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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1946, p. 4

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ORGNO WEJ v'1R. The Orono Weekly Times Establishied January, 1937. Pubiished every Thursday mnorning at the Times Office Advertising Rates on request Subserip tion, $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Orono, Ontario Spic and Span Civic, piide asserts itself locally -%rbea îwe l'ook upon the var- ,cuîs improüvamnents to "up street" property. Like charity which is said to bjegini at h1o me, w ei'ghit nmnke(- modest referec 'the bnrigltenia'g up xhich the"ims offices have undergone. A ýcoa t or twýo of paint can work woniders upon thfe appearance of thiargs. Just the samne, itiras anecessary for us ta step in anrd help finish the job inisofar <'as the "Timeý,s" b)uildings -were cnend Ail up t'hie lina, thne sainie briightleni-ing un is in evidence. Orneigbborsimay lhaveoeen mrefortunate ila rietaiiagii hired help. We ourselvestturnied . ourbck upon piles o okisd 'hhe office -while vve xielded the paint brush uponl part of the out- saide. The genial proprietor of the Orono Five 'Cent to 'Onie Dollar store went "ýail out" by purcchasîiag ajcetprýoprtias to the ori- ginal store and turnin'g thie vwhole inito one of theline stores in the dlistrict. Somiie businesses ha'-vecane the lig-htinigssei.Others Lave rearranged tig so thaýt a ioreaatve setting- results. ~Whatever m-ay lia sai for ail of these ectivities, the changý-es qare -ili for thebter We feel fortunate in having a good business section to begin with. We war*efaod when the main sre witini the business section was pa1ved ight to the fl xi(th of thie stLreet. Sorne of t;hose things arle permainent in nurie. Oither featureis, lika the pintingl and deoa iagiiust bje renewed frYorntne to tune. Ap- paranitly things are in good order for the present. Considlering the zcarcity Cf matarials,, we hiave done -çell. Perhaps lai a year or two tha paint aïnd the pinters 'wîIl becorne more plenitif-Ll. 11a any case, 'we shal al endeavor to prevent Orono foigtig"dlo-wn et tha A New Dignity Great Britaini islaig the -way with regard to the status of the domnestic servant. For years paist the housebold worker was the objeet of neglet 'wheal it caie Ito set hours for w,,ork and adequete 'W age . The 01ld Lard, cursad with its csessai allowed for ,Dvefït jewel 1ede'ckedladies"t domninata tlie paorly paid slaves nd exact hours of -ork fi-orn these girls sfim-ply because nbd icarad sufflienitly to arousa ogaie protest. The a came t-wowod v-ars and the powers thait wrediscoered that al out -varfare mutst be aeaked by the homeii front. Thiousnds of girls nid lyçung rwomaa wer,,e urgad into factory end production wor orwich fair wages had te, ib aîei. Thie ra- turu Of peace foundI unrest aLInthse womien f olk. Thiere could be no ratura to the old hife ini thie kitcent with ail itsdrgey Tharefor-e a new digniity wa atacbied to housewok Not so niaaiy yaas agoc the ursing profession. uaderwantii aý simiilar transforination. Righlt thinking people should realize that ail decenit work is honor0lable, Whewth'er it be hiousekeepling, nursing or the teaching of school. Pehrs hse are sone of the benefits ani- suiag fronçwr.t may baasue that as tune goes on thare wl )II a still gtelater regard for