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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Apr 1946, p. 10

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NO WFEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, -APRIL 25, 1946. otspet thie weeký-end4 with Mr. and Mrs. F. Stoker. Mrv. andi Mrs. chas. Kennly are spndngteir Easter vaication at Ganano que. tir and Mlrs T. Garbutt and son Jkof Tootspesit thewe- end wlth 'Ur. J. arhck Messr.s. Bruce Steinmi-iller and sxnd 5ý"eve Hga eeovern'ightý guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. HHIdh M\r. Arthur bmpo and Mr. Cs.Kenny are or.ganlising a Boyý cotmovemuent in Kendial. iss Seina Therteli was home fori Stinday School was wýell attendled on' Snamorngwith Gpreent Mrs. S an Sibth returned homle Su11nday fromi a visit with her sister, Mr.Wes. MVarks, FeneilnFls Billy andi Gloria Lanle had thLeir tonsls' emovd la't wek. e w them i a speedy jrecovery. JackWade ias rcivdword that his -wife, is sailing from Eng- land on the 29th. Mr. and Mr. .sdi Lancaster, his mIother, 'AMrs, JolhnLacse, it her mnother. 'Ars. W.T. Nichloils;, WeCSlyville. A& go.od congregation gathered on EKaster- Sunri- evening to ejya fIne sermon by the Pastor" and spa- eh!al nusir by the choir.A gooti nmber lingereti for Cmtsînsr vuce. Mr. and Ais. Tone LangstaifAirs. MlatbedLangstaff, 3%.Wns. Burley and Lanson Milîson mnotored to Tor- onto on Suinday to attend t 'he bap- tisni of littte Helen AMargaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrus. HWiert Langstaf. The Wromnel's MissionarySoit held their Thank Offering Servies, onGo Fiday af ternoon and it was well attended, as an ivtto bad been extendeti t the congfega- with. Mr. Roy à FED EE JRES of our egg pro- Lead, as 1949. aets are already drawn upî that will send dian eggs toEnln in large numbers eaeh [i for many years to corne. And, of course, it îcal to assumne that the Dominion Government eepprces reguflated to the point where egg eion remains profitable so that supplies wil sured and the contracts filled. ,e inimediate future, at least, for the poultry- ooks briglit. Iligh producing flocks will con- to shOw a nice profit for their ownters, are two relevant f acts for ail producers of et egg-s to think about:- (1) Pullets lay 20-30 per cent more eggS than yearling- or older hees. (2) SHUR-GAIN Laying M-'%ýash is spe- cially fortifled wvith essential in- gredients to promnote consîstantly high, profftable egg produiction. $2.60 cwt. )IRDO*ïN W. LOCOoKWOO'*D ORONO -0- nt'aryio0 -iii '~ 100 Canadans!de ofcaererymnh maoiyof 'hs ives c:ould be s~di Thar is the im ofrhca agngastace 'lo eigognie-n naj-to coIr downi lI, ostly mss of life owbengexacred lhi Iis proposed to establish can-er ciisa-- suitblecentýres rngou ite pr ovic wh [ere jIl ,wIo suispect rhey ,may have\ ccancer mab examinied, anid receive the propner trcnnt if necessary. Plans are also under w,ýay ro pay a portion of the cuýst tif trearment of cancer, as wellI as ravýjelljing eýxpens for those needinig linanrcial The third obieciveoftecampaign is ani at home1 the eekend and is hoping to~ return on Thrsaytospenld snelitÉtie time in KendaL Everyone is looking forwar-td to the banquet, presentation and Dance to be given Ailour Olarke Township, soldier boys on May Srd at Oro no. Mrs. Dairiing,toâ had her fml ail homeni- witih ber for the Easter hidyas did Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Patterson. Mr. and M'rs. NrmnThervel11> aeland Shirley, and DMr. L. Olenl spe'nt the wveek-end( at their summiner Viiin vith M1% and Mrs. av- eus; Soper :Easter week-end were, Mr'. and Mrs. Bill Boyd, of Toronto (frery of Kendal). They hada Sunday dinneir wlth -Mr. and M Ars. Roy Mercer. