Vol. 10. No,22 ORONO, ONT., TIHURSDAY, JUNE 9,Oth, 1946 Dominion Day Sports At Orono, Community Park, Jul O rnoGirls Wins And Lose Over The Week-Endý Orýïono girls' sofbbali tea w %a s deil-eated b)Y the Ne'_wcastle girls' tai.àm on Priday, June 14thi at th-e blatter place by the score of 20 to 8. Piby Brunt, pitob-ing for Newcas- VIwas lanfine formii and held the (l-coisiters weil in chfecl. Orono adth is lrSt hbttiag, ecoing two îinsus, but Newcastle cme righlt bacSý itisir haîf cf the first and scored taýn ruas Vo give themn a g-ýcod stait Ihafore the 'Orono girls hlad reailly Set- tledq down Vo play isaîl. Orono scor- rcdoasun lu tise sLecond, then héle ý,iý-eawc;tle eam - scoreless. New1cas- tie bJanlýed Orono in thei thîrd, and t1Vhe-y thewiselves came backla their hîaJf Vo score seven run.is Vo give a ezormndîing lead. Olaono scored - fur -ns lu the fourth, týwo in tIse -Mhand 'wvere biankdin lutise sixtis ac Sevextfi inningis; whîl Nwcs 'ens blanieed la the fourtis, scor- ë twc isahefifth, oen 4la1thesixti Orona A B R 'q E eImiddletoa, S.S. -- 5 2 4 RGoe,31-------5 1 4 Aas -li----- ----- -4 1 3 S, Myes 1.------4 O12 - TeiMidheof - ------3 F,,, W ed----- -------- AB R Hi S. Brunt, c.f------ - ----5 C.Alldread, S.--- --5 1 etonvie girls at the latter pu m osnday evenig. Jane 7th, MIddleton was ,on is.temud oand r ent tise route, wisil;e ihie use t 'ptchesS ~ icigthe fist four inniugs Mlas. Stýrk àkgover tise pit- 'ng duties la tiseMItL Orono bad C.- first ating an11d soe us -weNewýtonviihle retaIiated witb : raOnonio c meioe rua in tise secondL, tVionholding Newovi ico ilsslatheir haîf cf tise second. tisir ianngstheaOr in tcoed ruas -ýiintise first c)f tblic fonrthi,hod Wg Newtonvilie scoreess. rorn girs coredI 1 r-ua iintise fifth, oua la. tIse 6th ad two in tise seventhI-: la te fifth,baneVots sixt iad scrdtwo ruas lun tisbe tist pas Vise game. A., Sta ples, c - ------------ 6C 2 4 Rua-ice iMiddlepton ---------51 1 4 F",Goode --------- ---- -_5 2 2 Durham County Farmers icnic, Friday, June 21 The Durhamr County Fc,ýeeaion of1 Agriculture wil1 hold 3«ts aRnuwl pic- nie in Oronio.Conmunity Park on Friffay, June 21st, wher, a large numn-i ber of the farveirs of Durhamiit- County are expected to be present. The eomminittee-cf arneet have lerft nothhiig undone for the e- tertaininient of those who attend, !Theore will ibe a baIl ga-me, cide' sports, and stunts, a d the -address of the aftemocn will be given ýby Mr. Richlarïstoin, of t)he Departi-ent c f Planning aind J}evelcrp)-ment, who will speak oip the Ganaraska scheme.- IThere wl aise be a displiay of farmi qup ntboth mcrning and after.- noon. The farmers are asked to corne early ai-d lbrng the-ir un H ot waýter -wll be supplies to ail. This i a farmiers gttgteandai thosetteresited in grclur r ur tged Ut, he pre.sent, Are You Bringing lu Clothing For Overseas? spar e. Thait's OitaIrio's ie*w logni for the, Nat-ionIal ioigCletn IeLtu Mnitc'-RýselIlT. Kelly, pýaIsiai luToronto on Jilue l4th. 