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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Sep 1946, p. 6

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Quaiîty Teoe T-HA op THE SEA Byý George E. Walsh SYNOPSS dealaccetinlone 1uater nteest in the st0ne5. the lugger heads for the wrecked steam, bn 't on he mwy thex sight a schooner, obvi- usyadrif t. Its masts are broken aind It ila wallowinjg heavlly. Tucui sets out ta bnard the echooner,"u when haifway to Itanunid nan appears onuthe. deck. Me Is obvi. ous1y craazy. CHAPTER V "Crazyp! mutered Captin Tu- cu. "L'ef t alone, an' golle crazy. Pull away!" lie added, addresiug- tde CaAis at tde nars. Thle boat started in the direction Of thesconr but it badn't cove-ýred a quarter of the dlistanýce wbeu nothe figuire appeared on, thedek If the siglfit of the soi iman bad surpised tbe board- iug crewT the Secondap rion for iil seem3ed i ke an, apparition to, mauycrtainiy to Dik jordan on the deck of the lugger-created amazemeut and consternation, The nrewcomrîwas a woman, iightly ciad, and ljhier birl streaiug down bher shouiders an-d bac, lbal way to becr waist. She baud the appearance of One wbo hais been initerru.,pted ini the mnidsýt of lber toilet, rusbiing on deck to ascertain Ille meaninig of t'le coml- moition. She glancediluntde direc- tinof the luggersAmding lier cyes witlunue hand, antd thien bacli at the onid man ounthe deck. Sbe ipolke to lirn in a low voice, w-bielb f-ie. ieeded, f or lie withdrew vf romn sigci, ad permittdber to do thec "Wbat boat is that?" sbie asked ïin a clear, beli-like v e Tucu iesitated for u momlent be- fore :ceplying; then in biis mo-st persuLasive voice, lbe informeid ber. "Thle Sanl Miguel, 0f Limlon." 'l'le girl or youg om-lan)-i asdifficuit to etiat er age at the distancç, but to Dick site seemed young and comly-seem,- ed in donit, besi'ating before re- pi.ying, but br yes mwere bus;y stuidy-iing 1t boat's crew and theý junes of (tic iugger. inlhas if sb had muade up ber mmd, she reotdin a shiarpl preptr wWhlwat do, yon waunt? Von a'tcone aboar-d!" Captain Tuicuile a bit craf t- lly. "We took ber1 for a deriecit- abandoned."' 'You Calisee nomiSe isni't"," e- pIied t'ne gl qicly Thenl, as if auxious to pacify tbema, she add- ed u aplesater voice Tal you for comning; but we don", need any hep. We eau manage." Tucu was a hitte noupiussed, hWt te gin hadn't left bis Ughy fadce. "at get into port ,vitb thlat wrec. We'libeip y'ter rig her tup.' "Ntbank 3you, was tie cool retort. Me can manage." The smiall boat hadlle drift- ing near-er ail tbe timie, andi as if alarmned by this the girl added ssharper than before: "Keep away, pleasel Yo11,11 -ge'ltanighed ilu the wreckage." Tulcu turned to,. bis miate aMde- cbanged a few words idi lim, anld tlen addressed the girl agalu: 'Wosthat nid mn aboard1?" She drew hierseif iup and frown- ed. "You nmean my13fathier, cap- tain Beord?" "'uslie=P'l?" Thmeemasa am]-île of derision on1 bis face, whiich the girl cauglit. Reseniting tsh.e lnuddeld ciitty,. and said: "Yesh Now if you bave nui fur- thier businerss bu~e, go back, to "I'd. ike to Speak ttc se cp . was die cool1 retorte -ntïtiilug i Aue Caribsto diptir oars agin. -Von ca't" as fthefrigbsened reýpiy. "He's riotchand bas jick caugbit the nlote of alarmn in tble vi H. e gave a stant and glanced around hêm. The handfuh o,-f Caribs left onl tbie lugger were edi in thf choe and the conver- saItion goiu)g 0oubetweenCCI the sktip- per a11d tbe gýirl. No one paid thie ieast attention to hm "if Tucui goes; aboard," he, mut-. trdunder ïbis breatb, "Ill go 1-e walked towar-iid t1ie steru and measued th distance from the lugger to the scbooner Lt w as not great. Once under theý pro- tectioni of the ovecrbanjging steru lie coulýd swvim alm-os;t tnobser-v- ed t-',ctbe mass of wreckage drift- in]g on jthe port side of the ere hi-Ct. But on-ce mo1re bis- attention wvas drw Lo the othrs Asbril, bah- bug voce cme f rmutOeforward shrou1ds oýf the scbloonier. Captaîni Býedford was standing !in th ýemi, waigand býckonIiug