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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1946, p. 7

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CLA SSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY CUICKS ON eeks -sex- put- cr1n~,- ULV AND AUGýIJST CIIPCt<S availble if you 1Set us haýve ynur ordr nw. ayodapitlets, lnos- HEAVY BREED PULLETS 17e. Sussa, Su1sseýx xHapoc Hamp, Ne Ham.asd Barnad IRo"ck pullete 17C. iloolc your coer NOW, 8.00 par I100 daposit. Order fron, Obus Ad.Huoda Chick HthrLondon, Onrlf'o. 1iM EiATE'l'l3E IEYON 1TWo sud Obre week nid stated ck ilu o-ee pu1ietIs or coCkerel!s, 11n pure breeds sud hyhn1)ids. Also iglit wekoid to layiug puilete. Frea àcatalogue sund pieit. 'Tweddie1 Ci ck 1,cerslimited. LAKEVIEW CHICKS SpeialzedBreed:ing Plant 0f 5,000 Breeders3 linoIt ýnur order for, Jly. WiVth tle :sCarcity Of aL; heewi lieta big 4emard for Putyand 1,ggs; this FPsu sud Wite e 3attrac(tive prices.ILtV'111 psy pou to pu'lt in tintextra rno of chliclçe Obuis year. Alronpt Delivery -With s CapIaclt eft 6,000 Ljakaviaw ciche sw2eeA- ly. wve expect we canti'Ve; prompt dlvrbut to lie sle, brok y'Iourer a t on'ce for July. Gradle A -- Large Type White Leg- brnSussex -xLeýghioru, ckx > egliorui, Legli(onîs xNew H Jamp. 1Rocks, Rock x Hmp.,New Htamp., Susa us ssex xRamrpa. $14.7- Baud depoýsit of $1.001 pa 100. \V(-,guar'an)teaYe fliVede- livery, Ordar from nsud en1clo1se this 1a d. Lanrge -White Legisoex- Day nid udstarted up to 4 waeeks ,otd, Lakj1eview Legioruis are tisa large type mated with nek(Ierels fi rom Pd. tock- 'aiEg ahie. send for WVeekly Llst - of sýpaciai prcson day old ebteks, plas sud ceekai iesud strt1ied chieke. -Tily jsnd PFun Hatched - Book yu order for July or Fat athe 11cihenow. Ssellstarted Cîk -Ailtw wv(eakS old heavy' breed tm ix- ad ik.lc pulletIs 22eý., bea vy breedeI, cockerel]s 17c. sîso 3 te4 week nid pullets sud coeee LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bras., PULLES EIHT MWEK s On layinjg for imimediste dlivery,. Aise two su ad threa weeld (iStart- eddijsFrea catalge wdl Hri yBredPllets 17e.fl Suseax x N. Ham.,AiRock z ew Hap., Brred RockstiPure suoce, sud Newdamehire pulls rer Pure osse uiiad 1e,, Susax suivd NewHape. mixd 2e Sus -ie,,pples 2e. ste1plit 10ei., aoed Rmled Pue. Cocherel sud sNedpncason est,7L Oan fro Hmsd nclsehi SuAd. $1 118 pa 108 depei.ý eg lepLondo1n0c., Ont.-, HRLIALE CHICK JIL RICES ONBAE'fCS RS rned Rocks $,1,75, Hamp ýXB. $,5.STARTEID CHICR1S. 1q) te Sweak.s. S u ssax, Msnred Rocksý, Leghorn ples HBISLeg- bouXBI>. Hamup X E. PromptL shpatMiliarsCi'ç acep Pergue, Ont. DYIGANI) CLEASNNt BAE OU AYHI N EEIrDS dyeiug or cle-uing? WVrite te uls for Infrmaion Weara giad to nswen, your questions. Deparfomeýnt R Pankan-'s Dye Work)"Is Lmte791 yonge Streat, Torontoo Onanio. AIT ENTION FARMERS enSaile: Reglal, r Trsctdr TlIre, _u tead_ sial for bltiug ou steelI whels, front whels - $5.00c rebach rear Wheais - $10.01 scs l. o.B, Toronto, Wheu raig sjtata higlit sud(] dth et wfeel. NaLj.tialRulbar C.. Ltd., S Wilt- shire Ave., Tononto, On1t, BRlAss vALVES, SAEVVAVS Broc, Duda, nt OPETY F!T, inourcoOk rsteve QI)abiec or jackzet heten'; by u siug L1TTLEGIAMT IL'URNERZ Nc'o COAL-NO ABER]1S-NO O TO CARRY Burne cheap£fel il, itilsLedie- O.. ...