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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jul 1946, p. 4

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The Orono Weekly Times ~stabiished January, 193î. Pubiïshed every Thursday morning at the Times Office Advertîsing Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 R. A. iForrester, Publisher Orono, Ontario Thankfdulness O)ur relief at the sighit of rain last Friclay wàs equaileci by nur thankt'uhiess for the moderation of the storm. True, there vvere Ét'wo fires in the viJinity which the lca lire brigade deaIt with valiantly. Apart from these however, tere was a gratifying ab- -,eenlce of severe vilid, and nblsolutely no hall. There is a fair pros- petfor apfles -in soie parts of tlhe neighborhoodi, and hall would lave been disastrous. We beam of numerous grain growers ,whù have eornpleted the citýAing of fail grain. Ilmee s anlother weather hazard whiichi farm- -ErS ike to sWee ve. A tormlike that G-a1 kaga2o can beat grain down so that harvesting operations are miade rauch more difficuit. And so we give thanks for the raà biat ame as well for the un- antdelemrents tit did not corne The 01(ld' Chuirch Is Spared Eighty year old' Park Street Urdt.edl Churchws struc'k y lîlinlast Fviday yvening %ith resuitnt' damage to the elewticai inst al1laion9 is. Rad severe damiage been occasioned the somewvhat kn-ot,'ty proiilemi of reinovation od have been settled. As mratters stand, there are a nuniber of peopie -who feel that, an architetural change of setting =ioud iake for a more worýship- fui atimsphere, and greater comfoiit and effiiency in o,,peration. The facit Mat ndthing lbas been doue in the question proves that a stili grenier n-ýumber of peple are corctenit to alo'w things to remain as thyare. In other wordsthere are two types of thoughtwhc l'ailte converge into a coiumon channel. AUl of which starts us to wonder how the strdy edifie wold ~have been bOUli l eithe firipace lad folk of that day enioed the same tactis. Egg Prices AdIvance A sharp advance in the price of eggs is attributedl to an fm- creased dmand ai tourist uentres and summiiýer carnps. Eggs are indeed a good staple food when the prîce to the consumrer is beld --t a mocderate level. CkImMdrig the brigh cost of mneat, eg,,,g valuies have not been unduly high.There are oemwfaors which muy tend teVi oce production expensesq up. Aong these is the growiug asar- eity of hard grain and cocentrates. MVuc-h coarse grain is being, ddiertedVo t manufacture of bread in the congested areas of Europe, and doubtless a quantity of titsgraingoes from this o- tinent, The high cost of feed is soaething -whicb should cause miany pou[lty keepers to ponder the whèoe situation and try toudîsover whthrthe venture is p:ayinig. Like a garden of ones o=n the hone flock of liens can aWlord a lot of satisfaction oy iUs readily available foodP for the-table. At the saine momnent, the poutry floc is hiable to be more expensive thani the garden Fwhen u-pkeep is bal- eancec and reviewed. Shiould! feeds atal becoire scarce, there could be a real problean facing tne mani or won bi ho continued to kee hlin.Wltlout tihe hens one faces the alternative of buying aggs at Mehecurrent price. That price xnay be hlgh enough this Auuuand Winter unile'ss hum-pty dum-piy t-akes a big f al. Let Uis Respect Public Property The hitherto generous reo affor-ded the public witlh regard to thre Reforestation Station mpay have to bcecurtailed. We are told tbat people are not sliowinig good judgmient in -a numrber of instances -ïlien it co eo general behaviour around the Station. Ample provision has been made at nhe adjoinng parkT for pick ing and gain, but of late these activities have overflown A Mtle "Foresty" p)roperty. Whether the offenders are localI people or outsiders we do not knlow, yet thlere does seeml room ý for griev- nce on the part of the managemen~t when flo-ýers are, pilfe-red froi the gardcens. Orly recently the superintenden'si grounds were lu- vaded