla t.Cnaiq Seul; Pre1,o"?lcî is Co., Tiu1nbarto. ont [Ibil l I'IUN Yi'IS INSUS- woltiF.1 ,uaue ires SSING D)( ïijiU1 KNOW O -O PY fer- a anstry eati what th,, acitrstearn. Write for fre. paplt,"The -Trott:bAbolitth roiy'Chistudetphian Chiuchi, ,VaelonAve., Toýironto, Ont "EERALLIFE AND 1100VTO ObanI.Free b'oOkieta oi)n thl gret abjet.J. Taylor." op 11ail, 611 Arlippngtni. lapg TIME TESTED QUALJTY SERVICE and SATISFACTIN REPRONTS 8'or 5 FINRST ENLARGiNGSE IC you may noIll"gel 1il the films you- Ill uliyCd ve you desçmi,,ro waot thiýs cin uA-o o et aýIl by ssnidirîg yurfims iMIRIL 'onT-S11'E XeneCS. Torontot. RICHLY FRAMED) COLOREDENAEET SPECIAL VALUE $1039 cWih Bsai BEks$1.65) WHLE TU1E frtuccv LA"STS Enlargemaini 4gsx6V celQre A biandi in fnesi studio syle nfim any negativeon speelal 7 a 1" blue lna MOuN". franet in % il Newta Naturl orGI.$3 i easel bck. $65 elentmdier Any suze roSi (6 or fM expnsî teeoeiantdi pioteti2e.t legmns4 x "-lei "ea multa ifor 2e. crm i.nsony îlot mnats 7 x W,'ile Goi(i. Silver. Weai- NO. 1 REG-. AJA-x I(ATIS, $1A40 f'E bus.; 1500 bu . e1IAjay Dats Comercal,$1,15 par- bus. Ne. Cartier 03saCmeca,$ 5parý bus. N "., Gaiere Banley Cern- rnerdafi, $1.401 par bus, Ne,,. I O. A., C. 21 BrlyCommercial. $1,440 par- bus- ag'. cuat.Cann's fr1111 Ltti. TF. O. B. Exe fer or Whýalen LealoTba cco Leaf obacc, Vîrinlaburly, ani rieipta ant i lavring $375poepiti.Ruve Tbsc TR-AA WOLES AL SUMERF01 boualetyusit heian gan cenWrtefi-reeBox 420 Calgany, Aiberta.ýý makes i wpatchas anti cks. mat. fAccnure Watch Repir Ce. ni7 entbroke, Radai 3 Tento. Ont. Muskats D~i'iatlc abbit it. ment W., 163 Sepan vne 100 Avenua Rd., Toronlo, Ont. WANED F VTERNBUY FOR cashl, late model car antiL, maai gùîing 1businless. Box 126l, eSsai Ont.S i e