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Orono Weekly Times, 9 May 1946, p. 6

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sprin.-gclean- am Alcott oai ty glad her ýssionlal stilt- She puts ill ove, wiashing [JMIT Seed Planting Practices Byý W. P DREN, WNU Farm Ediîtor. Mhe highiest quality seed u'il ot s4how aý profitaible grawth unleSa It Las been properiy pin D r ila reverse, fthe best planting methods wiill not show good returnS from inir- feriOr seeds. If ad sceedis- ta b'e utýiiized, g e rmi- nation tests sbautld be md'carly. When a igh pcercentage of gri nation resuits the seeds mai;y be u sed, otherwise 4immedJia;te plans shul h made ta secure suitable stock. plantlng mnethods vary wlt'h tfie Ioeality a-nd thse type et soli. If may be advlsable Èo lilant in beds ovr rldges hlA ordeer te oibtaln good drainage ýin ûoîme gadn.Level pliantins s ec- ommenided on. tie ligliter Sand'- sOUS and on'tise majority o'f thse sýdazy Iam and cday Ioam soUs. la trrîgation ssecions thse seeda- are usuafy planted on thse side etr the furrows a littie aisove the Irr-igatioiI wvte-r level. Seeds and Labor rmay be saived by proper sawin)g. In many scos il vill p'ay to mrix a smnail quantity of fiesoll ta cover the seeds. In ctual sowing,, take thse seeds ba the fingers and drap themi even- ly, See that the seeds are spacedi eývenliy and thinly. even though it means tha t each Seed be handied nd v idual " Te experienced gar- dener, who bas a steady hand may flnd it advisatble ta sow directly from an enivelope or sed packaIge as shown Iill0ustration. When planting large seeds theY may be sawed ;,in pairs to in-sure A Tt UOR SOWING âCED EVU44.Y A 0 an even stand. If both seeds grow, one- plant of cach pair- may be pulled up to prevent rwlg On the average, witb fresh se--eds of stand- a-rd germiination,. it should 'be suf- ficient to ow5f) per cen! more s7eeds than you expect ta maàtureý Plants. JOHNSON FACES UP TO IT Higligtsof the News I Sugar RationUchne Canada'il,, qS lsugar LlocatIionIfor 194f;of 46,0c00'tons i nincrease 6f 41,600 tonIs ovr ue14 aloa World allocations for 19ý46 er anuedlast we !b Ie Co bined Fondad monlith asýis of anl eiatdtotal ]Stipply of 1,0 000 tonis copard ith12200 tons in194 l'lTeCaain 95 allocation mwas146ý0, 400 îton s Îfor civ.ilian relquiremnIts. - .As a resot of thie Canadian allo- Cation no cut in the present sugar ration is contemplated, Prices; Board officiaIs said. To Bring DepenIden-ts The 8,73tnliner QenMr is expcted tO naesvritrips ta0 Haliax, n rote to INew York, witb dependencts of Canladian ser vicemen 11Startinig in May-I. If Prices Are Lifted Coilapse Of tb'e ,present! price coni trol sysýteml cail panic Unlited States ,,consiumiers into( a "stamiipede' ofÏ costly spen ing ccordling to Price Admlinistrator Pautl Po)rter. -*Th ,, dlanger," lhe si,"is a,,iand R iulh Maclioniaici eIps Mayor Gordion Warren a of aiOntario, don J officiai chain of office made of tw;,enty pounds a ivrnuggets. Cobal1t, Being a Hollywood columnist isflCt ail cozy interviews with glamnor aghost town for twenty years, ïs celebralting revival that, statrtedl gais, says Erskine Johnason, NEA's noted Movieland reporter, and January J1, 1946 wheni U.S. Gove.rnmerrnt inecased iprice o tslet 71cý sends along Ibis pho.Gto taprove it, He Ihas .ust take-andibout (.. e uc.Tet ivrmns o'wnyyas r to get another-cu.stard pie right ia the puss from Betty H1utton. (US)pruneTetysvrmienaiefotetyerae 1 Betya poming picture she piays the part of the mo is'od- being de-watered andrilted by Sjianco M'inring and Rýeflning time seriai vp queerl, Pearl White. Company wvhose enployvees are r-populatinig comn tiy. Cai aàda's lumiber cut is ikeýly to reach ithe record figure f ,(A 00, 0o0 feet tis !earu au incresse of 100MUtiO ufet over *ne t45cut, HARINESS -&1COLLARS Farrners Attention-Cnsi yoýu r :niea resi [-a rn e ! se SoP about Staco Harupss Suppites. WseiOur jgoods onvly Lhg youi oci Staco etr Gocos dealc The goods are right, and so are outr mues. Wý,e maufatu e iour la c- tories Harn1eýss Horst, Col- Jars, Sweat Pad5cý, Hor.se 1Stan- ketrand !sathel Travellng Coude. lnsist on Staco Srand' 'raide Markeii Goods, and y')u -roaisfcin Ma'de 1\rlv h SAMUEL TREELS CO., L-1 D. WVRTE FOR CATALOGUE 4 2 Welntnst. FE., roïonsoi ANMLItSC PW E Sanida Praving Grounds, n are dwarfed as they a German V-2 racket of bat wili be fired in test for Mlay M0 It is expect- ie ai-otoidmissile na m,,aximum speed of 3'400 rmph. CONIMISSIONER ýr was Civil bucks, K.C.- selected 10 MacDonýrald in 1897 and ice in 1919,. ary ta the ion on the WHERE BIG FOUR WRESTLE WiTH PEACE PROBLEMS Pictured above. is the historic Palace of the L 'ux embaurg, facing Paris' £am-.ed Luxembourg Gar- dens, where foreign ministers ai the Big Four sceek utaag'eemnit on peace termis that w7iII put a. formip end ta World Wlar IL Built in the early l7thi Century for Maria de MVedici, queen con- socrt of Henry IV, il oue the Fec senate U-til-the German occupation, served the Germians as Paris hedurtrind was used büy the Consultative Aýssem-bly af the French provisianal governý- mient after the lerta.Photo belaw iîs e of the magnificept conference hall. -J SKY'S U.S. E-ýxpects Record Crops N . odd, tJite ates Unider- secreary f Agrcultre, aid re- cety îthere is a "good chanlce' diat thlis ye'cls heat and corn crop wilbe thC lrgc tin ited Sc" "tates New Wh"eat 'Curb Planned The, U .S.goenmn il]a i îch miore drst-Iiic'" stc e.taaverjt sarva- ticoi abroad, mayv move in and ta)ke part of the wheliat now lld by nilills andemvi o The gprain obtained 'In this way wold ibe iuse"d to blp meet fmn relief pro ise ntil greater quan1- tities can be boughitdrctyfroml- farme'rs. STJCCESS FOR A PARTY is assured by ser-ving ax weII House. This S u- premecly fine kýoffee de- Ji-lils guiests becaiïse its blend contains Al ile stiulaing goodnless of

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