'I Tf ~ f y' ~' I p v f V v ~ fy I11,e1e's" a 't ide sw cpt" style *hats prfct1 Pàtteru 4929)is the vury c-s Cu ofSpniing sports fashý- ioni, easy sew1îug, easy wcearing 1 coifr< i. Btondwnpuswap arond chic. Patturu 49)29 cornes lses12,41, 18, 20; 30,3234 36, 3if4, 42, 44,ý Sizeý 16 takes37 ý (I. 39-lu. Seud TW['\-E NT'X CE1NTýýIS (20e) iii coins ( s tauîp. ý aqInot bu ccut l' or this pat1- tenu tau rooin 421, 73 Aduclid(e St Wesîý, 'Toroi-nto. Print p!aiiily SI , NAME, ADDRES Learni-ng in the School of Faîth john 11i: 7-8, 16; 20: 24-29. (oldn Txt.Biesedare they 0iiatibave , ui en ad -yCt haývebu- liuved-Jobu20: 21) "Peace Be Unito yau" nove aîpea(rs taothulie cis ure- diilyater th,!etcuri i the îwau Iliediscpleswereiliifear aofiCue Jetsbut itb tha wrdjuIss ban- you.' As IRu Said ithisIHe %vas standing in theiridmidat. 'I brnas fu iiaf dobriand self- thi ocasonauid sta mIisse(dmut in~ bi nienLord. Thomas Stil] Doubî'Ds huotliersiplshstudta tulI T!Ili s tatt uhd seen the( Lad Tomasishadhave bu fuluts s sowuin the ords: "J will flt eleve" heoly 1kiud aieideuce t hat would canvince Thomas was that wich cold be unIderstIood by 'phlysiclsenise. Thu te'stillauy of thedicle bad da!r I, mad& sanie impressioný ani Taafor ou the niext Lard's day, lie took pain tabu with iium Tiiru iasou is part, some ,readi- ïIeýsata believe just as thýceu waS pr lns o doui'. Thomas Believea J ssconIesu ta His isciples wî the same graiau nessage as b- loteu: "Peace bu. unta yaou"',Itla the messaýge F-ie alw'ays brinigs t c sui d puly Thornlas asund dcouvincod ai le asci ptionjs ni thle Bb CHiPER VtI: 'hrion ( Hai- leti) eetdennti dseoses Jord0 as tîa-tage O Titey,,grapple, but ing Scî ihskle CHAPTER TX -bob aicibu!" Old hleiîevnd lI i l up); y3 go',00fo h'dc Jane," b brs bsbadthog Sh1c1îwin's vwell n Yucm alonig wit mile, sou. HuilaI" b PShaedbis eyes itlî bs hand& S Say5 Jiini, -iU Iaiul't isaeih s'heuF's cnrnîng acroas th' bridge righit nou!" bu added, poioting. sailfacton. Saib is. Gai a passe, aui igh-t ihat, you didn.-,ýt go for b n0w, Harutu!" Sherin f!uhu,ýid sudduuily tais hair, but no onu noticed h. Janc was runun ouahuad ta ýtuiephone for the dour. Maýc 1hae4 hiïlmby the ami, and jim bad appurenuy bc- coile absorbud lun u pproacb;iug passe. Suda maýn Gae c, fa t hobrse, Mac" u hnw ack as lý ie burirîedi off. M\acDowul cl, st iil i-hldinig ithe wouuddnmoniby thuami, chockd sofly. %Ifsnue cd JiAS favortes; igb1thiucky odnddutsieh By Il' wày, nbow d'uucoil c bee son? cuar jane sucuch?" "No!I rd htwy a'Jr dan by acdn. Sberwiuv's face wasbet. Thu o1d.!( mnail peered ai hm iduwaysru- miuaiig. "Tbaughî j au kuuw the way ta Huinmni'"Hioue was csuLM, and bu eial atconce; "Ilt's a py yuisuZd bagiu'Jrdan; lî's gai tuii' tai fus uaw." "We'lI bave ta ui lm"Sîur- wu svuý,red asunly. Head atcud Jauu'ss fgue disappearug juita ,l ibu bose sud ut,hu saw ýthe sri'spusse rliding uptheon s1lopu lcuLi a F'alana, laud biace- chýan'ged skliyand lo1 t i lsfteîîed ues. "it scen'is ta tuagodnty Obî d Mac Iubu."A shifc-f's posse' somelîiîg like a aiwal tI eopuliersui-biise ectmn. uicame iiit irea' ltie se Slîrwi sadbut !beU! ýct t:e.Id!mati draw hnm i lbs aU qares n cl toff biis tortsscuu said "bt tue ai n onus,à bro- kuin. 