iîalltv Téa Iie Basis of Chriotiai Freedomn Acts î5: 23 29; Gal. 5: 38 G--olden TxtWebelieve that weshaH be saved thirough the grace of thec Lord jesis-Acts 1 Liberty In Christ Th rüa t c ontiro vorsy ini the cary lîucbwas, wcbranmati jýs saveýd onfaitb apart from wksof the law, or wbetbier a mnan is savd pon faith apart fromn cdrkst]th law, oDr wbeîher a mati is saved oon taith and toc work cfthe l aw. This is tbbc great battle Pul foght. is arlgumenclt: GOd bas Toogbt SQi nud wonl- 4ers amhnec Getiles by us, and Ihus set R[is seai 1upon our1 prahn uf salvation by faibb apart frocniithe %workýs of Vie law. The m;ode of addreLs s i flOu f sigifcane:"The brctbiren whlicb; arc f th "Gntils".Faith iri Chrstmaesai!l' l;me1k. Camt laFrecdom T&e caiof Christis a caîl ta- freedo nI. Pau! warns against the isoîertnding and abuse of freedýoi. T roc frcedomni is govert- cd ont !by 'thýe lusîs of tbe flcsb butytis iai !w of love, and love sees ot its own bullt makcs us bu "besevatsonle lu atiot" V rs 3wold FsuIveali. aur roensif we -woid 0u11y ail live byit. The vbiolc ltw f God is sInmmed ul)p i inue word, '"Love"; "Tbn ou hiloe thy ncigbor as hyef"If ailmn wi, 'Old 'obey that law, wars wouild cesse and al other evils wudceasec. WValing by the Spirit Pa1tlsthe imiple seuct ut nltlfilling 'he nLs ofutthe flcsbi. The sýcreýt is simiply thIis: "Tailk bivbc spirit t hgiingdubc co- trol of our coinduct inIOth b eep ing ut the Hply Spirit ut God. If wc w'ili give Ru iiicunitrolWC wil n1ot fulfil the lusts outhbcesh.nj wýe do rot wc ecitaiffiy siîall. The tlesb is ün'ttnaira! self, %wliich isiargl uder tbbc cuntrol uo r phiysicail natuires. T'he losts )f Itle flcsbi are nuon Ic3ting over- roll-e onice and for ail tilime by sorne mnmelary exp,,erienice b bYVli cb Mycouenter Mb te highalinebut thecy are ov-ercomie by daiîywa- hng by bbc Spirit. me/ 4911 ~ms in sle 1. SYN~opes1 CMAPTR XmDick mngst talk Tacýu imb a new deal. Tuicu wiil leaye Dicte andRoeaba t01 conenoete fle wttil help 1hlm fitid tr tsr.A SUorm is comi11g op and Tucu1 is ttoou Agelbacte b bis uwn, Ahtp, CHAPTER Xi "Don'b, be sorry oiifl youi know what youu'r sorry for," she inter- ruIpled sbarp"iy. "I ddn't sa1y tere wasanyting of value aburd Wbhaî Fabeýr ss I',3 m nu rspos bIc for,. Uc says a lot ut crazy soingse" osemwvd bIoluAslence as a fomoep sounded on tue soaus and Captain Tucu pushcd is way hÉo the ruom.IUc gkanced troni une prisoner btetheheJr. "WceL l,"ie growled, "yredyl bell?" "'As imucb as; we knowv,cati" repiied DicS quickly. "Neither ut us; kncowS eeCapl-aixiBdfr hid thbc mniuy. If wc bad knownùm w'd bave lef1,i bbcschýooner bet,,ore yon camneaor. Rojse Betr bonedlu fa Uce the iaIf-brced, ]ci bercecksfloshed ýand angiry, Thecre was nu fear iin her. "TIf yuu ibiin 1'd bellifi 1kýnew, wh-1ere iturss fb(ienl," she saqid (de- fianlly, " you'ir(> mîsta!,kenl. YU couild nyrgel il ount me." Rer cdefiice broi-igit bbc blond mb bbc eoi irae'sface and Ible dcvi in bis