!r Sfinaclhl pbescte anof $2,nt,Clc rgectc program f concer idporrhycau-idýservicer oer ranfofhl ded- WEEKLY TI o"ker spenit a couple Cf atovistin fiends. [ns. Hanlidîton, of Moýr- ,\th Mr. and Mrs. Mr- was a guest of iiditch on Sun- oper recen ss Jean Fie uid Mis. T *anld Mes. Archier, of'New Tor- vsed wt Mr. andLMs Blake nder -for a fexýv days. welcome M1r. and MIrs. Mc- ay il wbo bnve come to; liveeon and Mrs>. AMilton Rohiynson'sý adMrs. George MecMulileýn diugblten af Bowmanville, visit- c lf.adMis. Cecii Glass On Sun1-i Mrs,. Wright's ýlitle dog "iny" o ho runid Kendall for the past fwdybseventtua-,lly found a nevw homne la Newto-nville. M r. and Ms.Oug'htred andfa- iland 'Iri. and Mrs. S. Vannaluto, fPoýrt Hope, visdted with M.and! 1r) T. Vannatto on Sunlday. Mi-. Tom Ho1(y attenided the fnerial on howa buvied at Port Hlope oni Saturday, April 13ýtbI. We are p'eased to secoeMr. und M .Wýii. Patterson back to their ! ho-ieme aKendal aften rspending. t,Mrs Wml. Wannan, K-!,11y. Since returnJIIng homle M.patter'son bhad a bleart attack and is under the doc- NEWS io liateheries are having one of their biggest us. Up until the end of Fehruary hatcheries hipped an estimated 35 per cent. more ehieks ,ear than they did in the same period in 1945. means that there are a great many littie ehieks require very carefuil feeding attention. SHUR-GAIN Chliek Starter is the feed for chicks. It bas the rig-ht balance of velgetable vad animal proteins. It is speeially fortified with ail the es- sential mineri ais and vitamins. It is freshly manufaetured a you need re means th'at it is GAIN 18 p.c. Chickc Starter et fromi the manufacturer to youl Price.--d $3.10 cwt. DON W. LOCKWOOD NO - Ontario Public EeryNo. I he(-art ds~ea -', Te'pa, aperche ef te cancrs/grl3Te 1 tra elvn e ages whe ) o s ifcneecid. t1 rsec h jce Oln tr aken for a coi w~~~~Sýýl- ofstsin f s ctienofOna ined froincthis to fapeal orldn li betvsof ta prcsvide for a three-, reseurch, tetetan, QUERC torý's cane. W\ýe are g-ad to heardta be isý somievhat improved and h Iope he ,vill soon lbe ihis old - selif galinP. The W. T. nmeeting ,was bield in thie li0ay on Wensdy evendn rg,1 April lOth,-i tb thepesdtMs Wm. Mercer in fihe 'chair. Theee-l ingr opened witb thie snIgof (thec Ode and nd" . The) roil ca1îl yo kno abut t.' TheIi"te of lhe previons mein er e dn approved. T he ftreasuee's report diwda hhn~of $ .2.Am- tionl to g-ive $25) to the r'etur-, ned ,sol1- diers' banquvet, siponsoredi'( Ciark owspwas carried. Miss Katie Stewart gaive a very îinterest ing paper on tbie gro-,ving of ornamiental plants and gave some godideafo tie setting out of border, and] the vrow ing of several kinds af bushes. We are Iooking- forward to seeýin1 sonme pretty 'flower bhorders ami lieds1 in Kenital tbis summenr. A noiiat- sng committee wýas namaed of Mrs. Wm. Patterson, iMrs. R. Elotand Mr.j. Hoy to pre-pane a sînte of of- ficers, this Vo fbe presented at the May mieeinýg. The topiic for the nlext m-ieeting i be iin c1harge of Mrs.. Patterson on tlr e rnmodel- ling of clothes. A very amusingm contes t was arranged by Mrs. J. Hoyl wbien a couple of n u fiber1 is venel given to eacb participant and as the numbeirs were called the holder of the nuimbIlen hadl a question to ans- wveri. A cookie was the rewarcl of the p)erson who came forthwth the correct answer. The nemank "You g-et a cookie" or "You dntgeV a. cokeas fthe case ighle, gaveý much amusement. Th e meeting- closed vvrith thesigg of the Na- tioiii Anthem nandanother veryv p)ro - fitable and enjoyable time camie toi an enid. LESKARD Mes. Menzies Gibson and daluglter M1iriamn are spending a few daqy s visiting , M-r. and Mrs. War-ren Cor- yell. 