ýf;ER T1S1;i G ------- LAY y Fali order. sud ha i waut enta- keries, y, 130 J MENT I ETI NO s & Strat-. itt $125,00 300 watt 1550 watt 600 svatt sud Diesel .P. light- ibla, issîn l135.90, 2- 511 t11,.sal i nS Iciarg-. v olt 1large a isterie-rs, s peouces, i anS ibench, E L, -Mot &NING G NEEDS FOR S A LE. mioutha o SC. 1Bayham fi, Or)t. ES EN îSh, on A Red ýI anS Sr.a- C UA - k, prompt 5ec e iit.ES-. e,584 Mounit if o. GUN k sud AN, sud-. 'mil )sh.. EST REGITERD GEMAN SHilEp-. herd puppies, Ibr-eamonth, chm plonedstcarmae$10e- maes175. NVon Brie Kennes, Eox, 538, Gimsby, Ont. Safe-Tee Soot Destroyer If your ste rt uruac01 e li Causiýes trou1bleSue te Sot, poor, dl-aughtor Bmoke We guarntuea ouro-t de- streyýýr toe remove sot -,,-ay ceai unigsteve o r furnaca pipes and c Cmey 1Gves bafferdruh and mre eLatf, soya.s fuel. ]"aCm-. Hlcains Enoogh spot destroyer te Inast oeuesteve ' lfl' turnseeal ,wiuter. Send meney orar $1,40. POstpa'ýid anywher'je liCnaa.use 8 weýkýs if nef sattisffied o e ~Unded. J. RRemnohan fg, o 29y5,Foet.Ont. The toy m tor tt featurea hi noead, onue oeI 'erattjnnonsi ~Plley, we1igh1ted has1e.LmtSnm telr at only $1,7,, sytai.Th Sand laiaS CratsO Iex D 4UN lrock ville utarlO. -AI stein Heoife:, r M vucaingTu FISH AND 'PETS fih fioda, anS sup-lj tl1ur1ielzare , aI-7 p.B 2GTESTE IL- ~j ~EW -~ plantl ~-.- ton' =»OFPOR- ý1--ï-=TUNITIE 1 -O--1W _-1; 1ItN1 BE A ïHAIRDRESSER lOINCANAASL.EADING SCEOLj Greaf pporfntty, Learuy to. Clutated Catajog u e e.ý Write or ciii SOHOOLS ý'5 3 -1011,orst. W .f1, Tornfo B-raueche:.44 Kiug St., famijto;n &74 Rîideau street. ,Ottawa., 14 KIngý West, Toronto. ilookljet of Iuformation onrtqu2est. IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QLJALITY AT ITS BEST OUR RAMIe OU7Nl FAST SERV., tee c sdfinie ouaitY %ork wili pesyu.Fr' saýtisfaction t'y im-i p CiI.6or exorefmsde ISSUE 44- -194C FMSDVIE j2 1 1C; qTS Guratedo1 dySrv ice. N o DALYSE V ,î R~4 X86 EN 101125.epins 3e. 1Crstal Po - XMSCARDS FROM "SNPS"12FOR 79c. original anSppneasng (Chr !istmalis Car zda you can get< - Card-1s thal:t sriendsutreasure-and the osýt i amaî. Slec you faorie nga- tives and, IenSïtherln1to l'S. We'1 ith yl r piet ures printd n STAR SASO EVC (Pit N mead Ad1dress 'IainIly) ONE 0F THE B EST FARFlms in Wster Ontrie,216 ars ls Speid buj1ilinS. N ice I brick house n grev of male-s anS pinles. Pilere rnnig ater an aec- diate osesin.Fi] i1 pmn nS ivstcoptiolnal. ASnear- with s'omle black muck for, celery and! oni1ons, at low pie J F.GUNDY-TRUSTEE 1010Can da' indorOnt. mwadeiton pics colarýs nS cae. aaadvanta-;ge oft OMs offer- befoa riing onestaeffeet Ian.. 1, 197. OiverSpaner &Co.Ld. 2AEmStreet, Trno LEAR HAIBUESINO TUE Robartl sen rnethod. nontonn relat rgrdn casa.obert- AvenuellJoad, Toi rn to. -,13 WOýMEN FORU IIGROl N try ork, imeiaey;ful an.- Aenance. AppDy(Dougla;s Memortalt auitsXWita, cook gýener al, 1)njsý- baud gardueradhndm, n be ' abieeto arm lkeuercw.Moe sepanrat lvngquersn erT-. ronto.