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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jun 1946, p. 1

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EE u ORO-NO, ONT.,. THUIUSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1946 Su bscý iewcastle Girls' Softball Team Play- In Orono Tc Lc National Sale 1 oe mie, Hall l-Can~ sold fe- W. MS.MEETING On Tuecsday, jun ing of the Woman' ciety was beld at t] Dickson, Ini 'tbe abs, dent, Mrs.M. H.St Logazn pr-esided. Bride-To-Be Given Mîscellaneous Shower 1'On Tuesday evenîng, ~May 28th, friendsa and neighblors met at-th homte of Mr. and IVrs, Ar(chie Lun to extend ielicitations toû their daughter R'uth, bride of Junle st, and Vo presýent ber ýwith an address and shower. Lloydl Lowery and Gerald Lutna presented the basket, deecnrte'd ini Pink and white and overflowing with misceJlaneous gifts., Mtler each haid feen ppened anXd pass ed aroundO, Ruth graciousy ex - pres'sed bler appreciation. 'Lunchfe was sei-ved and a social hour spent together, Dear Ruth- Once niore we have assembýled as a coiin-.munity t o extend to another of our y.ouing folk, you in particular, Our g-ood wishes in the event of your coinng nmarriage. Could we have kept you with us-I, we wýoufldi have been glad, but circum.- stanices alter cases and so wve wishi you) every Success and haqppiness 1wberever you myay be. YouI camie to Ourcmm it wben quite a littie 'girl. We have watelcedyou ro up and learnied Vo love and admire you. Your cheerful manne r tansi sunny smille have won, for you.,n frienids. We~ have appIrecïiatedl your, work ln the cnsu inluthe choir and 'in the<Young People's Union and o111y trust that yvou yonurseif have 1beniefitted fromi your experices, in thle woirk. Asý a iîttie 1mmbac from usLIaS i d',a atokýen of our affec- lion, pýleaise accqept these gifts. As cech one is iused myit recal ha'ppy miemories of the yeuris yon u speut at, Ki~y. Mlay God hless you suid bring youj joy and hp ines u our riew BILI6S -OUII Newt A quiet w'edding was solemunized On Julie st. at 2.010! o'clock iu the Ùn'ited Gi hur-ch parsouage, when Rev- S. Littlefwood united in m-arriage Elleec- n Mary SouICh, daughter of 'Mr, and LMIrs. HeOber Souch, and Carl Wil- The Oror( fred Billînigs, youngest Sou of tejoreyV late Mýr. and Mrs, S. MW. Billînge.- evening- last The bride wore. a grey, dress.. dofeat of VIE maker's suit witll 1¶ower hat and 2-1 Vo 21, a r lime green accessories. She mwore a- both teamns, corsage of Aimerican Beauty rsstheir battin, and w,ýas attendied by ber sister, Mrs. For the h 1 Harry Bailey, wb,-o wore a pr-inted teains payeý silk jersey dress with corsage of score b.ing sweet peas and roses. T'he gromtir al wýas attended by Mr. Harry Bailey. batIIng and Mfter the ce-(remîony the happy cnu,-. delivery of ple left for a trip hrough the i.Ius- ville pîtcher, koaditict ad n their retuIru luntheirr b lý wil] reside- on thie grms farm run1is. In Ct north nf Orono.----------we r e lblankl bat nin heast nattedaauce. wavs announced th ue ny imeeting1 ýn fully co- w ýould be held in the park, with - a e»I 'w1be soft- pîcniic supp)ler. Iu the woi-ship ser- probably a 1ice the bible readîug mes guive by ere émht alsom. Logan, the subject of the nmeet- Th"Iis inorm ig was "'Builders together xithl choming~ as to God", an Mr. Logan toid of the bé played -1 building o .f the chut--4-ch l-nAulgola, ýfri, this was followed by prayer. ud Wm., Rutb- A w-ell rendered vocal solo tuas for the dance given by M,ýiss Stella Best witbl Mrs. ~eu quite some Brovn At the piano. Mrs. C.0Wood btoni's orches- thenl gave the last chapter ofP the )rono audi"ee stdy oo on Afnica, the suhject e lu u s i C w ill l wa LD. Wter Cùrrie os CbissaM-ý Just keep this date in mmlid, i!ud Iyou wqlieujoy the afterniooui at thle paruk aud the dance in tlhe evenin.g. -A number of fotaletusiass front Bo'wmauville, Solina, sud the1 gnrldistrict journeyed boy special b-os Vo Toroutc, on Tuesday eveuiug Sast toi witnessý a football maDtchl be- ýVweei.t Éhe g-reat tesm of Liverpool, Eulnd ns a Tor-onto ea.Thie gamle Va pibyed at tlie Maple Leaf ba, and she gave an interesting sýketc-h of his life aud work in, Afnîca. le died in U115. A questio-naire on Augola, Africa, was led bÏy Mrs. Lo- gan and answered b Mrs. Mellor. At tbe close o1 the mleeti-ng a vote of tbauks, was givein Ms k son for ber kiudness lu opeiug ber, hlome for the meeting to whichi she veýry graciously replied. A' dainty luni con "sistiug of tes, cookies, cake aud ice crennm was' 's erI- ved auid a Social haîf houir enjoyed., -Bowmanvilfle Lion's Club Sponsors Potato Club' 'e Bowmu ,andi girls by s shbîp andi sur-r Lions Club bou îtFoun'ation A toe.