'n isurgafilnal apelfor appar'el andbedingoith aifof Europ-,Je' tario and1(lthelrý e are iore ta sevn undedof te-scompIllete- ly organi]zeýd for thlis great humni l- taian drI Iiv", the Mnstra,1noun-11 ced. "Nw t's up to lus, anid by 'Ild o ig inito every nook a.11d rnyini ourhoe and give everyv 'Id atnd servi'calble garmnenlt and ar- ticle Vwe'can sare.If we1 dr ' that Iknlow -we ill achieve ouir oibetiv cf six million poundlis, wich mean pndandJ a haîf or 0ne piece of c 01tn r edin rom every resli- denit cfOnao" Here !in Orono planls ha-ve a[Ilbe m-ade for thle cllctonthtis' nÏw, takliIIg pac.Ah lohgmust ho proýperly wrapped and tie d sce ly- anid handed inito thle wick!et nt 1the poist office weethiey wll be .ship)- pdto NaItional llead1quarter('s julst watuntil thie is fewdaso the div-,e, dlo it no'w sQo that therýe wiflho nio congrestion at the offce utthe laIst of thie drive. Mr. Gamlley hias- kiyc'oniserted to recýeive the par ýelst"san ir1ip to us to se(, that they arqie properly wrapped and tied. S.i Ml............. --5 1.i (Continued on page fi ve H aIf Mili Rate For Collection 0f Federation Feesi T"ise egur eeting c- f tiseDur- IniFedieration cf Agricultureme aýt tise home of Mr. and M\rs. Fre eyadon June 6;th and a, s uua - - e-a asplendid attendance. Adelegation from tise Bowman- v4jýtHospital 'Board adesdtise meting, askiii_-co-opor-ationlun tise fiaaaýcng for tise new isospitai. Tis--e F-ledemation express'ed its feling cf tienedfor tiis hospital as scon as acan possibly Ino achieved aind ap- -poin-ted tise following te work ia conjuntion itis the Hospitai Board: WV. Pickle, Art Staintoni, A." Morton, Roy McGiIl, I. Josýe and John Rick- wnsl Couanty sceane o àho held in Tor- Omto on June 2Mt. A report waus given onltise Coun1Ity broadcaist 'by M. H.ItLse in Peter- boogson Junie -4th, and tise Feder- ation epesdits approval cf tise work doue isy the Executive in tis direction., Tise folhowing coiuittee wýas, ap- pointed te study tise cattuna nd br-ing la recommnendations for an11y necessary chage. lise Federation is deiocf fanding- a way cf uis- ing up mnore closely,, witlistise FoIrumsu and tliseWo ns sitts Ia order to eiminate tise need cf su1cisa large nmaîiIag ist 1moat1isy ise se5cretary wsiastructed te noti- fy, aay organization wvisoserees- tative isas net iseen atteading tise metings, Voappoiatnocther person on tise Boand. - Mouiswork w v iI-eindoclu conaec- t ien witlis tise picnic, wicsis te ,be, hedin0Orono Par-k On Jane 2lst. Tiismises o betis isstpicn1ic wxlll-4hono more imeetings unt1-il Sp tunue. tie, grant of tWent dol n Hîealthl Unit Report, DuigMay theSnîr uY Inspec- trs began te nspctimof moo tourist camrps rees en bootha", sumerhotlsand(tursthomnes.fla each ase agenea atary survey w'as made an'd the wanter Supl,""'ho- 1pce and watfer samlples t'Ikenl for anayss-heni the sour-ce xas other1 than a miunicipal suppiy. As thesýe tourist estaishments are widely ;lea tte r edlthiroughut le Unitedi C!ou11ties, thec inspec1tion of these esý- tablishmients requires at great deal of time, Inspection of Tohurist Camps tôtallod 64. lit add,'itioýn 11 sewage disposai systemns were inispected, 160 water sanmples -were collected for laboratory exainaiition and 54 visits made for investigation cf complaints. Inspoction of ice supplies, water supplies, pasteurizing plants, res- taurants, etc., bave heen conitinied. During :May 53 pasteurized miilk1 sa-mples -weré 4colectedi for lahora- tory exerinatic'n and 24 inspections of restaurants and hiotels and 17 in- spections of slaughter bouses were deone, inspection of refreshmient booths was du«e in 10 cases. -Communicable Disease lta presentîing the report for MaPy, Dr. C. -W. MacCharles, the