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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Aug 1946, p. 6

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TURNIN( Éq Mary Ir SYNOP'SIS CHAPTERXI: hrwnrke is owu 1if e f0save3 steulhar t, reat- Izinig thlat if meauf, freedom for Steulhita rtianIprison',for h i imse21f. j i, aniie, MC au1d the 1pos s e wt H ite rescue. 'The Sherif f put han 'dcuiffis on Sher-win. Some- one filrPC]a Shof w hich strucek 'Sten- ha 'rt, Th]e rf1eing figure mas kilied .)y the pss.It was Jordan, the Outlawl CHAPTER XX "Good God, bie's shotl" Jim gasped. Then lie siouted, buit biq výoice was cnt off biy a volley of Shofs. Tble men b)ehinid lad been qikrflian lie; thley were crasli- 1i io fie tliicket. Stenihart, neauwlile, lbuug hea-v- ïly agaiulst biin."Hle's got: mei this trne","lie 1rnurmn1tred, 'm jisbof Jim!" lctie gifit was Sew Viut the sherifi camle ,ip, panitiug. "Hit-ynu, did lie? Here, Ad'ams, yon hlold np Mr. Sfeniliart. 1I want yýo-" lie burriedJi-"e ile thi' feilow ,wlhü id if, canglit im rniniig-"' Tchey pusbled ïinfo the fbicke, rail dripping from ithe(ir biats and soaking thieir clothes, Two of the- posse were beudiug d (oWiuover a prirte figture. Tiie dead mnad ' falien face doýwnward, bt tbey11 iolled im iiover and Jim saw bIis disfor-ted face. "'It's iordlaii," lie said, sob)ex-ly. "-He nmeauft o get ire-I'm iafraid poor Max is doue for"' "Dy George, then ,w've killed t-wo birds wiflh oue sto1e-we'v>ý ,got the onftlaw sund the escaped colivict in one boag' i Sorry about MIr. Stenha.irt-maiybe the menu bad better make a stretcber for fini, "Somle 0ou'sgot ta go0 taflic ranich and get a cr-I--" Jim stopped shiort;- lie sa'w Jane comiug. She rau ta im iiand cudabourt bis neck, forgefful af the quarrel. "Oh1, Jirn1, I fboughf you were hurt or-" lier voice frailecd; she knew that if was of Sberwin*, foýr sle hiad saccu huxu standing gr-.im-ly 1be- twehisgars jim ýpointed ta jordan. "If's donLC withi, Jane; I'm goiug ta haïve flic poor dcvii decently buricd. Jane, ride back ta Las Palomias, get Mac ta seuid the big car suid-ift she cari corne tfroiugli this, senid Fsnny. lh's afraid poor Max gof it bad, hescollasd-be qnick " "Jiil" She clunig ta bimi, whis- pering., "oukuow what ine di- 1brwu, icmanl-don'f let them týake irnii away! Do somnethiug, Say sornletiul ! Ob, Jim, yo-yOu Jsm Ijoosed lier aristram bis ueck. "Look bere, girlie, l'Il promr- !se ta o cal 1 can, bu1t, for hiesveu'sý sake, get ont Of thus qick-get a car. Steuh1art imay lie dying-if mnay tucan a lot toa ai of uis. Quickt" "JiirI m.1iust speak ta im-" Bler brothier canighttlber sferuly by flic arm suad dragged lier totahle end of 'the tliickýet. 'Nwgot ie said, "or-i swear l'Il b1ave bimn sent offuo! janle caUght thle ïaok on bis face sud saw beyond im the deati- like face aif Steuliart, leauing against two depuities, aiy partly coniscions. "H-e's ail il" cried Jirni. "Cani't yon Sec? -Beat ifV' Tegirl, hlalf cryiug, ran ont into fic road. Thie sforn hsd ncarly sp1enit itself sud she 1ioosed Tex frorntie sapi-iug whecre she liad ticd him-, asud Spriugzing inito the ssddie, turned lisiichad h ead She , mnst get bielp for Stenbsarf. H5 er art reproacbed ber for, the relief she f cîf. Wh!eu she heard the shots she hld thouglit ouly of SPOI N T ly Taylor Seinand her brother; Jordani hiad sipdOnt of hber Immd, IShe imcnd Shjerwîiu stili bent on re- venige, th)ouigil iite miracle of th-at rescue seemend to Uf t him above sucb a tbifonghit.They were bath safu! PoorMa-el she could pity hmyet, if Îbe Iikn-vew ebad SWoýýrn toa lie about bhis couIsin, wasn't it a jnïdgm-,eut of God- Ir a straugi!e tuminît of feeiling she galpdhomle, but, aIl thle while, she Seenseid to vision Sberwin go- iing dowu i nto thec abyss to save