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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Sep 1946, p. 4

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OIROINO WEEKýLY ÎTMES, TUURSDAY, SEPTEMNBER 19.. '46 The Orono Weely Times iEstablishied January, 1937. Pulshdevery TLhursday m-oring at the Times Offiýce AdvrtiingRates 0on request Subscription, $1.25 R. A. Forrester,, Publisher Orono, Ontario W'hich Direction -Will Atom-ie Power Follow? Aoieerg>y in beig discussed by ail and sundr.Science lias haumessed a, powar that has exigted froti the begining M ftàime, and the worId treimbies; at the autcoome. Will? men have tle Sonnse and courage to tumiséfrce ta the good ffect tiat we are told it îs c~ai off? Or will destruction and conciuest be 1intked up wàith the new giant ? lt is a sad rtate of affairs w-he.n uve bave rea- soç,n t,> fear the future because sndtr agendias iglit use hitherto uknw puwer h the destruction of hurmanity. Mon *oof geodwili vsulize lthe tîime vohen al nations and peopIer will dweH in~ pence and liarmnony togather. It ià only rea- smensblto beleve that atoniic energy w lpay a maJor role in bninging tIht era of penace 50ît reazation. Rt is Mhe intervening yeursL.-the tiie of rTearch and nom-iscavery that stgger the insagiatiocsaand f111 our heanits witlh fear. '-odiiftions of warfare msa'y be evoliv;ed i'vhih iwîbil destroywoe cities and entire natious. Rnownghese things, and being conv45nced that good and righteous livýing cGué, idasoj ensue fro.utne sane une of atomtie energy, we sheuld as a nationinsist upolr an early effort at deling ioto its liera laon ehing tatnewspapens are keaing Lutoh, fore edtraland thaýt statesmen are tking about from i atformi and broadcasting studio. WHi wicked forces preAai and ha"res atomic energy ith a ve to thaensirýzavemnt ofdthose who cannot pro- tac tanielea I thés ha so, ie pret a bomeang of the neir poirêr which m i sroy its creators a' their vitim-s aia Precaution Against "Polio" Justified Wieparpynts are tkn precaution in protecting their chul- drnagainsit expaosura Vo dread "pýIolio". There have beau more ex- trame cases whare refusai to aMiow children toattend schol iaIs eccamtpanied these precautcicns. Nobody miéhs at unnaecassrily tharaculichances at sohoo in the face o aï e Ahomyer.At di~ sami e, it is inhe congragaiting of people together Ilhat helps Th(-,fkiet that schools are going a(head in the mnajority of plaes lhoidassure peoia that healih auihorîtles -are not undruly alarm'ied. AulI me can do is face Jhe fact tant thisle iste timne of ya-ari brien"polio" flurishes. Once the codr eahrcornes the danger miii hume passed to a large extaut. Konowing that danger danes lurrk mlIi edus to haad the iwarings whniclh1 have bean broad- canst in rnewsýnapers and pariodicals of late. Se hat children do cot at ram frm.[,it of any kînd udesuMie fruit is peeled or washad. Guard against fatigue vpen the pnt ofý the -yonnigster-s. Be sus- piciou of headiache or favarish con-ditioni, and) dincourage àatiling în water Vwhere germin uyiuk Fortanately, tihere Lias bee-n far essof thle disease in auLr pat of the eouatry tItan i areas bt he axtreme oast. We trust fihat the trouble wtIii be bronglt under control ard infmaly eradi- ente& IMeanwlla, uidmin theguiardJing of CIllildrn ayspare parens and Ailrasponstile parties at lot of sorrowv and expensa. CIidrennamy nt take khndy to restralints rit nom. They mray lieto bless Us later ont. 0 * * * Abreast With Theê, "Times" Getnoacký into laus ar a ven a brief holiday in- s c-ertain amloullit of radutinn Homet e find Our- h!ere on Vthe jo, and a manasjobl)is aiter aibis liiveihood. oerson slhouiid nlormlally feel btter fitta Vo ake oa foliow- speil away froni tbe dally grinot This fact is bcming more oro recagnzed in ail unes