Senior ýMedical Olllcer of Ilath tated that1 ther.e was anl increase in the to- Si aI uber of cases of communi- c-ahe disease, reported Vvith 16;9 ln Myas comnpared with 109 lu! April. Asies showed an increase with 112 in Mlay as compared nith 69 in Apil, wth 9 of teecaces ocr rigin tha toII cf Clor.The 51 ~ ~ V asciaae Hlh 2 l Apil. Thee eeUno assof scarlet fever, whoopng c o-ordiplitheria se- Immunatin A fulI cour'se of 3:dses f diphi- thýeria t oxojd \,as comjplted in 277 cases nd re-nforcig doss in "'11 cses nainga totalof58fo ya nd 372since -thlir ý,st cf thse -eur. Three doses of comiined whoopiag coýugh acneand diphtheia t1 oxo1id was comnpileted for, 64 ifnt Und pre-school chîldren, The total number Iof nclïindoses gvn drn May was 1,707.Vacnto agns 1 iail pox totalled 71l in May and since the frtof Ithe y1 406 Wihthe approach of theý period dUr'ing hicýh examin]ationls will be held, it wl not be sbe to, com-_ plete 'vcinlation in ah ehols, but the immuninization programmý-e for dIiphlthleriaand Vwhoopiîng couIgh will be compdeted. Staff urss' ime bascontinumed to, Iýe taken uip Vo al large etent vilhteimuiatf li n ics bt, inl addition,.tbey have coninued - thir school1 wor-k and hmevisits and alseo assisted at the tuberculos inmss x-ra sureys.;1thy al'o assisted at the Chippled Chîdrn's CHinic hed under the emuies cf the Rotary Clbin Cliur. omle visits by nurses totalled 566. There were 125 visits to sbos Two public hat nursing stu- dents fromn the Ilniverýsity of Tor- onito had- field woIrk wîth the Unit duigMav-Mrs-. Gwendooline 'Watt, 1ho was placed to Cobourg, and Mis1s Rthl Aiken, whIo w aS placed aJt ICam11pbe 1f o r-d. Miss Alice B. Nicolle, EdlucationUal Supervisor, Nursing Divisionl, On- tarPlo Department of Health, viited tne lJnit2lst and 22nd of My. Two doctLorsemleigtei ot grauat wrk for. the, Diploman of Pubýllic Tealth at th(, niesiyof Torontiio wcre allocatedtLo [the Unit frfiehd w"ork du ri ng April. Dr. Large and Dr,. Parker, hoth veter- -ans ofrvicsihlth1 eRoyal Cn- d1ian Navy, spent parýt of their fiie durinig thEle month h the sftf at tne headuarersoffie inCour and part at one of tIhe sub-ofles at Campbellford and Bowmanville. KIRBY Mr, John WeMcelvey has a-_ccepted a position in ain Canners, of Bowmanvile. 1Mr, IX J. B igel owý a n d famrily visite~d ith his parents, r. and Mars.la.J. 'Bîgelow on Saturday. *Mr'. and Mdrs. Wni. Cobbledick, of Ornwere gUestsý at the homne cf Mr. and Mrs. F. Grahamry. Mr. louasand Mirss Dora yon Mas visited witb Mr. and Mrs. E. Youmans., Prenuptial Events For OronoBieElc wýiil ta U pae thi, Saturala secnety ben onoured a aea Prref-nuptial parties. A miseCneous shomer asheld ut tnse horne of Mrs. Chas. TyrraîJl, Or-ono, 'where eabout twenty-dlve frienids and oeaer f tse bV Ae' bridge elub)gathered. Thse roocm wa;,>s beautifuilly dtcoraLed with pink and white streainses and spring F[cowers. 