by sone people who wanted their picturesý taken upon the liouse veranîdah. This portion of the Station is iîtarked "str2ictly 1,riv ate ". D o ub tless there wiiil be readers who w111 point out the faciL that tMe Station is a governrm-et project, and that we are ail taxed foDr its upkeep. The same mtay be said of the igwaswlii h we ail Lave the riglit to use wisly while stili reiainig due consideration for the wtlfaue and comfort of the public nt lare At St. WCl haa and Mdhurst where other Re'«forestation Stations'are located, it lias been found nme«msar to keep the properties closed witlh the exception of two days a week Chen visiturs kmay be .escorted about the grounds. WVe wouldJ miiss the privilege o£ taking fiends o the "iForestry" at ril and the management wuuld bcluaNthVoplace restrictions upon our plea-sure. Let us each seek to proiote cour- tesy and comm-llon sense. Not A Scenit For The Rent Whloleeated faith in a sog n iay lead Vo fcomiplications sometim-îes. For years w\e have been teliing oursel-ves and thners that O-rono is a good place t Ie ie Two large signs proclaim the fact at the entranues o tMe village. Could(- the truthr of the maiý.tter have impressec itiseMd unduly upon the minds of the animal king- *im? Be it as Ui nay, there arenueou furry creatuires at large ia the vilage, -hch iulike chlduen, shoujld be seen but not sdt ~The reiden'til south-eud sems to appeýal as a place of abodeý, andi while we admrire the chéoe the rom ather than the comapany sould be our desire. ~' OROO WEELY TIES. TURSDAýY, JILY 25, 1946, IN MEMORIAM CARD 0F THANKS MORTON - Iu lovirig imeinoryof a .C-C. Cain ul fml msrte dear daugbter an4d sisýte!, Dorothy takterkndfinssdnib Tuen Holinsavrth wh pasec bos, n theOono'fie rand eifor THE ID OUR 0 TE FUR FARMIN G Mink and Fox MUTATIONS Buy a Trio - W. Ranch Then WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO, PHONE 42 r 2 thecir wiliing assistanice at the flue on F'riýday evening. iMr. anid Mrs. Hlarvey -Morgan ih to thank ail their ieatv inigh- býors and friends who helpedý in any way during the pasýt year.- Also muoh apipreciated 'were thie iplants from the W. A. and t'le fruit, flowers and numerous cards; retoeived. away on July 29tb, 1945. Not5in7s but nmmoriesý as we jourue1y4 "ogn or a asmile from s loved1 one gene; Noue kuoWs the deptb ol' our great1 regret, For those who loved ber, can naver forget. -Elver remenibeued Ihy Mother, DadSsessulrtes VISITS 1HOMECiTOWIN Lasi Thursday u old Orono gmrl, Jerusia Plains, nom living lunch- ester, N'.Y., paid a flying visit te Oýrono -wit bher daugbter Cara and seyeral graudcbiidren. Fifty yeaus ago rWhen heu father, Elias Plains, raised bis family lu thre north end of Oreno a sn ide Sky- ljet Wïiiox, Charley Wlters, Bobi Gordion and Jessie Woodard, the 1 weue no !automoýbiles, telephoues, radios, electule lilita, labor unions noar l'armera associations; sud there wa.sn't, an-y talk about ustioning of coI(thiug, lunilber, ceai, bacon sud brand the h.,igbecost of living. Se l'a uns cash as concerued imost everyhidy maaspouer as s cmu mouse sud businerss as laugey con- dcol au exe(_hauige of' godsand servces Hadlyany kid more ýLun- dewr oanloverceat ilu the min- ie2r, sud oat ol' therniment barefoot lu the sumimer. Most eeuybody, had a couple of piga, som-e beus, sud L cowl sud a herse. The eows , pas-i tured ou the streets and eveuyoue hld ,a fenice around thelu home -te kep lt'e c ïwrfom eVating tbe ciap boGards ýoff ithe house. Wm. Thioupson rau a tney sd eitb-er Richard liii, Hay HIooper, or Rubiin Werry mnade your boots. N. F. Hlall, Ro'betýt Kuox or AIS. Travelie rmade your cloibes, sud eiter Roert Aster ou Ed. Pinder built yen s buggy sud shod your herses. It isn'i iikeiy that syeein thei riglit sasses would wmt te go baclk te tIhose good old days ol' inconven- len-ce l'rom i2the aeldays mewu v havebuttherevusas sleofl'lun ther sud! the Plaiins l'amiiy, -wit their love of l'un, eurtaiuly added tc eveuyouie'a s oyetof living. Jerush;a mas married te WNes. O