mgr ah la y inn xl eN Ler Vo '-Col pos. 1 ' ness L BU] bd w4 ~~i.Iir Iless of Wl'etStacrey inOhaaCoione 4 VILLL hospitai. C'ongr'atulir os t r niMs 4VILLE Mrs.J-John rdouch i' ome P-flte lMoriey v Roinsnle Wla jtI Torat Gneai'adi is ipr'lngPoue ,1oweemar0d Can Ortwis vist- sio xviy. tn-s)Stra. byi irsd svcînlity M.and Mlarolci Buriy a-i Sh Ii û1 oh aig uc edith e ai, ronio, visitecicmaidb ar ulyac o Biidpo1t roxM.adMs Vinkie Iotore"-d t BLigh1Fal onePeece igISshl onind ar Lne bid-eee, asfeec ronogrl'sotal! teamviie a ital y Mr. LawenceSave-y landiMrýs. NewVtoni)1lletemlas ih nien ~atuiatsns to RaAlex. aayin chrwalat 1ve- again revitoios.Or teaml- ,~c Tomsononn.pu PUIip n go,ýod g-ame anidiis sown Toionto Saturday. Mr' Bol). Eey lhad a si,'ceSsfulsgn1ftadi onto reai busiLn VakWade, -Marsle tisxeek I ]e 1ý asbuT h es t ba ibenvery dif11fiulteto a Berry moto-reld to f ngstlI omeIsteac(lI now ocupu ei ge h emtgthrfori rateby dLay. byPryB0ly edl wing Yto sbol uties xhih ust Lt li. taieru m- Dr. Jon anrcock tppdfracomre ichol to v"isit their fwmntsat bis' brothe' r W'lbert's Last udy vnn after the Ilno Vas ey ý. on his way thruh yabuacpecin evie.pietures xvere reor heselusfrmToonoVobi .ow1hm i hoin l)thle smeton the worke repor 'th serous froll Toitoto bs WMof BWitish anld Foreign Bible Society Le by Dr. Alnu'tt. Mis' s Isael Laing j wial5s madile presidenit ancdiMrs. A. Red!- kna seretrytresuierfor thie eomiîing year.iý A b'ibile reading world T A E0'0%-is the oly insurance aainst future e Mrs. John Waîde Sr. anid Mr S.W nditioned Chapel with Organ a-rd Organist, quie-t. C-e Wake bave receciveci word c thlat thelir father, iMr. Georg,,e ola sng Rooais, are ail inciuded at ne extra charge. Over waly bas passeci away.. Hoida- ervîce te Durham families. Capable, courteouas pe-- way ý,vas 9ý2 andi a piýoncer of Hople Townsip. B'esides Mrs.yWad 1e equipment and facilties. Qar)and T\rs. Walk11ey (Mlity), , the Ilwest lu Ontario - arranged tei suit individua. Mos. Chals. Bebee (Emma) Orono, IVe invite yelu te inspeet our Chapel at any tirme. Mr. Frank -Aniderson (Vera-i Port t Br" ialin, anI sx sons, Fred, Bice2, R'.K., Ephi., HiaJrry and Aif. a re !left to CheILrisb bhis imnory. 1R1is w i fe anc ilon Louis predecea'sed I hlm many F M O RR S (D 0yearýs ago rd x,(Eva) Mrs. W.Jy HAM'S LA-,RGEST FUINERAL, DIRECTORS The atten-idanc)'1e t Sunlday Seh-ool - n'as ~~~fair lastSudy origan ville - :- Orono altnh rsn.Sm eal of thle SunIday Scbool 1niesayt be iheli next s1unda y monig t ilE i tir 1La rence Slit! toi.iibring - th"le asesag an DucanSeymour la tanigthe orchestra and cide' choi. Wearec opngail rprets ýM ES E. O 'BOY LE ard ifirîds -xv'iiiÎho presenlt for their saean'fori'theusake of trhis fineo Orono, Ontariognzton wblich is Ldoing -such ai Jcense No. 13ü4970; Wari Prices and, Trade Becard goo(-Ci work for youltb in this eom- munity. There xvi b o service ini die e-vening. Plans for the picnie- ILDING xv~~iii 'beanocdSnay The Sunday S hlal last Tues- CARPENdayIevening, 111h inst, n'as the scenle CAR EN ERNGof a happy ,-a-theinigxve this ALTERATIONS ~commuiiiinity