s-Y - - I Dictiemary' of Movie Pests 1'iidger: Ge.ntly but firml1y degs 4bis 51haip elbovws ïinto your1 ribs each tine she sren reveas 0 siu- ation he considers too suble for aur- duli mmnd to graspf. xpaihga)nEpin:s th di -utest Bettdy: Ddyo erabu h Olive:: -nNo, whthaine Afe eoeing C(ý11lai ad sliht froni che sock o thbe budgt n L c ý1 odn andhe an expndta hr in h eas we saM aïgi bave to ?0 geur beits,"the ndd Th11 VIen 10 hjnr lerk wbtho didnotap Tc g od telgme ta.M the boke a1 the budget beforeSi THE SPORTING THING "Quiekï Gimm~e y Easy Iry recruits were hav- 9 onice saw; a chap in a1 ircu:s who Jumped on thie hor se'i bak, lifpped. tadenet, caght hold of its tali, and -finis*heýd up on is neck."ý 'so what","retorted the other. 'l did al tbat, in 'my first ridin)g Where'u bbc Tip?ý DTOwn in the ril suhrutw wbere he lves, peo-ple are 2(-a fond of Uncle Mojse- thaït the elderly Negro has become a 1trifle spoîled. One day he presente'd a chec-k for *1.2aIt he local Lank. He took% tue lmoney froni the telier, counited %Lbthen recoýunted 1t. 'Hie dd oeem to Le sa1tisfied. "What'fi the ematter, Uncle Mose?" askeýd the teler, InîI "Ys"waa the gruldging reply, "but il juat barcly f. Ail But the Tîtie Lubienne and Harold weýre playing together i the ,back ya vrd. "I know a wouderfl gae maid Harold. "e' ik elv wûte're Admirais anid that we areý egrmmanding the Nv. "Afl riglit," agreed A n0.0ny 1 mua't Le the Iighe2st diriand givc commanida ta you." Harohl etbjectedý, anld, as musal, Annie had acoprmie "Then," uggste lte srw IlIffle Miss, let'2 piay that 'm the Admiral's wIf e Tat mwiido Just ACquitte'd "Onje day,"ý said the aidcunr- mtan from ithe hus, hoD was on, Irlal for murdecr, "hnmy frheu-. rcatismwas pesteri;ng sunm daughl(er h2d just eloped wTitb good-for-nothi.n> scalawa-Pg, andmy barn ara urned dwad ,r i ba !,t lotit mwy mules, ani my Lest oid z0w got the chera and died an-J l beti heardl they had fore-closed the oürigage and bbc sheriff Was, 900kin' forme, 1I ld Wmy troubles teonosi f these heretimst, nd la, .sad Chefr Ulp, ltitp, tle s eyet to camie' Sa shot FtýHI EtEoS IN GA D 6ET YIN ATrJC.-OOKÇ- L, AS0Tý ý,- IN GA[-,Aý3E ATi -FiAmND6oE- Il 1;ROk> 11H pF < Ek [PAH«ILY UNABLE -r-0 EXAfNNG At~E GETidýCONrENT9 lFINDANY PNJi lij ONA OMLLLLYM 'E Up HCUO R.VAYq7( LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neh-er tiim worried about daUghter and ber boy-fried soi'a8 quiet înIlthe parlor I'ni afraici they're out ini the kitchen!" ilVOCE0FTHPRSI Mandy Pot Holder For bsad camping indoors ddig the familys absece.any of the snller pieces tçf miuiln eryt the Ju1liet type, makes a dandy POL Egg of a Queer Bird An o)rnitolc)ogîst has found a strangely shaped and weirdly col- ored egg whlich lie caninot ident(ffy. -Press report. It is pr-obablyoe oAf the many recentiy laid hy îtbe Dove 01,FcPace. -Kithener Record. For Picnic Renlt A fliiker eaie by a scientist hiad five thiousand ants in. its stoin- ach, There's an oppurtunity for SomLe!igtpersn to0neea or- tunei by doet-tn l cker' and reningthe ou topicnlic parties. Vast Resources Report heistece)f a bil lion-dollýar coal deposit 40 mile-, n2orth of Hulidsoni Hope is* just oneL more evidencce ofthe yast potentiai reoDUces awaiting development ilu B., C.'s ÈPeace River area, - Vanc-ouver News-Hlerald. ) ~*LI Ia aum "liiitials seemed soIad- II . IPOP-No Gond for Notes s Aid tw Contentment An Australi-an fariner bags in- s;talled a radio iii îhis rmiiking ed because it keepa 3the cows 2quiet, and "they seen ta like the news," After whIat thley hetar, it is iikely that the beasta apprecate the ad- vantage of Lin'g co3ws -TrnoSaturday Night. Sa Fast -Yet oeSlowSO A jet 'plane filew from New York to, Boston, about 200 miles, in 21 minutes and 51 scnd.Who fa in suich a huirry thlat he weants ta f iy d200 miles in 21 inutýîles? Sonletim3es we wonder tvwcheethe ingenuity and ener-gY f nmodem man isntoa much conct1enedwith apeed, 100o flttie conicerne j tvwith needs that are a thuac usmore !pressinlg, anld m-oretaie The Quiekest Way A b)igb-speed ý-ýîcamea shows thiat itakes ol n'fri~ of a se(:- ondo 1 winte ey". lts te quck est kiuown w"ay to get into troub!le. - KRohmner Rueor. CaSties, in Europe The ho(usinig shiortage is sojlved at iast. For only $400,000, tavelers s'ay, you can have you-r pick of tile oltd casties irin Erope. Birds- Are Easier Rathe(r -a queer way to Ckcatchz train,anay -SakatonStar- Phioenlixý. WJJAT FRAGRANCE wii breaikfast inc-ludes MaxweUl flouse! This glorious eo'f- fee is extra delicious IÏe. cause it's Radîant-Rouste4d to develop the iff goodnes@ oef the Superb Maxwefl 1-bs lËend Let MNutine bring case when -nd hurm fro over-work, dusr, wnsungiare, bright lights or lossi osee.Two drops ofmu-rinDe in réfreshes. Thausanlds use Murine requi-arly-say there is nothing quite ike it. Base yaur e es with Mutin. Alays kep kandy MACDONALD'S F-ine Cut By J. MILLAR WATT I1SALL $_3-4V By GENE BYRNES FATHE l iCýAlmFEr. CATCiWALL DRAW ER t jTHA7 HE FAiLED -1O HL.A6.6 T~ CU A~- RE. ir PU0IJ -LEVRYTU N 'N N N N N N. 'N N N N 5 N s, N N N N 1- '-t' N N N N s 't -s N 1'- 't 1~ 't ----c