~,Sel, range oï1 or kerosa"e 1 1'E ItY - NEW 100K, Co mploî teû data. on framîuig w alls, staire', roofs' trulssas', intelor sudý exterior feïinih. A ýmine of informi- ation for th'ose interested in cond- structin. Sent pstai, The6 doýl- lare.Masteprin Compny. oron- tes 14, canada.' ELCRI iOT<>Ris NEW, [ SED bought, soid, rebuilt:balte, puleye, bruhs. Allen Electric Copy Vtd& 221; ufern Bt",Toronto, Ont. FOR TI-9I FLL'S 1HUNTING. RE- gisteredJ pointer puppies. Perfection Poýiinter Rnela, 1579 York SI., WindsorOt "IRIS"1. LARGE NAME» PARI1- etles, beauiful colore,exuse frgrrc.Writetda for price liaI Mr. Frema Barer'Sun- shineHollw. tri, Garde-ns, PR.B. power take offaud starte, 45 horse power. 12-incli treadex cletcondition. $1.800. \V. Ç. Cole. 25Ontrlo t.,St. Chtharines, Ontaro Shor1tlorue for sale -3eised Shorhor u bule,12 mutiheold, dark r-ans. Rosewood and Clipper farmilv. Weillgroovu,lodouthc flehîu, ro god IikYng ïjpdameF. Fuily ccredied. ice $10. meide spud eold. VsVane or- mujla an salesplailfn Oi ola.D. NUiSefrac. RrystoProduc CM SANTA CR (.aCi. MHE NEW,7 IMPROVED HAY DI-PVIDERý Cinl ie rte d to swIlhboaerd0f aUy miower WVillreplae heip usuly neddtgo forkhay behn owr inhay crolpe. AIs>(,aeit ime, as here is no clogging oa knfe or 1uife £guar'd. Gaauedsatisfacl- tri. $7.,50fo..Biso.Que. Sole Mfgr aud istiu rfor Carnada ud J.. Local Spar imeAgents TUBES NO RADIO ART Elecronc suplis eo1ailkinde: tiet for stamnp, Ecouomny Ditribut,- ors, Knao.Otrn FAtE Plli SALE LARE AIR PRM1-N %iLLAcGE1 85 iles from Mouitreal. 410 hesd nt cattia. Large quantitly timber puip sud wood. Price $3000000. Box. 99, 73AdadeWooto T 'RIS li E WAY te get tarUed ou fm: ttocku implemeuscr ops, ait for $.0 cash or trade on good ousc . Write Eiwood Ferrier, not far orbetton. Ont. 50 .ACHEs (GARDEN L1,AN» OR01 mixe faring;house, bau su elrio~.u hu~;po~ol heatiliresn Byre Stpleon, alicetwnOnt. Itebertsoo mathod Information on request regarding clsa.Robert- Foriui 'sHrdesn Acdeniy, 137 Avenue ft0adToronto. amal home'; country womau) pre- ferred, igli wagas if qualified. HrO S F EEEVE R BBUMsIýESS girl narToronto, Onalp cr for aged mthr ox 104, 73 Ade- laidle WTorontlo. DIETITIAN Wanted at Mstukoka Hosptal. Sel ary $166050 per montli or $140.00 par r molli ith foumineane Ouamnto vacation with psy iet the end of Oue yar's service. BWlec Cross Plan available, Permauanciy fo the riglt persn. Apply to Sup- anintenldant, M us iîoka Hosý'ýp iteal. ATE)TIYPIST %WIFtH 10OK- keaiugexpriece.Give fouIin- formation sud wages axpacted, Appy