3rs. Verda jackson and Miss Phyllis Baxtein entertainad at tise homne cf tihe form'ers mother, Mrs. John T'1aylor, Oshawa. The ýtlVU guests bowled befo)re thei'spe party and then presented thIebie elect with mtyiscellainacu,,s gifts. The office girls of tise Tim,-es Pubs- lishing Company, Oshaw'a, surpnisedi tAs brideeleitMAha dianer party hedat Adelaide Ilouse, Oshawa, when Miss Rose Evanrs presented heir xith an autoniatic iron. Ths mose sof the TimaisPu- lishing 'Compan-y and thea Mundy- Goodfellow'P'iiting Comipany0O h awa, presented Miss Bsoprwn w"ith a Chippendale styl- islyt e as11,a wuedding gifit last Friday eVe'ning. W.C.T.U._Mleeting Thse monthly VWomîan' Crsta TemeraceUnion meinýPhg was eld on Tesdy, Jne 8th, at tise homeuc of Mrs. M aria 'Smnui, hquitea gond atmdtend e. Thse Ancseting opened VItS the hyn"Oh11od f Bteb hs cnt, took charge rofstedeotional. Sheae a veryinsprbg esag on Witessfor Jesu's", ad old o f ber, ownI experine how prayer war answered. Tis was folhowcd Voich prayer by cMi s Sher ,-v'in. The peidnMrs. Whh spoke of hc'w sorry we as meaibers I ahI airefor s. Rainey la her 1=1 nessn and hpe shewO11soon lie fully recovered and abe o Iho et-our: mneetings agin, as she is onse of cur monst fith'fui emer.Mes. W. -m. Stuitt 'was appoiated trea'ýsurer for the pr'esent i lace f 'rs. R'aine'y. A card of thnk ad apeito xas read by the corresponding sec- rearInd a letter cofsy ahyy the recrding secretary.MAs. Sey- Mrs. alshgave a sort report on cenly urt ecosl adMr.Ruw Thse meeting cloed With prayen by- 'MrsVWnsbate hchM ies, and a ocaltimie sejyd !Ms.Wash on bhaî f cftiseme- bers takd r.Smith ;,Or opening ber -lhome forthe meig Decoratiîon-Day Services DecratonDuy ,-at OronoCeae Jupe 80'th.Servicebto bered ain rviof tis rn ndwihwh mrifreai the Aroisan a- riv utte %nesryabout3.00 oý'cIock. 'Tise lclmnses wh The Franternai Scieti-es aeinpt cdo to ttend anuld take pa tn iede crto.Wantoer wiIl ho Uppiied. Plan te attend.Go! save he King. lumbus was hin caargetoboti smsrv- ces and preacise two encellnt ser- monls. There -was s pecýA music .by our own choir, asitdhy Miss Dora YouDUIS, of 'lO o at Ç, ad M-ji ýss Stela [Best and Mr C.MTaylocf Orono.Miss Youmans renderai tw very lJovely solos. W. --V. S. Meeting TiseW'MSbedhela- rulotbjd meig onu- Wdn*esLde eniltg, June 3rdtýt. 2Mrs, R. Aliai, preshdent', G. W. Hawke Master ( Oer100 -Masonýs representing a!-i myst e-very Lodge cf Ontario district1 aeîen4pd the annual Installation of1 Officers u't oreno Masonlie Temlple oýn Thuàrsday e-veini-g, June l3Vh. Wo.Bro. Hawke and is offilcers wýere isValled by Wor. Brother Nor- miýan Winter an-d the isrethren cf Cedar Lodgeý Oshawa, Followiang the w ocf tise evenîag, tise bretis- rein enijoyed a very fine banquet and progranmma in tise banquet bal. Th-e toast Vo tiseLinstalling Taam wvas 3jbly restýponded Vto by Wor. Brnother Nornian MWinter and ight- Wor. Brother Farrow, cf Oisawa. Brothiers Taniblyi-, Whsite. 1Hamm ani Best ceomýiposed a israss quar-1 tette that rendered severai nai- bers mucis appreciated by tise brets- J. W.-ABro. W, Wý Chaplain - Wor.ï Seeretary-We. -Bu Treas.-Rt. Wor. Bi V). cf C.-Wor. Bi Tyrreil!. S. D.-iBro). J. J. I J. D.-Bro. Normia S. S.-Bro. Donrali J. S.-DBro. Vi-rtle1 Touer Guard -Br Lowery. outer Guard -Bi man. p YOj 0 Thase ducklings have outgrown the caprcifie,(s of hen mother, which were aidequafe ooly te a Po Similarly, electric wiring designed f0 serve only a lin' beginning, wiIl socn become inadequate ta grov neadls and a costly hindrance ta progress on your f*ei Whan you prove for yourself how Hydre energyi save money and lüoer for you, you wiIl wan orm? t uem alectric equipmentl. That wiII put a biqgeï lcd on wiring, cand the basf iCme te pt'ovide foe that adided is whlen you wize the fèlrst fime. eQwer. lesýt