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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Aug 1946, p. 3

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te wite for our liaýt of fastslin boson combagres, nail clip- pers. lsiclm saerayon scarfs, tiriininga,et.Lwnc 1,aceFaria , 16 QenSt . uABiY CHICKS IIULLETS CRIT -WVEEKS to Ii)sly- ipg. Fe atlge ni rieit l'op NthCiekerles, Guelph, Oni- t'arieo. LAKEVIEW CHICKS 5000 Breedera (a'bs July 26, uguat 2d ancd wVeki. Ly ftILer1, aise limlted nestrt ed cicks and 1ICIpulîcte. FREE RANGE PULLETS 2imntb 3s Ite 1layingj agi,-,e, raiseud unil- jc ieal conditionIs, scnd fer Priceý l it, and caaoge ook your or- ciemlnW. Ajýlsnw pet typ)e range 011l bumnersi, ijmmeiateý delivcery. rot tpe 0ro 1r1h urcr. ook peurs for F "ail deii jv er1y. LAKEVIE-W POULTRY FARM, WeLn Broes,, te lay iing for immedPiate delivcry. .AiJse0 twv L.anS .thrcee ve-k olS start- cd hlks Feecatl,ýogue. Tweddile Chick itaceviesý, imiteS, EFergus, yoAtICUT CH1CKS AVlASIE IF Dayoids, pllets, onsxeCock- Ae l. Bray Hthr,10John Nj., aitton, Ont, MîiLLER'S CHILCK 1ATCHE£RY, FRUONT. )UARRED iROCKS EDT LA iii 1 wcekls Tamp). x BtLegheorn x BR.4 & wcce, F vek o Leg mmdaesipmeI(nt can be maôde. DYEIN'O ANDS CLEAINO XIAVE YUAYT UNEEDS dyeing or leaning? WVrite to lus for Information. WVe are glaS te answer your qetinDepamen3t . PakreDyo Wouks Limlted, 791 ronge Street, Torontoj, Ontarlo. FOR SALE DiaSVS VALVES, SAFETY VALVES, Caug9es, oiltem grease cups, Dreck!, Dundaus, On)lt. ELcRI OTORS NEW, USED boughlt, sold, rbli:beits, pileys, brushes. Alen ElectrieC man LtdJ., 282.6 Dufferin, St., Teronto, Ont. MACHINEg:s DOING1,Cl CONCRETE bt)c c einent s comibineS, hani' dop- er'ated type, size 8 -K 8-16', ,two[ 11otes ýýc. SetIling prices$8ý25,.ý1001-H. MARTIý U1 NE1 AU1 , S T. 1HERM 1A S, Q U, P >heoe 9 16 -12, Sflctroni ssuppiesot ilskids lit fr t Ina]1Uamp omy lsri- ors, Ongaton, Otro.l i-gn WhlCes.ale Pic e ilevy HAtm- nu, streanlinted reedin etsiel Eîtwe siesu$4.25ind $3,2 pai ticd., WatrDeaIn Canes and Boat Ceý, 200Dudstreet WsTrne PARIMS FOR SA1LE RES1ORT PROPERTVY FOR SALE trouit hayonl. 5 acresesof mea't unqefalrnsma nOtarie. Eupe tiesafor oeatnln ui ess ma- ,ler. Cnetrtd gru ea i ng aýj'piga on elevatcýd siope, wj ih sp)eckied and bmewn trouit, Perfect fOundiiLOnj for automatieý ram sys- tcm ,iitrthatcllery. Grat mani- tics Palirtr-idge, Deer; Jacit Rabffbits, etc. Eatsy accessibility. Georgian ' r3ay isrit.100 miles from lSmiaý. Complete inlilg ,000 grol w inýg tresmany of ]rarei Bcltsville v-' riet, m1ajmctabie stamtinig Auguaýt. LIST TOUR FARMS WI - E ferproptlefiient and courtleeuls For at'ion wite L. V.,H. WaddinIg- Sto 1n. teal Estte Brker, 1 Qu Roberîson method, information on1 reqjuet rgrîgclasses. 1Robert- soni's Hairdmesing Academny,17 Avenue RoaS, Toronto. 1HE1EF WANTED COOK - GENERAL1z,u CMPTET ,smalbeme; ceuntry womian pre- ferreS, high wagcs If qualifieS. Box 103. 73 Adelalde W., Toonto. GENERAL STAFF NURSES maiteeece 3weekýs' vacation with psy anSd a $50 bonus aLt theý comopletion ef each yeau of srie Pension plan. 1 day sic eiave wtlh psy per oniti, acuuatve us service te cty street car lices. AD- ply: Sýuprintendent of Nurses, Tom- Phoune .111, 116a'. WAXTD er of Rbematic Pains or Nuii "13 û l d 1try D1ix1on's E1emedyý. Mun- Postpi 10 ARTURS IEAMA OINTMENT. Try it. il works. Artiur'a Eezema iinment, 0one of tlhemost effective oîntments knoàwn for the relief Di eczem-a: 50e., 90c. and $1,76, For n formation \wite Charles Arthtur. 