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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Aug 1946, p. 8

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M~ONO, WEEKLY TIMES, Vh eek-end with ia ae% s oed Cracksenir bal tea.m hi~~~~~~~ biehvcerndatremo- bol tnp to Aibote. fcrthor cttae a Tower Farm Rce Lake, on Tuesday for te month Mc ad is l lis JousnoBud tlid Fao sant unda wltSue- motirer Mca. erli, of WakSorth Do lt orgt tat iiere ato ser lm. a sa.Orsiste,-r churmhrhes Mis MinieRanaitire primery amas each ,0(el aparty for 'tha insal the sciroocl yard on Fciday aftecrnoýon, Juiy 19tLh. A thunder Alumiïnum Ware Whilae It Lasts PEIRCOLATORS .. ....8c SAUCE PANS-......25c. & 37c. P-UJDDIýNG TINS.,...23c., 29c. & 59c. C7olîeman & philpElece Phione- 89 r 1 CO. LTD. Orono BOWMANVILLE LIONS C ARNI VAL PUBLIC SCMOOL GROUNDS Saturday, Aug. 10 In case of(4 rain Carnival wiiI e hel id Monay, Aug'ust l2th FREE - Attendance Prizes - FREE RADIO - BICYCLE - TRICYCLE - NYLON HO0SE Mammothï Calithumpian Parade Starts at 7.30 p.ni. NEW BOOTIIS - NEW G-ZAMES - FUN FOR ALL !RACES PORT PERRY (Civie Holiday) Monday, August 5th I~~ PURS E$80O I .9. $2001' 2.24. ,$20q .8 $0 SOSTBL',UL TOURNAMENT SPORTS MonsLTr Street Dance and Fair Will be heid at night ,-j/ ' iof this Cleîn, Family Newspaper TUE CHiRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR yau an.l Each ilu lai niews ... Free- from POlitical -t", contrl.. . Free ta tel yaoa awn world-wide staff (if carre- news and its mneaning to you I with unique self-help features --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - r F1Pleassé tenJ tampie copies of The Crstian Science Moniter. UPceae tendeonesnba storm snthm scryn o the chu'1ruch l cenforiuchowvr adM.Chas,,. But, theyput!in ant eyabi tme.Thre were thrten presýent. Mrýs. John -Anderéson ha rsine as caretaker of the Unitad (hurh, owing to the passing -of heýr husband and her own poor health c, and Mrs. Aiderson were fîhuln concietiesanid we asbaconre gation apprecýiated their lho.The church is niow being cared dor by Mr. Chas. Bunt, who is living at the par- sonage (with ihis brother, the pas-o and his wife. We weloome bhlm too juteoumr miçlst, There was a fir attendiance at Sunday Schiool on ,Sundày imorin,g, and only one teacher was ,ab)senit. Sunwday evening the pastor baýs- ed isý sermon on the 'qlHeaingl of the nuan who was sick with ipalsy", Fortunati'e la the man who bas friands strong in faithý". BobI Urry asaited lii the choir, t appear-ed as lf the junior -chofir was gýiving the older meanbers a holia.Ho1w- ever the youngsters can gýive a goýýod account of theInise1Ives every time. Corngratuiations to Mi. Sidnecy Stacey and iMiss Joyce Gi10bs, of Port )Ho>pe, who were married atth pyarsoniage on Sardy ftnon Jocwho has been ameibelo thle gilssoftball toamthissao, had11jt3ie eteteam as guests a t the receptI)ion hleld at the home of'MUr. andmis Ethan Jones. They, pre- sonited ier with a ,beautiful ift of cookng tensls.T'lhe youngcoupl iL tlirsîein-r1is, hva takenl up rooms in the home of -Mr. Jones.!"I"i "' ý t, '1 Presentation Thucsday after-noon, Jul7y 25M' a delightful surprise party tok placýe wiren fifty neighibers and fiieniida gerthered ou the leawn of Mc.. and Mca. Ronald Burleyv o do honorte ,, his Sister, Miss Flerýence BUrley, bride elect. iMca. Wiliis Jones vmas, mistress of ceremnonies and Ma Frank Gil-mor irad eharge oftir1-e contesta whiich iwere enjoyedbyail. Florence was thon pre'sentedl with a beauiful bridge set, bridge tab)la covar, silex coffeea maker, vase end aj mail plaque. Althiough t aeen- comletely by surprise she mas able! to graciou1slýy Ïthenk hec fiands for tlirer glftsaendi kinid mishies, making the cam1ards thaýt 1l fait good te knlow the littiehome town cemerbered you. A dainty lunch br.ougirt the hrappy and informel getheing te ai Close. McEwan-Burley