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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1946, p. 3

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Frecaaoge t jl. flot tOo(soonfto ordr our191,chiekL. Send fo prie i t. opNtc Ciheis, Gow Ct Nwhalt ou1wat i and11CI henil UHOCE 1ULLTs ALL AE firom i12 weekfito layiog F11 hik.Promipt dlîvery. Freû cata- lou.It, isnot ton soon toloder -vour 14 hes edfori price list.- een tthe Wint1w Pair; our try dvisio. We,7illhoJgld0omee1t ouretitomrsndfi ends. Twoddile Chc HtheisLimitedt,lFierg_,us, _10t YOUR ORDER FORSPIN \%ikswhot aay t thlese pries.. Mied hicýksl. Plît S3,Co e Ail brSeed ( ers Ilram perte ndorpl venmnt:, apprnvaîù1lý. Order oow n iCsure delaver c leoi re ed. Bonni rs Kick) 1,atcher , ,y, ÇAS Il AN RETNMAil FORD dyour oroGod eclealig vry, ol teethr iaons,LL Sterling Silrver, tc. 100 Swe rour ent preum ngnd cins.l Satisfaction guaranteed, S Lorpae Jewevole, 3 Qeen astTonto. Ï7011 AD LEANN 0nforapetion. Weare ga oan- hamweryour questions. DeartmRedt Pake'sBye Wor ommrc ialtnd, 91 Yoge itret.hooeo ntro .OIT-Y jl, 1EGI' VR ETIES [N hadyrotsora. lack and Ited ' Currant ltfoommercilSan friae laing Onthe eweýost va- n S tes.1PiLLPS PARMioS. CH lra- EA tAt Vlfr ýsIrLLAGE, QUE.Dslrbu tors, SWshlOnt. GEESE 1)A î OSS-ALL SIZE %S FOM to 10 top Wrie IlrveyBor2 pi, ightlad Creek, Ontari r pb.0l8 earbr000 1.CI ki ou frs'frm thoseacoasitiof ove Sco1ia.l'ielou. IForma-, tion fr stam, iEelomstitribu- ts, Ringeeston t. etoe In lbefroNilgsovmber Sed for piree purniclis today. he J, P. Tantrone Vo. Smmosle Bo 16, P.,ii !uo1r(saleý. IFront Road, Sop 613RoR ,2Am5. esthur. Pii ip 13IASeY 0îeIIRRISCLIPPR GOM ne, st ix foot eu, ond condTiou. Ville, ven, R 4, oun Poest MOER -OD YM C'WO Wc ir(, Large tock, pmpt. ,-ver,ded fr feais tine g Bd- Pltesatoad, Tronto SafeTeeSooletroell ,i rut andFaillistove r Trns. aue smoe.Wegurate or od sYriyerto rMove son 0t fro n 'tplst na sov Norcfrnae l F'octpad anwhreOnCanada.Us Ti'weeks ,ifn ot atifd enemr- fundd. . RKeroan Mfg,, Boxrir spee, on cel operaionnnsi 1 F.leylweîghtDYbaseULimied um eat onl 1.5.Eospid 1u cae.Take ad yotage of this Mofferl leor ilng 1,ces1, take afec-t Janl. 1, 247 OlverSpailnner & Co. Ltd., 2A EilmSceorn. reflest egari n clases.Robrt- AvenuedTeoa-ilToronto A e to dive ar odm eart ed. Byvie Avene, nar Toril- blîlj, 7 mesfromToronit, Box ý117, 73 Aelid W, oronto. ANE 1 AN VExPErIENil _1cETI stat at $0prmnh erycon- tract, da hmstar Nvmbr Box 11, 1Atejla!jeW., Toronto, GRALUATENtRS, S4ARY$100 weekexcptin emergen)cy, Tralns- portation rfude fter sixmots sevc.Apply b wire colleet with refrenes, stt,,1iog ýeariest date aviaie, tn reston Valley 1los- DON'T WAIT-VER11Y SUFFERER of RemtcPisor -Neuritis huiitry 1 iuxonts Itemedy. Mun.- ro's Drug Sore 31 Bgin, Ottawa. e tpatd 1, 00 eysuffrer o, f Eeuatzains or edyMunos rugStore, 135 l- MUlîSICAL VINSTRUME'NTS selis, eoags uia1ntru- BIL A -A!RDRESSER JOEN CAAD'SLEDIG OBOL Great Opportuluity, Leamor Pleasanlt diýgi fied proifessmionl, 'gond graduates. Amreric's greatesf sys- temn. f ,iîust rraf ,edcl atalogue efre e Wriýte or cI. MARVEL HAIDRMSSING oR L 158 Eloor St. W., Toronto Bra.nches: 44 King St,, Hamilton &74 Rideau Street. Ottaýwa. Patent Solleltors. Establlsbecd 1890; 14 Ring Wèset. Toronto. Booekiet cf nfraonon retiueýt, MPERIAL QUALITY 15 QUALITY AT ITS BEST pUR VER ROUD FAST SERV- ieej and finle Qalit'y Work wvl11 please pu For sa1tisfaction try -iM- pia.6or 8 exposure fls de- veloped anS p il,10 11EIA HOTO SERVICE Statlion 1. Toronto. FILMS DVELOPE 1 25 CNTS. G'uara1FLnte',e (1 onîa ýday service. No waiting. 