-, Boxes 119, T73 Adelaoide W, aduAt. 7%i - eoo-çgVE ENral EhUa inl t drfie ar. ModemseparWatge salingurtis Peeecseui. but, 72 mietomTroto o 3, WANTE, AN EXPERENCE farm beatingle',induatries.wLl- star'!t a $0pa onh Mya uycn-. Bo x 118, 73 Ade aid W , T ro to DON'¶'SITEVZERY SUFFERE et hemaic> ansor N eIeuriti ro'fis Drgntoe, 35Elin, iOttawae, post'paid $1.-0!0.j , 1Bacish1ïthe torment, ") r )dry3' ez em1a, ache, ïrîlg worm, piple aSah' lete s foot wil CIpndrai t t iiýs tstainl1 e ,sa, edo'rleýs Clntmnenîa regairiess et howS t uborn1 o hoeesthey maiy seem. PýRICE$,0PR JAR 8end 1'oSt Free oQn Receipt otprie POSTI'S REMEDIES Toroutoj. GuO ()J-)11ALT11 FOR qitIEN ilND icmnlîl anSdwek. rer, healling .arnd ihealth, drugle>aýs. Iligetrated LiteratýUre. Write Elyner juji, D.~DN,05nsorti, aeon 1Ae, Chicýago 12, Ave., ery sufferer eofliumtic Pains or Neuritis sahould tyDxnsIe. edy, M'funroýs Jrug Store,'3 35 i- FR E D -A. -80D D 1NG TON-- BUYL'S, celhaaex ilag esF nuuS;ca1in4Str, No ne ws urt in the aýCCide-t pcurdaboVe, but i ia rgie2 hapenig jst flic sýame b ecause thOese four smashed ccars w vere ail brattd new..ntrute from th-e Deýtroit factory teMao City, la., the lihuge 7auto transport Ihit aadutat Mo li.Top of the front car was cmleeysbea-red off. By FRANqK MANN HARRIS - ("A Six Bit Crific"'ý-- Arovil aDpicatssening osag tehoer cot cf maing s A1JJLaande Supply J,*tCo., Ps o. EBoxi82, udury On tel plip y o da' LeSind Taderisi Fieit !aie tnDrRdsIVoLete sui ab e or Gl veo indbre kert WOLP - OX - MNTRAPPORS uehembet trp ingoynm n glanlseetsPol:ey can boy. j>ýWite 420. algar, Albrta. GUSWANT "ANTED TO U SiAMforSond A laid.e WFornto.un tfor cashtilg1mothlly Wie pum bulecd b aeommd ait, W exatly, howte,Isooce mont ly -. Witeg iguesOfBox578,Treno 1947 hdtchîngsaen Foaucul!e Pand bloodtested ree eýt. charg1e 11en -. Ser Govemument suerviýýsinur. antd p!iwrmiumciplus batfch oiif temIium ald. Foevîcfui] det, ailrite rente.D ti potc ity perisifea aud sholguns IneHcton atSOIepriteneiencw; A. la rsfta, p125 Dtaws yR.. Torn- 3Trime Fo,ý srfaesnting re Arroie2 udsThe armth Ea alu iisàanisopportune time fo piui around the ,ïfarm be sup-pie bygood paint. Woadir', th evommruwl e oedonte u tl'c euta i tilyrneeds prottopf paint agaof ist ruf.imp olemntsý houd epantdaferte ume equipalet Adepùendso theproue-. hicgare iv uing tefiàt and Buoildiaings ofnaeutanof the ay apace, ucbscae vs, shyod b andicoatedwih pain.Reing an oied brashâte getanthekwardcrn sitrfaiht-rwaysurfe s Pan pe- semlres waterspouts, frýcaes, an other mtaimfixture soaroudth farcnvI efa is rustded ibod be san-papeedo o t ie-.brshe ,GUon te te siay meisrface be-. foe rmingd paith ing.ant EiIl revt rust on a tdean pipe, bftu iff wilOf oniyrta ire sp t0%e swork ofnrutbavingon ude wth e d aint.ticasro Moilcdyle Bords adeeree Robt15encA.rage tly o heS W e r e îll d - ad1i c a ir wv ,,,i ,e s slo'pped e0e-wih pcals us