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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Oct 1946, p. 3

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Asm-wer f* Vr'eviouf Pss e l fles blleve thar, Dur ns truct; sono hiceeWeare- with Cdean chllimnicy Pipes, a stove that d1oesn'1t me and yct We are still on speakýing îerrns ,%iih one anothe(r. I ask yvou --wha2t rore could ;ý1Vane Walit ,4s the basis for conitent1cd family life? 0fi courseclanig sovepjipes is a dirty, dusty buîsiness at thle best of time,(s buit practice maký1es per-fect and I really think WC accomplishi the tsk ow w;litte inimm of fuss adcon'ufsion1. At one time Ic alasuscd to swvecp the floor anld wvipceUoff te stove aftcr the job was dn.NwI don't use a brom i ail. Inisteail, as the work progresses 1 mop 11p thie Soot amidudst vith a 1 weýt cloth. It kceps the dus1t from sctcig Iand afterwards onc canl easily finis tllie job with a soa1p aýnd watcr was ,-)r of coursec, -wîth onec's f a vouOr it e rçoavric Wle we wýere buy ith the pipes 1il toghitt o ryef" r Pow, if we were livingiuna i ice, cornfiortable City aatetw woldlave this work 1 to do. W -wouldn't even hfave af'Lurniacc to attend f-tatwould be the jani tor's job)." Froinithere imy thu1ghits drfFted b1açckto wbat 1DauItghiter had been telhýlinus over thle week-enid. To make t clear 1 I shoLd teli you thlat Second ie left here last Tlursday and visited Dau1ghter be- fo>re continuing bier jouiruiey ,to Ot- fawva, It was rainling whien We took ber to thie station-bult not really hd-sta drjzzle-co I tinki. the two of themi got ,arouind aIl1 righ1t Thtprsdlay night. But Frliday morn- bs-btwisa the (day we had cthe real i-eemete first genuine rmwe bad h1,ad this fuît. Now if Second. Neice hiad stili beenl with u-s-or First aind ThirdNic for tha merwat would have happeiei? Anyee of themn wotild kave lookled nt said wh\-at a wvet day it was, and thlat woi ave been fthat< Tbiey would. have got ont of their comifortalde beds when 01,2y feit ike it, corne downstairs t0 a nice -warm kâice, got th1eir own breakfast including the bot coffee wa-iting for tlrem oli the b~sov.Tey woLdave sat arouind as long as they felt like it anid tveitlually busied themiseýlves dloinig wblatevr ithcy could to bel1p me. But wbien SecondNec stayed ifhi )itghter what hiappened? flaughter, bcau-tSe shie had to be ut file office by .30 left ber couisini to dress-at lber leisure. PoorBubs It wus raiing when she got uip; pouring we she was dressed, and she bad no raincoat, no umibrella and 1 don't beieve shie liad any rEibbersz. Ano ebeafs! The nearest place to get a bite was about five minutes walk. Se Second Neice bad the choice of bing drY and hiungry or wet and well-filled. Thinkinýg the ramn would surely let up aftcr awh-ile shewate-utj nearly two o'clock! O-oh-tbie juys of the city! Wbat's the good of a restaur-ant if you cun't be, wiere- it is? l'I1 bet anytbing Babs aid Ioniginig buit empty thoutghits of 'Uie old farm kit.chen whereAn" Gwen xas clearing breakfast dishes from ia table wvlirce emligit js as well bave beeni sitting haa she stayedl a day or two longer, in wbmicb castb e rain wo l ave mnade io difference to i,r ut ail. Well, 1 tbînk our suimmer run cf visitors is just about oeAl car ineices have had their tnrn und my sistcr was hecre for Tfianksgiv- mng. 0f course wben I say onrr mn cf visitor,ý' 1i do't includle Duig- fer wbio polis ili any old ime at al. Hocweýver wie are getting au few lobs donc inibetweenitimies, And J Cheir umber is legion. 