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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1946, p. 6

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pauI's Misiol InbAsia inoDr Acts 18: 1-8e, 13-14, 44-48. 48-49; Golen exf-Itwas fthegood pieasuie of Gon . .tao reveal lus Sd-n in mre, thaf I mighit pebhlm amnong thie Ge: 'tles.Z -Galatians 1: 51--6, Barnabas and Saul Are Called Tlhe churcis of Anitioch had five propf)lct and teachers worthy of mlentionl y xnamie. This early Gen- file churcis becàme a fountain of igfand ife to mn ýy other places. The 11o1Y Ghost spokçe to tbeml as they mîinistered to the Lord and fasted. I aste oy pri' ,work to. caîl; àt was mani's wrkta recognize the cal and set thl-e call- ed apart for wvork. But if asthe work whlereun-to the spirit called that tfhey were io be set aat The Spi.rit.'s C'ornmand Every step ini tht cryChutrch was tknili prayer, pra;yer to ,which m1en gave tbemiselv-es sa heairtily thiat they withdrew them- selves evenci from necessary food to pursue It. Thie prompfness with whîich this Chuirch obeyed the Spirit's com- mand is worthy of noteThe Spirit had- deimarlded the best they had for the foreign miissïin fiel, and the-y ga~ve ithei iup wthat.sMurmu11r. They oul have bkod Ito have kýept Barnabas and Saul, but thie Spirit called itbem e lsewhere, and thysent them aayý. No directions sceem f0 have beýen "owcan we?" "Byv wbeedliin' ifont of the ap tain. Mebbe he'll listen t o is daughýlter." "I don't ko bu hf u ll promiise to do what 1 cani, Let me see hr The sunw ýas rsingluthe as when Dickws led by twoofte Caribsfte capansai.His arms were seciii-ly boudbt ihis legs were free. His entrance intio the cabIin, brought a httleexlaato of de- lighit froim a dark îorn1er. Rose Bedford came owadf0 gret lm.-iý "Oé hey dlidn't LkilI yoli" she exýclaimled egry "I was afraid they .vhad.", "Ros," h sad eaerl,'TuCu1 be!ieves youir ftesgot somie sort of a treaesure ab1oard thse schioonier, aid Ih's 1a(tcer if.. I old lidii hielp Him pfind if." Insteaid of me-etinig im ifh glad eyes, lher face dree.Dick lhad an ncmfotalefeeîinig fthat sh-e was earcing lm wth yes of suspicion ly, "ftatve wouild heCFlp hlm search for-',l the frasu1re.", "You promtisedtfiat?" she t e- ",Yes, to gain ,tîmie," hie cniu "Wiehe's looing for thie tre- suire weý may pl-,an somewa of escape. Tuicu won'tî leave unirtîl i h's searchecd every part o-f thescon er, anid that will take a day orfw' Sh"le was qiet a momen1t, lber eyes vgeyrefesand 1uncer- ti.Dick lhad the iimpressioib that shec was worr-eCî. "'Wby docs Captain Tucu thjink ther's anyvfreasuirceon the schoon- er?" she ask'edslwy Dick cuke."From ithe rav- ings of your faýther. He bieard hlm ch1atter abjoui-t the prize h'dpicked1 up.1 "And ldo youinkthresany?" she added., Dick w --,ýsas onfthe poinýt of1auswe- ing natvywhnaquieer ex- pressin in e yes arresfed im He glanced SOber-ly at lber, and tlhenin lstead cof puffiinin ma deialà he countered wifh Iteqetion:1 "Do,,youl? 's fthere aniY tr-easure- on b)oard?" She -remaîned 1noncommittl, glancing fros' hlmn to thie fwo stal- wvart Caribs, hoe lepyeys in- dicated nro inte2re-st ilufise conver'sa- tioni. Dick becilcamesuddenly dis- turbed in mmnd. If therie was anly ISSUE, 43-14 By Anrne Ashiley Q. HowCanli jmake aliquid A.Fii a glass ja-r vwith broken glue1; of the bs quality, thlen fil! the jar with acicli, or vinie- gar. Set the jar inu hot wtrfor, a.few hours until the glui, imel2ts. The result w-ill be anexelen glue, always ready7. Q. How canilmak paint ad- here to tinware? A. Rtub the surface thorougiihly, Sith a piece of rough pumiceton, or coarse sandlpapelr Then apply a tini coat o)f shellac varniish be- fore the surface is painted. Q. What can I do to cream that will not whip properly? A. lifthe cmamn will nolip add the, white of an egg tf0 if. Mae the egg and the cream shor- ougbl chilled. Q. IIow can I prevenlt the sbrcink- ing of a woolenl garmntl? A. It will flot sbrink if wse iu tepiý ý,iwter with pure Soap Rinse e in wa:ýter of the sm temperwlatur e, wring SlighitlyýC, d dry in a arm lace Neyr bag ot wet woesl reîgwahr Q. How Car I avoid shielling A.W Ile polds and place theým ini thebolgwae to Cook. 