Nuptlials A quiet but pctty %weddiug wa s slemnizedlunthe NawtonvileUnit- cd Church parsmonage on Sturdey efteruoonJuly 27tir,1946, mien Florence Evelyn Bur1ey,, eldest dau- gh'teu of Mri. and Mca. Ceeil G. Bur- loy, Newtenville, was united lu miac- -iage wthEahie McEwa-n, second anu of Mc. and Mca-. PorterMEen Sm-iýih el.Rav. H. A. Bunît offi- iatod. Tire bride wore a street laghdresa ef pale bina' crepe wlth sleeývesý andppun of silver ne, muite irat and gleves, and a corsage of pjini roses and bouvardia. She Buley, gowned lu sheli pink siIk jersey, pbek flower bat and mite gloves and weerig a corsage of gladioti and statice. Tire groom maý,s siojportad by Mr. Don VinkIe. Shrub- hery and clîhing roses formied the sotting for the ceception wiih fol- low-ed et the hoYme of tire bride's brother, Roald Burley, when Venty, five guesaprok of the weddig supper served'hy AMiss BrieeMil- ligan eand Miss M a ry Deneiuit, friendas of tire bride. Mis. Ch-a.s. Mr ris pue tee. Airidstat esirmer of confedtti nd good misires the youug couple lefit for Toonto and Niegece, Fihthe bride trav-,ellii-gngi a cor,-, dresmaersuit and whlite acce's- socles end aring ae cosage of sweeCft peas enýd sadeo.O theuiircetucu tireýy ilii cei i KENDAL M1r. IRohert Alexanider la spending bis vacation aetrhome. Miss Ja Fletcher la visiting with Mca. T. H1ilditch. Mc.endMca N.MeLanOff Toc- ente, visited with Mc.Bert Ho0lald. M.and Mc.PB.Johlson and Ma A. W\acd and Jmne of Tocontoý, withi Mcr. aend Mca.' V. Johuison-. Mr. and lMca. Chais. Walkec anid daughtier Frances zt M.and YMrs, Cirahie Cooper. Mc11-. aLKe nddegre Ho, of Saskaetoon, aremviaing Ywith hec ateMca:. Wmn.Mocr Mca. Georgef Laugsaffe la visiting' hiec slaer, Mca. Jobintone et Apaý- MC. and a. Hilditch speapt Sun- ay- with Mc. andMca. Fltc-her eti Mdiss HtealiTect'el la sped the sunimer mntaLetnhi um ,mc. and 'Ms. WilUr, MC. R KirLby and Ms lily Toti visited withMc adMr. ora Thoirteli ovorth weknd ýMrs. P. il.WibyofClng od Mcs. W. J. Fiel1dinig of Port al housie,and tMrs. J. ako, o Orono, al fcmjeriy ofKedspn lest woek w'fih Mr, and MIS. Mlo Robinsen.ý Mesiss. Vint, Lutheran Howard Alexander, of -New We,tniinster, Toronto a nd Winiev 1clled con old friands In[the villagle wo they hadi noitseen -,for 50fea) , wowere de-lited tlo see them. Mia. Tirerne got the surprise of hier life en they called in to sueelher. Ou'r pari, courm-iitte met on Mon- day ev nin t the home of Mrs. Eber Luxon and madefinlal arrang111e- ments for a field dayto Îbe held on1 August 21st, when tlhey hopde foýr their old.tirmo record cr'owds. Ken- dal basebail team haiýve arngda dance to he he iinIthe Orage all on the oveing iloff field da1y,ý Thoe who ere piilgdto hiar Ouri pstor, Rv.Mr . Lttlewood, las The uulafternioon hrhsri ces 1i ) e iscontinlucd foc the month o(f Agstvhile ouir pastorý takes a muech naede et. The Suni- day Sho wlll be hald on Sunidav forenoons. Recent isitorswith -Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Brýimaicomb!e were, -Mr-s. Nelli-s, Mr. and Mrs. Steniley Cheipm-an and thaeir eblidre, aiso is-ý a Mrlan MC- Kelvey, 1~. of th-e Bowmanvilla -HosýpitelStff Côngratu!latîýinsto Mr, en -Mrs. Shackleton on the arrivai of a littie deughtar. McCrea's Msr.Sau111 and Ed. Webb), of Petelboo~ erebeck a round homne on a:Jvisit. eare gla Vosee theml Mca. Gerald Fisk anid baby have returned home aftec visîting -hec par-ents for 'a fewdya DecratonDa-y willibe observed at McCreaVs cemetery next 'Sunïday, Auguat 4dh. Service lu the church, et 3 o'clck. flic. T. E. Han(oc, u minlister, iIspeak. MissStolia Best, of 0orno, Iviil furriish speciai music foc the service. AUitose Interested ifa McCreeý's churchll habcgied teOknow thet the shingliing of the roof hes beeni com- platad this summi-er, Mr. Raymond Mc'Doneild, of Leakerdl, dogth work, assisted byý severi oftHe men in the onuity