OOO Vol. ;ü» No.2-8 ORONO, ONT., THUUî-SD)AY, AUG lIst, 1946 Subscription $1,25 per Y/ Orono Fi*s-ýh And Hunt Club WilEntertain ChiIdrein At] Ail Children In Orono Will B5e Invited To Attend! Y~ Tha menilhers of the Orono Fish and int Club, around ffteen in ubr met ini the banquet hiall of ~- On7no asonic Temple on Tuesday avenýing, Jily 3Odth, for the puripose ,o f noh ut vwhether themmbars weon in fAvor of holding a pocni for thaJir wives and cildranei; al-so theý oligOf a lisb derýýby sonmetimle this Evaryone was in favr ofolding po pcii te near futue at Gore' Ladn-,wben 'the nme-inhers of the! Club, thein xives, along with any chil-dr in the town are învi-ted to Ébketis a gal1a afeno and ev c-intg, Te fo1llowing coi-mittee rw'as appointed t(o loolk aftar the lunch! trasprttinspor'ts programl-me, toi Wè -itabe g-runds at tde Landin, to c;ý-hoose a data mowst suitabla one o Gord. Watson, Dr. -sTyrraîl, Dane Found dthe Ser-geaL1ý he (day is beinigj van ovFv~, ginne lidren of -oun ttwn, and aMlare - 9ohal in aevy way thay can 1Vo Cil 1 sumeesaBoats willbehioed se tmat, the chi! d ea wl~ be able to anjoyl themrsalves 'on the- water, plus ice1 erniadpoj). Tbe date -will haen-[ non 'e just as so as po;ssible, than, a reg:istr'ation 'will ha mada cf! t!hosae-who10want Vo goc, gvi deh cemintte smeideýa just t tbhey Iiohaet do ibout transýportation. 1V çvoidseenm thtthealnnual fs -drh vlj also ba 'hld thisý year. Tis ccotîing lat two dalys and w'ill ba hald pon th-e Bay etftQuinte lneair Pii*cn. The comnmitteaet W. E. Anmtre'gC. T. MXillar and Parc. 'Lunu ws appointad te c.ommunicatel at oea about boats, transportation, 'acconsm dûýation, etc., and' te repent at a meeting etf the Fi1 Cu a 'ste h bld on Tusa mu .August lSh. AuI members d o ha present aVtlM meat-1 nfinal plans -will ha) made. aatmgthenadjournied. oney. An Old Food Houe 01)is oneetthae ldest ami m oest intAe re-,t jing foods kno'wn te i ankndili . lTtsimprtance in ancient ,i- ',adCcunts for the tact that it' igniffied ahundiancete thosa n-ho n-avre t'uoa la'd te "a land etfiin -witVh milk aidhoea". In ourow ý,,tawli te amphasis upon pro-j paer nutritioDn, henley laso;ught in ra- toadquantities as avry st- fatdsupplament te sugan aliot- Tia popular sfyupy substance bas thaý distinction etf being the only con- tnihation etofthe iniseot world' te man's diet. Its manutaCturenrs the busy, -ite ' -ners" o h oa-baa famiyetain their r wn-mateniial Mîr. and Mmr. iH1. Lowery Celebrate 2Sth Anniversary On S-undaCty, Juhty 28tb, Mr. and Mr.J. Harley Lovery quietly cale- brated thair twventy-fifth wedding anniivarsarly. ýOn being invited to spýiend( the aveing -with Mn. and Mrs.* Lyall Lowery, thiey were completatly surýp-ised Vo fnimiinmediate relatlives gatbarad tlhare in bonour of the oc- Tha- plaasing featura of the ýve-)i ig asthe readting of a congratu-, l'atoiy iaddress by their nicMr, Don Tanatad th-e*paetto of a-in,ýet' of flatwar-e b1t) i iIe raddaughiter, Catheine Low- ery, to tlehe onourad couple. A1 buf- fet lunch was then si erved and a lsocial 'bour spenttoten fTbose priesanit -are tha bride's paranits, Mr. andtl Mrs. Jas. Coch- ranae; brida and groom, and family John UJams Gor-don nid Llod; M. [adMrs. Wm. Cochrane an-d Raid; Mr.Witniey Boyd,- Anýle,ti M-are- lee, arion anud Bîlil; AMn. and 