m-iet to honour -Jack Wade AL E AI N r-ecetly f thie Medicai Cor-ps andi REPAIING is lRnglish 1bridle. The piatforM PAINeTratedw'tihflags anid une Ilo- PAINTING ers. Wm. Laing wsmatrof cere- man oili es. MIus. Dudley Joules eniter- rk at f air prices, by the hour or the job tan vtreaduig,)*b-th1,patriotic ESTIMÂTES FREE i g svsy apoprtesoo anid the school or-chetra wt Mur:- rayPan assisting, gavTe several CASH -and sorne of it May corne your way!9 Yesterday Famrmer Neilson go0t over $800ý cash when h. sold his grain. Through fUie Processes Of trade and com'- merce, Smre Of thact mon-ey may corne to you. Banking service enabled him te obtain hlc, money quickly. The former doesn't have to wait for b Iis money un'til bis grain reaches the consumer. this is important to you, f0ý matter 'çhiere you live or what your work. Farmer Ne-ilsoni, and thousands like him,--pend moniey for household an-d farm equipm-jent, food, clothes, radios, Paint and a hundred other îhinigs. This -helps keep people biusy al oveLr the Domainion, Your bank advantceredit also to help farmeirs pl-ant, caltivate anid harvestcrmops of ai lâkids to buy and raise Ive- stock, Banking service is sometuýhing like the godouii n fin-e injachinery, you neyer notice h. But ài s a piefactor in your prosperiy «. in the Canai an way of ife C-ARD 0F THAN14- MNr. b-llan Mi. Ephraim -wbite wis takeths oppotunlity to()thari ivi mnyfrierlds,thle Rev.] 4'jtlexood, Park St. United Churc! Ae -WmnsIsîue free rds knd nqi ica, IIfors, fru ,rdl viitl0urng t eirrces] ddress Vo the ycoun1g couple w] briiy Vexýpr'essed thbleir tbalks f( the mn fine g1ýc ifts 1andlhopcidVhsý frien'ds wu visit .tbem la their ne Lomù sr Neircacstie. As Is.Ja( Kimbralland Mr.Ji",'Starikshsbo ered Vhiem -1witih Confetti, Jace'k reca] ed thiat at their wedinrg ini Bromhll Ei e.,owinig Vo the shortage o! papi ronifetti w-as banned. The bridý ]apthie r being a ewspaper rm gcoopod froi rthe. perforating 1 chines n very gooci substitute, A fi ,lie g-1fts ýw.bich n'eue uniwr ai)p Weine ýadm'riiiýd by a1i, lunceh and a. cia iie was spent. (Too late for last wvee-k iMr. and UMrs. Waiter Coucb vis ed MVrs. John Barrie and Murray. rMrs. James Laing- is in Port Io hiospýital. Mr. -and Mrs. Sid H-utchlinson rn tored Io Toronto. Mr. araw has retuLrniec Warkwýýor-tb after visiting b ler sisi Mrs., Wiliis Joncs. Raymiond Gilmer, wKAFx bis par-ents,M.and Ms.Fi G '-ilmîer. Congratulations Vo Latiuen Culiough on wlýý'inning first prize bier e-ssa1y on imusse. Mr.john Couch is nchip edd is expected homne fromT onito bospita thlis Week. Cog atlions Vo Lloyd and1 Morton in their rec n marriage Rutb and Lois Clhasnbers, of Ehd ado. Mr. and Mr.Wilbert Laingsi arnd y lung dau git e rsAnnirie H1elen, spenit tbie holiday wxith and Mrs. Tone Lnsa Joe Martinel, Kendal, anid C Buiriey have returnied from tl f1rsbing trrip aV LoonL fake, brini1 hom-e a nice fine salimon. Mrs, Harold Bilrley accompaf bier parents, Mr. and MUrs. Fr'edq foi-C on aq visit to M1r. and Mrs. St ie-y Kelly, lUnîioylle. We ar e-giad Vo reportVtatBi Lockhart, son of Mr. and Ms