'Tle pods Gil1openand the peas settle, to thet bottomi of the vessel. Merely skMM Offthe pods. given as to, where tley wvere to go; so they made srib for the near- est port anld ithence for the old hoime of arbs.They -were jtue tu their comimission; "they preachi- ed the Word of, God. Coniverte,ý and Opposition Oppjosition did not frighten Pauil and arabs;it made tbem the more, bold. Tlhe WVord of Godl ac- cor-ding to Go'Crde-rr must flirst be spoken unito the jews.ý But as thi e Jews wouild niot h1ave it, it vwas g Iofothers. The Jewsil uhs lesson adjudg- ed themseves nworty of efernal life by puitting the Wod f Godj îfrom tbefim; the Genltiles ajde themselves ordained f0 eternal life by believing the Word of God. Iru their joy they glo)rifid tliceWr of God, and savîing faith luinjesus was exercised by "as many as wvereý ordlained ftefernal if e." So it a that the gospel message was pro- caedfar and wide tbrongh~ the End IOf Journey Su1ccess u11 a widenrinlg field caused the returning issionaies to gorify God. The aýýsseiiled Church heard adl tat God bad doue with them and parficulary how he had opened the door of faith untlte Gentiles. Thus- clos- ed thse first missionary journeiiy Nvhich made a permanent ipc nid impress uipon thle p a ganý world. Mkodern £tiquette By RobertaILee 1, Is; ifaIlight for a Man to get into a StcYar, or othr Pub- lic couveyance, carring a lighted cîgar lu bs fngers? 2. How shýould a divorced wo- neigu ber name? Wh"ýere sbiould thle carving kuiife- and dhefork be placed onth dinner -table? l> VV'ha[ is the proper thing for a MM yo nman f0say shn an g a girl for a danice?' 5. Shoid a muan's social card read,"R L. Adamis", "Roberf Lee Adams, or, "Mr. Robert Lee Adams"? 6. Sol an mlvi ation t the weý,ddinig reception be incluided t withl the invitation tf0 a house edccdinp? ANS WERS I. A wellbrd man PUlthrowv away is cigar before enteing a p)ulic conveyance; for even ifU the cigar is1',(tnot brinIg, It is sm timies mloreonie thian whien Iged 2,Suipposing hier namei- is Aunle Wlonshe shou11ldsigt-Iber name"ine Wilson Smiith-." 3. The kuife shou1ld be pla1ced afthGe rightn of the mileaf late the fork af the oefs . CMerelysay, My i bave this dace"r, "Wll ou dance tis wIthme" The simlpler thle requesf, lie better. Such expres- sins as, "May I1 have the bonocr," Or, "i silould hc delïgfhted" areaf- fcain.5. If:shoulld readl, " Rob)ert Lee Adams. sig he fulI namadfihe prefix M."6 Ys MgetalFunue To overcme tde shotae o wesd, samples of a new, type of uIpho(lstered furnI-llifure on11 metcal frames a areraig deaersin Britainý, Wben one side of the uip- lîolstcry is wor, àif eabheèasily deaedtrnýd tover and Made "f0, look new again.Other substifufes beside metai are beig used by, furniitor1e manufacturers. more- than double its ehto nitro-gcen. The St, Roeygs Ride -liR.NT 0 E Every looiu M7 îâ Rnlth $iDr'e ndeeuon c elr TeL UA, 43 The Vfamin Bi, Ton9 Extenisively aqed for lieadache,j loss Of sleep, niervous indigestion, irrifability, anema, cuoi î ~fatigue, aria exhaustion o)f the nervous efem 6cts. Ecolny oIZe2, $1.5a i Feel Food

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