BRIDJE-TO-BE GIVEN wtyadesra yMs .ri MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Cobbled4cýk. The uresýentation ofgit - asmade by Mlos Audirey WlltngÀr1-s adMius. E. Dent Alter thle ser'ving IThnr fMs EihTrlaof refr-e,sfr!mts ail depated ising .uebridet-ba mnbe tf el- te bride nd rom-Q-ebest -wNish- tives aind friendsgahrttees for a haippy futuire. homne of 3II. and Mr,!s. NewonGo-- b)iedli-k and prc-sented ber v;ll, a mnisceilaneouis ,4)cwer. Miss Tr,,uîî Mr. an MC rs. Carenice Ajiin were was ompetei taen b su- in Krki .o Frà1day of iast week '1s bt e pnddinhe les-atending the funteral ,f the former's gn m anner >1, +o a we]! worded and unrt, M'rs. J. R. lLKy off ers interesting displays for Graduation, Shower, Wedding, Birth- day and 9ccasional Gifts; also Chil- dren's Pmn'f ores, Sun Suits, Little Býoys'- Suktý; Plastic Aprons; Watch for Our table of Srecials this week only M RS. L. REJDru ORONO - - ONTARIO p. 'I RED& WHITE STORES WEEK-END SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Clothes Lime SMITIIS PInSJuice 1Crape Jic 2 dozen bottie lOce 35c. 25C. _____ _____ _ - ~bottie Quality Soap Fakes.. . 2ý lb 25c. Colgates 1Hand $oap Vt. .6 bars--,25c. York Beef, Pork, Tongue Sanadwich Spreadl, in 20c, Eclipse Pastry Flour ........ 24 lb 75c. Canned salmon-saturday Freshe-Picked STRAWBERRIES Todal New Potatoes, INo. 1-.......10 lbs.- Cauliflowers, large white ........... Cantelopes............eachi Sweet Julcy Oranges, 392's .,...2 dozen Grapefruit, 126's .. * ...... 5 for ICHOICE BLUE BRAND BEE Boillng Fowl, lrewhite l 49c. 25e, 29c. 55c. 35c. I CORNISH'S ORONO WEEKLY TIMESý 1-NF Z,'ýyn Loc liNws ELEBRATES FIRST $IrI'UlDAY M r. G 11ili l'Li'ni- the ocasio n, of th irst b irýt- 1 ewdayv, inrono ane\rVad r. W.R.Giat Mis. J. Husn vstd jhkda heir gess n!Sl dyMr. frienids ilu Port 1Hope istSaturday. and Mrs. E .DveM.Lloyd Mu.andMus A.G. McK I, f Davie, Mui. Len 'Gay, ~~n Betty Kincar1diie, spent the past wekMo)rrow, M>ýiss Doris Oa iey an visiting witb Mi\Us aeMKy u.C. Oale y of Trnt;am! Mr. MAr. and dN4Is. Ed. Dean mot)ored tIo adMrs. J. .Oke of thie Agýri- Midland adOwnSound lahst Wed- cutue oilege, Guepbh nescaretiiring , h'fi, Mody________________ theirmeeing on Thuisdaiy evenýing,1 June 2, t tMis, K, Ciiapmlani's at 8.00 p.m.i A numller c ono and Kenidal R YL vicesý heid at Kýirby Uniited Chur-ch ilst unday.T E TR Miss Ma'rion Brownl, R.N., Of 0Osh-AT E , awa, is spenidinig ýa fwdaysat the Bowmianville "f- Phale 589 home of hier paLrenits:, Mr. and Mirs. J. D). Brown- Cool - Air niired - Cool Week-enld visItýorsý of Mr. and Mrs, HLarold Dean1*Wee, M U -s . Deani's nmother, Mrs. A.Hars of Toronto. Thurs. ard Fni. and aunlt, _Mrs. E.Hris Sudbulry. JUNE 20-21 Majkor Fred (lyc1ttlf t Sunday(lt AN ENDORSEMENT FRO l1ight last for BniAlta., to attend .IS HEA R OI th cnvntonofth Imei )i lfe Rarely have we presented a Assrane mpny t Bnif stry of a love so warm aad Spins otl.devoted as thia!. We know Vistor atMus JmesTamly Leo'1j be as happy to see it as Sr. over thie w n were : Mrs. w e are fio offer if. Eiliott anld Musý. Dnranld Mr. 0,1ne- of the best of ail love anid Mrs. W. heaney, of Toronto, stoiries; and hest of and Miýs heny R.N., Toronto. ail ît's true!1 Mesrs Chs.Staleonand W. J. Warn1er's Gloriolis Riïdell are atteing th Otaie "PRIDE 0F THE ýGrand 4jLodge ses,-sions; of tHie ide- penide ltOrder o-Od4 low hihMARINES" are i beinheldin Toronto tis week. SarigJohn Garfield Eleanor _Mr. aind Ms G. M. Linitoiin iad Parker and Dane Clark Jimi attendèed the graduJLationi cere- C'artoon in Ce4lor mon0iiesý at Ai11m Coliege, St. Thomaiîs, "Hfoliday For Shoestrinigs last n"eck, whien Betty received ber graduation diplomafromnthIle coi-SaudyOI lege. JUNE 22 Pýro5peots c f -n good yieid of fhay T BgFaue and