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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Mar 1946, p. 4

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OROOWi ['he Orono WeeklyTtImes Established Jnar,1937. every Thur-sday mor-ning at th-e T-Imes Office on request Subýsciptiün,$15 , A. Forrester, Publisher Oronio, Ontarico How Muich An i Offered? Lstoans cOrne in forrevivl fo ietote hs "was ently -when thre rtcStraccietY stag,?ed a-1"basket uigb the untiring efforts of the society president, Mr. Thre basket social has potent.alilies as a noaiey miaker. atractively packed with good things Vo cat. Thien an veiing >is placed over the exterio-r of the basket at the eatertainrnent 'when a persuasive acioer takes d isp that "several dollars" -aduiin tn instances and tidy suin of roney. It is the prîvilege rf thne purchaser ,to enjoy its contents aiiong -ývith the lady responsible aration. Sare prob'ýabily Jess effective and less sensible meithiods of .ey than the one outlined above. Perhaps a, repetition, will f tnihtie wherew"-îihal o irake soan1-e honles;t money Or wrthy organizationrs. W'e could Lat least conýtrive o is favored idea o)f a former generation ani perhaps ething whic-h was started years agoi any'way. A lot of .zed Mis are nothing more than th'at w1'atever way We rec-4ent days -have brought us accouats of bad road con- .er-e is -som-lething regrettable in: the fact thatfaes lie iniconvenlcee and hardshîp of bnd roadLs in the spring. onditon as old as the setted country itAl.L It is inten- e mode of travel of the pr-esent day. Car,-s are cerctainiy on soit spongy ronds àn Marchk Then old dobin cones ii under these ~cmnewie a eart or a',buiggy is stnen't oo. That ail verse to the effec-t thatc "the road ight isy my door goes on a hundred mles or npe is ýi. The thiag o remienber right niow is thiat the rn nost iipasss able as ell as imYpossi'ble. Im-1passable anla re js about and. the saine thing. ynpathiz.e vith al who have o conrtend with d(ifficuit ons. Thse farmer, the rural nmil cuir the doctor and v; these are juat somre of t-he inunfer who survey -'with ruaral rondis Of early spring. With regard to thie pavea ,ar reports Of fdamrage fromfos. itry elemrents have laying havoc with even a durable paved rond. m-e go on -we shalh probaly spee moreandmore high- 1for tl-je conveiienca of the travllig public Untibta ust accept h')ad road Conditions in sprimg vwith as good )ssble. A good application Of gravel helps, the situation ;anythinig. Taking the job -,l aihad t-he -previouis seasonl thje rondbed in Sound condition Is another safeguard.ItV .e that the trouble as temporary and seasona. GOod C ,iii sceni a treat one th situto is adjustfed. 8* * A GoodStnb ervation of tour and grain paoducts for overseas needs t the plnnting of n goodlyaceg of poaoc ere at ,hwha and potatoes were ia short supply last season le type ni wmweaterwlhwich lgrowers h1nd o contenid. 'Wè Y with a shortage of seed for potnto planting thissrng os can be overcome hy judicious distribun-tion and purechas- sai h As been; donie upon simlrm occasion in the past. summners hnrvest wuill have a dec-cided benring upon the ion in Europe and Indic, IV lookeas thougis Our own bep well ad t-edVo ontinue thir Victoriy" gresjust lai walitime. A more approprïate anmght be chosen ardensr yet "Victoriy" ovýer- threateaiing wnnt and huniger ocd name a nus,-agone. Oronoites favor the cutivaqtionm !n for the very sake of seeing tig grow. Wýýhile thse hsig