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B. Alexander wjere : -Mr. and rsGrydoni Carley and B, -iara, RWhy McTaggart, Bihl Goode, Robo- ert Alexainder, antd 'Mr. and Ms K.ý Archer (eeHazel McTaggart). We were pleased to have another Kendal boy home Drom oversea, Rfn. Gibbert Grveig, who visitedMr and Mrs. Hilditchi Easter week-endt and had dinner Saturday Wth DMr. and Mrs. Milton Rdbinson. MIr. I. tMartineil, of Ingersoll, M1r. and, Mrs. Robert Martineli ani-d fami- ily, of Peterborough, -Mrs.Aier Colan and son Roger, of Hamailton,ý MNrs. Bell <sister of Mr. J.»atiel ofHait, were week-end visitors with MAr. -and tMrs. J. Maî,-rtinel and Mr. and -Ors Gordion PMarineil. NE WTON V1 -iLE enerieiic iogram o i iaccr resea 1-hLin lOn 1tar:o n.ththe iz f i Coer in1g a spcifiï c urefr cancr, r fr s se eanis of prevenrting theý enslynade'quate. là is esarared thar leis thaM $00l 0 is binjg spenIt in the wh, Iole of Caaaon cncrand rclatedsuec. Cance, r cao be con]quereýd. If scienlce is aL t rganlize sufficient forces againisr the scure nf cnethe sluio Oll oer or Uater be- Y'onrcontribution is oeeuded-ro eut ldown thec det ate from canicer now-to carry on'1 the ser- or a metlhod of ridding theý world o, this dread ,ldisease. This appeal is for on objective cf $2,OO0,OOO t0 proide for a three-.iear program cof cacer reseorch, freonrent and proince-wide service. (i) f the wheIlne circuit. The wVor- ~hserviýe w nchalrge of the pr-es-idîenîtassisted b hy Mrs. Roy Mlerceri, Kendial, Pand 1 Mrs. J.T. pea rce. AMrs. fArtiur LDnnn, 11 o0f Shiioh, sang a sNo, The message was given by the pas ter. Weeik-endf vis'itors :Fred Rowe, OttLawa, wthLis brthler, StLanlley Roweý, and his.sstesMesdames J. T. Pearc.e and Frank, Gilmier. M. and Mrs. Roger Leushner and lis mot'her, _Mrs. Mabel Leusbnier, Nia- gar'a Falls, wv"ith -Mr.s. J. T. Pearce. Mrs. Alice SemaToron to, with her sister, _Mrs. Fralnk Gilmer anid Mdrs. Rosbert, Mr. and Mvrs. Alfred Redknap anud lbu)by Douglas wVithI his parents,. Miss Laurna Pearce and hier friend _Walter Whittaker, Toronto, with hier pa,;rents, Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Pearce.. and Mrs. Elmier. Ranciail!and John, Oshawa, with lis mother. Miss Riches.,r Puagh, hDoth yf CGamîbray, with Mlr. andi Mrs. Sid Lnatr Miss Julie WVare and friend. Toronto, vith her granlparents.tMr and Mrs. George Ovens. Lawree Giler at home. Mr. and 'Mrs. Roh, Montreal, are speinding a-iweek ini their cottage, their daughter IMiss Carol Brooks, Toro7nto, epening i-ýýthe we-dwjth them. ïMr, and Ms Lennrox Vasey vith lher paren-t.s, Mr. anld Mrs;. Wml. Stapretonl. M!rs. Wylie witLh her couisins, Mr. and ýMrs. Cecil Robin- so.Don Vinile in Montýreal. o-- KIRBYtT Quarts Gallons Quarts Gallons ENAMELS $1.495 "Flor Lustre" F«luor Puint~ qt $. BU1 Plorch Floor Paint, quarts $1,1 "Fecoete FlitWall Pin, ov- ers Kalsomîne M 1U r es Co0or wall- paper i a single coý-at, quart-. 