eyes. Uc stpped lu- ward berand caugb an natm mnbis poweui gnip. "Y'wouldn't" de snarled '"Y'woidnii't, ch? \Wcll, 'lîltle she' c- devîl, Cl'il1show yýe. l'il xw-ing il out of yo, a- "Ruid on, captain," nteLiruptced Dick, -"she doeýs't know-ny -1in abotit il. Let ump on beni Y'ou promn- ised nulot bu make war 0onber Set- tic i witb mne.", "Wedi, wbat d'ye know about il?" was the savage rebtort, as he tuned frombbc girl lwhim."Y'»!, me o r '1 goncback ti ln bcwater %vbelrc wc e undye. Prtty dan quic, wlu" Dicie was struggliing betwCCn ,A Srlg cdsireta0twist thbc mianï's neck and bbc necd ut extra cauion in playing b,-j-is bad kifily-Ttc ,,lat- ter fin3ally trîtipbcd. Ucsme good-nab,1Uredly. "If you rpped me orverboard, catiyou'd 1losc both Ircasure and itbi, e jes. Nwyudon't wati ta do that. Tuicu growlcd 1ilwtanty1, ecx- petiditIg bis wrabh Iby giancing from anc tù h~thh ller witih wickecd, maievotcnt cý,yca. MHespal vicîOus- iy on bc f loor, and then e2xpiodcd: "'lgive y'until Iotiig1!t -S dort-b ind otac. if WC ain'b got bbc stuff by tihat lime, Y'got tbu fiind il forn us--yc an' thaât witch Y'gcblme? le's got ta be foundi I, don'b canebw 'y 'do il, so' s i' do)nc. If not wc'ill sbing bbce capt'n uip by bis tums 'tine remiem- bers, an' ye anl'tisgirl'll came" next. If we can'b do anly better 'fl b1 ic y'up ,in îthe cabin ian' Set tibe schooner aire. The11n yc an' bbc trcasure cati go to belltogether." -And thc smu,,gglcd ije wei s' queried Dick, msmiig. Capbin tucu regardcd him anuis stant in silence, and thien sbohis bead. "I ain't suire thre ever was any jewels," he saidsuicusy 4'l may givenc more chance bu lu) prove il. Tbn- îhener-yc'il wisb, y'd died 0on 4t aftI. lt, v'011d4be imuch casier, I recký'ni, thanibe wa yec'il go) if y'dîsappoïiîm. As bbc searcb roedeandc nocting was, foupnd, flbc falf-breed's bemper greur short and suly. UAc kept bbc deck e most ut thletm, is ecs 0on Dicke. uro waV,--I .Ilsedlu the forcý,mast, or ntRose. Captain Bedford 11,dj been bed apisonier in bbc fc's'le wher, e be bd lberr siob jccted 1t o crtainirdere e mei (thodls of Tuusinvetion; but ti c wanding -i1mmd Cof the dnieni(t- cdl mai was ateahrostinlg to Tntime the loIC ld na's vrywill- inlgness to talle of the iddn"ruas- Vire isgusteLd them. JoIn miomenCýts of whtappeared rtoring locidity, hie proilised b ,ùIead tbem to ',lie spot. Eagcrly following1mthiey oudcornle to a dar rnrI ol the cabinm or th ccwsmsad at u1pon b is words. "Ilt's in tee"th l pa si d onice, Ipoýining Ib al -ker I pot it thiere 10 keep dry. Ye'Il lïfin il unil- der thellebottomi." Afler r7ipp)Iing up the bo)Lttoml of tle rlitbey foonid lnothing buit emtns.No îreaie had e,,] ver been h lidden unilderneathi. At another timehle d 'tliem to a corneur of the dar-l an d -"(lWhis- pee:"t's uni-der tbem oxes.! h1id it teesu the raýts couldni't finid teboxes that arooseulzd tbeicop 1id- ity-tbree small arvasbasfle witb sometIng îht jiiglcd. Wben tbey o ipeneýd theým