Tu ri a uî ca t trick withý dia- striuigs: Pat, 11,. 4751. No bujttonis, nio picket; 1no Seskrn. at ,ait,S necklinc or shoulder! Pattern Cs t m onpice.. moke it Wi a few hours! Patter 47,51 crengil"s'sizes 6,8. 10, 1 ' 14. ~z C 10 take1 cs 2 yards 39-incmi atetial. Senid TWENTY7 CENTS (?Oc) inins(smscann t *be- accep- tced) for tll patte0n toroorn42, 73 ÀAdeulaideSt. 's F oron ito. Pîit plainl SIZE, NAME, AT)- G(ýrils,-Men Are The Better Drivers but ~ t(ý mahie ess av poed ithat wastappinig sornebody'sfedr but the ýAmerýlicanl RefinlingCo- pan1y sys thCat thironlghi ts Drivera- tori, aàe igdevice, if has ob- tainled cncuiv videln. Of 5(,7 aie mtrss 31 hiA perfct scCores. The 511 rne dtrivers iii-, u a granid Itotal Of only 15. and rnýaybe if Sulzy hdas m chaces0odrive as Bill did,sh' ne qute as capabl. Bih iW!tver g'ood at cocctn ither. Luake 22. 14-20; John 17: 6-8ý, '0, 21, Golden Text: _A1,new cmmnd ment 1 give to you, hat ye love on(- anlother; as 1 have loVed youi, thati ye also love oneanthr. Joohn 13?34, Chrit's Farewell Feast Thiis wýas Christ's greait frw feast ofl love, the last initer-courISe with HIis disciples before H-is cap-) ture, cneoainand death, This la thec last Passover our Lord wvili rat onuert. e ir ot partalke ini any- fLrthler sviistili H-e roice i the cornpleted Kingdomi. T-his bread which Christ took represented Othe offeiiniupOf FHis brokeii body as an atonemnent for ouri sinis, ]He gý ve H'imself, Hîs l0holc Jing, for orsins. 1,h %vas the sacrificc oi firnuef. IHis blood waâs about to bc shied and thce mai but a short crie before Hîis greýat atonling wiorký wold be coni- surnated on Calvary and in Hés resurrecton. Christ had rvaldGo'iarne to Hlis discple.They were Codls not sinpiy y creatio)n, but Hjs chlidren beaus thy lhad believecr on Hlis Sonuad eîvd IHIirn into thecir hearts and lvs Jeusu now tuirns from prayinig for Hlirnself no praying for Hlis inlirnediate oloer.jesus had re- veaýjled totgh0er the natu Lrre anid chariacter of God. Th'Iis lay at thie foindation of ai l îat:He ihad donc(- for thrn fWile ourLodon His part had reveaed (God to thern, they on the1ir part haud k-Pt God'Is word. Crist gave tofis iscipls nt thec results of fIis raoigbut words direct from G'od. We CdT n1ot afford tco inake lighti of Crs' wordsmorlto donibt themu, býcans1e thyare God's words. The ision and faith of the Laod ernbraed dhe tvhoe churh to tHe- end ýiof timle. Wewh beie-eto-day, weein Ilhe imld -of the Saviour ili His gr(at neresoyprayer. The prayer was for ail hoshouil in aniy age oclieve, in Himln as thei.r Sair elieývers in thle dasD -ornle shlonld bcome fi Iis fo'llowers thrugh Ujecwordof the apostes. wstha tey îmight ail ibe on-e. He longed and pcryed for te uoity of Hlis disciples in al tme.This prayer hlas beenlrelyaner. Beeth il seemling differences atl[ trule cfolowcrs of< jesus are one. Thr-ougIl the ivc~Crsin the wol a o 1be br-ought to b 1e- lievethatGod ihadsent Jeansi. A Ch(lrch is; aâ n unaîtWerable argu- mnent for the Crsinfaitli. you WIII En1ay 4fuylui al The SI. Re;is Ibieî m Esr toiom wtm ie à 2% 4 q eI~uon re SettingOohOvrih Adj New Fait Risinig Royal to water. presto! In 10 mijnuteýS lt's ready fo)r actjýi.