Ilnc oni th tain tbe üf farri. en entire1y vaânce ir tion, th usefl Thev eootinue gooti hc be done ority thc torses ir handfling ~- ntbe e tie, faix demand, inarket. Ac cor-i 't're Dom there w7 far-ims 0' recordîin frorn Jur AI provi cent in N'ew Bfi' d~ .DialsulcIu, ~ses on the 55prcentü oîf 2,735,000. nof 8.8 per, per ,ent la way ýNo, S 3 Oiar Gas,1 Forbes, Prop. number oif Orono Odd- ored to Ccloourg on Wed- nig tbeing ins talla tion of that lodge, ports goianniveîsary t ýSuntiay, a good attend- ýplendtiloyalty cexprýessed Uet \I '" rs- Jas. -Moffat patssod naway sud- ltis a- more denly sometime Wedniesday morning, el people. Otober 31st. She was out and aroui on Tuestiay in gooti heatlth. 15, PER CENT Mr. AIf. Astridlge, bakcer at Dea.n'so bakeu shop,,, is now inh-,Clristie Street during the Hospital, Toronto, untiergoing mnedi- conItinuedto acltetet igures by ap- a1terin, S ýnt, says C. E. Mr. and, Mis. R., S.Cornforthi and f the Dairy-Miss Jeani Confortlicof Lintýiy, lao Departmlenti were Suintay visitor ith fiendIs ini mary of cr'eamery instrucýtors' re- ponts. "fihere is cansiderable spec- ,iationi," saýys Mi. Lacknei, "as ta whaýI-t e'ffect the increase ia the puice uf flii milk wiil have on butter production. lu somne section's it is ifiitodti that any swur lus mur cIcru'- ing will tai its way into thie con- contiating' plants ratier thanmilt1le1 creatmories,." Butter ant i!1croam qua1lity continue ta lie on a hïiglierlý level thant in thie samne perioti of195 Withj- the beinin f the lasýt mot) of tue butte qaity omettins, appeisý that btter records. than! thiose estab)lishbeti iast year will ho matie. Aninouncement af the win,- ners wiîl ho matie at the Ontaria i Dairy rIndustries Cùvention at Nia- gaaFalls tiuriag' the week of No-î vemiber '25. ButterL1maýkers' clubhs throughou t he Province are prepar- in,, for theit lionours' nigh 'ts wbien prizes wil hoaw;artie(t t the win- niers of competitions contincteti la- cally this summier. Anniiversaiy Services of Newton- ville Uniteti Churcli will lie lielti on Suntiay, Novemnber lith. Services at 9-30 anti 7 p.n. GuLest speaker, Rev. claire 01ke, of Welcom'e. FORTY-NINE SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CIIRISTM AS Learn abibut îdur Cblristmas Plan. DIe'n't be dis- vppointed at the lastl because the tlng's yout planl- ned on1 gettinlg are -gole. Wýholesalle supplies are low, and many i-uuners çannot be re-ordeïed be- fore the New Year.y A new assortment 6F' China and Glassware just L. REID RED& WHITE STORES Large Green CABRÂGE.......each 10c. Florida GRAPEFRUIT, best for juice, 96s~, 4 for............... Sunkist ORANGES, 392 ........2 d4'zen Large HUBBARD SQUASH each Tokay GRAPES, excellent for atip ...-, lb 25c. .53c. 20C. 19C. 29c. CARROTS, medium sized, washed ..3 ibs 14c, j'- I BANANAS, large, ripe - , - , ý,-.,. 11) Quick -MUFFIN MIX ... ........., pkg Mlother Parker's Fine BLACK 14c. 13c. 7.5c. RAISINS ...,........, 18c. Maple Leaf NUTTY, the new cheese.... pkg 22c. C-'rushed PINEAPPLE.....-... 105 oz tin $1.75 Cut iMIXED PEELS.........pkg lleinz DILLED CI'.UUMBERS ., bottie WATER GLASS ,...,.., tin TEA BISK .......,, 19c. 25c. 13c. 33e COMMERCIAL BEEF 25c, 27c. Mr. ai i rsz. W. H. Browni, of O.A. C., Guieli, were visitors last Suil- day at the home oF _Mr. aniMs R. H. Brown. Mris. Ar-thur Sunder-srtunt home on S-'unda y 'last aftor visting ,with hler son, Mr. Vernon Sauniders, TJoronto, mid other friendos. Thliw pupiis of the Pufilic anicon- inniaution sholof Oono, -wverTe treatotiiedta a picture show ini the tonball on, Wedi-,esday afternioon Iast, on hoeailh anti s'chool ok Mr. anti Mrs. fHaroldi (McDon'alti ani faýmuly, who have been living in Bowmiianville, moveti last week ta a farim north of 'Oronmo, a crios s froni îMr. Gea. 1Hondersoni's. Mi1s. lL. Barrabaîl celeliratles lier 56th :birtliday o-dyTiuîsd,,ay, Oct. 2lst. Mrs. Braalis stLi en1joy- 'ig th best. of h eal1t'h, stili gels arounti anti enjoys life in every way. Mn. anti Mis. J. 