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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jun 1946, p. 6

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mu Left-Overs of Meat Wbaî ta do withi left-o)ver.s is onc of bbc problema sfacing tPe boiniemnakers. 'Tlc bouse conm Msb ofbnu Come r Sectionof bbc Donsinon Dea-ment of Agricu ture offer rcpswblici.SI shou'l prove belpful. Shepherd Souffle iCup leIt-over nmeat Iteaspoon minced i n 2 tabiespoons fat 2 balf-inch slicesi 1ý cups bot milk- 2 eggs V2 teaspoon saIt of sof bread ',,Àteaspoon papriki-a 1 cup thinly sliced cheese 1 tablespoon fat 1 tablespoon minced parsley Put Imeaýi and ýloion togb gi'inde2r. F'anfry for 3J inutes ,wýith ithie to taspoois fat, Combne beaciseese, beatenI egg Ci Ilad ot 1m1ilk. Addl( r1e IaIilh- in g ifat, Jpartsley _, SaitanL papika Breatk bread into aîpees Cnit cheese into smlill thlin slices. Arrange il) Pottom olf baking dish. Let stand 20 minuttes or until recady îo bake. 1Then fld in stiffly bea)Ct- en gg whlites. Pour inito baking dlihover mat.Oven p ioacli iu a moeaeoven, .35Ode(g. F, iuntil set -aot45 iminutes.Serves4[0o71, Topsy-TýUrvy Casserole ýi/ý cups cooked, diced potaeoces 1 cup cookedl, diced cari rots 1 cup chOPped _frv' celery '4 cup chopped raw oilion 1/2 cups ground cokdueat 2 ibnspon i1 d -fiavoured fat 2 cups cannie' tomnatoes,, 1,2 teaspoon Salt M ix igr ia Iloeters1 iuruthicm m a o grcaedbakîng ds.Bakïe in a moertiIot ov- ýii 7 deg. F. for 30 mnts Short-Cut Casserole t 2 ciaps dicced cooked potatoes 2 cips diced cooked can-ots; ¼ ýcup chopped onion 11/, cups choppedl cooked meat 2tabiespoons m il1 d-flavou-red fat 2 clpps lomatü oce- Steaspoon celery sait Sait -.id pepper ta taste Mi igredients tOgetller sid ar- range ini a greased Pkingdishi. Bake in a indeatL bot oven, 375 deg9. E, about 30 inutels, unt-til thocroughily beatced. Six scrvingls. Unccoke veetalesand groilnd uncooked me(at ma1,y be u'sed in t'oc above ca1ster-oe anld the cookîn1g timinr lcreasedtIo Pur Wamm wlaier icad ! Sbamt lnow 4)u Pattons 4536>-pra-)lýcticalovrals a mbypasP sud a jacket so jailli'o, 'ilwea r i ilh ee ryv- tbiing. AI l areIiimarb, es asew.ý 2;0.Size 1, oeralîs, 'i-yards 3-inicP;jcel 14yrs Sed WETYCENTý!S u20c) ucoins(sms canot Pc acccpt- cd) for bhis patemn llta Room 4J21, 7 3 ,d id t. W\estTru HYNOPSIS LHA ITUR XI: Ins advies Swer in to n away. OlI tvlae lau tat Stendhr ti Sherwiu are" CHAPTER XII top of bbc mountains as Sherwiui hwn inlSself onýt of thef, saddle. TPey Pd Ieft thie oad and %were on1 a qlollntaiii trail;: great treçes sur- round1(ed bht1em, theïr s pr-eadài ng boughs akf:in g akdenise sade bbon lïicb the rising 11,oon sho, bre anldteran arrow- head of ligblt. Mco'l led, su2d, e.iP rail gren a, wrirce Cr)na nIgigan ýtic sire lOCkedl tbem inA faroff was tie sond of ru'sbing w'acr, almere m rurat thleir cars. \Valk so, a C c ant id hlm', "tih'pat's imigbty !narmow l froL'nt îîow, %an' a 7mite 'treacîsmts W'c coming t thbcedge of precýjiCe, aiui'btin!g b save youý Sheruin. "Migbby prctt ibecaad,_e be.