the ife oîi bis foe! It was riglit, it was nolit vas I like tbcnan hel bd seeniced, lu her, and ble had giveni up ithe sure hope of esca-pe; he wss tgo c t o th)1-at prison bic wbich hiadbeen sncb an agonýy ta bis irce Spiriti Tears Mblddiber as Tlex tbuîIdndere fco lsthebridge, sud shle saw old Teresa sud Funty on the" piazza, in great auixiety for"D th3e pabsent ones. "My bart, you are drippîngt" Teresa ciried, seiziuig her as she dr:oppe)f d rom thde îsaddle; but Jane scarcely ,beard ier, "Caîil Mac!" she said sbarply, patng er biands clasped tightly against bjer breast. "And you, Fan- uIy, you've got to go in the car- Jordan tried ta shoot Jim and wuddStenbart; tbey're afraid "Failny, suddenly white, gasped. "Jimi's safCe?" Janýe snodded, af lasf aware of aId Teresaà. The ittie brown womait dropedoWIerkneeus, crossiug ser- self. "Saure e Cîst 1"shewhis- dreamis, his terribledrms" Jane ooe down at bier, white- lipped; if was lier own thought voiced again. She shivered. Famny had sped iupon ie(r cirrand, and she wss alone with fthc littie old peonj- woa.The wind zswepft ovenie and she looked up; storm cl:ouds, black aud tblreatiugïi,, were ro-Iillig arotuiddtliem adàh siing pealks were swathed in a man1tle af pur- pIe. Now aud then a red flash tare the bisck, mist asunder, as thajugli some id Ziiden furnace was belching fire i the midst af. the canyons., Jane, wha Iknew fliat Sherwin had given iup bis hope af freedom ta save a Ide, felt suddenly fthc tlrill of zuer pride sud tbaukfulnecsr; liothing mtrdsamucli as fthat lie ad'cieaused his souit They, brouglit Stenlisrt back ta Las Palomiias thirougb the drivinfg storm, Tbe wind was snappinig branches off the great trees and whiiýppig the ramn across the long -31ope in migbty gnsts. The big car camle swiftiy, followed by the drip- pinig borses aud men of the pas.se. Jane, watchiug from thie veranda, saw ,Sfenbart's white face and clse yes as they bore himi in, bti er own gaize was foluowing the dreuiched figuires going, down ta the mcn'Ws quarters. Sie amade ont Sher- win'si tal ead, and then fthe others closed np about bim, She drew a quick breafli of relief; lie was bere -J im bad nof let fhem liurry im laway. Then shie was aware of ofier fhinigs. Shie, biersei, badteplod for a dactor, bDut it would letwo hlours or more before Ilie could reacli tlem; meauwhile Jim. and Cufler had carried tbe -wounded mari in and laid im on bis bed.. Fann, quetcomnpetent, greatly cocrewas doing ail alie could; Stenhart lhad Iost couisciaousuess, but rncw, iunder ber tuinistrafions, lie was slowlY)y coming back ta, him~- self. M1cbauîcally, jane obeyed flie youn-g nursc's behesfs, helpiug as THE ALEXANDERS EN B, U. Ou the bridge afflicCaadandetrye,1. M. C. S. Cresce,, -Viscounu sud Viscaunte l-e xaudercjy ficb iinny vwea- ther ounlii way tram Vaucouver taVitra Visitiug flic Canadian wcst for the firsit. fme ficGaveruar-Geucrai'-l tf laf borne aboard tlic slip sud iuspected flic 2sbip's cmau.Six ycsra uaga, Viscounit Alexander depended1au Ra ý Lyai Navy desý"tr o tiiL fget fi Brifisli Expcditiauar-y Face ff h7 eaces -tiDnkeque, Gweudi liue P. Clarke _HPGE IARB * * TCo auiy woru suld worried %wo- meun hs job if is fa patch binder cauvýas if will corne as weicomic news thiat dhe pasfe-patcliung jobi) did las' week reaily workedl. For- whicb I arn truly thaukinl, becanise rio soonier was the wheaf cnt than flic canivasses were brouigli.t t fi loise- againi for mor1e rparsOf course wie reshly nccd new can- vasses but i's -Aqu1estion wb'ether -e coid get thern sud cv eu 1if we couuld 1 supipose the price woulid bg jnst abouit ouf of ssghft. Sr i -guessa we'il go on pafcýhiuig. An i iucase fhere are auyiv ike-iuedpeopbe arouud perliapa I houldexpisin just how thiis pafchiung is douec. A *1* Spread flic