des. Wes. only ad oue ieg anc when be dîed she mnaried s mas in Roq-)ýcester, N.Y., thiat oul1y had one arm. Wliein Mabel Plains mas over h-ere sereraI years ago, sOhe s alji 1 J erusha is married again sud ahe bantgojt sawole an ye-3tl" illy ïWsters used te tell about seug "Spdt Plais a botte of that farmous cougli medicinie with the ruum base that ho got thre receipt for fuom lluaby Anu Gifford. HIe ssid tiret Spot iiked it -so melliIt h duank th ffe whofle liottleienl me guIp. C. G. Arnmstroug wssppsdto býe s Pallboearer at Elias Plains fu- lieial. He didt't make uup l'rom ii roguliar afternoon snooze until alter the l'uner!l mas over.'Nhen he ment up te the lieuse teoffger hi apooges, WamPlais saue,"coma o iChuley suiddot worry about it Sve get hmm buied anymay." Tien mne geVte1)laughing mitb Jeruisha about Bobt. Cordon. When Bob mas se liard up tihat lie didu' kuom mv hich way te ore, lie tuadje lu thea)amiiy organ ou s new' piano, When t-he boys asked Bob about it1V h sa,weil I ta'ue ail the go, sud any- mayFIei (aughteýr) lias genE jusýt as l'au as si-e can ou the ougan'. The Plins familly sud theil neiglibors are s ui gl it y plieasarii meoyte a good -many Oro-no peo JonArmstrong DANCE lThe Newoste Board of Manage- iment of NeCastle :omuitY hll hue hloldling e, dance in the Rli tis Frilday eveingi, July 26lih, -with Rusa Creiîghýton's Orchestra lu atte-uane,. Fl CAPITOL PORT HOPE Friday and Saturday 6.20 & 9.00 (Satf. 2.15) "Our Hearts Were Growing Up" With Gai] Russeli, Dianna Lynni and Bria Doievy "THIROW A SADDLE ON A STAR," Monday to WednesdaY Shows at 6.40 and 9.00 BING CROSBY BOB HOPE DOROTH-Y LAMOUR~ In the Big Coinedy [fit "THE ROAD TO JAMES E. O'BOYLE Orono, Ontario BuiesLicense No. 134970 Wartime Prices and Trade Board BUILDINGi CARPENTERING ALTERATIONS REPAIRING PAINTING Gooid work at f air prices, by the hour or the jolb ESTIMA'lýYTES FREE WANTED) Live Poultry and Feaýthers. Top pr)ies- paid. M. Fqett, R.R. No. 1, Bethan-ty; Phone 7 r 13. 1-31-P. LOST Swedc Saiw between Orono 'and W-n'sMiii. Kendai. Finider please notify -Mr. L. D. Bell, Keýtndai, Phone 6r1,Orono.a-2-c NFnORn a ALacEs fgo lan andlarge framiceshose wit eLndtricity god brand hsable and hec ue , in Ty;goo brnilagd-te.apdy toen Mus. Jas.STyone i ae. G. 1Hto pers. as rowie, Onare DPhon 42-16, Oronoc--p RADIO REPAIRING AU i makes of Radios repsired and serviced. Work Cuarsuteed. Prices Moderate. Modern test eqýuipmeutn. l.E. vî, Phonne 54rl11, Orono. SFOR SALE Frame Silo., appro-ximatdely 12 feet in, diameiter. Milton Tamblyn Phone G5 r 19, Orono. s-26-p. -- WA-TETO1- BUY Good-sized bouse (7 or 8 rooms), in goodI conition, lun, Oronio, Pu-s- session as soon ,as possible. Reply to Box 17, Orono, Ontario, -9p FOR SALE A numiber of 36pt Berry CrateS. C. C. Cain, Orono. N OTICE Thle office of R, R. Waddeli in io rolio ill be close d. fro m jul y 29th to August 1«11, 1946, iinclusive. STARK VILLE Mu. George Smîitb bas sold bis farm. P.O. Danuy Shutka bas ueturied home from Oveuseas. Mu. sud Mr.a. Thos. Falis visited at Elew Halltewel's. (Mr. sud Mrs. Wiliis Farrow, of, Newtonvilie, spent Suuiday atMr Perty Fhrrow's. Mu. snd Mus. Waiter Simip-an sd1 sons&, Osharwa, visited ai Mu. H. Trim's onSudy iMr. sud àMus. Arthur Durnu and Eleanor speut a l'em days with frieuda ai SViillng. Misses Elesuror sud Louis Crumn- built, Oshkama, are biolidayiing with Miss ormaHallowell. -Miss WlimTrno spenii the meek-eud wiltb Mu. sud lMus. Fred Todd. Mu. and Mus. Qhiarlie Hlt sud l'amiiy, Toronto, speuiLt teir bolidays witir Mr. sud Mus. Funk Stonie. Miss Evelyn Cordon, Sixtir Line,! 1 spent Suuday mitlir Misýs Audtýey Far- Miss Mary 1Haliome i ssedu ber holidays itirMis Joan Warký, Mu. asud MsHauold lLittle sud Gary, of Oshama, Mr. sud Mus. -Ar- thuir Faiiud 'amily, Bmavle spenit Mouda-y at their cottsge a't ;Deeker !Hllom. Mu. sud 1Mus. ,Alfred Dobson sund 1Mlry lou, Mu. suid Mus. Ed. luthi- yen penj)]t Sunday mV -itb Mu. aud Mus. RuslLoweuy a ýt their cotae 1Mapie Lea-l ' Ps1r. Mary Lou ue- ma,-iuedc fou thle heiid'ays. Mu. sud Mstanl. Falls and am .iiy, Miçss Clan H1-eaurn, Toronto, sý;pent the ee-edwith ,Mu. snd iMus. 