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Orono Weekly Times, 16 May 1946, p. 4

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ýver-y TlhursdL Rates on request Lnuary, 1937. orn.ing at th-e Timnes Ofc Suibscrip tion, $1.25 R. A. Forr-ester, Publisher ýt Will1 the Fruit Prospects Be ? ~'broadcast or a few weeks agoý Suadcay carried a insofair as p)rospects for frui t are concerned. W e he cold ked of April 7th was lbeneficial in liold- )-ress of the bucidiiag fruicres. Subsequent frosts 1rned ihese trees had the growth -been farther ai- it is to be hoped int the fruit crop wviil Ïhe lmorepetia hiS seaisonrn thadut of last, yeaýr. Maiy (of us have hadI oun flrst expaneience tins year in beiing euged to buý,y apples by the pound. Other firuits have heen on tire scaiity side tLoo. HIere is hoping that late fr-ostis will nt nuin tliiag-s n So macu(h is hound apil the 'wiiima of theé weather. -May tire weatien be such that som)e future r0outngo "Neighlboily News" will ha enabled to, inforn-i u'sthat prospects forifrit ar_-e good. For Better Gar'bage Disposal Soelor iter our towNwill take uip tire matter of rectifyingl thre presenituirnrganized mletiods ofgrbe dispiosai. This is some- thi il-that othen towns 'have heen obliged 'o dent with, so, we are nlot ilo e ,vith oun preilem., lnonare we vithout gidaCeiandn saýtîsfactory inieans or going- about the job. It iras been poinitef out tint thierýe imigit bha w.o hundred homles wiere a, regular garlý)bage Collection -vould lIe welcomied andr J supported.i8 upposiaig eachi faiîly paid a no-minal sum of two dollars a year- for the convenience and comfiort cof iaving1 garbage and rub- bisir remtoved once awek That would à en c otal sum ,Y! four bnred dollars. Evenif tÉie sum of tiree dollars a year were paid, thrat would not make n-on beak any famlily, Tira latter Charge -wo-uld am.ount to six iundred dollars,. Now, is there not some aman with a smiali truck or a hlorse nnd wagon -who wvould7 take on tire taisk of removing thre garbalge ? At twoe dollars a year per faiiy, such ainian coulded a part (À wie day each weak, r-iender -a nceed service(, anýd net tire idy sum ofi four dollars. By payiag thnee dollars a yaar twohndd famille's could give their man ix dollars for- one daly each eek Hare is a subject thlat could ire discussaeffetectivel1-inug tire medium of "Ltters to thre Edi tor". Wa- foresee op)portnn-ity for wise cracks and srich, and igi-va al siades othoughit tiheefit of tre praýss. ower let usý not ridiicufle apoositliat could make for a cleaner and mior-e sanitary to-wni. 11e o laug-hs last lauglis hast, particualy whien hjis grbg and asies hiave ceasad to litter the environnmants of homne. CAJtI> OFTkiAN*S Xeith Wood wish,'es to thank his friends and clss ates 1for ithe flowers, fruit and cards sent hinm lwhîle his stay iný Bowmanýnville Hocs- 'Mr. Fredl Wood and faily wsh to expresýs thieir sýiacere cthn.ks aada- preciation to thleillrny frend te !.,0J4. Lodge, Re:v. S. itleod for thieir kinid expreussions ofÉ sy'm- 1pathy and fÉloira l trbutes during thecir receat sideeaemet f a Ioving wif e ad mother. ENGAGEMENT Mir. and Ms Archie Lunnii an- nouance the eggeetof their daughiter, Mary Ru,,th, to Robert Joseph Dionne, son of Mrn and Mra- A. Dionne, of Osha-wa. Thie m a r - niage to take piace quietly on dune 1. DEATIIS M[ARTIN . In Clarkeon Saturday, May î- lthj l 14, R brtMartin,ý heloved husbandii( of the late Alice Louisa Baskerville, ag'ed 83 years. The fueral ericeas heWdat his late residence, Lot 17, Concession 1, Cuke n AMonday, Malïy 1l3th, at 2.30 ~..Initerment was made in Bowmj-anville Cemetery. llighlights 0f Another Tour The paston of -Paýrk St. Unlited Chaci aspivilegad te ha