'Mrs. Angusi Loucks visited with lier parients in Oshawa. wbiie ber ister, Miss it Waslburtoni, -was om on eave from tie R.C.A.F. We unIderstand -onigratul.ationis are in order to MrT. and _Mns. C. GodIwin,ý wbo beclamre proud grandparents last week wbeI M-r. and MnVIs. Ross Val- liere annouinced the birthi of tbeir son at Toronto Spring wýork startýed in eretin the village itb the arrivai of the nursery stock orders last week. CoId wvinIds andi beavy frosts a fnlhuhve slowecl things dowý n ismwabt it is boIped thîs is wne' atkick. The building boom in Leskard As becominig bggrand betten vr day. Latest reportsare thar Jim E wckley coun't wait to live heesol he dragged a bouse h instdead of budicnz one. Thanks for the com- chre acey, or oce "of thes u-lndy nights yoili in d yourself [wck over the big hil. Mr'. s1ider, of EBrntford, is ere for two week at is new hom- re centiy purcbased from Mrs. Gog Thomson Beexpetsto be mnov- ing bis faiiy pdow niranently af- ter the suhool yea-,r i, finished. Thie vijlagewecoesMr. and Mrs. Sn Y- der with tlihi family of y-oung pcb. - ple to the crnunty e iery ish them the very best of iuck in their new home. STAR KVILL E Mr,. Gordo)n Trimi, Toronto, was8 homne for the wveek-endC. Mr.1 and Mrlis. Bert Trimi were in Port Hope on Monday, Mr. ami Mrs.ew.Hallowell and Jimi, were in Oshawxa on Friday. UMr. and Mfrs. Percy Farrow were in Orono on Sunday. ,Mr. and Mrs. Plita and famil', of Duniibarton, spen't the week-end with Mr. and Mrs;. Victor Farrow. A su1CceýýSfU1 dquilting -was held at the home of M4rs. G. Silver last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. W. A. Hallowell spent a f ew days ith her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Stapieton, Ne-wtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Ross 7Halloweil and Jack visited recenitly At Mr. Ed. Whki Elizabethville. Mr. Arnr Fal4s and Foy, of Bowmviliiile, visited at UMr. T'hos. Falîs 'Miýss Helen Dechert. and M is s Betty Sc!ott spent the week-end at their homies in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simpson and sons, Oshawa, spent Su-nday witb her parents, UMr. and Mrs.H. Trim.ý Mîr. and MVrs. -Walter Widdis, Mili- brook, had dinner with Mfr. and Mïrs P. Farrow. Quiite a inumiber fromi here attend- ed the party a t Crooked Creek lastt Tbur-sd1ay night and ail reported a good time.j family, Mr». Thos. Falis spent Sun- day witb Mi% anid Mrs Harold Lit- tie, Oshawý,a. â&. and Mrs. Charci Yuie, George and Diane, of Oshawa, Mr. an, Ms Ewart Ro io and son, visited on Sun iy wih Mr. and Mrs. Llew Nesrelsories issuied by the NatinalFil Board in the past year deait -with maaspectcs of Canada's industral production, ber part in MuulAid, and in miany interna-1 tional conferences. o-- 0 - - The WnipgBoys' Choir5 long one of the m-ost popullar choirs par- ticipating in the Maniitcoba Musýical Fsiaappears in, "A City Sinigs;,"ý produced by the NaNinal Film Board in th-e C anýiadJa Carnies On Series. Thi~s Year Send Better Qunality Couitt',S EA$TER CARDS Se Our com1plete- stock of Coutt's Better Getn Cards tor Easter, at....5,loc, 15r and 25eCe CUT FLOW 0ERS AND FLOWERING, PLAN",ý, We will have in stock this Study origafuliStock 4)fCt Flowers and Flowering Plants. Kndyorder earL.y as the s;tock is- Limited. "%Vedeliver ini Orono villag-e. Carnations and Snapdragons,-------------- -__------ per dlozeni $3.00 ýïîeranjums......... ----each 60v. Begonins--------ach 60c. Baster L is 3 4 and 5 bloom plants)--------- -per bloom i75c. Cinerarias --------------- - ----------------..