to tbe Ca- ri.Instead of goig belowv, lhe had crept forward wb,.vere, ont of reacbi of bis daugliter, he was ýIn- vitinig Tucu and bi-zis en to come- aboard. "Creaboard, imates! Yoti're welcomiel Throw mne a huie and l'lach it! H! Ha41Ye miiissed it that tie, H-eave againi" The girl in tbe stern gave one borrified glace and then buried to lber parent' Sside. Captain Bed- ford mneekiy dropped down Ato he dck at ber coming a"d mumbled tbickly a. ild protes, Dck saw theu girl lead him aay and tbenl returu to the rail. BY tha ttme Tucu and Ibis creýw lsad made fWs to tbe schooner and were prepaning to climb aboardý "tp"sbje cried. "I forbid you coigaboardi'" Captain 'ITucu looked up and leerevd at bher. "ýIt's at tbe capu's invitationxwe're comm'," be sais. "It axin't againisï t the aw, lady, to accept tbhe skîpper-'s inivite, is it.", "1MY fathe-r's .nt responýisibýle for wba b says," she cnit îi br "I'mi- in crmmaInId bere, auld i for- Dick didn't bar tbe dfinis An the sentenice. Hle lad quietly drop- ped over the sterui of the lugger, and ,was-one more batthfing witbi buIsod cuemy-tsea. Swiminrg solymitb bis bea iowow wuin tbe water, anid Imak.- ing a wide detour aon the steru of tbeeeliDick reaicb-ed it witi- ont attrictinigateio.Nbd on tbe iqgger bad notied bi de- partreand toscou arud tbe schoonrrweeLoo iuteres>ted in their prize to, give beed -t' any- biug euse. Dick clmbe )upth-e rigginig hanging over the si!de opposite the ingger, and securend a firmn grip on the deck Wraiwth both ha. Tu- cu and bis men wrestihi for- ward, argiuwit b g thec girl, Dick could fbear 'ber hg-itbdvoice raied in remonstrauce. "If yo put a foot on this deck, V'U shoot!" she was saying. "The, law ihwv i.Yonu're bariug m ship against mny Wihi." Dick tbruist bis headl above, the raýil. The mnen ha-dn'ýt reacned the deck yet, but vwere bhanginig over the -side, witb bieadýs irîviwThe girl was facing tbem, witb ai deli- amt gliter in br eyes, and an ug- IY-IOCkinz autom11atic in 01net hand. Ber eyes were deep bine, but, JAPS' FOOD OUTLOOK BRIGHTENS Witb ilhe best rice crop lu fo.ur ýeaLrs 'being barvested a mnonth eny japani looks forward to escape froým the starvation whicb. ruled the couuitry last wiuter Above Jap workers begin processing tbe first bales of ri-, tn arrive in Tokyo. Gwerýý-idon: P. Clarke Ci' Last week joy and 1I were ab- solute] l moved to tears. We jnist colntkeep outr emotionude cotrl t ail. You see we wvere mlak:ing msadpickle. Not just a pint, or Ceen a quairt, but twenty jarCs of i t. So) wby wo l d n't c wveep? 'Wby is it tht onions make one weep-and istbeanprvtv? Tbe best ting I have struck so far is peelinig thie onions over tue kithen stove SAth nu e d off. Theý fire doesn't bave to bc aligbi tche -the dagtwl carry the ume up dthchmny. htisu'ta buudred precent but àa does make tbe job) a Mutte lAS sorrowfu Hert is aotber remed yyou igbt like to try. B3ob told us that if youn knel on tbe floorwie peeling tbe onions the fiumes wi neyev he r you. So Joy and I tried knleeiing on the flior-and the kitchi](j ook'ed iike aminiature pray-er nmeeting. 1But: we soon fouind thje ideýa didn;'tk-t was just about as crazy, as i ooe.Bob said we didn,'t do itàright-that bile ncu our 'Knieeswe sboulId stili have kept the onion abovethe ta- ble level, Another way 1I have beard recormmeuded is tostc a puece of rawv potato; on the end of: threparing kif-bu!t 1 eri cfounid thiat wo, rked very wvell eith3er. Sometbing telils mie that anyone wblo couild invent, or propagate, an, odou)trless qinioiin ight live in dol- verswet-scenedclover-for thec rest ofi bis naturai if e. Many bouebold inventions arec douibtIeýss the re-sitl of a mian be,- iting Ieft with somle ordinlar-Y every- da y jo to do at sSme time, whib bis wofewtut givig it1a tboughtý, bas doue every- day for years, pnittiig ,ip witb tbenincn- venience because she thougbt it was jnst one of tbose tiugls 0that couid't be prevutd Then some twist of fate' puts b-er hbnsbaid 0on the job.I Hle iorks at it fôr posý- sib)Iy haif-an-bouitr, ge ts flecd