clairke lsa t her sm ois - vhillage. cma is la Motreal at son Ray w\ho la Ajax Churcb. 0'n and -Mrs. N. To-ronito for, the Mrs. J. Gordon, visited S. 5avery, Starkville, on, e ýMercer and Miss Dorcis ýpent Sunday with hisi and Mrs. Wm--. Mercer. Mrsý. J. Hoy nrotored to visit thleir. daughiter for d. iMrs. Alec. Hoy and Don, spent Sunday with) his and Mrs. Hnr loy. ,ay, of Westhill, is visit- gltr-Mr:s. Roy MUercer, lays. L'o~e Mrs. Alva Ruh ýs. lMr. and Mrs. Thiorneu, tone, spent a dayhereant, they re It wa a gand ay for) Mothers' Dýay nd algood umhr urnled Out tiejythe heautif'ul sunshIine nd the Mothers' Day serývice ,onuda mnorning-. lMrs. RÔy Mercer cnut ed He service and( the Rev. L. B. Smith preached the sermion, payiing a w"orthy tribute to mothers 'wbioc0- cupy such a large place la life bLe- cause they I)ut into it se muchi. lie ifor-med his congreg-ation that a 1ýf e lîved la Cbirist as she wouldd ha-ve it lived is the best tbiing to give in the honor of mnother. -Miss K.' Stew- artL gaýve the reading 'on the leaflet and Miss Atnale Thomp)son rend an iitercating and touching story en)- titled "Ï,. a Cinese flime". The sin-ging was led by Mrs. Kenny and the Motber-s' Day choir. The baby dagter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wil- son wvas baptisýed after the sing-iing of the firtIhyn " 'When 'Mothers of Salemn", the naine Katherine Marie ý hom-e last week. MVrs.W..Meig -et urnedl to Oshawa with hotl etigo h .I r, xhere she is staying To noty etn f h .1 ent and hopes to return tok ple in the library on Wiednes- in the Village sametri t day afIternoon, May thi, withi the president, Ms m Mrepresid- in.The rolal l was a verse from a Womian's Lamnent a m nothiers' day card. The fîinancnial ver a cuLp of tea eprtshowed a bailance at the end oman's lament dié!heart- of the year of $U1170 The same of- S wre ficers wedvvýnt ila aga-,infor the com-iing wer quteapty satd yarPresident, Ms.Wml. Meruer; L. . anuacures e- stvicepresient, MsyT.Huldtch; 2n4vic-prsidntMrs. Normuan not make for us to noamPton eC-resMrs. F. Stoker; Test, now found s are) ietrs i.W.Pattýersýon anil -MJodem Eves. Mrs. E.Luxon; ditrct direKct, r. eneofr H ai WnesMr. Roy Mercer. The subjeet of collect the service in the Orange.un woollens for blankets was dis-i q etry1a gof Jane, ha-,ve Dr. ol.ilth onit ý.k1, boundj and fit >a basic pat- and manly rmation inl -na1kingl- of re pr"eent sed by the Anthemi. Mr.John Coueh is il!inlaho;spital. Hugh Stapleton is inlproviag., Congratulations to Mr. and Iis John Scoýtt on the bî)rth of a baby boy. Little Jlmn-ly, who has Ibeen with his -Trandpareiits, M-Nr. and Mrs. Nr juan Scott, baýs returned hiome. Welcom--e to M~.Jack Wade wvho arrived froin England on the Lady Nelson int -week. The lboys balilteam .,in lthe nmal-, ingad you will -ea more of it Mothiers' Day ser-vices were wveil atterided both at sundaýy 5Sehool and ichurch' . In te e oig te p so had a ïfinemesae n(m ote scre W tend sympathyL to0d I ei , M, rigton, aý n Goron, o 1 ometea nd hor familes Gzet in Wt girls and sh-ow us.Br ng hoevictories is a'fine t but lann to platy together a on siingl defeýat iswhts us aiooi st-ead altruhh The metngo the WýM-q. held fon Tuie.sdlay afteriioon. 