Tweddle Chick latchanias lÀimied, Fergus, Ontarlo. GENERAL STAFF NURSES Operatig Room Nurses $100O.110 Vl'U ONTH'J, VPLUS F maintenance, 3 weeks' Vacation with psy sud a $50 bonlus e ttQse copeinof eaci yaar of service. Pension p'aln.i1 ay sick ljeave Wall psy par mïyonlt, accumlative. Býue servce te ortystreet car ones. Ap- ply: S'npuendent of NumresTor- onto Hospital fsr Tubereulosis. phone JU. 110l. Rhuaifains or Neur1-iieshod try DioneRemdy.Munos ru eT»ÏACIH AND TUrEA»WOr'-1 v ns ottanr'e the cause X 11 bea, b M humau, aile1 i ges, No orne immn1el Why no! fînd eut if iis hle Pr trule oneresting particuors - M14el rieMulvany'e Renmdi OI'P(OiZIUNITIES FOR W<>MEN, BE, A HAIRDIRESSER JOIN i-CA'ýNADA-ý'S 1EADINGSHO Great Opportunity M~arn Blasant dig:ified profession, gGod wvages, thoutsa n ds successful Marvel gradutes.Amnericea's greýatest sys- tem. fllstrated cuaogue f rme. WMote or cal MARVELL HAýilIRDRESý71ýlSINGý SOHOLS 351 Boor St.W_,Toront, Brantiches: 44 Ri-ng 5;t. H-amution ..& 74RideauStreet. taa VATINTS PETOERsTOXUAUGI! & COMPaSV P1atent Solicitors. Estab.,iished 1890,: 14 Uring West, Toon o oolet of Iniformation on rqet WUX ALWAYS WORI< FOR OTHI-. erManufatcture plastic objects in youjr own private home. The dedi je l 'big. Capital requir'ed ranee ue cday servic, e.,N WAJT- %iNG. Bay 1Photoeric.North Bay, TIME TESThD QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Yovi fýilmsprpe l reeioped asud REP1eINTS1 8 for 2e Pou mal no getal the filmsy1 ou ua1it thie Cýar'. bt ou eau nget al the qualit,ý, sud service you dsr by suin orHfilmeft, 1'4'I1B I 0POOSERVYICE t*ai,1. Toronto. CET BETTER PICTURES AT 1LGWER PRICE PI'III'l "1MAI;S0t& Any Siza Ro"Il - 6 or 8S, ours DEVEOPEDANi) P'EINT El) 25t 3 MIIJNE NLARC1EMENTS 25e Size 4x"in Beauiful Essel M.lount Enlagemnts4xC6" on lvery t'intod myountts: 7x in lu old, sîlver. Cir- cnsasin Walnut or Blark Ebony finish frsncie, 69Sc e.UTfenargo- ment ciue.74e each. Raprints Made Prýom Your Negatîves 3cu Bach l)EIT.WlB STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Bx1'21?. Peeot <ffieA,. Teoronie. PrYnI Nane and Addresq Plalnly. MKP!1'Y I'OIIISOMEZ IVITTI EACH 2codror more yu receive; (1) coupon for two 5 x 7 heavy paper enlargements; (2) one of the prints edetinted'y; (3) 'double ceai" fHilm wrappecr; (4) qeit uliMited. Films dev,ýeloped and printed 25e; rerit, igtfor- ?Sc>,-Frash S.Iaon7, WSask. PROTESTANT TEACMHF.R F018 5.5 No. 1. Dayton. Appl-y shttig si.r snd qualifications und phoneo ïnm- ber to Leonard Cameron, secy, Dayton, Ontario GLENVLE, O'r.. e). co%11- 'quires let ciass teacer tor, public schiooi, Protestant, duties commence sept. 1. Sate qualiicatons and, ssilary a-Xp"ected to K P. Feeron Goenmme.OntL. TOWýN41HP PUBLIC SCH .Area No. 1, Cumbarlzand rqur teacher for Junior Room, Varse$p ply statig' qualification'ls, expert- encoe and sal1ary expected, also uine f last, inspector. D. J. Me- R,;, cTra., Leonard, Ontario. Montagleand erschel. Salary G. H ooIL Sc-resR.z.1, Hyhn, Ot ISLAND FALLS, NORTHERN ONTARIO (Nrt f Cochrance) A Conseoidate-d one rcoom, gradé school, requýires Protestant expert- en'ced femail e.ach1 ýer fo0 r grdes 1 to p iNumbher of pupils 18". MUSIC and social service, iucluding chU- dren's Suuday Sho lshelpfui. Saljary $1600.0e» tairtingK September 3rd, 14.Apyi tinUg to Rer- bertl. abrSecretary. 