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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jul 1946, p. 1

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WE LY T lES Vol. 10. No.27 ORONO, ONT., THUUSDAY, JULY 25th, 1946 Subseription $1.25 perYear Benefit Dance,'Orono Armouries, On Wedne-sday, July 3l st Building By-Law Passed By Orono Police Trustees The Orono Police Trustees muet fin regu lmeting on Modariul 22nd, wthail tihe memrbers prasenit. mninutes of the pravious meeting- -derenad appý oved as' read. 'jslic secretnry reportad that he had 4ceen a'ble to secure a proper pipe fû-c draiage puip oses at Taninery Eilil, and alse reported he had 'c re- -ce 'ted 'a leter- re the drawving cf wtrfTom oe of the ire sterage1 tas.This' practiice wns to ber- Imried from lu the future. .A -ftr nueb. careful iscu -ssion the -eIengresolutiQu at-tîg tflic Po- lac Trustee rate for 1946 was pass- 4]-- Logan -. Tbnt thse rate Pc ice Village cf Oreno ha jmson the dollar for the year' id ;a the Sacr'etary prepare flybylaw and presnt the -Towinsip Co'unceil at the, njýeirg for passing. bding bylaw passed on the January, 1926, ad nimbered ýs rendi, and it maïs dacidedi te sanm'e jute force iii the Vil- Orenio. In relation te this itary mas appci ted Inapec- Buildings, and that Al par- i ""g or 11movinmg buildinigs Lure- a pel'rmit from- the Sec- If in the opiio f the In- there may ha omedoubt ter shall be referred Ai the b va a s Tannrery ......... -----$ 20U0 k........5---- TIIEN AND KNOW Ample proof thlat Caniada and Canadians are hloling the Elne 'againat rising prices is Shown below i n a price comlpanijsonlist o aiu goods as they were in 192-0 and as they ware in Juna, 19ý46, 1920 Butter....................---------.8 5 lb mVilk......................------18 qt. Eggs..........$.Odoz. Lard.....................-------ý--.42 lb. Potatoes........ $4.50' (90 l'b. bag) S$ugar.................25 lb. 1946 Butter......... A44 lb Milk ---- --..............--....12 qt., Eglgs...................., ------ 44 doz. Lard....................-----.21 lb. Potaqtoes.........$-- 2.14 (75 11b. bag Sugar..........---..........- - 1. l. During 1920 prices for l'armu equipmennt wvere fantastie, Returnad mnen going on thie land paid $5-00 to $700 for a team of hors"s, $80 to $10for a consmon graide cowý, -with $2apiae for Ihens, Hlay iwas $25,00 a ton. A ret-urnad soldier'ýs suit of civvies cost himi $75 ýto $O& shoe's sold aý,t $12 to $18 a pair,swaes$35 adra.zor blades 'were up to $1 at dozen. Anthracite coal in November, m itous was $5 WVith noe rent4ai contrel rents in- creasad 62.8% from July 1914 to MWay 1928 when it renclhed a peak of 117.4%. Tkree Silver Crosses for Three Flying Sons! ,Mrs. A.ý J. Colville, cf Bowmnna- Reac~d eakville, w'carer cf three silver crosses 'as Rearn memory bf er three sons lest in tbehaistat a, is believed te be the cinof butter for onlyý Caniadian mother wlhose threa aer 1946 appears' te offiicer son mre killed in fighting isdidumgthe thirdci foi, their ceurtry. isne, codn te a sum- F0O lx C. Colvýille failed te ra- .crpaamery instructors' re- trnfromi a bombýiing ra id -over ied lby C. E. Lcnr Di- ýGer-man1y in Marcb, 1944. PO Wil- the ntaso air Bandci. inm F. Colville was reportedmis ae sections hiad th eýieu a ing early in] ha mwar during a