'Mrs. Russaî l, Marilyn anid Grant; Mn. nd rsAlbertMeto:MrV. Sam- Seanie; Mr. aind Mrs!. Don Tan- nanlt, anld gadblnnCathlenin)e and Wvayne, Four generations were represenit- ed at the gteig Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cochiranle, Mrsý. H. Lowery, John Lowery and 'his tw-o cil'dren 'Cath- erifle and WVayne. chiiefly froni f1oxvrsý pay for it by thir servie cf c ross-poý llin-atlionI m ada poYssible bDy a sysitematic gathý- eing etof nectar froni plants of oe spudis befere passig on tueNtmoscf another and carny it thomne ila thleir crop-like honay-'bags in whicb hey appanenttiy put it througbh a process cf transformnation froni nectar te 1honaey betora depositinig it in the cals of the lonsbs" prepared for the steragaet thair food. Thare is cenidenabla variation in the quality et honey. Tha-.t Iproduced early in the floeaing seasen is uistally supenien althougb -;hthene are exceptions. Fl-aven an-d celer natur- adily depend to a lange extant upon tiba flon-ar froin-hich the nectar is obtainad. lin North Amnenica con- sýidarable quantitias of hom ey are danived fi o en erand altalfa. îCaada's bonay icnop in 1945 bas beeni estimiiated by the Domiinion Bur- eau! et Statistics at 8068,000 bs. Due cbiefly Vo tria iuuually smnll cps lan Ontario ani Qulehabc, the cUtcoma c f avrespri3oinad early summ-er wavatbar, ther -as a de- diine et abeuit 12 par cent troin the' crop cf 1944. Recommend Fveeding 0f Sait To Swine OCan-.'dian Exp arimantai Stations comîpnia -part e ve-ny thIlat sat1 ratdion for anü-ina.Hogýs ne-adsasit in raoal ~. quantitand its use cuts down feed ons umpitien imaterially asud(1pro- Y.,otes ra;pid and ecemical gains. A ia-v intere-sting axpei-mant, Supporting thase racommendatiens, 7n,-as rpota y the Expep)rniment-al &titon raV PunduaIan, in 1945:' In that test four lcts et bogs'ace fed in dry pans for a paniod cf 85 days. Each lot centaînad 14 pigs With an average starting weight cf1 about D0 pounds, AU lots recaivad sbal-ed ilo corn'and a minerai ~ ~pritura f pulversized hîimestonae, 10 &artsî, and sp'cia'l ste1aed bon(, ina,10 parts. Al lots recaivad ai- se a protain suppiement mixture eti seybea Di O eal 110lb, 111(1alfalfai l-fina,10 lb'. N-o anin-nal proieins nare usad as these contai ne Sait.1 Lo--t 1, the chieck lot, recpivad nei s-- sai1t. Lot 2 r-,ýeiva(d loose naîlt lu a ~eda.Lot 8 nï-ceaîved leese salitin a tee-dan an-d i part et sait wais addad aný1d nhe saie minepral mixture as- Lot Lot 2 miada thie most aconiai-ili and the heatiest daily gains, Cern- paed Vo Lot 1, teir average daly- gains n-are1594 Ab.against M9 lb and the faa'd costs cf 1010' lb. et gain ure only $8463 comparad te $12,53. Summarizigng te rasuits, ona pounld oft sait saved 211 l'h, cf cern, 46 lb.of- pretein supplement and 27 lb. eofsintarais, basad on thea etaa requiramentof Lot 2 awit sait as comparpedi Vo Lot 1 without sait. The teed-savad by eapouid Ut SaIt n-as n-otb h 3.The boýgs recaiving waît gained pr naly Vwice as muc ausEthosawitboutsaît. Funthemme, the hIogs- in Lot 1 aVe 121/a> tues as 1mIuch etfthea minleral mixture as -as ýor,ýnsu'md in Lot 2, n-ich nefiacts thie craving -thase bogs baqd for soet)ing tbey could noV get-cemi- mnsait. Orono Tie C their lasi the seas Jully 27t] Bownianx 'ltter p sixty miY tried bar the last and 