î!p wAitb it an-d starts figuring ont somne easier way of doing itm. Anid thus,, anothe invetion s borui.Epei enie is a greaý,t teache'r. (;ive a mail haIf-anI-abou1r wtbagajlky waýshling bas to be bunmed, and you ac- copibmore iin tbat way than by week-s and w ýeeks of grtnmbiling or juIst now tbey were dark wit pa- Sion, The flice, triinied by lng ex- pos.'ure, was t c il, bard, dtr miud hes. Perbiaps ini repose it was beautiul, but tbiere wa a f- hui-e strenigth aud tPassion in it that rathe1r sniggested ,tbe tigress as bay. Tbere was not an ounce of fear or cowardice reflccted in thýe eyes and face. Y'aer asked us aboard, lady" Tcu eplied after a pattýse, an insinuating pieasan)try- in his voice, 4"an' wve came because o' bat.iWher e'sbegone?" "! told youI 1was in eommiand biere," 'was tbe short, cutir reply. "Tbat's surfficient. No%% get back!" Tuicu glancedi aft and tbien for. %vard. 'Wbere's the crewv" lie ask- et, smilig. -l'le girl woman paled sigbtly, tbirouigb hler tans, but ansýwered uni- biesitatingly. "Thlere's ïun crew ahoard. No, nue buit father and mec. Now 3yos* know the trush." (To Bc Continuecd) ISSUE 38-19%6 caljolii;g. 0f course it is just als wel whlepreinilinary xp)eniiuent- in)g is udra to do the isa pcaring act. Yes, xerec is a gre-atd teachi- er in more ways thlan n.Pate was fairiyv cbortiing early in1thle week býcaýuse Joy had anilappoinit- meut to biave a wvisdorn tootb cx- tracted - an ex,,tractionî being an cntirely lcnlew exper:ice for lber. "And now vm girl", said Partue-ir, "ike the rest of the, nurses, yon ha ve dIoue ýpilty nf needie stick- ilg um your tinie, Slow we arc gniing toý see hiow yon hI ke beinlg 0onthe receivîing en!" omorrow carnle and nieJydidn't ike the nýec- die-or- rallier the efeet ofe it - any better than the rest ofl s. But partuler, very geeosy desisted from1i te-asing bter until she wvas bet- ter ableie to ake it. Afterw,,ards lic rcaly eýnjo0yed imrseif. *Thîs we-n was mucb as us- a-teoiy wayiini li it ýva- ried from laniy other we-edwas that everyoue vas duwss to break- fast ou time Sunday nmorniIg. Sat- uirday nligbt we r-eally tboUgh-t wc wereiLu for a compa),ýrativeiy quiet, tlime but just as Partuler and 1I were tiuikiug Of retirýing for the night ,Daugliter and frienid Bert bhew in. Partuier was sensible, after a fit- thewhheb weut toq bed. The rcat of ustie away until weii ate And now for a littie aimlal in- I B stinct-or bird instinct whichever yos Ilke to cAl ih. The other rnorn- ing Pantner looked out the kcitcheiî winidow andcalet me to ý",orne quik".I cmeand what I saw was a gïreat big ha-wk perched calmli-y on the top of a fenýce-post right by the Chlickeni-pen whiÀch houses tesmall!,est or our chick- enis. Hie was just Sitting there, watching bis opp)orltunIity tosoo down on is prey. He migh)t well be ,,atclinýg because thiere wasn't a ChiCken tIto "be se ay ee ojy said frorn ber room she had bheard a wiid scurry of wings 5aid wonideredý' whlat on earth w ýas. 'The Chickens wmee otail in the pen. They were: b-idïing iunder sbiruibs, trees, a- roll of fence wire and anytbiing s tbat came handy, Lt isn'ýt unusu ai for thngs Cie that to bappen of course, but 1 stil marvel at the inistinctwb ci tlis cbickens ta danger is near. And cbikens!-are usnaly oscesupidtbugsa For A HIAPPY HOME sv maxwvell Bou1se Coffee.its blend contaîns choice Latine Âmerican coffees.Tos -who are mOs-t prîïli about coffee vote it ",Gýood to thie Last Drop"It Kellogg's Al- Wheat is Canadian w;hole w nheat in ilu Most idelicîious form. Flaked, toasted, re«ady-tr- eat! Everyboýdy Zooes theheeartening flanouri SAVE TIME Ditto MORE AND MORE PEOPLE serve of dayl Here'8 an idea that cari help yon. eave tinte and work: Serve K.eilogg's ready-to-eat oereaglo not on1y forbraft but for iad-mornýIng snacks.,cbi1drene lhnehes or -suppers5 before-bed. A]-WhTeat-, Pep, Corn Flakoes, Ail-Bran, Rice KrýIspie8, Brat Flakes and Krtùnbles areai m'ade by Kellogg'"s, thegrata niamin c ereaiz. ...SAVE FU'EL..$ AVE F0OD!

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