'Ibos. PFeRs. AMiýss11,e ansd Colleen and Doloes Falls uemnainiug- fou son-e hoiidays. FURNITURE SALE I bave been autliorized to sel! by pulcauction foul MRS. JS. STORIE in the Village of Tyrone on WEDNESDAY, JUILY 3lst, 1t946 thle folowingý Furnitu'e ' Ore Parior Suite; 1 Sideboard; 1 KthnCab1inet; 1 Renfrew (C('ook Rite) Cook stove; 1 Cozy Hlomie Hleýter; 5 Eeds, Spuings and M3at- tresses; 3 Cupboards; 1 large Ex- tensýion Table; several snail Tables-; 2 Dressera; several Rockiug Chairs; Electrie rou; Lamu IMower ; '2 Centre Tables;ira; 1 l Ddroyleaf Table, aud inany other articles ioo numer- ous to miention. T MSCASH. sale at 1.00 p.in.f Elmer Wilbur, AnUctioneer SPORTIS DAY Nevmcasti1e Annual Sports Day miii be heid i the p)ark, Newcastle, on (Civic Holiday), iMonday, Au!guýst 5tir, comn-mencoiug st 1.30 p.m.. There iviii be two harraili aies, the flut a ege game bet*een Bow- mianrille and Newcastie, -wbile the second gante ol'tire al'ternoon is betwoen Kendai suid Orono. Adm-is- sion to groujnda,, 25ec. A danuce wilq be lheld in the Cornmunity Haill in th-e eveniiiug, mitb Rusa Creigh!-toun'as Dauce Baud li ate, a .Adn 1is - 1 s i e n o d -a nc e , 5 O N E W TON VILLE (Conti.nu(-(]from page _eigbt) gathered te houeor Mu. ad Mr s, Morey Roînon (nieea Wilina Preuse. Wan Laiu mes aster af ceeoue nd pues ented the follo-w- inig programmn-fe: piano e6ciosby Douotlhy Stanpleton sud Jean Stacey; gucitýar selections by Jen Staey, Ednia Denianît sud Dorotliy Brown; -ead*iugý by Dorothy Brovwn, su d a br-ief mlord frein the pastor, Mr. sudn, Mus. _Rebinsou mwere thien clled formaýrdl, MryBurlaýy rua(d thelad- dfess, anid U s. Clintui Farro-w sud Beruiece Mlign puesented tlem mitb art afteunioon tes set, a ttable- clotili, table reflector sund rose bowl, aiseo aunenvelope mitir a sum of mouey. Bt -rbrie sd groom'0 n thauk1Sd theiîr fuiends gracýiously. 1Gloria Latte sud Marie Brown show - erzed the-m witlll confetti. A bou- tifui lunch broughât thre evening Vo s c leo s e . MIEDICÂL A. F. McKENZIE, M-D, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office -louis: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to A Sundays and 'Wedniesda-yq appoinmlent only PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence, C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Office 688 -Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones: Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMANqVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY NURA NCE FeCasualty, Automobile* and Liahility C)R90N 0 ONTARIO YOUR lPhoiie 5U1 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Onatario - Monuments,Gr em kra Engraving, GoldIeafing AUCTIGNEERS T ED JAÀC.KON Auction-ieer and Valuator Conduet8 Aectioln Sales of ail1slsoe and at reasonablerates. Comnicaiate with him at P.tt Perry, Ontario, or see hlm Clerh, A. E. uotn t Orono, for date. Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm an&i F9iurniture Sales Consuit me for.terniiq and dates Phone 1-620 - Clarke ,Do You Know That, for a man age twenty-fouxr, The Iniperial Life Assurance Coim- pany will guarantee his fainily $5,000.00 in erent'of bis death pjriier te age Ë;ixty, for between, 2% and 3% of that amount yearly. And ife he lires te age sixty, the Compan7 y wfilI pay hlm the $5,000.00. Why net censuityour local representative FRED LYCE'1 te see what a plan sach a-, this wtll, do for yen?7 YORK'S TAXI 24-hour Service SPECIAL RATES FOR j OUT-OF-TOWIN SHOPPERS Phone 73 r 16, Oo~ r ~ TENDERS WANTED Ten-ders miii be receiried fou the posit'ion of janitor of ParkSt Unit- ed Chiureh, Oronoe, up tri and includ- ing July 25th. Duties to cmec Aug-usi lst, 1946. Requiremenits of position can lie sceera at the Secre-1 tsry's offlice. Alil Tenders te be seaied aud limarke, ener i ad desd to Secrctary. Professionai Directory

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