1In abec f thie ipres;lidet, Mrs. Pi h-ad1 charge nof the business p The balje ()l e packýed at the metn.One qlît is to be sne the bale. the other has been soid are esiýpeciall ake for toys ci PAdrn. jMrs.Meuloh chavre of th-e rogIlrammll'e and the thnird catrOf the studly Mrs. Mri read the scriptu re 'Mar1Y Lanre snga1ol. ian903Clarke Township CI- took over fromi the orîiial cor tee the guardianship Of th E' yillga ionuiment. Last TuE the present counicil hbonoured pliigation hy accepting the reý cilbility for its eercio.A terpret lt, tbis masmoral- er Uhan -- financial supporta presýeiit comiti--ii'tee has somte on hand. Rearing costly col of cold granite lna asavn tappears like confusIed thirlkîn, pro-tecting a nd keeinig îln r thselttie shrines is asacre ci ode ones lr, our midsýt neyer been ,uble teo tia of0,1tb of thisI monuet n 1943 Viios r.Del Whitnley, ould e c Ken -Lnd MssJean M 1"ga i inustice to Wido.Mr, and Mrs.FrdTfrduapea nd fail itheir agtr rs hc a Hnfrold BuLrley. enj1oy. R -We aresortoha of the pss cllors, Ne, ing of Mr. Robert MaIrtin, l'akyo" le liber-Ytyi ardi 'iddeco' s a y s 'Ths"! k Fine tationery 72 Folded Sheets of Fine Folded Note Paper, 48S Envelop4es to match, boxed, 1for. ....2 GUARD AGAINST MOà"TH DAMAGE Moth Proof Garment Bags, Heavy Quality, side opening, moth proof and dust proolf bags, each......... ...........49c and 98e Larvex, Liquid Spray, 16 oz... ý. 83c. 32 oz. $1.25 Farmers ! Now is .the time to ïnnoculate your cattie ag-ainst blackleg, before pasteuring. Uise ONE OID TRE.ATS ONE ANIMAL Bottie of 10 oids ...............$1,00 Animal Vaccine Injector for administering blacklegoids .......... ............ SUN WORTIIY WALLPA An easy and economical way -tu See ou-r cotuplete stock ofi Agent f'or Jackma h S Charles B. Tyrrel Phione 68 Ont. F"THE P ROVINCE 0F PROMISE.. itI07S northern timber atreas formn a very important naturali wealth, and logging( - getinglhe treesoufr is a colourful olperation wchich, wchile lînked wiith pro- iii in st ep wvithl nature. Thle pr'ocessin g o upit andi a host of newv and promised products is howeve,ýr ýed ;nduisty uPon w'lhichi model towcns are built and cst wehis s Io her FOREST WEALýTI acres of forested land. With acail jnyýestmenit of $5(l0, i0,tepup anld pape'r and liber idstisrankl first ;piindustrial filnanciligl. Forcst in-: * dustriesalso'Iead mployed, saleries alndwa paid and net value, of : Decalcomanias (Transfers) foýr fritrih es, etc., priced' ............. 15e. and 35e,. Flex-O-Wýýare Plastic Tumnblers,satrpof Gold Band EnIglish Soup Dishes, eauch i30c Skelton Keys, plain and notchiei, 2 for..... .e Alloy Scîssors, blunt nose, paIirI........... Muiffin Tins, 16 _hole ... Wire Str'ainers, 2 sizes, each ..... PlaticDst Panis, assor1ted eoclrs, eah Rubber Attachiment Plugs topl 1 n le ctri hrdlamnps, etc., each........... . Paper Moth 1Pr-oof Bags for coats uts, etc. 15c. Boys' Blue Cheviot Pants, sizes .5 to 10 ys r$1,25 B)oyS' 1-piece Cottoin Suits, 2 to 6 y ears. ..$10 Children'.-s Overalîs, navy and colorýed, at 49e. to 8 9ec Speeial-Boys' Commandfo Hat, reg. 25c. for. . 10ec,> Goody Barrettes, new,, styles . -. . ....e and 15c. Brassieres, deep styles, white, sizes 36fto-42, ea. 39eC, Aeirmist Glass Cleaner, cleaniswiot water, 2 sizes, 8 -oz botte. . .. 15c. 24 oz botte.,..15e GROCERY ý'FEATURES Daly's Coffee, fresh stock, 1 lîb. pkg.....47e Hor01ne's Frosty Mix, seteefor Jice crý,eam . P 10 llorne's "Sweoeet etne,2 oz. equals 4 Ilb's. Borden' Cateau Cheese, 1-2 lb0 kg....1, aiis, im tdquantityý,white,, àas,lb.2e Tomato,, atu limtdqunit, Tilty Vanl ta large8Soz. jug. ........1e Campbell's Beef Noodle S o up, 2tn.... 2e Week-end. Special-Cnned Beets and Carrots, 3 reulartins .................. 2e Sei-vol, Concentrated Ail-purpose Houseldic Sol- vent, dissolves dfirt, brightens colors, i tin makes 6 gals. full strength solution, tin ... , 22c. ORONO 5c. TOu$00 TOR YOUR POPULIRSHTOPPING CENTRE Northcutt and Sith F-un;eral Drectors an Iuiture Dealers COURTESY care o)f the modat fi chiarge -as wýell as the "VICE moa1)t D R u G s Privaté, Ambulance Motor Equi'pmênt