lard oekhlart, Niag-ara PaRis, N and gandsoni of Mrs. John Lar ter, 11ba arived hom-le from GCerm Conlgratulationsý to teacber puiso! the pLublic schooi on ningý second ýtplace on Cilarke Tc shîp Fi eld 1Da Y. Des erviniLg spr mention is the s-ehool bal team1J irthe Cuip,-and LEIeanlor Johni whlo n'on i irst place for g-irls. In the absence o! the BibleC teaer eton rSunday imtorning-, Wj1ii Jones was thie able suc Vute. in the cevenig M!r. Mel Staples, of Orono, occupied ich pit owing to Kendl ainiver serlvices. Tbe fanerai service o! Mr. Anderson was hel i iniVthe Ui Cbureh, on Fridaly afternoou. pathy is extendied Vo his widlow, Halirur Vnug7h John, Franki' BunkiJeri- 1lil, Har-ry, Mrs. Bo-x (Dorothy) Uxbr-idg, Mi-s.Rub3y bee (Hope) Bu11nker fHili, Mre Wake (esie et homne, Hjar-ry Buriey (Annie)Ohaa Cifford Rhrsn, Ptro and theirfauis The junior boys, softbli 11tear- oni a concert ThuLrsdalýy eveing ii basemont of the icucht. Pic were shown and thec slhonl clxi doing thie rest. Teorchiestre sisteci by Murray JPayne and Ston'e, playVeci1several nmhr scblooi quartette. capieio! r(aslan Jim Gilm-ier, renýdereý god umbiers. Frank Gilmer, able chairimanl, brought 'Oto t tention o! those peetteir ance of' sports in our cuommuni11 r*w JuA a d- - w âm PORT HOPE Fcridayý and Saturday 6.20 and 9.00; Sat. 2.15 "JESSEJ AMrdES" With Tyrone power lanld Henry Fonda LAURL &HARDY Monlday and Tuesday The MseyDan af jthe Year, yith Ingrid Bergmant and B a nk h Classified r. UCOMVING EVENTS e,(i asieofthe Wm sAssca py tion of pari, st. ChîQA, xiii )behld. on e1ith chueh1 wOronio, on 7Wed- nesdayafternoon uc26 h Orono Band moi be in attendace.ý :~msio Aduits, 50c.; 'hlrn e 125,w, K ini o ehange of date.,, ho A play entitled "The Life of cr 1 Reiliy" wibu -prýeient bY the Lirj youig people of Garden ililil Unrit0dl eW 'Church, ini the Orange hall Kn i Lk on Tuesdy eveining, June25 un de r the auspices of Kendal United -Chundrh W. A..- dmsso, 5. ad e y , 2 j .a C C e- c ler e's ANNUAL MEETING aln Of Durhai-i County Sehiooi Trus- a- tees' and Ratiepayers' Association, ber Orono Town Hiall, on Tuesday i June 'e i25th, cuncîl t8 0 0 p.m. O-Speaker :*liute-Coi. S. AiWatson, ocf the Deprartmnent of Edudftiofl. Mrs. G. Stapleton E. F. R. Osborne si- Secretary President Ne?ýwtonvill'e Newcastle ope 00- FOR SALE One Oak Buffet, 1 BdSsprngs toandMates Appiy ajhP-e Tiies er, ofic,011o0. Ali- cash for uised seving, maeLfnýes. C. F lODunoani, Phrone 791,Orono. t oc 1LOST Exýpress wagon ,taken 1by mistak, Bill fronmi in front of the- t ~tSo Sto Oponlo. Finde eae 1. 'A rs der- L. Reidi, Oronio. rt-22-] W , FOR SALE j Mr.1 Onen Mirarvýel Orillia Co.oi Stox witli Resei-voirr anir(! négClose e1 (coL Or Wo.od). R.