a good plot of gardon truck ma12Ybane the dulteio dlollar and Cent value, we feel that this year tile easing of tional burden viii result when one plans a gardlen and ,projet through 'wlith vimi and deteriiantion.. Thiere- are poiîlnments Vo beset the person who tackles a job) of this h regard Vo our owa readers -however, both la town and ýe sUrrouinding country, w,ýe know that they il seek Vo thse utrnost whether it be potatoes in the confines of a den or grain upon tise broadearas" of a fam. ig the country's food supply bc to normIr" is one of at band. By acrplsigth-'s we wl do soniething internationialituto.Need for- close co-operation upo-n f everyone of as is larperative right now just as la the r. The food front is a front wisee ail may seve. e e*e 0 Aiberta Coal listeas, to the Uird coal 11be rdinp: th e ave stronig and sale a pýroblemn brta pro- tise Amre- There are fie Aibentat ated frornE ,ome ye-ars M4 he uilt RA-TiO-N 3MAYEASE BUTRSHORTAGE Tlhree sgrpeevs coUPupos havebeen delaed valid hy Wartine Pies and Tralde Boar d for Apil lai an effort Vo ense the butter shlort- Vo use Preserves On bread. On Apri 4 coupon S5 wMl bec~ome vahid, wvhile S6 and S7 %vlii fall duae on April 18, This does nloV mean1 that more sugar coupons are beingl jlo""ed *ver thie eard erl figure-hs i sirnlply -a rearrange- fDeautlfal ITOL PORT HOPE Monday and Tuesday Shows at 6.40 and 9.00 SPANISHI Big, Spectacular Romantie Sea Dram a, with Paul Henreid Maureen O'Hara ' And Great Cast !N TECHNICOLORI menprt (I the allotmle-nt. Pr-ices Board officiiýs also point ouit 'tjiat although pink, sugar cou-1 poins -16 Vo 70 exprired March 31I, persons who h-ave saved a few of themi Vo buy inaple syruip 0ormaple s u 1ar n ay (do so hy exchianginig thei for vouachers at the nearest lo calý ration diard office. Vouchers mst, be <obtaned bcusIoose cou- p0oasý May noVbe sent through the mnail whenr buying mapfle products. i u à 9-o4 97d"- Bu Eplayers5 and Workers Must Assist ]Durling t'he war organization of mnoe wias -made po>ssible through co-operation of employers and wvorkers. T'hisco-oeatn is no less necessary to asst in or4anizin g the emp'oyment market during the presen t critical per-iod. Somne manpower con trois stili remain. These are stili law. They are ai medaaistn inrganizing the employmentÉ narket. Remaininrig cortrols are dessigned ta helýp empoyrsand wotkers-and actually require onla' n-îinor assistance from the public. )LS~ Wi ;T not«fý ny nee mnown. Yrs eT1rT 3-UnE Cabine work uphsien rear;prices reasonable. cash for used sewi iachi DucaPhonce 79-16, Onrono. pay C. F. Vf, WANTED Live P'oultry b.nd Feathers. Top pricespad M. Fiett, Bethaniy-R. R. Noj. 1: phon,-e 7 r 11.jWp FËOR SALE Two Durham leiferýs and one Grade Jersey, to rene'w in March and April. A. H. Keane, Phionre 51 r 3, Orono. C-10-p. WVANTED By Bowmnanville Canning Factory, acregle of Pickl iag CtcumbiJer-s. Canadian Caniner'S LinIited, Bowmran- ville; Phone 7829-,1-c FOR SALE Quantity of Spring Seed Wheat; andm one 183-hoed Seed Drili.BooL Cowan; Phone84 r 113, lorno. FOR SALE Certified AJ'ax Oals; Certif.ld Im- pr oved Nba bBurley, for seed. Ever-ett Browýn; phone C,5 r 1,L3 Orono. ec-12--P. RE SHOO0TING FIRE ARMS IN 'M1E VILLAGE 0F ORONO i O0; ng to h e lirnay c omnpla!isý about the firin'g of lire arma wîtbin the Village of Orýono, the PiceýI T-rustees hav>e decided that the by-1 law prohibiting s,uch a practice wuill be strýictly, enforced. This shalilev 'as a notice and if the pracýtice is stiIý carried on the parties concerned mwili be prosecuted. SALE REGISTIER Friday, 2Mardi t-îimplemnents,I Harness, etc., thje property of Wm. McDonald, Lot 31, Concessiîon 8, lanlze Town-ship, 1 m-ile niortIf of Leskard. Sae Vo commence at one 'clock T e ra C ~ac eidi, Auctioneer. Tbursday, prl4thî-11Horses Cait- VIle, Feedimpel , Fuitue etc., the property oif R. J.Arh, Lot 27,Cncsio' , Hope Toma- ship, atEizbtvle Sale Vo coni- mience at 1.00 p.mi. Terrns Cs.