1 woi>dcr what it wo-uld bc, like to bave spare tihneand inot ltnow wbuit to do ith f? But 1 dosd bliee-un IFin- çerely hope-thiat 1 shall neyer bv thateprin. Partuer feels tha.t wa2y too. Ple always dees too mucb. But then àis fbard tq take it, easy whecl nmental imnergy persists in keepinig one step alead o (f physical fieness. soihdf artm dogs chae undL bark zat L ioecnrle plow as it rips a straighl-tfrrw VisalzefiedsbengPlowed while farmers Luant caut Oneat01 ShAady respaus of cITr beide, them. pips or écgrete in one han&, and elctie us-uton n thie other. That's the promlise stecu in reuent PEng-Iîlsh exper] 'imets with radiýo-c otrolled farm tra-ctuI*, thaýt Ipullplwsan ohe * cltivating 1nIaChinery at the press of a button.Raicotod apparatus, usced in 0at 17 o robot anti airrait target plnes, bas been adpted to th(, rctr Radio signiaIs Iroi tasmte oper-ate snitvclectrial relsys in h ecr, instlle on tractor, so thlat by mcanis of copesdarser1vomotorns, the tlractor can bue rn ade to rion in a strui,ýiht ;une or turn right sd lefti. low can bu aiscd wcn tracwter trns t eud of a furrow. PhotoshueeMwc tken driug recent Schools On WhI-eels By James onage 'In The Christian Science Monitor> Seven riluypassenur cars fittd as scbool çassrooms on wbeels travel trou1_gbouLt 0Outarfo to bring leaning te the chiildrenY of railwar4y section banids, for trap- pers, prospectors, buters, and farmers living far fromu townis or villages in the niorl th Canada bush. Coeigroughly thie urca froni Not-h Bay totbOnuoM iob houndury, cacisof tde sciool cars ou-weel stops for a wcek ut a timc ut a definite spot once a month and here tbhecbiWren of every Eniropean înutioaality asweil us Cunadlians and(' native fIndiansý get their s-c"cooling from Grade 1-tte Grade ý10. The tra£vellïing scboolrooms ha)ve beenin ei peration tor a numiiber of yeurs. he nnvation was started te ElH a need fer brInging educu- tien, te h hildenwbelived teeo far krom sII ettkements te ebtuin regu- Jaur scbeo;ýling. Fremn one grade scbeol oni wheels the ýsyst-ensi grew tili, now the Ontarie Departnt of Educution bas seven, opcrated for it by the twe Cunadian rail- ways and puidfi f' by the Onitario goverument. 'Thicsehool cars are regulat.r Couches. Haîfd the interîir is fitdwith desks, wal! l apls, bakodand thie ohrrequiir- mnsof-a schoolrùom. Foutrteen puipils Cani bc accommliodated at a, t7imle, but thetre few stopswer this numrber cornec for thie w-eck' s teacinig, se sparisely piopnlaý,ted is the counittry in whicb the sehol cars truvel. The oth-er hiall of the car is fitted with l ivin)g uccommoiu- flu-tions for the teadcr an'd bis family, with boks or beds, imod- cmi kitchen, and an extra stove ;n addition to the re'-gular Ilcating ' eupetof thie riwa car. Tripfle glass winidows arcistld in winter for th cnortilof cdyoung- sters wetramp throutgh evern 40- degrees below zero weathc)r to g to school. Frequeýntly older boys will build a shielter near the school car to stay therc, tbrougbi the week rather thani make tle long trip back and forthi daiîy throughi the bush., Like ini the country sclhool, thýe seolcar teacher bias ah gr ades at one tume lu bis class. The regu- .Iur scibool termi is miuaie , ad for the thiree wecks that th1esbo car is n-et at the spot the cbîldrenl ýrre assigned work to do eve,(ry day. This, thle Ontarioe educators bauve fondJ, teachecs seif-reliance. Theý young,.sters do ext'remecly well, fre- meuenly compfleting the yî--r's work in aLdvan1ce Of town school children nid bcing prornoted a grade dutriug Th)e teachiers airrange ftheir schied- ni wthtb rae i, eting themn know when to move thie ca1rs. Spe- :ýal spur huecs have been bilt for tl'e school Cars, -Ind when the lo)cal freighjt or fast express picks up a scb10oo car to spot it ini anothecr loca- tion,' the switches are lockecd se no other train Cati corne on tlie spur. Each teachier lias a special cir- cuitc to imuke. The shortcst is S83 miles long; the longest 221 -iiles. Most of the teachiers arc maLrried and baýve thecir famiilies traveling wvith themin in the srhool car. The teachers like thie rilwa.