16 Agent for Jackman Flowers Charles 1B. îTyrrel D RUG S Phione 68 ý-1 Oroino, Ont. New shipment of Suit Cases, colors cof bac "o br-own, a ýt jmoney saving prî]ces, piied ,$1.82, $2.241 Bias Fold Tape, good assortmnt ofclrs pkg 15c Marathion Wash Frocks. . . . . $15 Jean Gordon Hlouse Dr-esses........1.-1 Kneeling Pads, soft filed to priotect your knmees 65c DrY Fast Goody Curlers withr sprring, each.. SPECIAL - Glovers Flower and Veget-ablDe Seeds, fresh stock, 3 pkgs. for...... Sweat Pea Seeds, 6 assorted pkgs. .....2 Garden Trowels, Forks and Weeders, strongly buit, heavy handies, each........2e Boys' Suits, Jersey Top and Pants, sizes 2to6 years, per suit........... 7e Old English Scratch Cover Furniture PoHli, a polish to cover scratches, 41 oz. bontte.... 25, Chan Speed Coat Self -polisin,g Floo-r Wax, non- slip.pery, tin................59C. Towel Racks, four armn, wood-ýen.i........... 29c. Cheese Corn (Pop Corïn), giant .5 1-2 oz. pkg... 19c, GROCERY FEATURES IICI~e ,eaf CI r', kit chioice grade Ready-cut Macar-oni, Sfor,.................. 1e ake Flo-ur, 2 3-4 lb. pkg......> Maker Kits with yo-ur favorite 9ali pkg ................18C heat Cereal,2 pkgs ... ....25e ilmke 50 cups, tin . .....29C S nutritious chocolate drink wt Etenlerin -cludied, 16 oz tin ... 7c ese, 1-2 "lb)k.......0 Swetenr,4 o .btte........ 35e 'tadcuts grýepg...0 lis', lb ........ . . . .c. . 5 ýo boýtties ... ..... 67e 20 rfund on 'bottke ,40 5c. TO $1-00 Prth muac 'Furniture fDeal COURTESY SER-VICE at thic m.ost IIERE IS PROTECTION AGAINST MO)TH DAMAGE Elkay M1oth Fume CrYstals, 'kilts 1moths, eggýS and larvae, staýinlýess, 1 lb. in ........ 9 Moth Balls, lJohFlakes, per lb ,...... 0 MNoth Proof Garment Bags, h-eavy, material, side openingý construction, each.....49e and 98ec Larvex Liquid, 16 ozs ... 83c. 32 ozsm ..31.25 WALLPAPER We have just received new shipments of 1946 de- signis of Sunworthy Wallpapers. We invite your inspecion. Priced per roll from ... ý..., 15e to 40c There are also several room lot ends that wef, would be pleased to show you. B -H PAINTS"ý are finally the cheapest. They are famous for good coverage and longer wear. ___________ ENGLISII PAINT mpson atiosi. i We welcomne Mr, and Mrs. Clîfrdi Cowa-n and Donna toc)Ki0by- Mr,.'und Mrsi. Brads'haw, of 1Les- kard, visiredI Mr. and XMrn. J. Thomp- son on Sunday. or, and Mrls. R.attersonForest luvisite!d bis sister, Mrs.1W. Wnaon Gond Friday. Miss aranMcKelvey, Bowiman-ý ville, -Mr. and àVirs. S. R. Caldweil, Port Hpand ir. .Ruthierford were recent gue(stsý of Mr. and Ms The WM.. eld an Eaister ser- S v i e o f w ors i i th b se mie n t o f ý the- churchl on Good Frid-ay eveningý wihagoodly inuntbierpest. e were ver-ygkad to welcomie guess froin Oronoi and Kendail. A specal Eatrprorme ent itled "A niew andi living wayý," was taken. This in- 1CIluded( East'er h1ymn, prayers, srtreand a mieditat-ion. Mrs. -Win. Wa'nn-an then gave a reading, "Easter Carol", n Mrs. Lowery geave one on Chrîstian Stewardsh1ip. Ibrs. Cecil Jones and oMrs.IW. Cob- bldcof Oroino ,favouired with a beutiful vocal de.Mrs. Little- w-ood gave a very inirg Easter lmessage based on thre challenge of thde Cross frm St. fiarkehatr1", vers;es 2-415. -Miss Stella Best render- ed a lvl Easter solo. The mneet- ing closýeti th ahynnfollowed wihpraye- r yiyMrs. Youmans. Wats home forI s ougwýht th arnBryon psoii, of Toi- I the majority of cases CAN BE CURED TO c A- m 4% q. a% 0% DU

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