82 Spruce idill d Toronto, Ont, SAIST OURb ýSEEF -EVR sýufferer, of Rhelumnatic Pains or7 Neriis shu]d try DixensRilm 'ed. ]tuno'sDruig Store, 335 FI- ginOttwa. ostaid$1.00. MAKETOUROWN PET SPRAY. Eayte, make. Effective. Inexpen- sîv. WiteWalkelth Enterprises, M ICLINSTRUMENTS FRED 3 A BODDINGTO.N SUTS selis', exehanges musical InStru- mnents, Ili Church, Toronto Z., OPPOý1rTUNITIES FPOU êTOMEN B1E A HÀÂIRDRESSER JON ANýADA'S LEADINU S(UHOOL GreaRt Oppetuulity Learie Plaatdig-fied roesiogooci wage, tousads urccesefui M arvel graduates. Aelasgreatest sys- teým. lustrated catalogue f ree, sOHOO'JCLS race:44 KýýInL St. Hamifton & -71 Rideau Street, Ottawva, PATENTS Panten"t Souici tors. Establjsh led 1890, -414:lng Werst, Toronto. Bookiet of înfocrmaion on request. IESNL WHV ALWAYS %YORK FOR OT17- ors? Manufacture plastic objectr . e'your own private home. Thea demanda is big., Capital requlred $5.,00. Write us. R. Mercier, q862 St. Andre ýoSt.,Motreal 24. Que. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your flms properly developed and prlnted 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROtLLS 25c., REPRINTS 8 for 25c, FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE. You nmay not get al the filmrs you want t1iis year, but you can, get al tise quaiity and servi-ei you desire by sendlng your films to IMPERI11AL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1. Toronto. FINER "S'NAPS" COST LESS PI-ý0OM)[T MAIL, SEILVICEU Any Size Roll - 6 or 8 Exposures, DýEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25o Il MOUTEDT, ENLÂRGEMENTS 25c Size 4x-,"trn Beaut1ful Rassi Mounts Enlr-eens 4x6" on Ivory tinted mnt;7x9" in Gold, 1311ver, Cir- csanWalJnut or Black Ebony finiszh frames, 69e each. If enlarge- ment coioured, 79c eaeh. Reproints Made Prom Your Negatives se. Racis DIrPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Bfox R129, Pt Offi-e A,Teot. Prin ~Nae an AddcssPlainly. UH1,PPY l 'ORSVEIWITH EACII;U ?5c order or, more you reýceive: (1) coupon for tWoý- 5 x 7 !heavy pavper, enlaýrgements; (2) one of the prints "egotite";(2) "double seaU' 1 fil wrppe; 4) quality unllmnited. Fjims developed and printed 25c; rr, )1iintSi iglit for 25C. Fresqh film avîlale. Vctory Studio, Saskatioon 7, W., Sask. cuties Éofic-iai organ ;lobe Corresonden 11Cu. 10 tc) olin c. h arelSaugus, Ittal nd Hrshe. Sailary $10,0if flly qalfed pply to G. 1., Voodcox, Sc-ra. i.1 HyiOnt, ISLAND FALLS, NORTHERN ONTARIO (Nrhof Cacibrne) A Cnoidtdons roomi, gradel soo.requiresPotsan xpeori- ence femle tahrfor, gra'des toONumber cof pupils 18. Muie a nd social servie.inluin cu drens Su vaySehool eas, elprul, Saiay 110.0,strtngSetebe 3r, 94. ppyin witn itler- be- .Sanborn, S ec retary,4 Univrait Aveue.Toronto '2,nt 1EC 110 FOR SA RNGA ScholS.. o. C, Rox herougis Strotcountyý. PoetatDu- ticýs Sept. . Hydre, modern plumis- Quicici Stop tching 0eh insect bites , hat rash, ecem. ives. pimples, cais ab,3a thilees 'oIad other extemnaly causeSsketroubles. Usequilr cttgSoeth1ieg, antLiseptie D DD,) stop oryou eiecyback. Vour dmuggist by the Makors of Mecca OIntmeilt Meecix Pile Remedy No. 1 l3 for Protrudijne l1ildgPilies, 'nd is soidla iTube. -thpje z - i ent.n, application. Prioa 75c, ee 'l Rlemedy No. 2 L) for Extemnai Itching Piles, Sold i Jar, and is for ertern1al ue only. Price 500. )rder bY number from your DruggLe. Doyosmrf/Tt This fine medicine la very effective te relieve psin, nervous ditres and weale. craxiky, "dragged oix" feelings of sucih days-wheni due te femae ÏtînctiosiaI mnrnhly disturbanees. A15 e on oie! JET-PROPELLED -TAKEUFF MILLER REAL ELSTATE. 