'il wah t a 'i' d c'lfi.- à up Ail mght. by thu wnowwat. u epasse Hle expýcled ta b u ah 'Le tatuilis sîary aiard nbt !bu wýas nat', anid, as tinie payssud, bu began ta btîmore-. ally.l bauds, "1 think sue w3L %ill ot! cbusid1 Maic sae.Thu bu fe-s1 nt biudcing flic as.a trillecboelis eyus strayi-g couf. af t ethida\v, fol- liiug Sîri',Thie(nid llrauwas fairsigniud. He made oui a ppinl the sheri'f'a bauid, aIafi ier amo ment ui iaak h sud-!baith men "Thu sbni nuts a îJdscription ûa s m e n0tat's wat ie"busaid fial."ve Useenthn pprb- fore now." Shucrin iniro', werbs arm \-a;S baund up ;sud lie rts sddul anrd ilaile fonibe dam si' ' iiC41 PDou't you do ià, Sou!" Slîurwin staned ai l."tbtd yoi ne ilekntIkindur auspie lwyva tao ii' wmroug roadý, soui;', ou d' nuued ta mu1et tb' heicfr, Jini, aii't cal!ud for youî." For a marnent longer Sherwin Stand ai bn sturulytoun bucfng bbîneîf jutaschair busd e table, and leanîuïg acrss i, bunid hs becad in biis arma-. Oid Mac, came, suid stoad bu-sidu lmi, iookîug down at ib hmpiiyingly, fo'r busaw b is braad shoiduirs shke iti abar drawnj-, bitter sob). Tue aidecrr mati Id Motput bihs aud o i hulder buc wvas fhInjIug and vwatcbing Jian thironigli the widowFor so e ra- son JiniSeenîed tao bu tmyiu-g 'ta gui rid af the shl-îf. "it's a migbity b arCd n I 1t0 Crj-a Ck '"'Ma1, tbau l Lghit , "1allethuere's aul al-fired 1 laIrua- sous why h ai'aways ey ta bu a rigbiuous iudge,» sud is eyus sank ta. Ceu owud huad oun Ceutable. Jin lad somiewlîat similar ihaougbits, starjD inguthu -pager the sherif had given hlm.ý "Gat auy nuw muin ou?" Cutler ]lad askud. "Sceun aàellwue ta picturu?"ý ibni sudîdithe picturu a long tue silnty, Athe ucooud around ai thueshuniff. ",Whst's hbu wanltud foý, Cie? "Mirur irsi degrue. sae cnivici roiRhade Islaud; it'a for,- lifu ilieme you uae Jirn uadded. , "t3uter luanethe papur wit iq e" bu said at psat; ml,\ len Clcne iug ver ua aud thun." "Thiat's si.Prsnai tda' thîkClîkeiy e's rounid thusu parts; tnfar off bhis huai, eh?" thu abSer- 11f-C nivo t thle dnor. ,-Bythu way, Kuellur, whler's thait fuvir 110 nixditup -faJordaSciud thlm along 1to thu lýeway buien" "'il suud aid MarDoweil, 1bu knw Ihni said ponply ,The, other nau's gai a bad atm; ['vu phoned for t'uidocto fo-r iiý"As buspkub ao oipa il.thu aber- iif ta the dor andstd fOr Majc. Te lîu i man answerud ai ce ccaud got bis ardurs ta go with hupase Hue cii ,a sharp lookaS iJîîsfc suid obeyed wiihlout awod At lilmeilmomenCit Jn cneyi ticed ih1at buiedid flot suggest t hai, the iiinu 0hnihy caledHaiziet shouild go, but u le gtaIha li tut ud bcMIa toUen ose, a? urove a.