- vowu 'bout bao bnndrle f.rIl's tofar down for Clb' moonïigb1tt theeyofcas "ectii mpi i' Tlbcy sto)od con a narrow leý,dge. Soîsecovusin ina[ture had1 long ago ripped out the ide of tPe, slpe. Bind bemwas ia bï it o abeerrock on ihr aidCe cgr ea t tesstopped sud 1there as oýnîy -a narrow pats at tce dge of a deep ravine. JFac ouatruethbl rie oared Over tle ]broken "rocks sud tumble Wa d ofo ib ciifit te eptbPeiow. TPe mo1onlihgbî r, ecidasà e rciiewith, nbI5Ung reacbing cont fomlbt Ore oldLî, gnrled re "A ingbby badplace 10 siilp,," Srwusaid muslingly; "easy ta -but yoU Rain't goin' t.,0get tu'e chancebe'2to4 aseadck t e Slirin 1db bbc b ot bl"ood bu)ru in is face; bow Casly bbc ad0 at cad readbis mmd! Mac sîopped nsd poiuited, ignorug w liePc ad jutsb sad. "TP' caljin's bld lu tlre-Damon-g them trees. fIbuilt lb mosb for.ty years ago I ad't no Pealtth ose &iys; edoc saiti I'd gaýt ta bye ont, up isere in bbtrhwe o s 501 11oked )pth' sblack. There used to be migbîy goad shaooblu an fihi'CF'ssooueather beLttcr'n 1 expectcd. There ain't anybodyý kosabouit lb-ccpîjane; shei saw lb ronce, I ecsdhcr ïup iere. Youcir ai, cýamlp hrsafe cuong til Ibrinig yon wrdwbercCn Sbmilooking ahead inito bbc dens ahdows of bisemoban side sa a igbt. Botîs sensood ti l ifc-i ' s ý (o il '! agn't p hersure agIlssois'"P grimiylooseuug bispistol li bbc littiecabiJn set under a, sycamore. A retn l f ipb appeared, tise. lcccpin1g lu tef sadic hwin sipdbehlind the bus nsd look- cd inuithe window. A mail ws sî tiuig ou thc floor, sokng nd readliing a uwpprb h iîIa acade It wasbb ouiaw! Sher.- wvin signialed to -MacD)owill ad te old mail came softiy7 over andIok cdi. lu. Te mail wa aS iseasy ak but thcy dîd flot shoot, Pobhi lovefi f air pla-y ton well. Mainlg a sigil bo ïMac, Sbrwnsvnbqickly ta ward bb1 ti1,:,lsdo tof;fic trees iný front coF the cbi.thenl, deliPeratcly anid s01,lie beCganï to tramp do1n1dy t Ia1s1d mai, theloisea lmauis migît inake iu woods back oïflihc ravine. The souda rachied tPe irstiet;rsu cars. H e e'tng IshedtCecanIldie a udI Stepped ontside bblcdor "That yu, eu? Foý)r ansieri s erw c in i-angf or- wdpisto! l, inand, sud old I(IMac- with a rar. "Wýe'vC got ti V w o is inceesrolled ovcer lke abail hiil. A siigcodsIlel, 4h- scured ile moon sd, in bbc dark- neas, a gun fiashd bclow tbem and a hullt whiatled past. They hear a scalnehw faîl.Sher'i fre agai into CPe dark. a Iman cursed suId slnc'ollowcd. hig"old Mac wi>sper-ed "You hîkJordau's dow' tm, Sher- Win? Sbcrwin, wha had goue 10 the aegeof bbe ravine sud came backc afi er bbc last shOtaserda stl,"Ycýs! ïI can11hear1-t 1imfî scrambe-rimbangcd if I knaw hoivPc got away withont falling over the precipice! Thiere cre thle nmoon-baick ont of range o h'il pick yon off,Maowl" Tbey !bobh step-ýped b'Jack into thse sbadow of bbc cabi n sd waibed, expctiu a rsh y jordan and is Colifucra tes, ibutuoin baps' cd. Far blwthm bhcyhara bwîg suap sud somlegrvlsie pced. Shcrwiu shook bCs Pead. "51111 gOinlg, fthc samne n, Vcry likiy Pe's gone for Pclp. "That's true, 3aiu't amy use stayin' bere obo c Pot ad!" As he spoke hie flt bis vway iritoc cabin "XVanIt to-)misk ligingtP ct d11c" Sb'Crwin askcd im,. from ýthie door. "'cgotmace" "Nope)! \Wcdn Pc tgtssure tutn. I can sec from th'mon Where yo in'?" "Im pong -to say hr. "Yu'l avi to giv l, abn p son;io: d aaPalsfthn rulstîcra o fgh fh c ornes the St. Regis Hote TURNING POINT Éît Mary Imlay Taylor ISSUE 23-194& A£ By GORD)ON ,L. SMliiTH K1eep Te rwn garen rchiîssis q ick grow %tii. Thlis is cspLCially truc ýof ea1 nd1 rottypes. 1Lcttncu, tha:t lias been cckdin itg wt )peio)d, or- caros r 3 nisg bcis, anlil thent sh bl c. 