184 Oshawa Boulev;ard, Oshawa, wanta resort preperty. unim-proved, o- eo, gýood b)each-, ïear hilhway, WAýNTED îT(-;P!JIIC-HASE PULLE TS Barred Rocks, New Hampahires. White Leghorns any age, from 8, weeks up te laying. Good prices,, paid, Apply te Box No, 95. 7;3 Adelaide W., Toronto. TO TËOWN REEVES ANI) FRX- vate owners. Advertiser wishss te loe,-te fsc(tomy space having, good Electri W',ater .and Railway facili- tics-usin s srting, cleaning, and wooi scotimlng. Send fuli de- tails. Box, 105, 73 Adelaide S;t. W.. Toronto. lu. NMTo Settie Fr1enc4-h Indo-China rontier Dispute Siaiihas handcd the Unitedl Na- tions Secuirity Council anin itricate probicm in requesting merdiation of her historic frontier disýput e with French Indo-China. it ivlvsthe ucplrdprob- lenli of dcfiing oeeigtyover areas -ýin tr Orietal kinigdomns whIi cil have (been pawstof 9th cenltury ;1Ilperialism anld 20thcen- tuiry Japanecse aggressien. The Frenichl aid dcaimis ie 1867 teterritlories ccouniter-cimeii(d by Sýiani. Jer 1907 Sialni yielded the icdis.- puted trioisuder ceericion1 and a F1renclho of for-ce, the Siame-nýse ýiesist-to the hiodge-podge of tiibe(s and little kIiingdlomsý whîch Franlce unified to a degree in- form- ieg the Inido-China empire. Minor akirmishes conitinjucd in- termîttently along theMkogun-. til it was egifed by the organized warfare cre-epýieg infrom aplan in 1940-41, Theni, after France had sur.- rendered te Genrmnly and with Inde-Chlina prostrate under japa- nese conitrai, Siam s-truck castward te exýpaed.hrrealm. 1't wassmall- scale and almiost unirecordecd war but airplanes wý,ere used in combat where disputes even -now often are settled with crossbews and arrews. Liberated France now is the only Allied power which lias net uùade or maintaieed peace withi Siam. The Frenchi have rbffdSiam-iesî off eus ta end thieir "techeical state of waýr," aeid the Frenchi colonia l administrat (in at Saigon has îmadec it clear, thie Siamjese say, that peace will be niade ol after the ter- riterieýs are hianded back to Laos and Cambodia, Fri Mape Lof IHockey Heaid- quarters ias comte tie puomise thiat future Toronto h1ocke2y teamns, un- like some of terpredlecoss<ous, are ,going te lie scr-appy, fightin)g ag- grogatiene, chockifll and -cruiing over witi pep, pugnacity and punch (non-alcohiolic) This, cons- ing liard on the copaef efMr. Durocher, of flic B.rooklyn Buime, thaf prescnit-daiy ball! lyesare much tee mîld and lgcn-!tlemnly, is slightly intereýsting as illustrative cf a managerial trend, and gives ise te certain speculajtions w vhich might do for wcatheu suchi as this, -wlien if is tee sticky te hikof ay fhing of realimotne We ail kcew that, flirouigli flic agency of sulcli greýat institutions as radie and flie cninma, medere lookors and listeners have becomie fhorouighly acusfomed te syn- thefie subsýtitutes fer suicl vital hu- ian omeitiens as love, hate, f car, apprehenision, despair and whaf- havo-you. Toeare ahmosf imlpos- siete feu fom thn roI buig; ije fact the1re are 1maoy13-suchi as filic sepeeaaddics- who greafiy pre-fer them, ad wblo will sob theýir lit tichearta u over the syn- fhef-ic trials and tribulations o some ictcionai licaracter, and thon mlake anl awfu sqwk beausewe