of. industry. Groups of moen are Ad iron ther Vasks in ,office aud fctoy tat they imay ne- lte in a differantevionet Con-,sidüeiaplanning nmust haesenitiai in rdrthlat things tarryV alonig fficien-ýtly wiihle tie staff is thus daplatad. In Our eaa na dosed up slopp for thlebtne 1and1lied amy o greenler 'S. No we are back ivwlli Vue santie dasi-ra forervice-, csud( i dtoniria in V buý-ildthe docal paperin ,to a stîlli newsjer ioninformnative mweekiy. Wàe neyent Vo our tinie-hionouredi go of asking tce co-operaton of rendors lu mking Our misi iaiza. A raiservice bc, ho enderad tVIe cmsunty lVe 's at a dlistance, and thils paper 'eeail f readel(rs vviii1 con,- to brng in noms «s f local initerest. Being amwly for awMhue eanbles us to, sep- t3ings in ntrospect. nue homne Vi more llrnly con'vincad that -the lhome ,toma lai d ýjA'ace ip mhiclVo li-ve. Thora iï-s hie oppotunîity for coi-- n and Cie asurnme that ouir om A uoo nd crnrrankn m,ýel" ho good ountny beyond Mtilehlis. liera gons ton foranother of 'husiness as usual", NoV siniply "as usn"etn,, but cand ibtter. Let's try and lkaep abreast rwith-,th-e "Tneýs", fi e Back To Schooll sat acniyagnrlrtura Vio fthe routine i cholli art of younig f ,il al ovon the contry. ttm hsVe beginning ns along the linos of educatin for mundrads of smaIlic13i- 1or Cthers it marks thie staping stone froni one sehool grade ir, or drorn public to bîgli school hstvenmay ha the tomard Al of Viese hings amcong students tihanselves, it ne resembered tInt these are the days of golden opportun- rpts sud guiardians slod struss buse oc% .Mehayoung m-onmln iiirovidecd ith a godedueationci an commirandi thle os'itionis in buLsiness an comerce. bera, are thie exceptionis ini mhidh peopleha-vo ahieveý,d ourt- sincces tili ttie on nothing f book leaaringate ir Mmne cases are rare, and ganeraiy rafeBe back upon keen- personlaites and those with a naturgenius for gettig y alii sclhool euainmystIeyouulg rtuinity «f oiy 1medüocre epoain.Thesýe lized taxn.Sd rn4dr utli e coiiascend to tHiegliýrts ainiodera in.- dd that the eoming armyminsVe ORESFISHTING EXPIERIENCES1 OVER FOR ý'19416 say milpodund flune furnishjedý tribui on. To1 gi"ve oilan idea of arounld, 'here's laszt we'ciiis Mond'ay withh îis ýisterTusaya aiThursday fishing, Friday fish- i g a"Fan1M- ea's piaepond at RlaSaturday Lat 1Lindsnýy Fair. Sunday the guEstoiuMyor Tedd Mrs,- Morris and Dug., of Bowanvlle ai on Monday at- teiiing the funeral of a relative,-'lDr.' Betyof Haronlli. Now cre (tihe rest cure) untJilche ocýkey sea- son. Oroo ootnfuiteaniL defeated Bow-: manville oobalin an exhibition gM ein Oronio Memoril lpark Coni WednIe'Sray eveniing ' ast, by a, 8 to 0 -C e BDautIfwI CAPITOL PO'eýRT HOPE 1 Saturday On ly "BLOOlqD ON THE MHondak aA'd Tuesday "TULE B ,ýIDE WORE BOOTS"e With Brbara Stanwyck adRobert Cmig "TUPE PHANTOM TIIIEF"ý Wednesday, Thursday '4CONFIDENTIAL, AG'3ENT" With Charles Boyer and Lauren Bacall "INTERMlýEZZO" With Leslie Hwr and Ingrid Ber.gnm The Septeniiber meetîing of thleW- mnsCnsanTen iperan lce, Uion iaamot ejoy(, 7ahIle asmala in- strucive eetig, b iheid at the homile of ALs. j. D. rou.A !large number of Uion mabes ro Hampton adEnniskî]iiamrenat tendancebyivittoan okpart in the porsm.Tepeiet Mrs. H. Wih presided. Mftar th-e ope-ning hynini the de- votionai astakhen by Miss Kater- son of Hampt,i irbIo raad thie par- able of thea 0ieat an d tares with comnnients ,and foiliaed with prayar Mrs. Walsh thoin mthoedVe visiting ladies and hoead they wouid enijoy the meeting. Mrs. Delva and Mrjs. F. TamynI- mare tsqipoîn-ted! delegatesý to tie Pro- vincial convention Vo ho lidpnext ireek at Brantford. In tne pr-ograni Mrs. Ornmiston, of Enisýkileèn, gave an interesting tempiierancie reading, Miss, Stalla Best sýang a solo in her usual pleasing