The ladies of ha W. A. plan on mîakding soma îim- provementlis ûon the iniside of thle church now tiret thia has been ac- We co]gret ulate the entrance pu- plisý of Eiiter4pris;e on their suicýesas in, the examsý., tihe four pupils al pessing as follows: Rosa Taylor (IHon,,.), Ernest P,,isberry, , Shirley Moore, Melville Sucee. We are socry to lheac thaltM. Vanalien 1.5iin the hospital , heving undergonle a serions eoperaion SIXTHLINE Misses Marîy anid Jean Lo(-fthouseo have returned 'hom.e to Os;hewa after a pleesettvisit at the home o-'f their randfathe -'di'. Johl twat Mýýiss Helen and Master Leonarýtd Iloy sipenit a pioncent hlolïiay with3 thieur ister, Mca.HomrdHowýson, Miss Marlon 'M'Keiveýy, R.'N., of friends here roceiy. Mr. Allen Cathrcact bas returned fcom a pleesant trip to Wesýtern- On- tHLIBRRL hman LendingLirary W~e re nw fetu1ring a new eha Lendingî Library, with a list of 100 books for- rent at 4c. each per day Ibssnallibrary conltain7s thle newýest in fiction at- ail times, 70nw tities being ad1ded to the selectionRl each month). The latest mu Adventure, Detective, Mystery andf Romance are included iii the Lib-rairy If týher-e is an; title you desire ta read, that is floýt in our library and is ini thie Lehman Caal" ffooks, we will' gladfly obtain it for yen SUMMER SPECIALS W illsonite Suni Glasses, pair > . ,.,..... 35c., 50c, 59c. Polaroid Day Glasses, limited stock, pair .... $1.95 Will.sonite "Overspecs"ý, fit on over regular glasses, pair....... .......... ...... 50c. Rex-Eme Creamq, quick and saf e relief for sun- bulrn................6e Noxemna Cream, ""Feel it -ùeal"......1e, and 59e. Super-Way Insecticide with DDT, certain death to moths, flics, mosquitoes and ants, 4-ounce applicator bottie............35c. PHOTO SPECIAL Let us enlarge your favorite n-egative to 4" x 6", and mowunt in Studio Folder, cxpee,. o Agent for Jaekman Flowers Charles 1B. Tyrre-:;l DR UG S Phone 68 Orono, Ont. Lig-ht weightPlti Cups and Sues set... 39C. Children's Decoraý,ted Plastic Mug s,eah. .2c Marvel Door Holders for hi-oldinrg ,doors tightly closed, compliete with screwýs. .....2e Plastic Tumblers.......lOc.' 15c. and 19c, Square Base Glass Tumblers, each ? ......5e Firing Cover-ed Refrigerator Jars. 45e. and5e English Teapots, non-drip, 5 an,-dc 6 cup size.. Men and Boys' Straw H-ats 29c...... 29e. a Men's New Pattern Ties, ecd Men's Dress Socks, pair ........25c. to 65c. Boys' lInner and Outer Suits, sizes 2, 4 and 6, colors, brown and blue, grey, suit .....$1.351 May-belliine Soft Eyebrow PenciLs, colrs, br or black, cd.............25e, Maybelline Mascara, brýown or back ....: .25t. GROCERY FEATUIJRS On Auguist lst, coupons becoming, vaiid are: Butter, R16; ïMeat Mi48 Paula Artificial S/etnr bottle.ý... .......325c. H1. & H. Miracle Cleaner, excellent for removing grease, etc., from work clothes .......... 29e. H.0rne's Sweetenedi Frosty Mix for, ice cream.. -10c. Aylmer Sweetened Grýape Julcep, 13-oz, bottle.. 2 1c-. Table Salt, iodtized or plain, 2 lb. bo-x, 2 for.,5c. Aylmer Stuffed Olives, 6-oz. jar ....... 3e 'Zinc Jar Rings, dozen .... ...... ......... 27c, Red Rubiber Jar Rings, 1 dozen prbx 2 boxes 15c. Glass Gem Jar Tops, dozen ,, ........... 23e. Oranges, 2,52's, dozen ...............39e. 134's, cdozen ................29c. Store ,Hours:- 8.30a.m to 5.30 p.m.; Wednesdays, 8.30 a.m, i.to 12 o'clocký noon; Saturýdays, 8.30 a.m. to 10.00 P.m.-1 uRONO 5c. TO $1.OO SORE YOUQ-jR POPUTLAR SHOPPING CENTRE Motor Equipment Private A-mbulance Northcutt and Smith, Funerai Directoca and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY ,Equipped to take c-are of the modeatf re-aso-nabie charge-o as well as tliE Teiephloie: Office 66)8 - Reside, Telephonie Coileert SERVICE funerai at themot's e largeat and .nce. 523 and 72e3i Bowmanviile, Osýt.

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