- jack PReid, Auctioneer. Saturdah-y, April 6h FeImple- mxents, Furaiture, etc, tLe propert'y of thie Estate of the laVe Wmw. Ar- guLe, Lot1 10, Conicesýsion 2, ii the Vil- lage of Newtoaville. Sale Vo colm- mene al .0 pm. ,Terma ash. Jack Reid. Auctmoneer. Cabtte, irnplements. etc., tise prope- ty of Sidniey Lchrt Lot ý2, 1Brokea Front, 11', ils outisof El- liott's Garage. Sale to commrence aýt 1.00 p.m. ,Ternis Cs.-akReid, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Tise undersignied bias received instructions frorn MIR. D. A. AKNÙ Vo seil by 'public 'auction at Lot 25, Con. 7, Clarke Twnship at Kir-by, on MNAAPRIL lat, 1946 the following Livestock, npemns Furnitune, ce.: Hlorses 1 Grey Per '00 ibs i 7orkers seE s'ith the Na ployed for 4-Genierally speakig, any ployee MUTST give sevenc ailier party of any juten employnxent. (Forni NSS !i' Exceptions imay ho learne( NES Off ice, Tepartners to indus try- empoyees-shoid helpi the N, mientÉ Service ta promo te a higl, my"entI by complying -with these Only with public support mnent service give fuil assis tai mý(Iunity, Make fvI! use ofithe Local Off -Employmnint Service. If ks then needs, and thosê of the entii n Geldîag, 1 yrsI 1 Grey Perceron -500 lbs. 1 Grey-1 2 years, 1400 lips. ttle earis, just renefwed. ýars, just r en eed, }ow, 3 years, Sust k cow 4 years., ilnlColnxx3 xn.rs, L)jl-, ai U *.OJW, Z Cattie ýeers, 900 lbs. eaclh. cod.7 Durhbarn' rnBl.15 months. ,ia May. 141 10oo bush- f Claver IlaY, Professional Directorr, PHYSICIAN anldSRGO Office Hus 2.00 to 4.01) pa,;.3 to 8.00 p.mv ' Sundays anld Wednesdaýys- by appoinmRent iily PHONE 47rl ORONO Lawrence C., hlason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. phone Offi ce 688 Hime 553 W. F. WARD BA RikS'ilERl SOLICITOR 1NOTARY office 825 RePdnc.09 DRZ. W. W. SIIERI Office Main S-t. Oo Phone 63 r 7, Orono. J. C. GAMiEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobifr and Liability ORONO «e- ONTARIO J DANE FOUND District Representafve W tha Consuit me for your future: Income plans Monluments 'rthe RUTTEIR GR1 Plhonée &1 - P.O. Box -12 Port Ho3pe, 0Otarie Mo1nments, Gravemarker A UCT1ONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conaducts Auct'ion Sales aï al imas, and at r-easoniable rates8. Communlicate with hlm at Pers Pery, ntaloor mee hmCek ~ E. Morton, at t Oo, àfor date. J A C K IR ED1 Lienised Auctionieer and Valu ator Spec-tiize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult me for tera< and dates Phone 1620- Clarke TAXI DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE - Reasoniable Rates UP-TO-DATE CAR Goverament Licenise STAN PAYNE'S TAXI Phoe 9 7 r 16, Orono 9000 lbGi rodrCal Beec'hsoewood. iBeatty Wasahing Mlachine, E'e tric. 1 Electric Vacuum icleaner, Pino iBack WVJat Dýinrinr stenal ne.iMCayCo Sove, ,wh1te enlarnlel,nw.2Stpee Laiwn Mwr a uft ehen Cabinet'.2Kice Tals Kitchen C ail P ock'ers, 2-bar- ner 1 COal-0iIStove, and other il too numnerous t) mention,

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