'dowY looked as but thes goalies h scorewi The Or, are aven] game in Orono dic but next the leadai the gamao playes h before,Lin ing seasol account e Priorî D ueC. to and the il pr'ionity c( (to-clsy) And Bowmaniville j Mr. and Mrs. T. llarnless Play Scoreless Camne1Given Presentation rond football teamn played Avery pleasant evening wý ,va s treguar schedue game of spent at the home of Mv. and 3mn. ;o on S a tturdacl,,y eeigLaverne Hanass, Antioch, on Thurs- ýh, vwhen thfey played the da, July 25tM, iwhen about sixty ville fobl team a t the frinds and neighbors gathere'd toC a e. Through terhl or the newlyweds, rad Ms nutes o)f play, boi teamns Thomïas Hannes's (nee jean Browsn) d for a wvin, especilly in WhC Were DIarned recently in Ot- ha'lf, when play ranged UptWa i the field with plays that Wchen the gatherig had ailassemn- if a goalas in the offng, bl4dTomn and Jean wvere usheàred to %Delar goal-tending of botb chairs of honour and Mir. Lewis hed the opposing teams Wood read the addres. The presen- through'ouit the gamne, tto of a chinlacaie and end table mas made by Gamen WVhite, -ono and Bommnanvill teamns BiE Gordon and BoA Coatham. Tom' y mante!hed, playng a 2-ailandi Jean tbtankatheir friands filn Orono in a previous gaa.a fewewal chosen words for thei cl not get into the pla-yoîfl, g2ifts,, ate hihaljoinedinsing- Year Vhey wMll e up vith ing '"For, They Are JolIy Good Fel- rs now that they know wat orw"s". This was folIhLowed by a sýing-~ ais a'bo'ut. Most of the sougofnod favoueita ith Doreen ~ad eye plyad ootallFarromv at the piano. iMr. Cbarlie At cy the end cf the play- ownthen1 favoured xith several n they were giving a good vilin selaýctions in his usual plaasing )f themlselves. mianner-, and soon dancing waen- n gaged in by the younger set and TL some not se youlsg. ity laken Off Cars -Lnc ýreî hç to a close anothar pleasant get- the shortagý2e of new, cars togetber". creased demand frsaine, ertificates on crswill and ThusýVay A,-ýstist 1Three iiiren, inree Thliis anone- antrma on Tue~s- day, nigbit froni ,Reconstruction Min-l iste llw ho snid lthe system hab- sýhortage anrd casd dmn brougb-ft about a Situationwhe en- focýement rwas co!stinagmoe ha Birthdays In July John, Ross and Jeani Tanibiyn bave each had a urnenrtingsm etf thir young- friandls at their - spective binthdlay parties this moncith. the ~ ~ ~ ~ ""' ysaiwswrt. - - On July Mt, Ive one-yer-old Mnr. lfoe said the trade hnd been!bbe n hi ohr iia sent a "im ordar Vo f6M1 first tha witb Jeain and Mrs. J. C. Tamlblyni ordars cf thosa n-on holding pniity for tne aftenoon and baped toe cae- certifiates-{and thara is a backlog braVe Jeans birhday. Then on cfý sonie 60.,000' unfilllad certifcates. ulY t3th, John), five yeaýýrs cld, kept, - a group et bis ta.ynates busy -Our systam Wouodl bave bent suc-ami their mothans amused at gains cessful hlad car Production lived up and play. The party became ilar ào anticipation," said Mnr. HoWa. bus n-ban papar bats wvera d(onned;, *"Wh'Ien it didn't, the systam broka pictures taken, and animal cookcies dosvn. We are ash,1ing the tradie te 'devoured' during teh m&lunh. 1O -honor the outstanding pénonitytcar-Satrrrdlay, July 27th, Ess' thid Imates and aise V o look atte de- birtbday, six mi-others and miîne chil- s3erving cases as n-ail as tbey