the worker ad the wr perfformied. The new, change of heart will not cone about through strikeis and confusion, but rather thriougth the kaowlIedge of mutual depend- encoLy. Great Bit-ain my ibe once more1ý lookIied upon as ai pionleer nation. This tiïnie she bas lad tha way for a mucli needed sc,*ial bat- taraiienit. borne day we shah behold r(1neny bettermients, nlot only in Brtain bat throughiout the whole worldi. A new digaýiity l coma ta îh11 work and to ail workers. e * e0 Will thle ilorse Disappear Entirely ? A raio broadcaist the thaeveningfeatured an iaddrass hy a mr lwho is a lover (,f horses. We feel sure that this Man is not al o ne in his seatimient. Ilonses bave fouind true friands mong rien and wom,,un al duwn thrliough'l the years. Tha ting 'th1at ds turbed this particular spieaker, bowever, -was the mnanner in -,lchi ~mcanclappliances are r-ep1ling horses ýfor pow,,er ln ranis- portation. Aaa thera are xell fed 'and fat youag hoýss beling exported for overseas nieat tae Our radio friand cotanded that th-e horse has been man's helper la thetiin of the soil froïn the oaletof ra'corded hîstory. Ferri People havaeronto love thea borse bacausa of the ai mials' naturel fa,,itbfuflness and devotion, 'Whetber miotorized epquip- ment w111 succaed in supplantinigtlie horsea depends,ý upntwo things, -arnieIy, the absoluite n-.ecassity of thie horse in the oron f tha land and tile regariid of thie farmner f'or the hra tsal1f. It is doubtfui liwhther the horse wi11 slip eway entiraly ,into o1blivion. i la davs of sa called patcb l lka our ow"Yla amost a nyth'ingl is apt to happea. People bave less reg-ard for sentiment thnforrnenly. On the othar hand lthera i stili eniough knlns and huiaiity ta o av warmi spot aven for a horsa. Many 'a farinier -1 -li dng to the faithful old horse or tenai on past the timýre of normal borse useflaiess and give thce agad animaIs a lest rsagPlace upon the faim that they halpied to t*ili aud cara for. As, long as suhtboughbt aynd love ax,,ist thera is a chance for the future alon rwthetha orse of the future. Animal nature cann'ot ha re- pleced b)y mare miachin.ary, no matter bow efficient that mahiaenyle' The Parlor Organ Again At le-ast two vweely 1newspapers have carried racant aditoials dealiaig vwith t1he s-ale asn of the parlor ogn a paper bewadcls the dEsappeaýrncei e f thea ilitIe ad oga, haother oaa sees; it a.s a blessing, describinig tha ong-an as a "devilish otrp to"w1ith its leakly bellc>ws andi othier irksomîe featutras which, it is cliecombina to hnarass the lyr la the face of ail t1his, we bcard racanitly t1hat the organjbuts,- ness is picking 11p. A mDan in tlie organi business told aven thaý radieý thlat rulrl i aad is swingiingtowathýife organ. 'T'heinargia of price betwveen tIhe orgn and th piano ma,-y ha a fa(ýýor ira thie rgan's îavor. l'ben too, the re 's ,somet1hfin g souad and1 senisibe aboutoga niausic. At any rata, t strikes ulsta a.Perh7ap)s the organii s tîie instrumient of couaitrýy efnlk. Tt il, ahawe- nohe tee the family înt the old-fashioned pTarlorý for e Sujndejy night sing Sang. Court of Revision 1TOWNSHIP COURT 0F REVISIN AN Notice is!,heraby given tint tha finst Sittîakgs of thea COURT 0F REVISION j for th,'e Towniship af Clarke will ha, heli .i he T7owa Hall in the Village of Orono, on TUESDAY, -NOVEMBER 5th, 1946 et the h ouy'of 