flighit1 i-e, the hot weatlier cf the off the Ne-foundland coat. F0 of the mon tlbad Jthe affect John S (Sandy) Colville was lest ng the peakseusoin. Des- in a raid' ovar Geviryny la19415.' Ilenit Pasture atnd produc- Mr.s. CoMvlle said sandy anflised tiens ge.ealysys Mr. "te veg the death cf bis broth- the peak did net quite 1ar 'ý. Tisa 21-y'rodarnnoc levers cf t1hat cf ayaoa t9 a friand: "Every time Iý ugh quite a Iulber l'cl- flpresa the guni button 1 thi nk cf my port p)roductioil for this brothers, Alex. and BiHi. I just siti ear equni te that cf last ini the cr)ckp)ît and gi like a aiiane and watcb tie varmiin surM y 'bea~n eideit ibt Jnesetcond cannon burst is for, mcm". m as net g-oing ti exCeed - at year, tise butter market miontb, -the. rise in btter prcswas' Onsidefrably, rising a fli rcliectad in a rise in cea.prices unid between the flrst and towards 'heie ýnd cf 'June, particularly fIu li me b.Bacause c f in WstrnOntarie. d ty in Obtaininmg supplias Tie butter qlindýity cmeii r, t appea-ra_ that maniy tis yaair arecmrekeenly cenitastedý endea'vouring te gur(jIthan verwith a large percautage repetition nnid are stor.inIgcof the comipetitors hatvinig littie or nei urplus, Suipplies reýcbI;ng unidergradie btter te date. PBnsed ( centres' mere amalar nand on radnraturaI-s',Ontario is Pro- lent te take clare cf cor- diicing thaei, s qu¶lyc butterl ;.While cream nicswere iiiyears nd isý a fuli tan par cent uring thé lIrsýt part 0cf tie Ibetter Ithan lstYear. ietyOf Potatoes Being Put Under Testý aawVnity. cf petato mhichi (uses te hava reaistance te the y destructve an-cl drended dîisease e& rial ig rot is beng tAtd ,mjous partp cf Ontarietonisynr, ctR.E. <loodlin, P(doFld- for tise Ontario De-pa Vmanel't cf icul tome. ThIis va-jriety laknav 'r1i@teu". A quauity cf . çsead oh- ed l'y tha Cropaý, See-ds and ssBrauch, Girarie Dprtment Agriculture frolm offciaIs cf the artiiiet >f. giclor n Wy- g, U.S.A, aarly in the seanon it i'snw under very thorougý,h lace uinder vaiade conditions. Di- sýasse resistanca is hing fri in vettigte-d by Dr. G. H. Berkley, O- ininion Lal4oratory cf Plant Pathiol- ugy,ý St. Cathaines; H. N. RZacicot, Division cf Botany and lant Path- oiogy, DomhiinExperimental Farre, Ottama and Prof. E. Garrar'd, Bac- teriology Departiment, 0O.A. C., cf Guieipi. Nina -,salaýcted potato gor ers in the cçntie'sof Durham, Nort Simcce, Ontarie, Seti ice Bralnt,WtaIoo lad Middlesex are trying the new vrayunder1atua groving condi ions in ChECr etds Obtm')vnio aili bu dosI; el Jfoissed y-ield igra .akýen at hrettise.rl CRABBE.- DUNCAN The Rose Arbor of the -,Provinicial Reforestation Station. Oronlo. wýas the setting' on Satu-Lrday afternioon. July 20tii, for the maririage of Ms Jean MartuliaDunIcan, only dau-ghter, ocf Mr. and -Mrs. C. F. DUnrcan. ocf1 Or-ono, and Lloyd John Cr'abbe. sont of -Mr. an'd iVrs. Ro*y (Qrabbe, of Ot- tawa. Rev. S. Littlewood ifficiated. and lWrs. H 1-1. Broiwn playud the ed ding- m-usie. iMrs. R. McNeJill. sister cfd the gom was. matron of hOnour, littie Misis Shirley Jean Duncan was flower girl; the best man wvas Major Rold lCrabbe of Ottawa. The ush- ers weýreMUr. Leo Nash of Ottawva, and the 'bri de's bohr Mr. Donald Duncan of Oronc. The bride, givan away lýj her father, fMr1% C. F. Duncani, wore a goVVn of swss emn- broidîered