'E. Armstrong, ac- companliet by Ais. Gratiy, of Ha-mul- to-n, visited in Morisbuîg witli Mi. anti Mi.R. Il. Armistrong, ant i itli ýy i. ati Mis. Wilson, of Ottfawa, re- turnig1on Uostiay iast. Moessî,s. Haîry Davy, amKoanel, Bob-. CIamters, 'Nornman Baqirtowv, W. J. Ritideli -were at Bîoo'klin onFril- day niglit of last weeki for tne in- stailltilOnso offleers of that lotige, alçso being- the Grand Mfasters visît. The Police Trustees at their last ýmeeting lhavedc tiedtacotirnue on witl t1he filling- of the haole on the west sitie of the Tannery Bridge. They have alireatidy hati a great deal of earth dumpileti inta the hale whiich noaw is g-reatly reuet n size. Mirs, Jennings, whlas een stay.- iing- wi-th Mis. LeDre, la a -pait- ment at Mi, Wm., Watson's, celebiat- ed lier îOýth birthtilay on TuaesCi ay, 'October 29th. MNis. Jenningls is in t'le best of'eati anti las left ta sponti the winter at IHavelock. Mr. Carence Bell ýhas informlei us tinat tier~e will 'le n'a icure ,show in Orono Tow'ni Hall oni Saturday niglit. Having commienceti work at the Gotiyea,.r plant in BowmanvilIe h1v. BeIl' is mnakinig plans ta Show pîct 'ures in Orono onl Saturtiay eve- ings, thle date whon, lie will commenceý Wîil be aaunceti -iter. Parkc Street Chuicli Choir assisteti withi the miusical1 portion of the an- ivmersary evonting- service at Kirby laýst Sunt(iay. _Mis.R.P. Brown was the organlist. Thi-e Ch-oir renlderei anl anithiem anti ',1rs. L.'G. MolGinniis ani MiJs. F. Lycett a vocal duet, w'iie 111r R. E. Loga--n fiavoretivithi a solo. MIlv. S t ep)h enî Sayweil, of Osliawa-, was the special pakr Mi. anti Mrs. A. A. Dîrnmnonti and son AIex. returneti homne on Sunlday last afteî spenting two nioniths at MUuskoka BEeach. In tlie two mainthas Mv, Dîuminonti painited sixtdy pic- tures, antid this si.,uumer lias sent eightliy painitings ta a store in Brcbndefor sale.'There haýs 4een a teianti for these pie- tures by the travelling public, 'which is certainly ]keep)inlg Mv.Dr>ý-uonti' very busy. The Onitario Conservation anti Uc- foresationAssoiation, mnatieup of mnombeis of ýCouniity antiMniia CounrCils, farmpers ani t ers wlio are interesteti in thisý work, were ()i ani inspection tour on Wednjesday last. Tliey miet at th-eNotmbr lani Foiost lot, then travelleti ta the santi plains in Hamý-iltont Towniship ai a ises(j Site1, tie Gaaîaska w a t er s h e. Tliey aso inspecteti the Rfiestation Station at Oronia anti in the eveing were banqueteti ini the town h all in Orono1. Abouttit- fire woere ;-laatteindanco. A number of ýthe meniebers of the Young- Peoplýe's ULnion attencidtb.te Crusade For Chirist" in Oshiawa, on 'Monday ngt Mis. Peel, of Ptrovulis V* isiting ler sister,'Mis. 'Fred un can. iss Helen Turner ofI Coîniwali, neice of 'Mis. C.Duncan, 15 visiting th is week witli Mr. àand Mivs. L Crabbe «anti Mr. and Mis,. C. F. Dun- can. Mr. ,anýd <Vrs, Albert Mitchell moveti into their n -ew vhomne -Inthe nar1th ward on Wednesndayiat The youang ehildren cf the -vitlage THE INUJLJ1'OF THE FUTURE FUR FARMING, Mink and Fox Buy a Trio - We Ranch Tltem WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO. P140NE 42 n THEATRE Bowmanville - Phonie 589 TOPS IN EINTE RTAINMNIENT Fni. and Sat. NOVEMBER 1 and 2 Three Grand Bands IlSngSnais "Hat Check Holley Leon Errol anti Grace Plus Roy Rogers andTfi gger i In uomïniemoration of thie -5OL An liiversar1y of thefuniding of teWo 1men's 1institutes th-e Fedierateti Wo-i m"en's Institutes ofOi ntaýrlo vish t l,-unch1 a postLer contest thjrough1out RZules of the Contest Open ta anyone in theý communlity size of poster I4" x 22" or 28" x C2" the poster m-ust have stateti on it the date of thie c brtonJne1 19417, the placue, O.A.C., Guellie th, theme, "W'e Tr-eaýsure the Past-We P.