408 Univrty.Avenue, Toronto AOnt. WýANTEI> NMER REAL E"TT, Ise Oshawa Boulevard, Oshawa, wuts Ied' gond beaých, near hgwy WnANTED TO pURCHi7ASE2 PULLETS lrred Rocks. New Hampehies. ohite Leghornesuy age f rom â8 weeks up to iaymeg.Good once paid. Appiy to Box Non 95, 72ý Adelalde (ýW.. Tnornto. CASH FOR YOUR USED CHEMICAL TOILET BOWLS Iaustýii and other makes urgenýti requ1red. Hlghest pricas paid. Write 191 Galley Avenue, Toronto Lcre 1a:o et Les Anigeles heids the Seagrani Gold Cup, embiemnatie et Canadien golfing suprernsey, etter a single stroke victony osier Dick Metz ot Chicago in anl 8-hoit playott. Botli fiuishaed regulation rounids et the Canadien Openi Golf Chempionîship aven Mentreal BeaconsFfield course with scores of 278. SPOTS 0F S PO RTSz" By FRANK MANN HARRIS (.. "A Six Bit Critic"> Ih'm anold ewpaeradaige whicî rile Thecostomrers aIwýays vr ong."And iu a recent letter a tedrIs a mild biati on ports- wnît.ýers ui eucrisd IiOlîleeil paruticular, for N w ie ý Lnsidurs a "ýiotIgglFs give riii-ojis of dol- hors iwortli e(adfucepublicity leo eosuleîiug like hie Louis Cýonui thlug, aIIcrea-uïte a xhi lot of iite2reat ini it," lie sys. "'Than-, juet aîs soon a ýs it turne eut to beaa stueoyou aIl try -te sct se very wîïse, Iriulg foto ruake ont that Foul kncw ,,alite timie it wasý bouîîd te 'lThanlhe jgeas tou te inquira whyv thte sports pages should give s0 viluch trespace te i)lIdinig up pro- fessionai sportiug avents, Nwhichi are slrilctly mny-ain chiemas suid luetingise but, wheni such space 18s deied te ether -businiess terpisaýs. "I'd juet lika te kýnow vwliat sert et a recepftien. would be giýven te a iman itryin)g te eel say, a plumIbiuIg business, if hie weuî te oa nws ape nsd asked for thie saine kind of frea publicity they,ý give te the hockey buLsinecss," our coýrresp)ondenit cnlds Als tO tha vat nout of "press agent tsIu f f "appearngiigilu iost datiiy papers, it's rather hiard te say jusl iîr the Huie slieuld ha drawnî. A great deai ef tisch maistariel je writteîî by higbly-paid. expercjts, arliets inuit'îir iniansd la a wiîoie lot utlore entartaiuiuig than11', 1 umof-li-mllSports copy. And( you unajy rest sue theat if tlle sports-pa'ge reader didni't 1Waîît suclisuf-id' expeet ti-- tien it wu 13' e there. A ult aIlS sentenlce gels w fairJv close te the kutuchie ef thie m,-alter, When a Toronito journial- istie biacateH. T. P. Goed, for the tire-t tiînte gtheredl togathar2î on orla paýge il thîe sports uaIws wihhad fonîualy beau