biuder cauvas ouf an flie floor. Cnt patchies"tflic dsired size and paste well wïih a f-airly fhick flour sud water paste. sirootli the patches ou ta flic cauvajs ve-ry carefully wif h your fiugertips. Turn cauvas sud put siminlar pthsor ftic othier side so that yOu have fwo patches c 0crugte saie fe1:ýai' Now get a bot ironan sdkepior iiug usit patches are dry, takiug care, beforeliîfting flic Ifa n if vieillpasf flic edge oaibte pafch -oterwise flic pafch WL utas yoin raise flic iron. fItifakes quite s wbile for the patcheýs fa dry so if is realiy better if flec job can ie doue overniglitcI1 asthiuk1,ing this moruiug thlatflic pa chs mgli stick, even beffer if a lit le size were miixcd iu i ;Iitheicpaste. Our week]-euderus vwere lucky ta, bave if sfay fine sud dry wvhule fhey werc bhere. Tbiey caine in ace this tinie, Friday aiternioon, Satuir- day affernjoonsund Strndaymo- ig. -By flic fime tbey werc ail litre we blad six extra. But 1 did't mmid becaiuse ou Saturday niglit Bert ipaîufed the pautry cciliug for mci Maybc if was intuition ou-ý my part fliaf made, me leave. ficheiig best she could, but ber liands s1look sud ber lips were dry. Supp)los- wie she was lcete took Sberwiu away; she wonfld neye"Vr sec hirn agauii Fauny, quiietly sund deffliy af work, snddenly saw flic girl's face, sud she weuf ýover tajîirn. Hle was staniding by flic doar hclplessly, sfarig af Stenhart. "TIake janle aa Fann1y whis- pcred fa liiim, lber kind eyes grave sudadnusig "She's bornle a gaod deal foday. 1 cati do if alil uow --unt il flic doctor cornes, if hie cornles in firnie." Jim's face feil. "Yau tliin-?" She todded. "esgainýg fa die, Jirn, slowly-perhiap)s ifwiil lic bas -tkeler aa. (To be Continued) ISSUE 31-1946 'ion sec I bad calready paintcd flic walls, flic woodwork, tfli, wiudow sud put dowu s ncw picce aiflina- leumn-in fact 1Ilhad douce ery- thing exccpt ilhu ceilinig. Suliconj- scionsly I thouiglit possiby fliere mliglit, at Son e tirneo ler, lie someone aroun1id wIo would led ýIau urge ta complete my uufiuiislied business. I ehink I shahi repeat flie experinîcut inicekichenl. If rcally provides a grand op)portninifyý for a mani fa shoýw as womiau how it sliould lic doue. Amd wlio arn I fc deny thlaf privilee f-,10alauyone suý ow erPaiing tflic Pautry il realynly incdnti-my real' sfory is fic story of a stoýve--an cletric stovec-of which Iliad long given up hopeý of getfiug since if was ordecred abouitfeui montis ago. But Lasït Monday I r:ccîvcd wérd that fliic stoveý was actnally af flic station su!d waiting fa l fi divered, I1noe fast, I feephonLed au dcec- trîcian faCcarne .in1that ilif fat couuect f 'lic sLove. I started -shov- ing thiugs Oýouf a c panfry ta mnakeron for if. A shehf lhad ta corne dowul-that Icit bare patches fa lie pite So I1 started paintiug flic patcheýs sud finished up by painting flcthe ry Youi sec I jusf couidn't beýar flic thouglit aIf a nice uew stove sitfiug in a shiab'by old pantry. The delîvivey tu was sip'posed ta arrive abut Dý at ueran4 Bob) weýre waifing arotini ta bclp withflic lifting suald iitwaSC)0 ex- ,cifed af fithou111glifthIaf at (lg last I -was reaiiy goiug ita bave au aven fa bak itb witliout 1beafiug filiwe l ktde that I 'hardly knew wlIattaDo(Lwtimycf Thien the telleph)Ionie rang, If was our hardware mn He said: "I an afraid you are uot ga in g ta bave yonr sf'ove today aiftcr sut" "Wbat dIo you rncaui-I thoulglt you said if waýs at flic station!t" "Sa if iS-bIIt onesidle is 1badiy darnaged. If xill have f0 go bacli ta the factory for rpis! Curtains.... Seek Peace Charter On Christian Basis Britaiu's iHanse aifLords se- iug aprcia formula for makiuig Christian priniciples flic prime mo11- fsvatiug forc-e in paeraig It lias taken ftlic firsf steps in this fask in dcbatinig a motion put forward liy fic Eari of Darfley caiug for peace ta lie based 0on Clirî4stian priniciples, firce of punii- tive termis sud reven1ge, buit tý- braciug gýood will betwecn fricnd snd foe--bath i ofwýhom are nleces- sary ta cstablisli a human brother- ho-(1ad ud,a aert tIc peril of atarnic annihilationi. Jesus a-id the SaLbbah Exodus 20: 8,; Mark 2: 23-28; Matthew 12- 9-13. Gol)deýn Text.