2.00 p.m., ta bear and deterine , the sevenal complaints and oi i a ins in the Assessaiisent Rail for 1Çý/said Municiplity fan the yaar !94'7, Al pei-rsns avîn.g businecss at the Court ara requestad ta attend as aforasaid. JJ. MELLOR, Townpshjij Clark. Orano, Otbr8,14. c-39-c. RADIO0 REPAIRà To ai makes of Reinte and Car Radios-. Aaiails Installad. Work Guaranteed Reasonable Rates -H. DUVALL, Leskard fa Ontario James E~. O'Boyle Phone 7-1.; - Orono Business Licasse o 1304970, Wer-' tinte Pnicas and Trade Board BUILDINýG, CARPENTERING, CAL- TERATION, REP-AIRING, PAINT- ING. Good work eat foir prices, by the hour or the job ESTIMÂTES FREE C The ]eutiful CAPITOL' PORT HOPE FRDY&SAUiA MONDAY & TUESDAY "ANNA AND THE KING 0F SIAM"; With Imena Dusse and Rex Har-risosi WEDNESDAY TO FRIDAY "Courage 0f ILassie" SES BARN spcil eein a Fo n y laIst pur- chasedad e hem,341feat by 0fate a pn-ice of $50.This boru wiih maevef i)ta'the townsbip proprya sta.tion str-eet, jaid wili h ed SPIfor)I tha stonag of bwshpeciuîprnient. WELL.! THEY ARE AT FrT AGAIN In orma'es residance tIrea re Fieach doons betw'ean the diaiag- rooni and livingnoo'm. Onie Tannant occu'ping samne didn-it waat said duoos was privilegd ta disposa of theni for n time. The secand tenant decided-that they put a finish1-ing touch ta the apartmant and read- jusbed samne, but tbhey ware minus thne door knoo)bs whan insballed. Now wvho was imeans anougb ta taka theai? Again ce meana yof sanie chbange, viz. "filtby licre", We don't prt qdt rua a pivate, bank, bYut if you ara dacidadly sty wa right bard you a shilling ta tide you aoven., To whoni it niay cancarn, wa daýim nta play fair wt you. If you think we ipossess anything that you have a better dlaim ta, comae dowa ard -waý -will talIr thainiatter over. - Ormne MILTON WRI H T DistrictRO a ai f the Dombion Lîfe Pantypool R. R. No. 2 Phase BaBthasy 4 r 4 PUBLIC SPEAKiNG C Tý"-EST Durham ii Countj' Tï steas' an'd batepayers-ý' AssojfiaG t iv'11l lhod thein aninuel pufili pe k1g cotest in the Town Haill,"Orýono, on Fde aven ing, Novemliban lst. ia SALE REGISTERS 1 have bean instnuctad by Mn. Fred Gibson ta OSell lby pUlic ÏauCt>Ôn e1 t Lot 9, Concession 4, Clanjý To-i ship, at Crooked Craeký, 'nl Fridey, Octob)en 5tt1 pm rshanses, cettie, Im1-plements, veelsandic fanmig. -Jc J, id, Auctioneen. MnI. W. Hi. Wbiite will affered for sale oni Wedaesdayi, October Ote Lo(t 27, Con. 6), Hope ons i is entire live stock,, fead, im-plerneïnts, furn"ýiture, etc. Ternis cashi. s-ala 1.00 i).m. Jeck Raid, Auc2tianleer. FOR >J..niuatity of on 'tle, Apply SALE tunnips, fan table ta George Butters, 1 -38 -P. 1 LOST A silver Pan kaife, 3 am«Iýs long wijth two 0blades, pn "'0no Main, Street. Finder kn phione'2 460W, om anv ille. a4-8- FOR SALE Lar-ge number of carrots, by thle hushal i orby the ton. -Apply M". MannIg,6thLina, Kendal; Phionel Orono 0 23 r 8.c-.j FOR SALE Findlay Eurinic-lle, s good con- dition, burnls wood (e6Lýpa. Mrs. C. M. ýLowýden, Phone 4-1-2, Oronio. FOR SALE flouse ra Sou ersix -rooms. Good locaitioni. 