bey foiund tbCmen filled wthsa hliad ple(1ls. IlHe, be" 1crtled captain .ed frthro-lsing a lmîl nd lon of eb bags and iliftinig coLt a-,fistful of pfCbMuFs. "I told ybhywas here. 1 got ",'m] offthlesbmrn - ~ c'ilon be cefG&mnoot, yinow. We'll di:vide'e" "Hleu,"mutrd Tcuindis- gust: "Hie neyer h1d!o"tresure. blloodISbot wiÎtb anlger-. SeiZilng RoeeC by, thle atmi, be si:""eb !yin' bter Ime. Threwa nnobe- tire aboard.", L"' Ineyr said tlere w s," shere- plied COooy. "on took Father's word for it, anid I told yoo he 'l Wa s,'tî:responsýible for 'wbat b ,e s a id. " TUicU glared at hier in silen(ce, hifcewring in) a p)assýtin. Thenr anid strode tow'ard Dick. "Y'got oine more chneie said oinolisly. "Y 'lied 'bout this -treasLire. 'No Jw wve'llseceif y'were lyiii' 'bout fthem-i jewels."' "Wba's wrong, atan"asked Dick, realizing that someîh1ing hadl biappene-d to bring miýatters ta0 a h1e ad. "There ai't n o 1reasurïe aboardý . Y'made up litaI tale. -NO'W we'll sec if y'miade uùp that one 'bouit the smiuggled gm. Mjatters hiad certainly reachied a clim-ax. The crew uni-der T u C 's orders were preparing to return ta thne lugger. Dick, didni't quite un- desadwhat il meant uti hai an boulater býrw;i Caib s cIIthbb topes holdinghi to thje mast. H e ,ried to extract froin4mr.he ni informnation; but tbey utely dJis- regarded him and condfucted him, to vie small bo0a. Ten vminuites laber he3wc srowed back to tbe Iiugger. Ail exrept two--, o'f the crew were abanidoning thet schloonier. Whien Tucu andBlk BIItley carnie abo3ard Ihe Ilugger, Dick's feýars for is own safety waLs secondaryty 10 is dread tfiat somiethinig terrible .was abouIt 1t bappen t R oseC-- "Wh-ere's Captain _ýed-fotd',s fiuhtec"Je emniaildedc--1sharply. "Wceshe wanited to be - aboard the schjooner,"* replied Tucul, rSe' ot goinig wilJî uýs?" "ls sh-eaon? "Shc's got two o' mny men to kccp lber cmaya'that crazyý fathier," Icered the liaif-briced . Dick frownied. T"le sea was tonugb anid cbioppy, anid the wïindbown biaîf a gale. Th'le thireatencld stormii ISSUE, 44 -94E wui-se !,St, r Mwil c flbc RANGE PEKDE By A dolnt wanýthtem to trw -The heli 1 don%'"snapped tne o)ther. "I didin't put 'em there, ani 1ain'I guin to take Cemt off" "Thien will you !et nme go bac!e bu them?" Tuc grnne. "'regoin' to show ewhere temsmuiggled goodss cbutcked off the semr or y're, goin' to feed tie fislies." Tbe mn'splan was clear cniouigb now. Coivinced ithat Ibere was noîinig of greaýýt value al)oard the schoonier, lie bad abndo e-e uintil afl er leba ýd found theIý( smuiggied gcmls. Lteif bbc stornli did 'lot scnd lthe schonier 10th le bot i, e coufld refuti and(jsal- vage hmr if sb'e was worlbità May EntIn Sping-é rainnre-ilitroduiced last Sept- embe 10proidemore vood for Eurpe ma ed next Spring. Govrnmntexper-ts said lt b)b Ilîct 'Canda wôl lie iet ici commtmeilsto UN-'RRA, and ai nubrof foieigti gveomnt nd mieat \wolid be iin micblane The îration lbas cuit consomiiptioni from a normalil ttl tf abot 14S pounds pet person pet year 10 be- bwecn 13l"6 anid 138 poiupds. ToGp Drîving vScoe For The --Women! Noeother than the adiiStraI- live dirýctor of Cie trafîc engineeýr- ing and afety deCpalrtmIelof ttic America iAotomoile Ascain I-JoraïId O.