clover are repoutedi fromn parts1 of ouir local district. Last Menday<lý "RADIO STARS nighit's amin sould hav a benieiciai ON PARADE"ý effect upi-on thris, anid adi other grow- wt al.Bon la ing crops. ii al rwl ll M r. and Mrs. Garniet Towns, Davà7d plusey and Aan Cborvisited tteirplu parents, Mr. and -Mus. Wm. Sta"in "BORDER TOWN ton on Sunday , noue to Mu. and 1Mus. M uis ottag, Lake Suo, sarn mlyBuruiette with for a week. Mîisses June Goode anid AudueySostCrn Billings reeived th ei r gr,ýadua l ,tî:In1 dip00Loma is as entl nuses at CnvU on., Tues., Wed. canil alil, Toronto, on Wedies- JUNE 24-25-26 da, une 5, and atne eeto at H-art Hfouse focilowntegrda Corne and enijoy a week-end of tion. Cngatlaios ila! 'Excitenient. Romance and Messrs. Wý. E. Aumlstrong and Intriguïe in George Laïing returned h lome on " WEEK-END AT Tù'esday after afihigexpeditoon at ~ W L O F iLittle IHawk Lk, aibulmrton. Th-eyv T F A D R l caim they ranl into thLI-e tail end of starring Ginger Rogers, Van the big wind semwihraised thi!e JhseWalter Pidgemn water in thle lake ten) feet high in'Mand Lana Turner pLaces. Fox Late News-Cato If evL-rYthiig- wcrks out ail rigbit Orme Gamshiýy wili be 'in Toronito for, MIDNIGIIT SHIOW the 'weked oJoyin ip wtBill cmn ihaJxe3 a and il 1 i Brent tVo visit their pri- cmn udy ae3 vate trout reserve oni,,e hundriied miles; north of To-,oa)to. Ail Orine îisre- quired to take 1is bisfisicltes__________________ in0 Orc io oonilS tur1 iday,i une mib u- der th-e asics Of Orono 0 Btýy ç, PARK ST. S-ouLtsý. The rmateri1aiiatedi s as folows pprmaaznetid e-UITED CHURC auomb l tirs, etc. YPllparticu- la-rs ihe sent utnetwek.LReern "Jak" Mldleiuon, soni cf Mu. and iMus. J. Mdieobad the mso- ~ .Ltlwo tune Vto brakis lev on ensay "s )' Mnse moangwiie woring ite i b for AI Hhll. Tl-e ýaccideoit bappen -_____________ ed whiiýîe tbey weue iofaded logs t thie 'bush f Johin Mloffatt's, a log stiking S-UNDAY, JUNE 23rd hJmhreaingbis leg between tbe a.-Wrbp- iknlee and tlie bip. Mur. Gog htwho lives nou-,)-th Rîev. A. G. C. Carscaddlen and wes1t of Enepus,.went âafter a u-orple patils cf wateu, on, ueturn-ling 23lpm-ChrbScol to t'le bushe sait down on the výer- andah, leaving -thec paiils -nearby. A 70...Wrhp fine buck he ber came np te the bouse, 1,OL. of Clarke, District wili af- drank lllýth&_ wateu then disappjeared. tend Divtine Wýorsip. This is vouiched for by John Tbtomp- son rof Kirlby, and rcode y 0Ormle TeGse stegood 1neWS 'À Ganrys hy.Iie final triumrphi of thle goo,- Re.M.Gardiner, cf Clmu ________________ was te Visiting i: mniýsJLeuat Kiuby Your Nev General Rpar H. M. MERCER Comkplete Tire Phone 20-2,1 Service DOm'IlAON "ROYrAL T he re's Mc F i«r, er TirYe Blaik v't l~ and etra p rotecfion e D2, ?D AR MSTRONG'S CURTAIN LACE 2 piecýes of Lace for Ctir- tains by the yard.......----85c CURTAINS Made uIp Curtainis, Blue Trini, aiso Voile w,,ith White Frilis, clor pilk and Muie. TOWELLING Linen Tea Towelling, whÎte Nvitht yellow trini, yr.6c TQWELLING Huclk Towelliag, 19 inches wtýide, yard . -0c. anid 50c. PLA STIC By the Yard1, in colors, y'1 5ac. Whcat 2 for 23c CHOICE PEAS 2 tints Raspberry JA-1 jar, 1 coupon 45e. Sat. Onfly CIIOICE CO-UN 1[5c Sat. Only iNEW POTATOES 10 lb New Jersey Dresse-s js r rýved, aiso iga and Spun Rayon. DRESSES Whijte Silk Eyelet Embroider- el Dresses, mith, Red -nd Blue New JBlouises, in White and Coloýrs, sizes 14 to -44. SKIRTS. Whijte skirts in A'pinle, sizes 12 to 18, price.--ý$ 3,50 1ILLCRE'ST TOILET TISSUE 3 rolîs 25C. SIIELL D.D.T. BARN SPRAY gai. $ 2,65 PEPPER 1- 4 lb IOç. Sat. Only E1CLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR CAMAY SOAP 4 bars 25C CLEANER tin W IITE B3EANS 4 lb 25c. ANE D APPLES -105 oz, itin Sut. onfly a s.s..........---- MI'-s C) NMain St. Qrio Pon801