can." denabu bis ag, visitedtgthr Ha a xpectedi the first-comi-e-firt- the cbildran p'aying itb tops and serve systamnetfte future te -work halls. Atter the lunch tbe childrenl ot bacaus7e the, trade (,,und(]ha trust- took part in a hunt for Fa Vor ad Vo take care et dasarving cases whieh -tbey soon captured and teck1 and kilI tne black méairket. a1ong home. Tobacco Acreage Steadily lncreasing In Durham For an intarestin'g review cfd the present position witb regard Vto thei grewing cf tcbacce thnougheuit thej Province et Ontanlo, we are indebt.- ed te the Meonth'ly Crep Report et the Ontario Depantm-ienit etAgri-1 culture. it sSttistil report covars theý yaair up Vo tle nmiddle cf Jlo just be-ýfora the prasant 0ru 1it 1I ne-ers priulryte the in-icrease thiis year in Che tebacco acr-eage- in Durbai Couty. The Daprtan Tobacce - Tne -mnijoi-ity et ne- ,planting cet tohuon-as eomipleted by J uiy 1 hrugout the antire toîbacco districts ot Ontaie -itci the exception eft1ithesa growaers who were flooded eut in KentOut chiuin the ne-cent Stoerms. AS a ne- soIt c of thlese Storms soma '0.buriey and dark tobacco waSstaili b)e iFig planted durîng tha fi rst week in July. The loss in thea tebacco ci-op as, a nasuit et thase beavy rais- is still probflenatical, but a certainý acreage etfblecy and dankVtobacc'o was destroyed. Th1e portion et the hurle-y and ldark, tobacco creps bad- ]y damiag-ed by flooding and emxcess- n-star is estiniated by the Secratary <t the Burliey Tobacco Marketing Board aýs apoim iy 20 pan cent et the e, but it i'Sevdn thbat Étha lmajor part et the dnae Vo the tohaccoq crop occurred h i- Kent County.- The .vpiv- -v,'rm weafh,'-. A,-,-,,o C aanadian Iauthoi t ia-s u n'ain ýim ouisý'y vthie as n-ce-k in Junen-sxap dylse the unsaetfsaDtin the lbog v a-tionally favorable fr nnpid gnowtb ion.ý Froeina-atteondercntin the tobacco crep, as n ,al afo if mix-ýed witbi grain fead or a about 9thaer laVacnops such as cern and ve percent cf the protein-ni-inarai soylbeans in southonstarn OtAni. upie-ment, arte t-be levi usually As a resui the tobacco erop ta rcoemmnded. n-!;as net sanicusly damiaged 1in the fioeldedc areas ba s develeped veryl well vwitb the exceptinon fsm cases wbere ïiack riootrot appears te ha eprevalent. lu etïher wns crop prospects are good at the rs enIt Vu'e witb a considerable incr'ansa ini acs-aage planted te al tirae- typa's. it is n'on- estimtadeý that a-ppre- -_ tü1c lt enpatdir - mately 9'00acres etflfue-cured1 taie tlhis yean as compred wivb, 72,300 acres in 194 llTe u-ue tobacco ci-op on the wbole i on wall and a:ppeýars Vo hasbgciyea- lier thian haSt y-v aar'. 1Vtisesiae thatü at least 1 2,c. 00 acres et hjur- 1e oac ware plantedi thi, yaan, but thle final picture IntIs tLypa as welll as in the dar'k obaLcco is ne(t yetý completa because sema neplatinlg is tîlin prograss. lo-ve-ver, tebr ley and diirlk tobacco araeta wns net affacted hy the beavy nainls looks very promIisingý l, dis makinlg Thle aren et toIhacc- p1ian tin g i s leing a, xtended Voine'w istricts. li Lanimbton County n etnin e acreage is reponted this yenr and in simcoe Coýuny toba,,cco gnewing- is a promiing ne-w linafe pro- d ueVÎo i-41)ppro-xi mat ely 800 acres cf fiue-cieund and rnîay ltypes are, b1eing gnon--n in tac NawLcwell distr'ict etN-otbSimoCe a