1Bay,-.,Phonto Service, North DAILY S1ERVICERE a'ý4 N O EN- lreetwif h ea0ch -8epoue GET BETTER PICTURES ATr LOWER PRICE PROMlPT MAIL SERVICE Any îzeBel-O r R8 Exposures1 DEVEOFET ANT I'RNTED25e Siz 4 6 OnBE:,l nounts. lienS Coîored anS Pramiloed Elreet ait speial 1priceýs. Pr-îite from pour neatics eaech. 9)EI'1 T. M . STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box129 l'stOffice A, Trno quick cs.PlesPe.Ioi' SaeSrvcKel_1vingionol, Sask., COLLECTORSb! e SEtI D$1,00 F0o11 seleoction lf!ie approvaa. Rfne if pontfu ified. No ýtnashý1. A. adai. STAM0COLEC TORS, AERME Get cquinte pakage and detls1 of iteretîngBons ystem to ap- proal pplcanssending postag9e tcvrcost of aiin.Alexainder Suppiy CoF.Bx8,Sudbury, TiAN11XitRMY Hae ourtroph,- mounted by (Cao- adas LaigTxiems Finesi workmash5p11 reasonable prices. We tanDeer ides loto Leather suthefor, Gloves, nbeies etc,. Oie Sanr& CoLd.26A E1im St., Toronto. ' 'CGREAS Y ' ON TMRIïA .L Takahashi better known as GrýeasY to hundreds of Canadian priso0ners. o)f war, is now standing trial along ifflh many other japanese war criinrals at 1Hong Kong. Duairig the ar Greasy was empfloyed as a civilian medical ordlerlp at Sanli- dagawa Internment Camp in 'Tokyo area where he js accused ocl having beaf on and abuse-d Cntinand 'Americ an prisone-rs infend there. Fro"mHeheHil The heathier his of Scotland mi-ay yet yieclt l a p-roîfiable, crop, says The Familyý He- 1rald sud Wecly Star. Exxperimenfs have been succcssfuilly carrieýd out by thie Scoishï,] Co -ope(rativ e Wholesale Sýociefy in the fabrication of a syn- thectic tîimber knlowni as hetathier- wod)(. Mse of heathier plantls ïih aves, mot s, tc., rmvdare prcsscd in Ito blard. flaf blocks withi synithetie ei as abndr making a,, board wicilooks like ilumiber- andîbas al us inaturalproperties. Peace Parley Despite Nunierous Clashes Proposais Pave Way For Final Agreeýmen1t TheConereceof Paris, wbJicl1 iB dyenweck ofgrv.tlling vwork produlced thle firsf more Or lest comiplete texf s of tbie firet fjive peace freafies, will hbold ifs la,1t forllaI Session 'and wilI thein pass into bistor, systhle New York Timeiis. Eyen 'mocre thian mosu. peaceconyiferen(ces, it brouight lbeari- breaks to mny isppite any hope-js, and in1 ifs end r-esit pleased feif anybody. Bt ,conlsidcringp the wa'-iy fthestage ihad bceen set for it [!I( tlimiatinsplaced tIpoIl ifs reti : f actionl, it id well enou_1gh.1 Despife the numi 11e rousr , clashies thiaf wene its losfl:oi- staningfeatreif did nt break down but accolisýed ifs fask o)n Sehieduile fime. if if w-as iunable tb chiange wbadie Big -Powers had previously aigreed uiponl, if did -givt voi)ce to fbe uonscience of mank-,ýiind anld oni points ont previouisly de- comndton 0cornirect thle graes vrongs. WhattheConfierenice was u- abilelon do was f0 bridge lie glf betweîî ussi's pn-Slviebloc did bild rides.bmeans of the recommendaf'iionis passed by a- two- thlirds mjajonify, whlichi, if acceptcd, by the Big Foýur (wlio muat ap- prove the final teýsts ), provide- a way for final agreemen(î-'t, Buti the gulf remains, and Mr. Mlh made if plaïin in bi, at î that Rîîssia scorols t1hebrde and wîll continue f0chllng every decisiont of theCnfen- not fo its likinig. Affe2r sgrcc.ing tfo the Conifereoce and figbfinýg for aPfo-fIrd lm- jorify, Rus5asnovv iiieffeer1t- pud atsbotb, 'sudl fbr1owstficlog debated iýssues back info thtie lap of the (Foie ig n Miniisteùr s Cuni wic eets in New, York ne'î nînhVet the, CounIcil wilj'd wýell to rememiiber thait even aýffen- ffiseswitli the tefe hs nntsiigo if0 the GoveromeIliîilts raifctinsd tht, if Mnr, Molo [torshiip netl 0f oryabu puiblic oino u omeaIldem craficGoveroents ust. Iceîand's Airfielci Bm \te of 32 f019, fhc Icelanild JPaniaIment ratiified an agnIco [(Il wth te Uni1 States cnif'lltinlg \îecnuse og the Kfai air- CIas~fiedA ve7isf, . jýOTS OF SPO. TS

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