m--annien, and thon Mrs Washintroýducnd the gujest speakler of thie afterýnoon, Ms Sey- m-oun, Irf e of thie United Chiurchl inisterý at Enniskililen, w,ýho is Pro- 'vinii' Recor"dingl Secretarýy of the Mns. Saymour gave a ver'y inispin- a -tional talk on the "Way ofi a Chris- ÉÏian Lifa", Slie said me nîust de2velop a conitagious tchniistian panrson1 ai ty"; thaut many: peoPla aire living,, in a dreani wold, ot ralizing the c-hris - tian monk the-t is to be dona, lbut others have thec courage to go ahead and do it. Rev. Mný. Littiemoodl spoke a famý- mords of prise of the good mork, done by the W.C.T.U. Miss Katerýso-n thankiiled' the Oronio ladýies for the p>leasýant and pr ofitable aftennoon, and Mnrs, Brown forlier ospitality, to wihslieshe made a suitable reply. Thie meeting eciosed wuti1)piýy r by iRev. Littlamwood. A social cIlo tes and dajinty lunch maýs hsn vad, irhiicli everyona enjîoyed./ rCOT'1MY ~ 'HANDV14 7-5c $1V50 "35C SOLD AND GUA,ýRANTEEDl By TYRRUELL'S DRUG STORE AmaeurShow ORONO FAIR GROUNDS Saturdýay, September 2lst, 1946 2.45 Pm. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF W. J. RIDDELL (Open to? residents of Nirasi, Bomanville, Clafkcc and Darlington Townships, Enities miust he in -the h-ands of Drco on or beforec riday, Sepot. 20 1. PUBLIC SPEAKING (open to, public schcoo pupis mho did not pass Higli Schooi Ertranc/ brvi :Wto196)............ $0$,0$0,50 2PUBLIC SPEAKING ("pen Vo boys andris 16 years and under)...........2,00 L50 .50 3. GIRLS SING;ING (16 y rS and und.r. 2.00 1.5l 0 10 4. IRLSSNGN (12 yen ýs and une) 2lOQ 150 1.0 à. BOYS SINGINGýC (16 yea ý1and under....2.00 51..c GJ00 6. PIANO SOLO (open t o" and gir91 years and under) "Soidiers11ix theDistan -',"by Ar- thur Bnamnfroni Gra(d1 1V Tý..ý1Jý,.... .... .1.50c; 1.00 .ý50 7. PIANO SOLO (op"n teOVoy aneiris il years and under) "Musettei" by . Bach fironi Grade I I1 T.,..... ....... .. ....... . 1 50 1,00 .50 S. MOUTII OR'GA'N CONTEST (open) 2 niuri- bers -,------- ... .......1.50 1.00O .10 9, CORNET NUMBER (boys andgirls 14 years and unde") contestan to pay 101d B1akMJ" 2 versas and chorus; and sacred nýumlber "Biast lie the Tie That Binds" 2 verses.......1.0 1.00 , 10. CORNET NUM1BER (open) cýontestant to piay "Rule Brania", and 2 verses of "AMbde Withi Me"ý...................------ .......... 10 LOO0 Io IL, BEST COMIC NUMIBER ("pen).........L VG.0 10. 12, OLD TIME FIDDLERS CONTEST....... 2,00 1.0 .5 1Il BEST AMATEUR CLOWN on te ground Sit lie judged for mnake-up and abîity to entertain. Judging to be donefon 2 to 4 p.m.....4.00 3.00G 2.00j 14. SPECIAL--SCHOOL DRILL AND CHOûRUS. Pupils Vo nient at Arm-ouri',es at,23 andi pa-r- aýda to grounds mith band. Eacýh school Vo co lt teir drill and sinig a chorus or ynll1 in front of grandstand. Tre 1 a'le...00 .0600 (ard to each schooil thereafter)_..... ....20 ENTRY FORM FO AMATEUR SHOW Naine - Address Classified NEWEUPMN Six-ootBise TademDisc îm-I ilfammer Mill, St el ýeniSes it Sen,61 s; Drag ilr- Boi;used Disc eDrilli, Wgon , "etc. Phione Carl ToCdde pee ae, Clairke 1,520.c-4c YORýK'S Stiow REPAiR,, Oronio, Ont. Phone 7:3.416 Piis. Ap 1iyto11 J. 1.Davy Phone 5-1 r-5, Oron . c-3 c. The north part of the 5th o.of 1~rk,9Lot35, oonsirsting 'of 144 acres (more or Imss); good stonie 'house, hydro, e g4ri rJider, double garage, barn i i stopefondtin capaible of tiein4p?'un 25 headl of cattie and si<X i$rses; litter cr rier; aIso sheep ~ and h--,n 1house. Posiserssion immqiediateiy. Heb er J. SocR. R. 2, Orono;: Phone56r, Orono c35p FOR SALE A seond-andPhflco Radio; aiso Garrots, Turni, Caiybage and Po- tatoceS. App'ly to George BteS Orono1, Onitarloý. / Y'OR?, sALE Sightly ue iailoor L'amp,'. Myleseen at the (Gifr Shop, onmo.1 FOR SALUE Sixty WieLegho i Iýns, -year ol'd, g0iod yevs. RselBest, phione 51 r 01,Orna-4. SALE- REGIS'TERS 1 hava be instructad by Mr.,,G. W. _Arnnstron , to sal!iby Pulic'Îl auction ait lits 4 and 5, Con. 1, Caan Townish p, W1/ miles west of Cari Scbool, on Friday, Septeni- ber 2th, 196 is ilorses, Cattie, Swine, Poultry Feed, -Wood, Har- niess, Implements, and a quantity of Fintie Saie Vo commrience at 1,00 p.m. sha îý. Ternis Cash. Posi- tiveiy no Raese ,ve. Giving upI farn- in g. Jack Rai ,, Auctinner. The uindarsi nad has raceived in- strucionsfrLo nMr. L. H.