sifieer in pale turqu--oise with miatching gloves and headdress Gf res;eýsiand 'white fenthiers. Sihe1 carried a bouquet of 'Sweethea,-rt roses. The m-atron of henour -wore a gown of pink si'ik jersey, mith headd'rassof roses and pink faath- ers. She also carried a bouquet cf S'eehertroses. Little Shirley Jean D)uncan was dressed in flier fength mwhite tÉaffeta 'and net, 'withi trinsming cf pink flowars, and ma- chiing 'henddress. Shep cariadJ a nosegay cf pik rsahuds. Follouing the recepctio n which was heèd atlthboheeof thebre's parants, the coupfle left on thieir i obn)ymnjq. For going a1'wa, the brida chose a fuseýýhia a nd grey print crecpe (dresasrwih matching bat and black àcýessories. She wore a corsage bouquet of wbite roses and swecetp eus. On their returo- e wîllýJ reside ini Oro.ý' 9Jhe guests froins eut of towI in- cludad, 11fr. and diMrs. Roy Crabbe,1 MjajorL and Mrs. Ronald Crabbe, Mr. andi Mss. R. Mel(Neil, iss Freda Pepper, Mr. Harol'd Hayes, and Mr, Leo Nashb, cf Ottawa; Mr. and MNrs. Hector Cameron, Mrs. Williamn Braby, the isses Hilda and Mary Braby, Miss a Maron MoýCallumII, c)f Toronto; DMrs. F. SyorTylr and1 iss Helen Seymou-T'laylor, cf Need Permit To Build Orono Run Up Two Tics ln Two Cames Bowmarmle fotbga p anplayed, Or-one teua',a Oru Park on Wed- nesday e-vening, July À7, reaulting ini a tie, 2 aul. 'The Orono teum i as îm-proved. graatly in thef-ir last few starts, hl in tuas gamne they piayad s'treng de- fensivaly and imacle a good shcming ia their passing p'lays throughout Vie gamns This mas Vie hast21 me sean ila Orono park ilis year. Boti Orono goalsmresýcored by Carl Fllintoff on passes frein Dean- West and Stcbert. Ou Saturday evenîng, Juiy 2Oth, Vie Orono teans piayad a 2-ail tie 1,,Aitli the Tyrene football team at the laitter greuinds, A fair- numiber of sapectators -were on sand for Vhis gama mw i icfi ms a i-L1l played tirougicut tie entire ixty méiues of play, Donring tie fimat haif of tic gamie the Orono p!ayers lhad a decided edga ia tie play, iemmning the Ty- rona teani in their o-wn eud cf the field; wmile la the lIsahfi rýeT y - r:ona teans., lu a desperate bld fer victery held tue Or-ono tea.pi maxei la check. Witb only fie minutes cf play left, Giono was leadiag by a 2 ta 1 score, but Tyrone kicked the bAil 'baen the geai posts for Vie tieýing 'gea1 imihea rno rnd u faulty goal kîeik, gvn the Tyrone tnntha chance they wereloin The O, rono football tcans illplay tliair ls schaeduled gamie cf this seasea at Bommanvilla on Saturday evening, mihen tiey are lookdig for a min te wind up the sason's play1 at the expansa of Bommsanviie. Anypne in the Village cf Orono wheo in conteaHtnor buildinig, al- te-iîg oc rcrpairjing, is requird tei securie a permit frem the buding inýspeect or, 1Arr. J. J. Mellor. This permit cost the IaPliuanlt the som cý f $10.Theraý are mrany q-uestions el nnýwron the permit, suci ns theý kind cf lumber te ha uîsed, location,i ilteniecr fixtoreseý, etc., diistanoce fremi the street, cest, 'kind cf structure,, an'd many other queistions. Strained Relations Eased Between Bd. and Council Standrelaions betwaen t wo bondies, the Port HTope 'Council andu tne countesBoard cff Health, wer-e eusad at ai Conferancaon Tuasday evening last betwen tàe concil and, RveE R. UWeodyard, cf OronIo,l ýcha-irman