nd40 snes in South 'Sinicea In Durhaur Ce)unty the acreage is tapidly in-cnaaýsin-g V, i tb 1, 200 acres baing gnon-n tAis seassen. Prospects in aH tbese areas are good. 11n spite o et h craepliantad et the tbraatya cf tob-,Ico girùvn in OntanIe suppies' are- stilsot snd 1nkt ro(,s pe('cts are- very gce-d. Newcastle Girls' Champions 0f N.0*N. League Red Cross Qualifies In Safety Programme Th,"Ie latari Safety pnogrami of the Ontanîo ivý-ision of Red Cross, dtir- actaf b Joyce Pumptne Tyraîl and A.l R. 'T. Ch---etw,,ynd of Toronto was inuuaed opîy a few mnonth ago. Des'igned Vo eut downi the annual toil of deathPs by dnowning bny teacbing- a 'knaledge of swsinuning and waten snfeyde prograni bas been parti- ciate in widely by Ontano Red Cross' Branches. Otstanding srwim- marn in nmancommunis haa e enr s'alc'ed to send Vo the lied Cross Intutr'Sedhools onganizad at1 vanlious locations in tie Province by, thae Divisional Sup-ervisons of W.atan Safety Oven t'wenty Schools have bean ,ip1d in 'Ontaio,( during Juna Cros Swimingand Water Safatyl Instuctrs.Thus, fnom n fnaiw vto Nakina, and froin ot Bay to London instruuLctLors out to teach yo n nd old bwto bandle thejniselves safely ini the wnter. Red CosBrancýhes provide the neces- saryv fundas for- the beachi equipmýienit iin sa setrtaining. Neaily flfty organized camrps hava adoptaddite Red Closs prograni and next Faîl will sec it ad]o-pte(l as a part of the swimmning pnognm in many On- Vanio Scýbools. M.W. 1-. Stol',. Toronto, is bon-- onary Chairman of ts pnogram lini theOnao Division of the Red Oross. Accc)rd-iingtVo a ract stat emient cf the 'Wartima Pnicas and Trade Badthý,era' ee 784ILpr'osecutions 'fer viit o f tha ursed car Order býetwean t-ha period June, 1945 and! May, 1946î. Board 'officiais point eut tVhat thenre is neti aon)h any consumer shoul av to pay m-îore thanl the - ceiling ,prices; and if facts ara ne- ponted FoteLthe Boara the r-ar 'will ha obtained for the prospective pur - chasar at cling pnicaS, AIllused ca-rsns mst ha tagged 11with t'he seliing price and cannot ha cr- fered for zsala abioya the lglceil- mgg pnica, Consumers ara urged Ao report te he BoUrd any denier found1 te be displaying cars withcut pni(e tags on as'kin-g over-ca.ilîng pnies. AWhen an investcigation is made and tA der is found Vo 'ha hala! for prosarutioni the car mi-ay be seiz- KI by the Board. A diretive is than issued VLo tha dealen ondening the saia etfh car te a parson delegatý,ed by theC Board, nbc is usuaiy thIle P C rs o n ml the original coli- Orono grs etalteam ,vent do,(w" Vo feton Fniday eveung-, JuIy 26yt'h, te tMhe Newcastle ira softbaIl team, losing bYr a score aiff 10 to 3. The daeat suffered bY Orono, squelchad any hopes t h 9y might have had of winnîn1g the, Ina. gue champnqion.ship. Newcastlewo the champ;ionsbip with th*ree srih wvinýs over Oronio in the pla)y:offs. Rby Brunit, pitchling for1 the wn ning team, beld the Orono hiteri i il'L in check, only coring !in tw7, innliig-s, one r unl in thle fourth lin- ninýgs ïwhen Isabel Hamm inhi'tsfl and scored on Donn,,a Wast's driv e, ln the seventh innings Orono girls sored thaiir finial tvro runis. Aimaz Shaplas the llrst batter up bit safe- lyý, theni Eunice drove out a ho)me rukin. hs enied the s'coning forth Ononio Veali. Orono a ten gi4r-a ]eft on bases during the saven ini- nings. Ruaby Brunt had two strke- out Vo ber creit. 