-warvy betweuu lusovn brSv. lu sýeemud as if MaiCba Caught ath îaig Iiiîsb itilicit, (orIbad bu fouud out so-n- thng llmaulI? Standinfg a 1--il tîmu hiall, buie okollt thesluif'p- puer suid sudd il icuea thieesadcavtwauusal aen-utsd gond, the esrpto whc bu hurd a lbiglît sîepbein hiiiini dtundta meut Fauuyj trouble lu bi face a, lue said quicky. "Natbug muub wrg abon i sue you!" ni ausw'eredhutiy Bult she was ual ta b'put off ",You'nýe voýrnied !" For answer Jiihid oi lihu pa- lier. "Ever r ýc that face befo2îre, Fauny?"> Tlhu girl av i a startiecd lan,4 tiien shu cuiizdi aà fiy e aveufacà chumging shi ,l "Ohb"i wainexlmtina dismlay, as shle lifte-d 1 toue uyus ta bis, "Can't bu îstaikun, eaur M"Ji askud gninily "le's tursily liku hlm - ghat's bchecrie?"ý f oS /3!ý Macry Imay Taylor 3 -y Gweud , il 1-> Clark , s s s vu , resitigatsuppepýatu daynigt. Prseu'y obulaCe u up t h alt1idar ad ;zdreî à ety;~Tis tie ayr ag rememberi-_ýitvaat alti l i- lutte fro ite o , i o %"aWento Wepin emoy'i Vus I upîtheluteram nd or yerltr t la evle moe ers-c Cr than w hgli ic was Itteu Here iîc t s ,31, part:ooi v., "Strday, May .of194i.l Cad I nen t rteesterýdisbu tbeîe was Vo a spîrtnhty unratry, aIm 1 aia nes no I arn wane- Outberitrough t111heogyeart "crnAt4.30this aftenoan w w.ý ar giewn the offic i nuws n Gurmanysedur cbly army iS- his-om e rsn sran ndbein Can-e ad aad quitu ruaie htlit way likeou"db i eeditiI a ong to try, and steli s yon. % "On May 4. thu Mut noeacita- tme elutnerestun thde e not wdllly, bt ep cdally a-n aneperan sidthe antr. 1 Were dpery ng iethat ay,ý aon oleasloate btsd frtnau a auld be ickducloni itta an sp garead run saog lye boys. Thru was e ly no excte- naient, Livfrolwenî uln jut tdanie a s ufred Lfuad duath. Oui 1,i'_Asdy hnepreadss edandar riular cela. Bt a Cwereai teleerpuctig big ewsaan mg on. Fra y evunMingwe wer b asltdiellfCward inGiermny JinointuO d he paperu-Me.Y "Tbuea stutemtnî - prut 'bad m» o!" " PI *l C U *cl Itwas V.E. DT butxewr kile. ha ws what E. Da muant for Lit- 1,.1 athurrumord, baug orduts. Tliere w ere aol gotîu aeSt Hilneta ' EeroUu kt 1iliat peace was ou hi', job tsar did bu t taý' leu. beblt huet anc gnup of me wuppaîg cards; anoter raup 6ingingir heiceampAirt .30 a guitar n hrmoic. SmHIC r Hla urd. Th he asno are iufrmd e igîtba et dai of-urvryliry i That, lieveýàr me, rualCëy bought oret te auytbing verybv-mucb e aden burelssome felabc ont ouideti adoicThrd erre wDf assit n reatgxit umen- ,ýt-no cuing aftr nyliectr.Temnw aurl platon iDL buOuio detaîlg agi.Teiiu ji p- luty afilaugtur erops of MAliai tired,i and it ated i daiy, ý eyes Arn are: redderned- lurine. Tw0o ickly cleanses, n yor iard 2e iýAs origia- ba.Apply ii ISSUE 20-1946 It Mc.kes You Feeý, SoMuch Better FExtensivelv ised fo-"0eadah, 1 os,o f sle ep: nervosi ndgslo - irritabiIlit V, anuemlia, chroni fatigue, 2311Jexhauson3 fth 60 cts. Econoiny size, $1.50 Dra- (kase's NerveF e à l,ie~h no ~,yIa4 The 1 Rgis ote go#No More Setting Oough Overnli, The Quaiîty Teoe pua, uA àil