h1ave tee m11any Tag Days and ap- pe.als for thereie of actua'l sulf- fering.ni(e Of fin1ie before sports promot"ers, iwayýs iposdby flcherr2iiific folloing enjeyed by flic movies andc radie, and mudicli obsessed by th112notion f ta-,"showman1,1sh ip" is tho g;reaýitest of il virltues, shoulid t ag a-lng 0on ti same lino. lAed they iadseverl good and"i'lsuffi- cient ressens S - or perh-1aps th1at shou1ld ho "suffic:ioniy ood" ma- sons - for se din. or anc chngoq ioewh c eecf o thde synthetie ftront the cgenutinle are, buf a ngi ihbo inenity; for anlother, you ,ca)n awy leas oe f an- nnf1aiIlng sppy f lc sulbstitufte sfuff; and, for1 a third, tIc latter je consdersly heapr -aithougli a consderation with sports mag- cales. And lse, te tke ockey as an cx- ample,WeCfind Wth-y Certain ma- npltosof flicmule-we ave haie, buistie, saed-sa (i ! an genersi hufllabailoce substituîling for skili, eikhnln, combin-ation and ta-okte sud hanl exteeit fiat one ldtmsciing ic firef gamne je several years, 'was Lkeently reminded of a boyhood pasime known as Duck on the Rock. (11 case youL don3'f recalilthiat robuist sport, one kid would tees ia. boil- dem raf flic "ducký" or goal, ail tIce others foflowed jipn lmo, aa grand pile-n., and frec-for-al wounl1d eesue>. Stili, wliatf et i? Tic cuistomners4 appeau te accept tlic mlodem lver- Bit Critic"') Sien cif hockey; anld wheller all, will yeu find the mencrt of aey sport Imore faithlfully ircflectced than ie the mîrror of ie financial bal- But onward aduwrdmecver be 01ur1 metote, We musf have lne standing still ou slippinig backwiard. Tie clients wn more and sfurdier action, ;se fie erder lias gene forth. And seen, af the woef conand, National Hockey Lea-gue patrons are te reg-ale their eyes on Pu- farctdbad lmen, on11 synthetic chip-on-the-si)ouAlder battîcus, prac- fically .indistinguishable fuoin 1fli original. Ne longer will dot ense men take pride j gnngan-.-niiîre seasn withouft a visible wounidor brise3; ne, more w;ll ouir plielegenic forwardsý deeif l a disgrace te ap- peau before ficir public sperting anything se vulgar as a chiner. 'The costemiers are calling fer vmap- 'hem-se miayliem th-ey shall fhave, evenl if wo. arc forced te eri our teamis frem thfle ranke ef ithe omongthe vwinge ef historie imgiatonanid takîng ,a quick gande-1(r imb( the futture, wc can al- readyv visuadizecke1ýy games con- d11utdafifl-ý 1imalneer of a Symi- pliony ou mo-ýLvieste , w hei Metooro ducrguiding fthe eire -opeýrformnce as a wvhole, and specdily ercigan also failingrs as fheyapeu Aray wec ec ha hehceyiposai of 1950iss' ngp-rapsby meanis of aktetîis-orders te ic nio-ns suic1i as, "Thiere's Pa mac yawing av 0eu jel S c tionilF-betCr put onl a fist-.figlit je front of ln" or "hr ae' bee n ay 1ladies fainiting ije the Setithbloaclcus fou teel m-ints-better ihustle do)wl leeand stiarf a batle-royal." Buit we shah ec ha we sh-al sec, asr, wc sa1y down in thjat da M trl.At ai l eet ic pr-om- ise liu-bengi-venl, wiîsheuld be soinestisfaction, Like flic tilm hc at t'l ieroa Fair whený afmý(ied lboard odJoe Grimïes pmîngte givesonxpcd stepuste wliaf seemled like a whioie lot of people, an1ld fieially teok hite task. "Joe," lic said, ".1 doni't knocw just whlat size cf a litter you'm e ex,,pectinig, but Iv 1.ea rdi youi promiise te give a jp f0 at least fet iepeoplo." "Well, whaât of if?" drawlcd 30e, 'I figger it's a bl)amcid nmean ia fiat wol' at 1 LSf PROMISE a fuiend apu" Wage Increase