___eachl $1,50 and $2.00 Boston Feris ----------- ----- --------- -- ------------------- each 75e., PLEASE ORDER EARLY! SAdrienne Scientifieally harrior- ized Cosm:reties are exactly as the N<~namle implàies, a comtplete beautty Pli~ treatmnent for yoit. The proper use of your exact shade of thepse beauty aids enhances your natural snbeauy Selct the shade ~CI!NIFICLLV I yen eed frwn the chart 2ahi3wn FACE PO'WDER Lt. Blonde, Naturelle; 'Med. Blonde, Blossom; Titian, Rachelle Ivory;: Lt, Brunette, Rachelle Olî ve; Dk. Brunette, Siinglýo. LIPSTICK - Lt. Blonde, Naturelle; Med. Blionde, Bloýssom; Titian, Pomegranate; Lt. Brunette, Geranlum; Mk. Brunette, Suniglo. ROIUGE- Lt. Blonde, Naturelle; Med. Blonde, Blossom; Titian, Pomegranate; Lt. Brunette, Ceranium; Mk. Brunette, Sungflo. NIGHT CREAM .- Oily Skin-Adrienne Cleansiag Cream. Dry Skia - -Adrienne Cold Cre-am. DAY CREAMT - Oily Skin-Adrienne Finising-i Cream., Dry Skia b- Adrienne Foundation Cream. The above charts are a simple guide t sina beauty. Adrienne mietics are a more important part of your Spring Ensemble thar fine clotbes yeu lwear. We are traied beauty experts and in,1ý-,, your inquiries, Adrienne Perfumes, at--------------------- .... ..._ 30e. and 60 Adrienne Colognes, at- ---- -------------5c. and$.1 Agent -for Jackmnan Flowers Charls B. yrrel D RU GS Phone 68 Orono, Ont, Glover's Flower and Vegetable Seeds,reua pkgs., 3 for ..................De Easter Cards .....2........2 for 5ce. and lOce Easter N ovelties and Candcies, f rom ....lOc. up Elastic Braid, wvhite, w\ýidth 3-4 inch, yr..10c, Elastic Braid, white, with3-8 inch, yard ....4e -Duchess IFoundation Hair iRoils, eacýh ,.....10c. Plastic Hlead Triangles, colors of red, wie blue and green, e-ach, Beldings Satin Ribb)on Skeins, colo--rs of -pin-1,,-1 M white and bluie, 4 yardseis...... Chamois, large size, each. .......4e Boys' Blue Cheviot Pants, sizes 6 to 10 yrs., pr $1.19 Corn 1Br-oom,1s, 3 strings . . . . . .$1L00 Corn Broomns, 6 strings...........1.50 IBullet Cigarette Lighters............ 69e. Kneeling Mats ............ ......6. Hawes' Furniture Cream for polishing furni- ture, cars, etc., free polishing cloth ith Lieachi bottie, f or. ............ ... .....9e GROCERY FEATIJRES Coupons valid Thiursday, Aprill8th - Sugar S6 and S7; Butter R6; Meat M33 Heinz Vegetable Beef Soup, 2 tins for ,.. . ....25e.ý Saurlçraut, large 298-oz. tins , .......-..1lie. Treesweet Pure California Lem-on Jukice, 6 oz tin13 Catelli Egg Noodiles Macaroni at itsý best, 12 Dz. pkg ................. .. ...... ..15e, Sheriff's Good Moiniig Marm-alÏade, contains Orange, L-emon and Grapefruit, 24 z. j'arund icoupon11....................... 39te. Cr ownv iBri-and ciC orn iSyr u p, 2 1lb;tin icupn 24e. 5 b ftin anid 2cuos... .........5'e Lynn iVallIey, Peaches, 20 oz. tins, tns1 cupn39c Calumet Baking Powder-, 1 ïlb is......2 Unwvra3pped Lau-ndry Soap, bar........ .e Fresh Pineapples, Nýo. 30, each ....,. 3. URO'"NO 5c. TO si;Oo STORE YOUR, POPUTLAR SHOPPING CENTRE Motor Equipmeünt Private Ambulance Northicutt and Sm'th Funer-al Directers and Furnitur-e Dealers ,TESY iodest funeral Il as the larges 1 to SERVICE at the os ýand i726 Tool nreadeert alyenpedcne