tthe On- tanlo Religionms Education Goanicil re- presentative ila Paterborougir County dlun1ing tire weak May Or to May 1Sunrday School conventionsc were held at Cottesîse United Charchi, Reeva United Chncir, Nonwood Preshyterian Church nd Selwyn United Church. Anglican, P-es-,b-y - tenian, Baptist and United Churcn m-1inisters shared l ireprgrmms as wlas several others, nion-iis- discýussions. Tire spirit of tie ,onri-, ventions -was good hrugou, e- veaaing. loyalty, devoti, a 1ý'des'ire to hac more effiient la the task of leýad- in-g oth ers in-to the Cfirisîtn exper- !enice Tire co-oàperatioý-n of tire dif- ferenit(ICInomin ations aded mch to tire go eiwhp I ______________________________________________________________________________________________ "1THAT'S A LOAD OFF MY MIMDEO" Mrs. Masonq's huhbar Since hie's working a for hlm, and she-sayý she gets it safoly ther runs a store, Say£ h. money fromn the cas your maney is One0 dered by youi bank. e worries too about the sh register! Safeguurding of the prime services fei-31 What a relief it is whern you have depo-siýted your money in the bank! No more wvorry lest it should be lost or stolen! You need only keep a littie ready cash iii ydur pocket oér in the house,. Bils can be paid by cheque and your cancelled cheque is your eeceipt' When the teller baunds you your pass book, you glanice a thre balance and know to a cent how inucli money you have. You are so accustomed to your bank's accuracy that you. seldom (Cont-inued frosm-page 0mie) valuer -- ----------- ----------15.00 .Ha l, oad woodi---- ------10.00 W. E Daay,2 trips to Osi- awa, p nmo reus --------10.0 Mr.J 1.Cornîisli, supplie-s... 10 Oron WekiyTimes,aui J. J. ellor, slrecag anicidnti---------------95.10- Aftar can e---------- ---100 clieque ----- -------- ------ --25 . E.J.Ranldil, RPvs F 'May payient---------- - ---320 Ddbentur'e accounit, Street widenin.,Oon-----409 RH.Wood, care of -hall and utngwoodl--- ----------- .4 7.05 Clar-ke Reception Grnt - 30.0 Rond lVouiren No. 5 ----- ---2508-12 Res. 18,Hwk-ca:That this counceil do oq djnnto nmeet againi in the Council Chamero Ja th, '1946, at the hour of nline ocokin the forenoon, nd, on i e sanMe dateh To sipCutf Revison wll iett ut tasaeplc at he ou of two thtyin the af-1 terinoon for- the proaof Ihearing al complints which ,haveheen sent ila la the propermanr Road Voucher No. 5 E.cusweil................-----$105.40 lxH. «WeiLb -------- _--- ----__ Alex. Wobb -------- ---- --------16 Xeith BradIley -- ---- -- ---24 Chias.Cowan--------- ----- Ro(,ss Brough ------------------ --120 Brooks Cowan -.------------------ 3.60 Robert Eiey ----------- --------7i.2->0 B. Hr --ni --a-------- ------ --- 7.20 A. perrini---------- ------------ LU6 T. Lagtf---------------- -----59.6o Hîeary Nion----- ------ --- -4.40 jas. Burgesa--------- ----------3.00 jas. LuXoný---------------------- 2.00 W.Bairstow ------------------ 2,00 L. D).:Bell _ ---------- ----- ------- .40- Cecil Teblile _---- ----------- --- 6.00 W. A. ei---------------- -- 122À65 JJ.W. Strinlge-ý_-- ---- -----88 ad i othm--------200 A. _N.- Rolnils------ --- -------- 174 j-ackU Syen ------ ----------------- 10.40 Ray MeDormild--_ -- -- ---6.00 Chas. Godwý,in----.....------------ 160 Doniald E. Gibson _ -------- 20.40 ArmcoDanae ai!]d Metai Rofn'Supply GO.---------6 732 Oshawa Eng. aýïnd(1Welding Go---------------45.65 Wý>. R.,hpmn--------,981 Goodyear Tire pand rallber CO-------. ...----- ----------- Sid Lancaster -------- --- -----47.90 UaIiteýd Cou nt ies trlealsuýrer Go)rdlon Krk-------- -------- .0 W. G. Wato-------------~, 11 Oronio Garage ------------15 Eliot's Grae--- ------- 6.70 Luan Hardwre------------- 2.63 Mrs. R. Clysdaiae-.