and piaudits for- tihis WurBey. Com- mntaflors, some .of whee prsoi - h asebaîl mmrisw f ack alilof feu-(yearIIs, baiied blim as betteýr ithan Wilie eelrTy Cobb aud Babe Ruhai olled ibite ene; ian eveni menCII f epeiece wo S11ould Ihav-7( kueown bef fer, were quofed-or nis- quioeed-as saying lie was filic great- Cest bitter4i I une Came flice Al Stair Cmebeweenl flic w aue.Thie very beaýt figth at coufld hiave apeudte Willislins wotdavebenfor thle National League pitchers to set im bi ack ou( bis FranIces, hcs Btth didni't. To tb-m ithaf Aul Star Cm-was justf anether extra chrfor which fy didui'î evlen gef pad owverimand tbey Piced eatly tat wayý , nd Wil!iaias fairiy imurdered that National L-eagute ptongad nue could almoicst sec im lickiug i lips as lie thosîgh-!t Of Ithe Wend Surescat Sigus of ilicasilug delusions of 0 grandeurIll on t'le part of Wiiiamsn' became e ven more Mtcabe e falked o (f demlandiug a mure eighity t h- o ul s a ud d l a s f o r h b j i n ex f s m flier's toit, airity sayiug "i guiess, I kuow fbw irnuch I Fin orthl." îHe shcdeC symîptoms of alnoyance wfîbsteammlates vwheI] tbey fait-. cd fc 0hbimn proper respect. Hle e2venirei-d -a persouiat business <agent te handIeie alite jiey offers thaf wcre b)ound te cone for Ilis endors-. atioýn of this article or that, Then ic methe Src-bc mnight go îfive gamIes; perhaps evenl as nly as six buit which coLild assurediy bave but oeeendinig. And somec of us hcavy-thinking experts wAere even' suggesting that pes5ibly tebesf way for! the Cardinais te deat wifb Wiiiiamis wolid be te hand bim rani-, niQa pas$ every fie p-fer suirely anyfbing was, beitfer than te aIew ,vthlt bail te Icornl ite i eaho'.ta dal Now tatSeries bas paae ljte blistory-aud ite uis if w'ili lwy rýcail thle figutre of the xigh'ty fiime afteýr time .wbeu anyind ilA o a bsbt od have Ian llc bal gamle, auid filiulg to colnie t.rub.T,11 and the piefuire of the isame Wlius akuai nsine, aloug thec St. Loulis sýtation plafform toward the Bstntrain, with a look on b!is face wic aid, Soriy vtiecan do hiis te ME; it sheouldn't hppeoteeven a d fog'" If usthae benindeed a tude- he a vy ia -joit as lany atiefe ýever fokI. Anld prsoýnialiY we'rec pull-. ing for him te1' have etral ouigi f0 fk is medb'iline andcornle baek be'tter than ever. ButIf !1("" ise whu ucxt Seaenstrt Wllam wilconifinle iraiiitngt ati-usý,ie rma, and is readiîng are prettytuh gs Frte oily -credif yNo 1with the its ye actuliy ae br a h pae btind tetablly. Beats Niagara proucig awatrfal fve timesilt( tretime"s as Ihigh.1 SenS for GSefaiiilof etTETEL OPTER of British"-.made aýpplianmc for relief from Rupture. Etecom-manded h!y Melldica! lzProfessii;,n. Lighit anS comifoù t abl-yd sili net know you hveii n Rolds ithe isernia llrmly. Iii many casýes thse ruptureS issesreunita anS rupture i4 coniquered fôre ver. Write today: ïor MnnMy Bac Form cuc eiffo t ithdn cUms m a RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIE VED If sou are troubleSwthichigpilas o, rectal soreneas, do flot dla t eafm an d rns the tisk ofitin this condition beconse chroýnic Ay j= sgor soýeneos or painful passage of t<iol is aur warnirng and propo-r treatuact shouid h. secureà at one. For ibis purposo get a package of Hemi-YZoli frous any Sruggist anS u se as directeS. ThCa formula whicii la oseS internally is a easy te take tablet, Wi .11 $3ev thse iihjp.À a4 5orf and aid ila healingIsle sero15158F pe ueMon-Roici la pleasant to si8M ig>eD, e- dand t neeng Ih, heigisi of oly foraouvoe to rska panfuland chronïo pile condition hen micis a se remedy- usaý ble aid at Biich a amaiS cost. ffyou tr- Hem-RoiS and are Dot et Ireis pieased wsaS tise rsutsour drulgis't"wYl £lodiy feturu your money. begins with a state of mînd Of all the people whioseek to be independent., only the man who firnily makes up Ebis mimd to do soinethinig -i~nd does it-ever actually achieves independenoe. A very good somiething you cari do is to put your savings into Canada Savings Bonds. We Iighly recommend CANADA SAVINGS BONDS and offer our facilities for their purcha.. Telepheine or telegraph ns collecf-WAverfey 3681 Just about flic Mest pathetie figilue thaf bas souon ithesports seue in msany mnoons is that of Mr. Ted Wiianms-remmenr irn?-.of thie lafe Boston Re,(d Sox. ,ýAnd Ai- twholther% was a fimesome- tbree or fouir Imoutho sago, wbn lic, saie _Ur. William'Is bad .abotËtbe same e ffeet on us as a hou on11flic nleck, iglif now wý,e cannotlbeip feeling -,rather seýrry for Ibii, rcor youungWiiasia perfect exâmpl!ýe of theeee danger of bel(,iiug ail yourèad l"linliýC papers -~-or her ver tbec radio-eýspeciaiiy xivhen if i.s abou'tt ierself. There's a type of Sport s omeftrnw aday, as perbaps yolluve roficed, wbose orgabs ouly twe stop- pianissmoiiý and fortissinmo. With these briht laWsY0u9r Chfer a liero (or a bel)-,hg clssalora crrîm)b ecitheri peerleosýs or ped(icui-. momiteMStosin betee. A hreru hc or fouir good races iin a rewý, and right awaytes xp li-thve bim tabbed as anlofler 'Man ()' War or Phar Lap. A hiaif- back gets away for a few faiy lenIgth1y rns, auid at once fhey sfart eompning1dmwith Red Granige and )il-,,Thorpe, 1te1flic iaffers disaidvanfa-,ge. A l*ckcy pldayer shows a flash or se of.form11, and immciattyhe's rated aiong w'ith! --or ahead of-tbe Shores, Cou-. achers, Taylors, Cooka, sud (lofber rWeatsars of eéd. Se if was w-ih Ted Wiliims. Tbrotlgh a comibination of conisider- able aua abiity sud somne fair- to-mediocre pitcving te biit againisf, be sfarted in te do somec realiy cer-,-I mnendable cloufing, especiaiiy of the longdistace variety. in tuis bc was aided, te, y the fact that he isa deadrîgbf-fiid bitter, arid Practicall'y ail, mlajor lcaguie ba)i pastures are so laid ouf so thaf efies hbaequifeanWadvanage over flicir rght-.anded bretbren wben t i cornes,,te extra-baseknc. And ail af once the sports pages