-- Th!is is the day which htLord hath miade; we w1ill rejo.ice and be gla-d in it.--Psalms 118: 24. The Faurth Commandme-nt Thle Sabbath vývas sanjctified, set apart by God from the. creation of the wold 1 commcemoriated God's rest from His wvork. The- sanctify- inig of the Sabibatli concerns the whole of, imankind. It is God's gift to maindzîi and is to b2 used for ouri good anid God's go The dsile eenotitiie betcause they plucked grain el o g- inig to, anothevr, w1icl was peSrmis- sible -cby Jewislla b u becaulse tbey did it on thec Sabliafb (da y which was strictly forbidden o n the ground clthait plucking ýthec grain -,as reaingv:, and !rubbingit o11t in th hands was Lireshýing hhcosi tutedworingon th1 Sbbab1ay RiglitViwaSabt Ouir Lord reýfnsed cto center into a discussion witb the îlaiee st P'erfýct cmainfor moaf any occa'sion, . a dress yui ieh ail summner long. Pafferu 4617,lias flic simple beauty Of good lhues. If's easy tfa make sud fInn ta sew. Patterui 4611 cornies in s;izres12, 14, c 16 8 0 Si'ze 16 frock, takes 2~6 ard 39 clifabric. ScdTWENTY CENTS (20c) in coins (stamîpi canualib cacccpt- cd') for tis pafferu taRoom 42j, '73 Acielailde St. Wesýt, Taroufa, Print plsiuly SIZE, NAME, Ain- DRESS, STYLENUBR KEILLOGG'S ARE CANMAOYS Want art dea that wili ihelp you save tirme and work-and atî the sanie time keep mLeals more interesting for your famnily? Thoujsands feature lCellogg's flot orly for breakfast but for quick snacks anyý,time of' day! Pep, Corn Flakes, Ail-Bran, Rioe Krispies, Bran Flakces, Krnbles and AII-Whieat axe ail made by Kellogg's, the greatest namne in cereais! ,SAVE TIME...SAVE FUl Good Record Some 30A,000 miothiers and 8,000ý cldren have ibeen broligbt asa the Atlantic and not one fataliy from illniess, There are, 30,000 yet; ta corne fro.m Bian sd 5,000 tr 7,000 from the-otiet whtwas notlawful on the Sa- bathi, He soe that theC Sabba" -" law ust give way liefore hepm 7 csiesof Cliristian s cervice, an > pinte,-d out fron- Holy rite whaut David, their ntoa eo did in a case of ncsiy ax was riot blamed for Unaking me M the sacred bread in the hour ai neced. His life and thele ofhs myen w,ýere mol"re importanitithanth obevneof acerm(lomial lawv, Amoug thos preseut ini llu synaogu wa a an with a witb- wbetcr Jus on7dld eal this poolr man ald ask "Ils it law"ful to heal on the soabt days. lesus makes them the judges of His action by askug what thy wonld do ià a sheep belouging te tliem sas ini distrs on the Sabbatli. Jeu'Evalation ofMan aecase amanwould lift lis seputof thec pit îlnto which it had f a1!len on, the Sabb1ath, anda man is of cch grater value thas a sheep, it ue beurigoutto u cwo a n. Ouý0[r Lord's argumentwa unoveweming A zeal for traIoNQ and ritua can kWlIbthespirt of tre reigo. umaking he man' wihre iaud whole on the S bath, men werýre a-de to no the Lord of thec Sabbat!h o,ýi the Sabbath. AIN) CAltE are used luý blending Maxwell House& Cofféee Genlerations of eV- pert, benders have etb lished a Max-well ies tradhîitin hthe art of ci. ent'ifie cofl'e Lenidinig. EFfivieneîs proven, by 66 yearse wïl l imre fles ut leýsscosttia any other fly killer, USE WILSON'S FLY PADI oNylY 10.At Axe RITrALeI 1" Pep Bran Flakeo with other part. o,4 Canadian hl whezat arc deliciomts, extra Cis, xtre thick, Yeur whote fanîmily wil enjoy Kellogg-'s Pep. EL.... SAVE MON IrT à E39mA93

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