-Carlton), ays ta ic are b)etter drivers than l!theIirbu- bands are. -He proves il, tua, wt Staistics anld asowbevidenices of whtgoescslon nsîde driver-s mlinds. \WhIellti affic zîbickeus , womenseiei MIPMor e aaeof poss'ible cergeocies than nien do. Mien, says M.Carilton (witb a<1glallce aIO bis sttsisrely 0on tbeir strcn-gtbi lu geltheJI,11throuigh. Tb'lcy ig 0on the wbeIýel, jmon bbcbraesde- Pend opron brwn, wbich is not very brigbht. Buit women,1-miost women,ý thajýt i-d.,-(,eend upon judgmcnt. Uner trying trafic condjitions ,tbecy are muiicb more cautiois. ThE, com- parative rtoo ciet er Ibis, oui. knows that the cosi is fo 0b Colisjder ed, it is fn(tgoodformn to order as thougb 11she we"(, e stla r v- ilrg, or thait it, is the first rea weual" shelchas had for aln ie 2. Rlis rigt am. S.Te on woman S. .A siler u r a feeding poonare aporaegfs 5. erainy.This is ago a togtacqIainted wjth th rIem- beit> ofthrgrooips. G. "It xa So) nice to hveyou bere."c by tu speca Maxl l Büy George E. Walsh6- Q. wci I dean k 1id glove7s? A.Pl ot tbegloves onbbn hands, thien wash- in s)irnts of turpentine, in tble sam cnanncr nas vwben lwashi- iing the bands. Wben ea, bang the gloves in a was lcOr wbere there is a currenLý1t uf air. Leep lt1-rpentlinlLa-way from ianily fire or flam. li. Wbat is a good aplication, foriurs A.,cae potatoe,ýs are al very coolingaplcto for burois and scais. Cangetheapplýication fre- quentily . Q. How cati I reniove nmertar and paint trm winow glas? A. Wsbwith boit, sharp vinec- gar. Q. Hlow catI'lrestore Ithe colors in rugs? A. 0OneCgoo'd method is. we swepn rosto put a teacuLpful ot gaisoîneý iuto a bucket of watcr :id! wet tiie broum wlývth il. K bbc gslteawvay tromifire 'Dr f ame,. Q. Flow canis1clear watin that, ha a milky appearance? A. iy dissolving a smalli plece cf rock aum in a Int of boilig wate, atid u Éitig thismcb b g tub ut water. Q. Huw car i 1deJan iundrcssed kid glovecs? A: Try rubbinig tHen vey light- ly wltb i fnle snppr Moderm Etiquette By Roberta Lee j. Wben a m1ati inivites a girl to dinle, is"n't shie privïiegcd to order freely wbaîtever she desires? 2,WattmSbould -jamnofe i partiier wbtiiescor-tîing ber lu lebdcnigroom? 3. if you are introduciug a young mmomiiand aiddle-agcdimani, whlose nme is soknfirst? 4. Wbal are Somleaprpit gýfts 'or a godpareutl to give 't- oce bab? 1,; sil good mnanuirs for a Col- lcgtresmau o aeepti,-vitatiOnS bu ýi imlber of srrt or frateri- ity iparties ,lieunlie or sie already kn1ows wbIich h fe is goinig 1b0joini,? G. V. liat might a bostess Say to depatin gustsWbo -are lthank- ltnp be r forte eeig ANS WERS JCetani;bt unLc sFsshe kno(w s fi tatier es;con t canrffr it, she sbouid flot be tes extrava-