scattared throuigh- MAC HIN E R Y1 NEW lAND .JSED 0f Eveny Description Phone EL. -1271 f. W. PETRIE CM LTD 147 Frent lit. W. - T 9ronto "WE rUT Y& SELL' WANTED o Local 1 Carpenter - Contractors 9 E lit Every Town eand (Co1uny 'flroughoiit ontarl VALLUARLEfiýStrili n it 0orns b i p ewait.s iauiluterpniîsiuig Carpein- * ter-Couteto luti dsrc. M bt iee spabl)e of lhsnllinlg *boith tfie 4an sd tise InstallaF;- tion etoafew, pteuted %weath- e rstripping. Exclisive iglils wili be granted. gdemsud ifor produet0, no ýcompetitionI. large- volume îniee.Writeor:!, e 1 THE FLEXOTITE CO.. »ep>t. IV, 343 nnçonti1 Aie., ent tC apr lie realiy stetted' somcthýiug,. For tlîat weas the begin- uing of taetmodern sports dapant- inint wîc-wtthe possible ex- ception oet trou tt-page ,headliles eand theaccomni-sýtîp-l probably the moet widc1yiy'sd avidily-read sec- tioni et any etropobitan journal. Auidiow tise reater bias coma te expuct--auiî tht wspaper aiwsts l supply hini ,%itli-two, ti eor aveul fout pages ef sports, sud this et jest etsuch tîmes as actuel hapcîiiîgs justify t1lis ie amunit et epaïce, but cascianîd evany ,day, wýeek. i )ii sud îveekout. AuSd t la Someitim1>e qutite e problet.Fe ilîstancce, on a 1Mondaày irtsorili*&a sports editotfl5Fhave aunail Elîidti( tennis; final, a Diaroond Seils resuit, e atinlgolf chan-11 pionisipt, a titlyý-graud steke' race,' sud a doxen othar reallyotstan1d- iug eente te deýai witl. Tvesîty- tour heurs later ail the news aveul- able mey ha that Boston sud Brooklyn continue te iead hii respective loope, asud thet Ceuinie Mlack et Phiidaîpia sud Couny ofyt tToreonto bothi confidenit- ]y epetotehave Ibetter teame next Yet, ilu spiýteof itlil, that sea vast ar ogfe wiiespaý-ce stili yawns.,ý--thosa twe, threa or four pages rnuwi be Filled. And if, et sucli ;ainuernelt, tuaeiîarassed sports adlitor -fluds ou hie dadsk e nica, hoîrriorouis, highly-readabla article abont e coit3iug capouhpfight, who cati bleie lm for sipigit lu? Nt us, yeiu ruy hb etra.But we do tlinicthat aiuclW macrial sbhoid ha, lulne nîsunan, tagaJýd aswlît i le, se tht a neaden 'i1ll ba lu ne dout as te itn source, sud àu no danger et istakng it ton a1cutl news. For while we hv notlîiing but rsetfor 1e good preseý ageitt wlio fîankly edinits tIatI u ee , for iha etrhe sr- the kiîd whe îry te pot acro-,s slobbery puibiicity lu the guise et sigrîed per1souial pninwllWîs tee0 blc'sed 1blo t iglit ~Wteo So, for ne pertîcularres, lirsthe vany old t;ia et Finikal- sei, who sterted playig tht stoc n1a1-keýt sud whe, as solietinies happeîîe, did very wull et il ton a whlîe. And tutu, 'as ise sematim1-es lîs.ppau.s, the mankarlct teek e suddaýn turru for dtht worse; sud oeamenul- ing Finiceletin une callei uthy phloîte by lusaxctedbreker, %witb a duadfor futhernarginîs But Fýiilkelsteinr cmoainad quine raiu.."Litan idetê," Ite said; "woud yo mud taking a 0lok by dia booka aid. saailug hew