cî f ithe cunie)ody, it h0r1o£,oncemore regnig u- preme. DîfficuIlýties arose ovar te healtbf board relinquîsbing Uts tenancy cf tho' haaih uitofice inethatowu11 bail fer ontîb rofice, IlbichI, it masý exlane , masmor e conven- ianItly l-ocated, better aîpa o future epnin and cheaper Chan, thal enle in the tm hall. Mebrof thie, Coincii lad fi tha't as teie towýnwas contributing te tia oerato f tha ceunties iealth, neai, th ofices shld -LI(be in thie municipal bidngsei that tee muni- c$îpaiity wuld ha partiaily reiml- busdfor its gr.ant, by tbe mn 'of rent. Reeve W,ýoodyardc pointed eut that tr ting te the ost cf rnigthe benlt1h unit, it oul h unfair te pay a bigliar ment for the cake of Port1 Hlope. e V1iin the reently vactedoffcesin tibe toma llt me taken ove-, it as MitJte under-- only~ ~~h teprry uasid. "Iho-pe tbit esiutoba'en cleaad u by ar cnferncebti Rýeea snid. "Thah maijrity cof thei couiýL, Ifel os, nerstand the posii o f ie bard'." Fire Epdei Destroys House and Barn Bride-To-Be Showered On Thursday eveniug, July lSth, M1rs. L. Raid, miti tic halpful as- si onc f Dr. sud Mrs. W. W. ShriJoyce Tannant aund Audrey. Billings, ield a shomer for Mrs, L. Craishe (nea Jean Duncani) on tic sipacicus a iwn at Dr. Sberwin's. Thýe bride-Vo-ibe on arriving, ýwas taken se completely by surprise tint il, required seme breath-takiug min- utes; te regain hem usoal self cr- posure Miss Audrey Bilings tien played the medding 'marci, wmile Miss Joyce Tennant escorted tic trmnOtlig Jean Vo bler place o-f honor, a chair, prettily decorated in piaik sua-d mhita, heind a tajble piled mýýitis miscelrineous gifts. 'Mrs. Raid tien mode a faw casual remnarks lity toucbhing cu soea of tic Vhings mwilci have andaarad Jasan tetha peo-ple of Orone. Jean in ber usual- sImeat mannar, uuwrapped han gifts; in this sýhe aras assited by Misses Jean Wiiseon, Joyce Tannant ,,n d Audrey Billings. Afýter ail bad! viemed tisa glfts; Jean, in s fem b-rief mords, xres ed her tianks. WIvRla lunch mvas haing prepared for serviag, the prapamatien of Vhe "bride's bock", 'wbicimd hbeu ba- gual enrier la tic eveniug, mas re- sumed_ Turs created considarable Mr.Duncau, graudmI,ý,other cf the brida, tien poumed ta, and a vamy dainty luinch mas sarved te about flfty guests. Openi Air Service 'On Soatdiay evening, July 2lst, Orono Baud piayed at tic lake at Neîwcaîstla. in conuaction mitii Nem- catleUnited Chu reis service hbeid -bhere. A large numbar attanded tic service and en'joyed sInging familiar lymss accosnpanied by tha baud. Thre band aise playad s numier c)f seletions. Rav., W. W. Pattarsn teck the sermon sudpry. Children'sClothliog Prices D)ue te a fifteen par cenit increasa lal)ilibor, ratas',mitin itlie cbildrea's mear industry, ie Wartime prices and Tlad (Bordbas' aund it îne- cassary vte auitllo-size 2a twoe pr cent adjustmietlu maxmumprices' te comipausate manufacturarcs for iii-f ceased costa. Beys' sudg irlsits, scwsits. illaysuits', dresses, over-coats andp bats up [)te siza six -"X" for, beys snd 14"" for g-irls areaaffactad by Vie New Bjeef Prices The Orono fire department hada busy time on Friday evendng, July lOth, when it' was called 1tiwie à% the space of about two and a half heurs, tihe- firsit lire being at Mr, C, . C. Cain's on Gobb i)iwhose barn ,vas tt»ally destiiGyed, and the