- from ,Mr, broOntaria. thiese thirty-tv, uted to thirty Lions' ,u nrta. the Provincial sud Dominion Depart- m-ent of Agriculture. This iFali esch 'Potato Club memn- ber will etr a bag of higb grade commercial potatoes whicb lu1 al probalbility ,,,ill be donated to the Bowmnaaviile Ilospital by thle Lionsi The Iist of namnes of mieilTbers is: Potato Club ice Argue, sud Bus .i1 e ; Kenuetb vlrence Hud- .euuetb Smi- loyce Loganl, Failis, 1MuLr- vqnu, Erniest po wecrs , al ÉGil. nilis Young Peoples' Union In Tir.ithy Thme youngpeople of ark Street 1 st, Rev Dr. David Unite tber elsi-i,, united in mnarriage Unitd Cut-h bld teircl_îngA, 'Fishier and! L meeting on Mlonday ev Tng une youngýest son) of tue 3r'd, with tet-i en present. anhe sd Mr, The metn penýesI with a singTrnoAh sýong under the leadehSIp ofDic. Thomas J. Grawforc drgthe signin Mýoirton1, which as enjoiyed by ail. M[r. Reginaýld H ea1 Gweu and Dick then took charge of seletionjO Perfect serlconfctsa ,dtai the yong Giv.en in marrviage people taking part. FoClowing the lVIcMilan, the bride contests tbe president took charge Orkied gown of hea, of the bvusiness for the evening. .-It and miatehfing bat. was announeed that thle presbytery cascade bouquet of picic will be held in Orono Park on roses and lily-of-t JUne 1 9th, at 6.30 p.m. (D.S.T. Wei matron of hono, Mi would Ile Vo se a goodly number choe Amerian %l from our Union. Rev. Little'wood boqtcigfbtcari then spoke -a f ew words, onrauandbouque f Irarin tiu)g the convenors on their programas, ibwsgroi througbhout the ye-ar, aud also>that"e-swrms"., meetings wiil be beld tbrougboutthe Ah. Heubet R. Ail a'te ans ate titi they were ful. 1Yes, full as littie fishles, Theni everyone for home (,didd-go Anid ail forgot the dishies. Didl 1 say "Il? wel uealal. -Wbeu the duvst haisettldclown, Two members from V tite couutr Andi twomebesfottb ton WVere left Vto Lthle dishes And on thie others frotunvr. WhVJen next were a littie luncph,m We'('Il cai several on the phione; To-nigbt yýou he!ip to do thie dishes Before you start for ho-me. Authnor (?) OId RivaIsjiMeet At Orono Park To-nîghtl This eveing tbe Newcastle 1will plan the Io( m unity pa2rkl. wanys give tb( moneys worthi, readi at ail t-ii Vtage' that prese tie aqt preseut ileague, isud Orr if at a1l possil tHe saineias 01 s(day, June tb, softlball teami 1Is ia the corr- b-wo teamns ai- ectators the r old rivais, arle take an-y van,- ,self. Newcas- t'he top of the Who1 Love". byý Mr. Johni N. wore a full- tvenly bluie sheer Shie cairiiefl a fpiuik Delight -te-va-lley, Her 11-. G. B. smnith,] auty shieer with yiug a cascade iroses and pink, ls. Mr. G. By an su ad the usb-' lIenslrick Rooney Adaý ma . After'wards guests were receîvee At DAlfrew Manor. For travellng the brde chauged to au oxford grsy cressnmaker suit -witb black sud wbite Outof ownguests inceluded -Mr. sud MIrs. Russell Best and Mlis s Stella Bes,:t, Mr. aud :Mrs. JT. E. Hawke, al] of 'Orono, Mr. sud Mrs. Fred W. Burns of Belleville, sud Mrsý. C. 1. Aitchi>son of Hlamiilton, The cu-ple vwill reside ou Avenue Road, Toronto. SeIl Year Bookl The Orono Conti Book bas just beeau. printers andi are n10 of thie pupils, hein smallSusu of 25C. Tbe book this ye of twenty-three page o'f the pages being' terestiug raig 'pos.ition;s, letters t poemns, re-ports of th iugs of last year, thensselves are woï 1110 ,Li lCU Follo-Dwinlg teamrs: nville irsare fast d(e- a we -bacedtam or the most reliable [e l e ugu e. A few nmore blis team s'hould be very is' thie hue-up for the A~B E. Joutn6c... V. Stacey, c.f........- M. Burley" , I) ---lb-- -- " -G. Jouies, 1,f. -- ------i J. Gibbs, r.f 4------ -M rs. Stark, p - ------- F. Joues., 'b 3h --- --- 5 J1. Stacey, s.s......... .5 S. Paýynu, '2b..........-- - -5 Orotio Euîd Middletou, s.s, P G AnaStaples, c.f......6 --- ( il. am,31)..........6----- Alice Basnet, lb..------..-- Donna WestL , .......6-- Jie 41 will eý 51t ,unice lYldcleton, p LeagÏue Sts Arrangements Made F National Clothintg C comntittee, id ditct t'ile c o Vol. 10. No. 20 ýlesý Mrs. R. . IDI Thurs

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