sto"d ià m3' acceun2t oee wack ago iteday?1 SO the boarDftcer takiug e look,1 rapo"rtd that-a waek prevoslym -As. In had lid a crçdit Ican ée of sotue six iiîeusaud diaî "V il," saiFnkai1stain7 "did 1 Wa you 1up)theni" An hîî tp! ISbUE 29-1946 A New Nation: The Phiilippýýiniezs First President of Repubjlic Takes Office On July 4 The yug Aidepedutnatioi; iiu the mwonld le tbe pbillipiue Re- public, w hose birth in'lu Maila on Jily 4 coinicîded with the l70tli bîrthldaF auljiveraary of 0th2 Unitedl States. More thati thrce centuias of SpaUsh nuit had doue uttle to advanca teht Pipins tWWard self-goveornieut; onily fort-e:igh3t yer iater Admirai Gýeorge Dewey senk the Spaishiflee-t lu Matnile B-ay, the Philippines were free, saye the New Yer1k Tiues. 'FhicStars aud Stripes tfiuttereé down îfroiiits !mast lu front oet tht gre-at creani sund goldreiwu stand ou'Dlwey oulevard iiiithe capital city oet Maniila, 'as;Manllc A. Roxýas took ofc as firat Presi. Preidet Rsastakes ofie itE an euclpty national treasury sdasi enonous (j,ýbndgetary deficit. Bu¶i tu îetcitical probleml that hî suld lbe c18,000,000 naitusol flhc 7,001) isia11ds cifthe Philippinesý arc facxnig is ail nnliluant shortaga of stapie foodaýtuffeiastiýt ight aveu raach famine proportions. MAGth meet sugar inilîs dcstroyed duing the noir, auget production for 1910-46 mas lese than onueauî et domeastic requiiramientsansd for the comiiiug ycar wi till be only? âO per cenît oet needs. Rice produei tien haýý,bcîs cripplti d bcCallsea Work aimiiale wvera caten by hIe Japanas; lcesrhate plagud tce' Cou nUy. The Phippine Army bas ust beau presenlted mwitli $5,il,0110( wortlî et equipmeulf by the LJiited. States. Oth'-r Amiericaîî aid te tht Phiflippines has corne. nlute ferni et Couigressional authorixation of $620,000,000 lii ggn ulefr racon stuctînu uecessitated hy t'le mwan Sarawak Now A Crown Colony Sarawak, rich aud iroiistie Boraeo kiugdom etof thaewhjit rajal., hIlas c;becomia, ElBitishi Kug Gorge ise ttmn sytug: "I! exleud a wn e coma' tu the people of Sarawak and pledge Britali te "promeote Yor welare sud te bring Samawo t(, s highaer stage et social sud acoui) e i)cdevalopmcnt tieu bféais 1-itherto beaul possible."* frmeniy etfthaMyaran clvi service, was appointed chlii escra- tsny et Sarawak peudiîîg appoint- ient t e age)vanuer. Sarewak, Norti Bernieo state w t 00,0Q00 luabitauts sud 300,- 000 acres et rubbe plantation, wss ceded tJ Bitain by its lest Whitea PRajahi, 71-year-çild Sir Cherles VnrBr-ookeý, ndar R agreement wheby chansd bis Ibrea daughtersansd sema local officias recevethe proceede ot a $'110 of(fff)tust fond asoablisha frein Saramak furids. The ich kzingdom les beau i i tha Broo)ýjke a tiiy sin>ca 1U0, tnth e Sun et Bruîaigave it t(, Sir Jamnes' Breeka for qual-lingi au a11tack by head(-huuntars. PEDAL - PUSHER a. N 'a. 'N 'i. N a. a. a. N &

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