'For the Orono girls, Joyce 9~n nant took over the nlounýd tduty acf pitched a good gmthough Ne-- castle dîd gat tan nuns, S. Bnuii, ao-d C. Alfidread, the finist two bat- tsbit sa(fely and scorýed onV Westerick's dive. In the secon-d they colleced tbree runs, by S. B3runt' , C idadanidE. Foste'r. Oronio settled dlowni agi, holding Na"'csýt1e scorele>S ini the third and fourinn 1ings. In the flftb Ne-w- caqstie sconed four ru1ns by A. Rick- ard:(, G.Iars D. Beaton and S. Brunt. Two; of these runs wew hoeshy IRickard anm Harnîs, en- inig ini a non-. In the sixth _New;cast!e- so ed ne runl by G. fHaris. scor- igi on B. AL1llin's !bit. Joyce baid five stvikýeou~t tobar credit, wal$king cn- Iy oe. Ruby Brunit issuled two free passesVoufIrst base. Newcasçtla _ ----2 8 0 O 4 1 x-4G Or-ono ---- ------00010-0- FOi Fair Dates Avaiîlable Lists cf the tali fairs te ha balsi aIover the Province tîsý year hava, nlo-beau omile iad' pinitad by thre Agriculturatlî and iHor-ticultunra1 S(cieties Brncbcf th Lle On'tarîio De-- jp'artmlent etIAgicu Ilture, (etf-biich J. A. Carroîl i uainedn.Ai- cdigte the lists, '248, tains andi eIxhib)itionýs are being beld thbis yLar, this bain anmeasse eo prxi imately 20 ovar last year's figpure. -- chided' n the list is the Royal Win- Ver Fair, fbeing hfildtroo Nveinbe-r 12 te 20 and h)eing ,ýravived -atter a sutspensýion of lieeyears owimg t wartimi-ecodtes An-yona e sinto find euit tIreý dae Po ny tain inOnaimyd se byjusd callng the office eoth Or-ono Tures. Canadian mada nawNsprinlt acu fer i eut c f (eveýryv 2 nanI p pe pa)ges prninte'd hroughoumt the wcnhd, Durham Potato Growers Compelte In zeOO Club Five Hundrd Bushel per accre pc-- BuhelPoaj -Clbin Otnefu tato (Sceb PHllagain ha featura pro yemear ago ucbimpi-ovemnt lias jeets etfte Ontanio Crep improve- heen aecompiiHed by grcwans pi- mnent Assoiationthis vaisit is an- pe. al-ato c.ta poao n nouned IlR.E. Goodipotato (dustry, sa'ys Mn. Geedin. Teplein fioc lmne the Onane Dpartm--ent' cipla et n set objecýtive in il a cf Agricltue, acre Iras aise ben applied for im- F or the founth successive yasr. provem-neo t ethercrops by, the South Sinrcoe Ceunty -Ias organized erogaization et eerl5-ouse a -unes- kuuno'as tua Aiison 500Fait Wheast Club-s. 80- Bishel Bushel Par Acre Potato Club. New- TunnipClubs,100 bushlermmClubs, comipatitions wih haconducted this 100 Bushel 0Ont Cisand ;60 PBushalýe> year ithe counties eof Duffei and Baniay Clubs.This' ye,-i the-ne Wenworii alo n te DstictofaIse na0 U' sblýeiPan Cluborgnzd Wentwrtb einteDstitc for the first thue hy the Ranfren-I Kenia-C'ounty Branch et the b('Ontario Crogp In ail, fourtenIPcaitions ara Improvement soiain ýrender way, incudng Vwo àn tha With urgent demands tonrlucre-as- District etf Sudbury, and aise oe ed productien et food producte~t- in eacb cf the toiiowing areas : gethen with the tact that cuttng Cochrane Nortb, York, Rainy River,.e' etp1ucte a ui sa Ilhunder0B ilOtaieu i , tim111y subjeet, ysucb routsnhic-h Temi'kaingand Midfdlesax. Sv eaupnet mo-re aetcs, but maxi -- anal etthesa cepetoition)ls have i- -muni Productinocf quality prod cis craase-thaîr n.unurbers ef coutet- uracre, À-dà AMKA n - an . wic inicaesgreatatr an- 's 0il . . l'i