'uc reasoln issimple. ror tbe mýlo\ýtsorIcaxes sam tougnen aîsd 3out, vw P I te ire reult îst'-iiessa-1 tCldCrniess son di ,çisap fa. Evep iilf iiC: growthis iCsmd ain hee is hale to bc alocrînug of cthe il, fresîs quaiii%.lity oe ,ais pa iight 'l- assoiciatre vwit vgltalesgrownv1 Cultivation Important Cltjiation ih1, umet wil lkili w eds v. liC 1icL nsigbt become rcally, trubcs m -; [ly, adit, will aftcr tPe -,u ralytosw r iiJune, atlesat oce ia wekin heo mOîst parts nf i Canada, lien vwe ltroni. TI e olIl wriisg .f1 'Thati 1'S truc!"e MaC thoughta momen it. "I say, S,!rwin11, 1you'J th' igIlt ý an' sip al abck h pos'lbc1110t likcly tired ail' retn' oull get sm or start anyways" Slserwin nodded.lie hud, ther plans, ut he wod nmiotheil. Hegse d tPe nIod 1mani-'s hbaud. VCo ie, ,' Oing to sec you off sacVith tPe hormses, tîsenl'Vilcon Mac roetegrumbdiiug. 'but heofinaly eutPce yuugerma=uiac- company hUim toitPe ro-ad. HMis ilame ar-m stili made (ýthe old man ore or lc-ss awkward. LShcrwil in hlped hiîn get tise twn hose and saw "You Skip a t dabrak" ac said kindly, anld laned froîn th- saddlc to) hold ont -b-is lhand again.' "«I doni't blieve yoiu dýdid," lhe cndcd brusquely. Sherwinwung hbi hnd and stood unllder trhe tr'ees, watching hîim go. Tire old mani's blunt sym- paty ad- ctjvec belp ,had tonchied 1mto thiequiclr. He watched untiti! the oMd figure i~n theý saddle anld t1he two lorsés becaille mere sp(ccks"on the :-, wite roaiitf oward 1-as (To bc nontînucd) lol l god or arnrinilg too andl ~spcallysu ith 1!cbjobs 'as an1ast blit flot least. for proteect- Workîng MWith Cbrit after lme, is f)Lt worthy fm. Mlessage tac The DisciPlesý Teeis f0 oubttha te gin fotuf itbe disciles two ytw o meant oteabsth-e adjvantagýcS abrfor ÎCbrist. Tue icdisciples w ctogoforto j-luastey 1 r wthu rakv ao3proiin basee They, vwcre to live a liife of abISoLute tr-ust ilý Coud w'boî oud lot suer themi tow nt They ve i lot to go froni bouse oouse Seekig wisere tby old fare (best. T-hey wer t(' be gratlefuil for tefipestfare ljer ffered'c vwiinjigly, faintaiuiugi a spiri of repstrit and sel-cial.ý The Gift, of Healing The aosîes w ere toc) aîl inen .1t, în ly to d and ot rl fromtheerrrý f their wayýs, Ali- oiti s idenias a ed innwih l1hich timiracuilous gift lofha- anlngwud foser atls l osc Chr1list and his litbaoffol- moýcr la brrst io b ahri h sup rem ffcin for and liiie- hoanCouChrstChe aboluelya A si> 'd.amito trucicieship. Jesus dcclrdtha o îeis wothylit poscd, nd ofnddifsedet followChrist. A; ý1ri, si ois ertopent soeo b NwZcaianld lias offercdGet worb ive million dollars asa Çre gift IT MNEANS A LOT wlxea Ille meal inchudes Max-iweli House. This mrelu Coaffee- is extra delicious becauîse it contlains choice Lati-Ameicancoffees, ilte finest Ithe worldpr' - "TS A DREAM!r' vist'swlsî yur rind 2 WIt say f yur desa(Oreven yourý tnea)whieu yon've îlsad In r.- de 0sparkling isew veln bythe fanius Zant pýroeeas 03 f Re-lyeng.Senti yours Io Ua. toehrwith your color choice, ai money order for $.1i.OU pi veturiýn uo%tage. e' re-dyfi your hlssbands aIledrsu uini- fo- nblac1k, binie, red. geen or brownD, ai niake It perfect lor cvlinuse for only $Î-00, greteat $69 Plus return post- age. We spýeciaxlize is ail types of retieng rite us for prices anic information. DALId'S OMAi C aL 4i NEW FASTER ACTING ROYAL DRY YEAST- Saves Workl Scores New Baiking Successl NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION Send wmhat youm can to our local cýollectîi centre JUNE 17 -27 ---------- Smnart Girls Alýwaïys Carry Paradol in their Handbags Thcy knw ta aaolwl e One girl wrîs-"U Ige

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