Nickel have ebjtained an inicrease cf 10 cent.s peu heurlit in wages, There was ne cf rike, ne disorder, no law breaking and neoletlime requir- ieig ntfis or 3,ears of recejver-y. If canl be donc. CLÀSSIFIED ADVERTISING "IJ. B., do you ever get ttise Jeelng y3u'tjle golnig clir cqgzî He M-ade It-But! A meterief wae 1900 yards feren ani epeni level railway cuessing and was proceeding at 50 ruiileg inheur,- A fraie was; aise procin f60 miles ;anI heur, anid fs ýdistanice frens fihe crossîng was 375ý feet, Prelblein : Dil Cie moteri3t gck acroWc Solution: Yes, fhe e terist got a croüss. H, widow bougit là euit o'f tie insurande moncy. Spy Prattern In Canada Now Cleari Story .of Soviet Spy Rin.g3 Operating In Canada The final report thelicRoyalý Commission on Espioniage, tableýd je the House of Comn !ast wek akes cle-ar thie extent o)f Russian spyieg inCaad over thie Iast two decades, with emliasis ou the post-wau pciod, -asys the Srat fard Beacon-Hera-id'. it is a serîtins Beacoti-Herald. ILtL is a scriousb stouy of Fifth oum ctvtisby resulted jel]"extenisivec secret inifor- matin"ibing di>]scl c to s- cow. The spyýinig was dee2p-reoaed, cunninigly cecivdad md possible mainl!y býy agentIs rcu cd froni the Communiiisiýt Party, such as Saini Car adFredRose Better than the evdn eIrobas- cd during the trials of a nmwber çof these ungrateful Canadianis, the Commission's report rvassnicb significant facts as these:Th;e Coinersuppo7sely disbilanded yeairs ago, stili dircts omna Sovýiet Embas)ýsy aIt taývia prepa- rations for a Tird ord VWar (w;IthCaaasthe trgetof Rs siaeagresie)were feely and tc icl informaition sýotuglIt 1by Ruissia related te the Dmiion'jiý post-war defen lces. Pic2cd tegoi!- er, these theefcta m aa o- plete pattemn, of aScn ra Wau Ally dlbrii lnigt attack Canada as part cf thie Cern- muniaf echiemre te gain wo':rid-wîie Political domination, fi;iss a i aeid shockingmoeltin The iafemiic bm a bjul onle tof flic seci(tS o;uýh by Rusc- si'a je Mscows spîg in Canmaa And whleflc Cmusin te- port s'hows that, actuatll, ne1 peu- sonj aaa oss C h?,u kniowledgc of afemic bmbpuedue- tie, aid se could nef have giveu awythis "top secret," Sovietî agents did succed jein ebtaining stc>ee smp of essenfial Urani- uni and fuaesperting these te £Rus- sia by airpliane. leà a word, Mas- cewscecured -tai ht aad nows about 0thIatonricie o t %was f'or tunat.le, peuliaps, that Cnd i nef ask Wshn [o or rIe kc produmctioni secrets wewre the Demiiion'!s popeuty forfthe nmore, requesfing. Fou thie ýrime infor- mration omiglif have fbeen passed on to Russia flirough ii uns'cruLipu'Iiaus spy rIings uecruited Iforin Canadiansi, whose first loyaltyha been fou1ndI te ic e Msc, iinsfeadJof iti Nor dare the Canadiani Goverie- ment and the Canadian pj)oopie conj- cluide that thlic ager is new pasf. Secret Rusýsian aýgecies, thile Royal' Comsso vameis, have ,C their roos dep e tisCounitry's leC- andff liese wvill nef becesyte eradi- menamce, anid there mmdbe a thorI- ouihouseý-cle:anIing of plîical'i age j in oija HOLD EVERYTHING "Phantomn," thie XFD-1, successfull1y executes a jet-pro>p*led take-. off from t'he f iglit deck of the new carrer USS Frankiin D. Roos- veif off Hampton Roads, Va. Designed as antrcete, he XFD-1 Cali iandi at speed comparaýble- to that cUf coniventionai carrier-based plane despite ifs top -speed cf more than 500 m.p.h. SPOT 0 POT By FRANK MANN HARRIS

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