-ace the Futin'p", and the word, -Women 's Iiistitu.te. 1Mrs. O. W. Rolph. ,1Miss !,-. W, d- deil andi Miss M-\. FlintLoif wî'll be the Institute Brandi jutiges, along ith judges frlom the District andiPoi' cial Board to judge the resp)ective l posters. The posters ta become thei propeîty of thie Institute andtimay be useti by them for publ.icizinZ the 7ffth1 Aunndersar. Plrises of, lat, $.510, -2nd,$1O 3rd, $1.00. Ail entries tol lie handeti in the p-osýt office, not interi NÇoveniher 9th, 1946, UN-IQUE SERVIC-E AT PARýK STREET CILURCII SUNDAYl On Sunday, October 27th, ParkaSt. UnitetiCluhurli ed an unique ant inj- spirng serce. The congregation was honoured in having a us speaker Squadyon Leader at iPatire, Rev. A. T. Littlewýýoodi. There were several ties of inter-1 est. Squadron Leader Littlewood was padre to the Squadron ovtersoas ofi wl-îih former FIglit Lieutenant John; IKeaýne; DR.C., belongeti. A fuitherl interecsting event waýs the baptismn of Joanne Rayellen, infant daughter of M,- and iMrs. Jo)hnr Kea-ne (n.e Grace iWarren). The Squadîon. Leader baptizeti the baby, Rev. - S, Littl'ewoodi assisting. The balby wore thebats l gown, that ofJo.hni Koan,,e, lier father, -was baptizeti in, The pad-re pîeached an inspirinig sei>rmon on Matt. 7 chapter, -verses 26-29, using the theme Fountiatis. of m~ental he2lth prctic, a nd r*ý out thle picture of a halty il a hiealthy body, theDeate National ileaIlthnd Wlfre tawav, saýyS a good wordfr mlanner'. "Mannerls, in addition miakin.ýg the Man, nrrkes thie he andi happy iman" says a depart tai bulletin.ý This statemient is 1 on i teassertion thiat thle iman prersan, being socia.lly mreac 4fble, is cor'respoiing]y 1happler. hence, healthier. Oùwing to th e maniiy coinplaints madie to the Police Truist(ees as tY the damrsgg of private property. iau vilag prt)erty, it is tlieIr pose to take p7rastic action afainstc any one comiuitting sush rts. The situiation lhas. ecome' serlýous n 1m1any peo)le ~afraiito sa al1one. Thisý is a imaýter for the par- eýît.ts to look after to see, that their chiltiren are under proper control. Orono isa good place to live, but sonie people seem -1te lie det'v1minedý it, voni't lie true mcilonger. ORONO POLICE TRUSTEES CHANGE IN IMLK DELIVERY There wui be delivery both morn- dng andiafternoon onSaturday,No vemaber 2nd, but no delivery on San- day, or on Sundays- during the wne months. Afteirnoon delivery will be cotneion each week dlay until further notice. Your c-prto in havig your botties out wili ho greatly appreciateti. 'exas' Cartoon - Jasper's Paradise Mon, Tues., Wed, NOVEMBER 4-5-6 iM.G.)IL Presents "Zeligfield- FOI es 611f 946 Stars" In techilicoilor B3igg-est show yo0u've ever seen ont stage or sereen Fox Late News and Walt Distiey Coloulred Cartooni PARK ST, IITED CHURCI$ Rever4mnd S. Littlewood Minilter SUNDAY,1 11.00 a.m.i--Wfon 2.30 pm-Cir "Seek ye first of God ianti Ris ati ail these th atitied iito you". NOV. r hip. tthe KiniJom- siighteousness, Iinigs shah lbe lOrono i ARMSTRON Ladies' Ujmbrellas, la print- ed colors. SpecLal at $3.00 Plastic by the yard, rose, yellow, white, also printed inu yellowv. Priced per yard...........50c. tO 85c. Chenille Bedspreads, in col- ors, large size, clearing- at...............$7-5 AýEROX,ý'ON FLY COILS dozen 25c SALT 2lb. pkg. loc. WAX TURNIPS 3c. Plumbing Heating and Sheet Metal SPIC and SPAN box 25c* PAR-,SNIPS s Fenther Flannel, 38 incites wvide, la color, yard .-- $1.0O Giri's Ail- WooI Jumipe 6 to Il years. Chiltiren's 2 and 3 piece Oui- Ifits, sizes 2 tof 8 years. Giîrls' Coats, sizes 8 te li years. Ladies' Dr-e S, Hiats and Coats frrri ' g new each w,,eeb Fo r Sat. ONLY KETCHUP SOAP SOAP FLAKES CORN SODA BISCUITS CORN STARCHI LAUNDRY CHICKEN RADDIE SARDINES tin GRAPES ib. ....... ......