-----------315 W.7 C., Lane and Son).--- ------- 1123 Newtonvillea Garage---------..18.81 HetnBowen--------450 ChtnFarrow .------ -23-0 w. F. H --le--------- -------- 330 Irwia Allia---------2.2 5 Pe2ttY Cash-----------------.._ 2.10 Tot-al--- ------ $2...Ij,50812 FOR SALE condition, cheap. r 12. COMàING EVENTS Plan to att-end ,tireSlvpMea -Conitest la the Park St. Suniday Scliuol room on Mday1711-. A nuni- bJer Of contesýtants D nd other pro- gramme. Luných will lie servedi. Ad- Th e W.A of Kenidai -Ualtedl Chiiluch is sosnigao ac ly puit onl by tile Young -,people of Ehi- zdbehviia nited Chacir, lýentitied "Threa, LitleMad" on Thursdeay, eveniag, May 2r.Admrission: 3c ANNOUNCEMENT The regular mreeting of Orono Wo- meni's Istitute ,vill be held in the ou ci Can-Ëhe,Orono), ocm idy May l7th, at 2.30 p-.m. El1Icection of FOR SALE Tmmediatel vaî n e Eureka Potato Plant /ith Fertil- ize Attaclient comilete. J. iI- Son, C"cksout lem, Coour, phone 105w12. a 1p TwFOUND ofKibyonNo. 3,5 ha CFnd C'r, may have same y n pop H,. DobonPhoe Cli 4U22. C0180-.i "ton STRAYED Fromn Lot 2.3, Conhcesýioni 8,"ýClari- 2 re enods(heifar \nd st4en, SanGiday, May Stir, An)ýne 4oUýwi, thewhereabutso tte Iltri maskindly -notify ýlRol,'rt fAli Phone -95 r 3,Orn N,,ew equipment - fkrwInter- national Tractor PIQvop rag Har- rows; Taco RubArhel ~Wagons; Used Wagons (rubber -an iw); H larrow Teeth; Gùlvto Points. Phonie Caril Tdd1mp 7en ealer, Newonile,15-20,.'C-19 -p. Cabinlet w'ork, uphoisteig and repairs; pricýes rensonable. Wllpay; cash for iused sei aAîhln'.C. F. Ducan, Phone 79-16 Or4no.i tf. WANTED Live Poultry and th rs. Top prices paid..cW will lçyj ail phonel calîs-. M. Flett, Pehny~ . No. 1; Phone 7 r 13 g17-p. DîYou Know That, fer a mau age ext-or l'he IiailLife A,,sà ance Con-1 pany wiiiguarantiee isfamily $5,000.00 iha eveln of ihiS death prier te age sxtfer betwveý 2% and 3%ý, of that ameGunt yýar ,y. And if he ]ives te age sixý,ty, -tie Cepmpnyl lwill pay him the $,0.0 Whly net consuit your local rep5rescîltat ive FRED LYCETf to sýee whait a plan such as this wl do for yen '? ~to ESTATE , Late el n the Co ,r, Deceas4 o-peratïon early y will hniadfe imoi bette- satisfactiýon, CEDAR DA Court -of ý COURT 0F REVISION AND -Notie it tire: lai-s and (if auny) d by sta- for tire Medl EIRROL, 11ýL6 El Professional Direc tory. MEDIA -A. F. cK EN ZI1E, Mv. D. PHYISICIAN nd lSURGEON Office Hours 2.00) te 4.00 p fm;,630)to 8.00 Sundays and Wedný.esdays appo'inmient onlly PHONE 47r1 ORONG Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWIMANVILLE, ONT. Phone : W. F. WARD EBA R R- ITE R SOLiCITORf office 825 IResidenice 409 BOWMAAINVILLE, ONT. DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VEITERINARY SURGEON office. Main St. Phume 63 r 7, Orono,. ng Y*C A E rINSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automoubile, and Liability ORONO - ONTARIO DANE FOUND District Representaýtivee for th,* Manuf acturers' Lif e Insurante Consuit me for your future Income plans The RUTTER GRANI Phione 501 -PO, . r Port Hope, Outaria MSnuments, GravernaÈ Engraving, Goldlea-fi' AUCI0NEERIS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator ConduRets Avctior sa.lesof.Ucu and at, reasonablje rates. Communicate wit1- him at Poe~ Perry, Onitario, or sce hie CIerk, A. E.Mroat oropno, for2 date. JACK REID Valuator ofSpecialize in Farmi and1 ni, Furniture Sales MConsuit mne f or ternia ýhe and dates r, Phone 12 Clarke ,y_ DA TAXI St Y AND NIGHT SRýZVICE Reasonable Rates ie UP-TO-DATE CAR STAN PAYNE'S TAXI phone 97 r -16, Orono THE INDUSTRY 0F THE FU)TthRE FUR FARMldINGI Soicio Mink and Fox TPERT TREW, u aTio.We ERanch Te ----------- offite 688 Home 553

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