- H. Wood, Oron, hir 1a-20 1- NOTICE Tuf- Hav"ing, trouble procuring the seý ta- vices of a arpenter ? Phoneý Lloy J. Crabbe, Orono 79 r 161 / rueLABOUR sAVING - Wil- KITCHEN UNITS lxa, ~ 2-.ASPECIAL'I sany, anc FOR SALE The famnous Viîking Cream S.epa eal tors, irýect from Sxeeleý, t] w ho' spa-,raton r itat gets lauger, creca Sucheques. A size to fit évery nee soeîth'et' eiec o baud &we. F 1asprompit ser'vice cali thn .Joný M rs. Phonie Clare 7 r 21, Newtonviile. bci- cou4p. Ivilie___________ pub- FOR SALE ewScufflers, usedi Team v'Scl John 1lep, Dise ýDrili, Hrro s mTa nieddeux iDises, Guîtta Perchaý4i-es a Symr- Tubes, &ù00x,16 in stoekc. Barg-; fr rics. GarýlTodd, Impjlemeint De er, Car. e2 SALE EGISEc Pro A. Pl S. E y - À-e ed, cor ui ri-f The udersinedi as rece' ,edin seil by public, auction at 'LTot 33, Conesson , ope T ývn hiP, 1~/ miesesfo Shilo Chut ye, on Wed- nlesday, dunle 26), lbis' entIre farma stock, inciudinig HreCattie, Fat Cýa1ttie, wie Fed tanding Grcaini, Macbliner-y and 1Harness, Termns Cash. Wiiifliard Lord, Cierk; ,Jack Reid, Auctioneer. Mr. Lre Pao(eon, Éot 6, Conl.5 Clahrke Townshýip, 1 Jnmilce enst Of StrvieCorne, ba Joi bs farm and iii sel by publ'wc nuetîda on Frdy une 21st, at p.mi. (D.S.T.I ail is fr tok i lmnts ay andl grain, poultry au a lot Of inear- ly, n ie w househiolc f urniture.I7o r furt'her particular-s see buils. Ter nis TUlE INDUSTRY 0F TE-Ci FUTURE FUR FARMING MUTkaTiàdNSo Buy a- Trio - W17e Rancrh Thti C. R. KNOX ORONO. TPHODNE 42 2 etin( the omens Iisttute drove Vo linaj, 1,stuFriday Vo attenidtean lmaiumeetng of the wes't Dur!ain strict.Both mornting and Iafter- on sesSions vee iorsetigand le Solina Instiute ladies serve ila ,ry fineffclinner. The speakersz, Mrs. Hayes,0o! Gm getwn, and jMr. Wv. nlphI, .0 roino,wre ee- ynlïy good d il t is ertal rat thee arelot klarger ersna msfoithis ranch at Vhese et-imïgs for t'hey are qui*,te interest-I ofessional DirectorT F K McKENZIE, M.D. P-HYSICIAN and SURGEON te .00p.m; 6.30 to 8.00 pm S-unda ys an, enedyb LEGAL awrence C. Mason BA Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Office 688 W. F. WARD BiARRLSTER SOLICITOR9 NOT-ARY Phones: -. VETEINARYLiI DR., W. W. STIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Offec Mai St. Oron* Phione 63 r Ï, oronoý. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE, and Liability ORONO 0 1NT AR 10 YOUR, LIIFE V;iil gladly assist ia planningýe finlancial security for Youtrselfi and your family. The RUTTER GMIM là COMPANY Phone 51 - P.0.Box62 Pfort Hope, nal AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctionieer aind Valuator Conducts AauctnSales oel %U rho nd at reasonable rts Cokmunicate with lm at P >erry, Ontarl'ýo, or ee hip Clerk, ÂL E. Mlorton, at O!-rno, for date. J A CK 'R EI1D Licensed Auictioneer and Valuaator Specialize in Farm and, Furnituire Sales Consuit me for termsg and dates Phione 1620 Clarke Do You Know- The Imperial Lif e Assurance Cern. pan-y will guaranltee bisý family7 $5,000.00 in eetof bis death prier te aýge sýixty, for b-etween 2% and 3%ý of thlat anmount yeariy. And ifî h li1lves te age sixtÉy, ftheCoa wihi pay hlm the ,00. WVhy not consul your local 1 frepresesita ive 4 te seO hat a la.n such as this wli dofor yen ? Rophias reelected rpeettv of Ontalo, arid Mrs. W. W.,hri~" iConvemor ofthle DistitCmt tLee On Sooial Welfare as WeilasD- trict, Delegat-Ie tc the FdeatDno Agri cuLltul'reê Q e C4 ar pg Home 553 Residence 409 Ollice 825 SALE REGISTER