second ab the farm on the Sixth Linebeogn to MVr. W. E. Arrnstrg, whichwa aisu totally destroyed. The barn heloniging to Mr. C.G,. Cain was atr-uck by liýghtning- during. the severe electricai storm 'vihirh psedover tlie district around 6.3.0 p.i,. Alter a severe crack cf light. nin-,g the barn horst into flamies and a call was sent to the lire cIepartmrent for hellp. Upon arriving it was seen': Vhat the barn couIýd not be saved s,, the firemnen turned their attention .te the saving of the driving shedl Whch stood dlose by. A.streani cf 1water was played on the skie nearn- est the tire, and although the lienit iwas intense, the fircieen relieved on-e another every few minutes. Vlo!lui- teers kept the booster taýnk on ti engine Fllled until the w\,ell went dy thenl they wVere- forced to p - m p water fromi the crelek. Ta'wo you-ng pig',s thaqtwreif-th blem nt Uhe tme ween relsd hy Dr_ W. _W. Ser _aMr. Cain's ban wil_-I bc heavy, as thl-ee were nmany valIu. ala mahnsin the br, loa steam aengine, aon 'ith new s-hin- glas intended for shhigling his house, also liglttwod and othacr articles, B,, the time the fir'emen .had gathr. ered in thair hose and returned tA the firýe hall, a cèýrla of hours hadî elapsed. After half the hose waa pulledi up into the tower, to dry and the rtann half let't on the truck ih case of em-ergauc!y, thle firemen. Ieft for their hiomes for a quiet evening, Around nineococthe fire sirený sbill'ed tbrougb the vllg,,ving- wnrnno f another Unr. Some of tM firauveii couldI not ralize that Vhney hzd another tire to contend with. Af- ter, a littie dalay, tharde raced to the see but owing to lack cf wt'ar,, on tha farm belonging to MNr, W.E. Armistrongý,.thahouse was- totally dsryd The boýuse was occupied býy Messs. $ýl nnd Hairy (dauba nephepws, a-ho w are away At the time, bning laIt a %vw bura earller. The cause of this fire la unkýnow;n. T'fi conitent-s of tha oa wceaaise dastroyed. The wnd blto.wing from the north wast &rowe the flames away from tha large %wr; bbirni tha bouse. The Sixth Lins fvo the west uns locked by can for, a quarter of a miile. pic e i i ný-c a - m -' sBecame viii lnt be e ntil 0-e a Effective On JuIy 22nd Tic artme Pn-ices nndri(Tr1de Boal-d b as annou-nced tint areid scedueof beef pricýiag 1ami graIding designad te provide amore -workaibla syvstens, of ment distribution, wiii haQ- ceeue eEffedtLivLa aross Caniadai on July 22nd. T1hae naw molasale sch-edads,1 whie in-volving soma 'siigbht in creases te the conisumeir on the three top gr1ades s1ould mean usanil ly higher reteus te thaerouc o f good qunlity cattia l'tban mas oh- tainaible undler the praevicus order. The nm wprîcing secduie miIim i- v'olve pn-ieca changes Vo the conlsum'er nrigfrom tme cents a) pound be- 1cm. te a m-aximum caf six cents a- tute a saparata rde i.th th have n carcasî ceiing ena cent a peund lover than blua brand. The and bu-li býeef" vmlIt be cdiangedi te 'Iutiliy" benf.(On rad and i %7w radbeef te atimrkup is a- mgreduLca'd -by approýxim)ataly case cent a pound frons Vie praviousliy auithorized mru.Thie rest o-,f uh inicranse ii la te 'lsaaPri.Ca la the 10zoemeat is laeces of oeacent a Pound. is aas'sd tA of tl N 'y N N 'y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -N N. N ORONO

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