-y scliool cars and doni't atot change tO a statiotiaiy schooflhoose. Tbough the lte is a drawbuac und the wýNorký is bar-der, they like to brinlg knovwledge to thie backýwoods child-' renl and sec them 11gradulate to go te i sehoo l in city ortou 'ibe traveling teachers caru u-p te $ý2,000 a ye-arç Theiir homes are providcd wtotCharge, aise coal,' wvater, light, anid furuishîings. The teachers arc kept int toucb with the ouitside w,ý,orld !by railway telegraph undj mal car, reccivinig thecir daily nesapr egulurly. They live in g- HOýIRIZONTAL5 1 Pictured oipera star. iLy'cpoemi 12 Verbal! 13Eit 14 Golf device 15 Part Of "be" 16BEel.ongs to him 17 Wriing 18 Occur 20 East souith-. east (ab.) 22 Measure of eloth 231 Muýsical note 24 On jaccount 26 Uponi 27 Pale 29 Direction, 31 Wtin 32 Electrical en- gineer (ab,) 33 Worruies 3Section of B4ihIsies 39O Egyptiani sun god 40 Thecrefoire 41 Lk 4Sodium1 (symbol) -13 Paid notices 45 Went by 48 Si7akeC 49 John (Gaelic) 51 Toward 52 Bounidary (c ,f ormi) 53 LIndiar aG Star 54 Horseback gai-le 5c, Outfit U7 She is a mern~- o! the- Opera 'VERTWICAI Rîcý y A L- i N G a s 0 L- DIF- ý4- JA P-ý -IA r- EE r3 a. 5 A S' E 5 -V F,ýýýl Mg IN E ý;j JT f-Zý Al D v & N r=ý ÉÉ , PIOYA "' pâ A p INGERS LL F L 1 lnns 18 Fowl 37 Naval .1oflicer 2 Paradise 19 Negative word 38 Tree filid 3 Sheltered side 21 Finish, 44 Satisfy 4 Negative 23 Leases 46 Ceuse 5 Snare 25 Spaces 47 She hshad 63 Approach 28 IHasten numerous 7 Alumninurn 30 Long fishi - roles (symnbol> 33 Birother 48 She has sung 8 Exclamation 34 Elem-ent used nany an 9 Great Lake ln treating 50 Seine 10 School canlcer 52 Morsel1 assigriment 35 Souk- up 54 Italianl river 17 Vegetable 36 Little mass 55 Oleumi (ab.) thiewod the yeur rounid. Their Doil earyliy aiïl)being expert wOOd1sboy S and girls, often sho thieir mýenitors- the best f'ïslinig spots nvign fl-iing contry.Te pu1pils knolw al the ha1.bits of the wvvlid lufei Hebuh Triuancy is Innw o fthe teahes o lte sceoolcars. Only a fewhudd children ini ail co-rne to thiesve cars in a year, but tbiey want to corne. Somle will trumip 40 miles from-,thleir fatbler's trapper cbnte thie spur line whiere, the car is stationed, iad sleep in the bulsh or soeiie carby railway section vworkeýr's cablin for fthe week. Th-ey'lIl ski te the scbool cýar in winiter, pdde y canoei s prinig and lior snowvshioeif inecessary in wiutler; buît tecorne to tlie scbool car. Aad their parents coine, too, iin th enig. iterate i- migrnts lbave Ie-arlicuato lread and write, to, fin-d cont facts about the, couutry tbley live in, te learilbo-w other people -à, railway ceniters, townis, and cities byve and whtItbey do. Tlhe railway school cars niot oly vteach the youni-gsters, but tucbi Canadianism t th le parents ;as well. *'ý(Jamcse Montagnes is a leading Caniadian free lance writer). Qtieter Planes. Quiicterphlnes are Con the horý1i- zonin. yea p-rs 'te corne, iustead Of clappiugbnd over cars whcn a plane zooms Î)y , onle may sa-,-: "'Shhh1, isli't that a planie I heari o-)verbcad?' Airerait manulfucturers on the West CoPast bave bD-een dlv- ilng into inoise researcb since theý begininiig of thie year witbi,tbc aim of reduicîing passenger fatigue alrd nraigt'he eemnfort of airtrv. Matrimonial Knot Thie expression tyinig the kiibt, in~ r-eference to a ,weddingcrmny iS derived from the fact that priestla used to tic theý ends of their soe arodud lthe jýoînecd bauds of bridle and groom.Tyi TO BE POPULÂR asà hostess, serve Mia-xWell Bouse Coffee. Ih eontain-4 choice Latin-Am-ericaix coffee -. . tulhiest oW4~ fainabje. It's blenided by experts willi tradlilîtion knowledge and skiJll j j, I--2= NEW2 W nervous system. 6 e cooy ie,$.. DrLhase's Nerve Food By GENE BYRNES REG'LAR FELLERS-Speed Test rWICET A5 FAR Aa YOUR. bEibT MNA 1AC!KLE NINLTIME.5 DETTERN 'rtUR liýC.çLJ PA55 PFrTY YAý,RDS AT AT%

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