-Gibson te, sali1 !bY pub Ic auctionatLot12 Con. 2, Covan Townshý1-ip, on Thurs-1 diay, Saptembl-e ý26th,14, his Hr sas, Cae, ultry, Hjarness and at 1.00 p.mn, ba. Ternis Cash. Positivaiy no Peserve. jack Rai, \uctdoneer. f The ude ïg-,dlas rcivdin- strucitions from MnWr George Wheat ley, Lot 4,n, 7, Ganai Township, et the Kelly f.~,2! '/a miles ment of Cm-an Storie, Vo scUI y pulblic au- tion oni Monday, Sepit. 23rd, Mhs hor- ses, Cattie, Feed. Poitryj, Fr7m Ma- chinoery and Furiniture.p Sale adt 1.00! p..Terrms CasIý, No0Reserve. jack id, Auctionear, TheaLundarsignaji haasrecaived in-j structionis froni _. Woadiay, to-sali b)y public auction at Lot 22,?Co, S Hope Tomnship, àt Dea 1- ili, oni WVedaesday, OtAbir 2nd, lis hores, Cattie, Swine, Polltry, Fend and Thipiemaents. Ternis Cash.Posi i iveiy No IReserva. Sale a 1pn. Jac a idAuctioneer. HAYDONDAL2E STOCKER C ESALE E. A. Werry miicU er t lha farnli, 1 isEiast«f i-n*slakiileni,an Eesù «f Haydon Vilii e, in Dnig ton Towisiliîp, 135 Vitle, icuig .piga;50 YaFg Dnai and -ceO Co)rd S); 1'/a!-ypaa-e Duhans O.nd Rre -'rds, 3U l/z yaar-lds. i pa e titis group -uitil FP. Afl cattie refroni points Girs t!lrýio and M'ay-itouLlin Islandc. Avry finie selecticion f cattie. Salae at 1.3,0 o'cloek, Mon ýay, Sept. 23rd. Ail cattie dalivemred. Terinscis Cs. -Ted JcsoAuctibsieer. James E. Oî'Boyle Phone 7-16 - Orono Busine-ss LicenLse No.1304970; War- tuine Prices and Trade Board TERATIONS, REPAIRINOPIT ING. Good w.ork at fair prices, byth ESTIMÂTES F REEi'T RADIO REPM R Work ý1 Hoe andie Ca r ils Anistallied. H. jDLiYALL MEBICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Oilice iHour : 2.00 to 40 .. 6.30 to 8.00 p.a Suindays and Wedlnesdays b appoinnient oiy PHJONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Miason, MOI~ Barrister and Solicitor BOWMIANVILLE, ONT. Phone:1 Office 688 IW. F. WARD BARRISTER NOTARY Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMANVILLEr, ONT. DR. Wlf. W. SHERWIN VETERINARYSRGN Offlie Main St. Ora Phone 63 ir 7, Orenîo, J. CGAMIEY INSURANCE and Liability ORONO, !MANIJFACTUlRERS REPRESFINTATIVE wHIlgladly assist iv, planning financilA security for yusl a4- a(yur famlïly. DANE FOUND onuments, The RTTER GRAÎIfl-r COMPANY Phone 601 - P.O. 7PBox e22 Monuments, Gravemrarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing AUICTIONEERS TED JA4àCKSO'-N Auctioneer and Valuator Conduets Auctian sales of ail chu and at reasonable rates. Comuniatowith hMm at pequ Perry, 0Ontarto, -or s-e. hie clerk, '. E. Mortona, ai orolio, for dateý JACK REID Liensed Aucetioneer and Speialzein Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates, 1Phione 16,20 Clarke. Do Y1ou Kw That, for ia manage twenty-four, 0-he Imperial Life Assurance Coin- pany vviii guarantee bis famlljy $,0.0in event of bis death prior ta -age sixty, for between 2%~ and 3% oif that amoaut yearly. And if he lires ta age sîiy, the CompanRY will pay hlm the ,00. Why not conmult your local FRED LYCE¶'1' to mee wat a plan such n athhs-.l do fer yeiru? YORK'S TAXI, SPEICIAL RATES F OR OUT-OF-TOWN SOPR Phone 793 r 16, ORONO . . ...................... .......... ..................... ............... ... . ............ o ............... . . . .......... . ....... . Home 553 SOLICITOR « ONTARIO

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