'A to F. G. Ss FOIR SALE Queb'ec Ileater in first ciass con- dition; Iiso several Creaim para- tors, including a DaLava No. 16 with Power Atah t andMc- Cormick4-Deering No. ,oo 's ew Apply £o Etheni Joiý,s, the Fller Brush anz, Naý-wtonlvi1la; Phone Clarke 7 r 21. c4P WANTED High School boy wan~ts job for f- ton 'school a nd Satpr4ýays; pharne 4 0 r 6, 0Oraono. ' -4-p NOTICE ?j'ji pa,-rty cwbho borrowed irny black aIllcitajckle plea,,se ratur a se, as 1 wisb ta use it. Heaid Honey, Orojno, Ont.a-8p Hava, you triad LAXO CEREAL FOOD AND for e good braakfist cefeel? Sold et your grýocery a0rs inOrioo and sur-rousidi ng district. FOR SALEy A f(wbuhesof Sy~~pe.Ap- pn eneth Jiiiili ne 5r', Orano. -i CHEST CLINIC NOTICE chast cliniic bias beau arrenged for the 29th AND 3th 0F OCTOBER, 1946 lai BOWMWANVILLE. Tha clinic wilha e ld iii tha 11E ALTIT UNIT OFFICE with Dr. G. Blrearley iii charge. Patients nacommended for Chest examisiatiojn:. (a) Contacts of known cases ef tubenculosis; (b) Ex-patients of sanatoria whio should ha recheýcked;, (c) Perseus suspef-cted aof having tuiberculosis; (d) No- tutbarculouis chest, conditions. Thase wi-slin-,to itee dvantaga of this opportunity shouýtld get lu toucir with their fexnily physicien et once- G. W. Miller, M7.D. M.O.JI. Northumbflerland-Dunham Heaith Unit ----- ---- Professional DirectorT A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON OfÉce IHours : 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. ; 6-30 to.8.O0 P.M' Su-ndays and Wedntesdays by appoiemnent onfly PHONE 47r] ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANý,VILLEONT. Phole: W. F. WARD NOTAIRY office 825 Residence 409 BOWmANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Offie Malp st. Oroee Phasne 63 r 7, Orge.. INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, -Automobile 'and Liabiity MANIJFACTIJRERR REPRESENTATIVE will gladiy assist îin planning fiaaanc ie security for yourself and your family. DANE FOUND Monuments TheRUTERGRANITg COMPANY Phione 5K1 - P.O. Box f29 ,Port Hope, Ontarie Monuments, Gravemarkers, E-ngraving, Goldleafing TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of afil siU0 rond at reasonable rates. Comuniatewîth hîm at Peut Pen, Onarlo, o-lr see his CIrk, Â. E.t Mr ona res., for date. J A lC KeRE ID Licensed Auctioneer and VaILuator Specialize -1n Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternms and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke DO yo(U Know That, for a man ea wenty-foUr, The Imparial L-ife Assurance Com- pany will guanantee lis famfly $5,000.00 in evenft of bhis deaith prier t. age sixty, for etw '2% axid 3% of that amoaunt yoarly. And If h. lires t. age sixty, the Compaa wihl1 pay hlm the 95,O00.O0. Why net cossit your local representatire FRED LYCET'1 t. seo what a plan mach as thît. wi do for you ? yOCiR K'$ TAX^ 24-hour Service Trips to Toronto every Thaiud4y Returs et sight. Plione '73 r 16,, ORONQ -4 Saf ety of principaLl, 4Regular income, 4Guarinteed at face-value B.. Canada Saving»s Bonds Canada Savings Bonds are backed by rail the resources ol the Dominion of Canadaci. . Interest at the rate of 2.75% per annum ..,. Redleemnable aît par at ciny branch of any chaxtered bank at any time with interest. Send your order for Canadla Savings Bonds ta us or write for un application form., Your instructions wl receive our careful aind prompt attentfion. Our Local Agents axe: W. E. Davey, OrOzaý C. R. Curveth, Newasstle Hluron & Erie Sldg. Doinion Bank bid., London Toronto l'y TIMES. Office 688 Home 553 BARRISTER SOLICITOU ORONO Phone 8 r 1 GRONO 1 ONTARIO

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