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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Sep 1946, p. 2

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Highý-light;ls of the NewsI The Itwenty one defendanits at the Niiuemberg war cie trial took thei vtnssstanid ta make a final plea as fhectrial ndd.Theý farmer hnhe of Adoif lHitler will heýar thel-r fate p'r"iooucedj Sept 23. Eleven of th Nazileders heardi il, flinal pleas epetotabehanIged, defenlse attorneyvssad Three- Schiacht, VOn NeCiuthl and V'onPpnexetclemenýcy. Six-DoenuIitz, Rade, oII, Von, stili hvl oe. Union, Sip Owners Sign Pact Ani agreceent elimliinating th thlreat ai' a sceondGra Lks strike anid prov-idinlg ,ascIetimentl of the seamenl's isýpute unitîl De- cemlber,[1947, hsbeen ig Àned by President PaI'ýt SuilIivan of the Cani!- adian Seacn' Uion and repre- sentatives oaithe CnaaSteamshýi-ip Lines, thie Piaterson Steamipiý Lines anid the( Saria andil ,onial Great ae rtors e-Lihr zalrcd hýave signed cotracVs ithth union or lhave siniiedthi il- lion oai doing ta., "The Sovieýt 1people andtei armed' force2s" defeated japain,Pe mier Stalini in ïia V-J Dyan- niversary Order af the Day thjat made no imenition c ai the Unîte States or any other nlation repre- sented alt the signînïlg of thie sur- render on the U.SS Missouri. This is the latest picture of the British royal family, posed recently ini the gardens of Windsor asIle, Kneeling next to the qucec is Princess Elizabeth, while Prircess Margaret Rose sad beside, the king. e. few moments later... * ., somelone made a joking remark and the photag.raiher snapped this inform-ai picture of Ming George and Princess Elizabeth, 1-aughing heartily. Blckade Runner Ca-pturedý A Britishdstoe îtrcpe Jewvish iimmigr-ants off itTelAvv Palestine, and aptred i iter a gun sfit. New York Truckers Strike in\NevoYrk a wgeand hoiur disute between Aerian eder- atian af Lahor Uion j Trutick1 Drivers and Ithr-ee maýjor tukn conicern's broughýIt idlnesuion spokesmen said, ta 100000 O rk- ers ande a thre-at of food shortages in Somle parts of greaýter New Yoý-rký City. A. and P 1'., one ai the lresfood store chiainis in the1c city, si n fcood is bein eiveedta aulr. Mayor O'Dwye r aof ewYor and union officiaiF is nanl emergenýctcy plan ta eieoseta items such as imedicineadpeih abefoods i, in h enlt -f a ~ol Greece To Recal King The Greekýiniterior inisýtîy at Athenis announced ttlin lcolete butconlusveretuirnls roml ast wevek'splehisýcite so~dta h Greek electurteha utd p proximately thiree taonele ta reccali Kjing George 1 rirom e iii Bitain and lrestore hIim ta Ilie throne. For tite39yer-Lmnarch the 'Victary splld is sCeond recal from exý-iI(.le.Ostedby fthe ethi ment of a repuiblic in 1924 follow- ing ;a military Coup, George ean ed is crown ilin 1935 wh e e On anl ovrh in mj.ority in a plebscite Heý fledI thecunr in 1943 we itwsoer-rn by the Germans. Stalin'ýs Fi*ve-Ycar Plans A rcert peae by thie Libratry of Co~esdcae htPremier Staln hd inugu ateda sris of special five-year planIms desIgnIed ta build by 9v ausa nmilitary mIachIine ecodto Inone s a g ,iuar- anitee gans "il osibe cci- dns'The study mpaizdthat RuIa meant tiIîo nmatch Uniii tcd Staýtcsmili>tary potential and has M,-ACHINER Y NEW AND USEID Of Every Desclrption Phone EL 1271 H. W. PETRIE CO. LTD 147 1r,sl St. W.- rot SA FES rrom li nt S "'S.%e tie Iea ming~ê nl t.yie gI Sut. r Ca1bInet, for uni purpoýc.'- mit um. Or .wrlte fr prive.e 9 i.- CO j&jTÂ LU i m iT FIARNESS & COLLAR'lý, fiarmiers Attention - Conq-uit your rnea res tHarness Shop about StaecaHarneseSupi. We seli aour goods only througb, youril1- local Staco Leathex- Goods dealer. The gondn are rigbht, and so are ourn prives. Wa manufacture inhi ar fac- toris -HarnssHarse Cal- lars, Sweat Pads, Horsýe Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. lnsI'st or, Staco Br and Tr'lade Marked Goods, and ynu -rtaisfco.Made 0o11V by- SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITfE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellingtcn St. E., Trontc I. il llntvest Ii Funfds Investment exprience over a- lonig period of years bassow that thie prompt em- ploymient of idile fmnds is advisable and avoids loss of initerest. To assIst investors in tlie selection of suitable secu*ities to ineet thecir individ- uial requiremients, we have prepg-ýrtd a September, list of Canadiani Gove.rnmernt, Munijicipal and Corporation bonds and shares. Yields from 2.60% to 47%are includeci. Copy of the Septemnber Securities List furnishied upon request. - 36 Kinge Street Ws Toronto i Telephone: ELSin 4321 Wood, Gunldy & Compally im>tked EL ____ ~5 Whol' whelýat con- taans Muscle- building proteins, enei-gy -g vzni càfbaydatsand othecr vital lements A11- Wh eutis Ca lia- dian whale wheato NOW, MORE Il-AN EVER, onie of Busy housewi-ves everywhere are on the alert for suggestions that will1 help t-hem save time and effort. Thousands depend on Kellogg's ready-to-eat cereails not onfly for breakfast, but for quick sacsanyvtie! AI-Wheat, Pep, CornFaks Ail-Bran, Rice Krispies, Biran Flakes and Krumbles are al made by Keillogg's-, the greatest name in cereals. SAUF. TIM- ... SAVE FIJEL.. .SAVE FO00!

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