-.ith Mr, and is -Farrow,. of ~ Mrs. Er'whn wvith Me. ýand orge Stapieton 'avilie, Mes. S. s, and Mr. nnid w ";ihmev. an d 1e Turner, -Ne!ca ,tle c, rm1Ic~.WELEY VILLE mis. Harold! Little anid J-shawa, visited with MYI. Mrs. W. T. Nichlis m'~dto iher Mrs. B'caMisLoa Sundcay school at 11.00 with a veryý7 friend, (f O wspn odattendance, aud il teaChers Mr. and Mrs. Hlowar"d Present MUr. and Ms.Rnbert H1ili, of Port ivrayservices at Shi- HTope, spent Sunrùday afteru'oon with well1 attended- on S undlay Mr. and IMrs. Edlgar Bace-,owcloughi. Linastead,' B.A., B.D., of, mrs. (Charles Snieil is visiting with, -is guest speaker for- both her d'ýaugh;ter-, Ms Fred Tufford, of The elhildreu's choir in Bunker 11111.* oi w-as n-iuchend eoyed. Mr. ai Mrs. Chiarles Biho evering service the ichoir visite(! it Mr, and -u.Roy Rmw- led'rhi of M. Neil den,-of Bewvdl.ey, o n Sunday. ealdered two anthems, a Master Neal Nieicols sp eut the f _Misses Doreen, AudreyE mie Warrow and Helen wee-enCdl with ')'s sister, Mes 1En1 Mrs, MriY 'oi1n M'nr, of Toronto. endid solo. Mr_. 'nd Me1s. Ha rold Barrow- Sunda-y Visiters jelougli and son Bily visited w'th Mr. d Mu. Bent, ~. Lfl!ami Mrs. Momton, of Xeial. M'31is's Norwna Hallowell. - Mr. and M.Arnold Thorndykej Mrs. Thos. 'Falîs,' Kendal, and Carol spenit Sunday afternoon (I :Mes. Ormie Falîs. with 'MeL. and ïMrs. Roy Cornlish, of 'Me\1H. Gilmler, Bwan or erry. .Mr. and Mes.Caene Mr. and Mes. Perey 'nl left on Saturday mnng to visit Rer sister, Me.Don. Stapleton and iMrs. Ernest Cabie, of Rochester, of this Clean, Family Newspaper THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE IMONITOR om crimpe and sensaional news ..,. Free froin poliical ree from "special initerestc" control . . Free ta tell you about worid events, Its own worid-wide staff of cor.e- brng you on-the-spot news and iÎts meaning ta you family. llach issue fil1ed wth unique self-helip features ýd k-p. k s1ePublising Soclety []lee e ted tmble co>lee , 1stOft 15, Mass. of The Cbrsiln Scien<'u M.. ... .. ...r.... .. ..........Flae e,, od a onn.sno,.wb ....... Zne. _ ma4ao..... il el s scrifloes. 1 an- 'eclos,'$1 -- - - - ----------------------- Golf date? 1 . Lonaeo Bonds time ib N.Yï iddY toMcIndi Mes. on Moore) on thieir, OemistonT apl1e week-end vt e Me. ai MrsB, Bins,ýted liland as-1 ily spenit Sunda ateun with Mlr.1i aand Mes liarles Bntd fPeter-I boio'h FZifte 3mesof thîe Wre inlstitute held a quilting and teïlaiat 'Mes. C. Beighltoai's ,onFidyat- noon. Mes. Roy Nichioils oafld-Mi. Sidnley Lokatatteaded 'lhe funeral of Mer. red Ncosooeorno n Mr. 111ld Mrs-. Gaeniett Sildof CnrbuLIryMatnitobaý, visited with Màc -.1 and Me.Lioinel Hughes on Wed- A large nuashller attended the crof- kinle art 1lathe bsmetof fthe chiurch last -Wednes cay eveniiing, aad aiso to peese-nt our newýlyweds, Me. aadc Mers. CrolNicholî1swihabs s'can luiaum LIllpressure cooker, a table Iamp and a bed l-mp. Mrs. Malloey-nnd ýonI Albert visited xith Mers. E. Luxýon. Miss Tita Mereýer spentte weeký- end at horne. 'Mr, Norm-ýa-n Theeteli spent thei week-end with Mr. Roy Sieep. ,Mr. 'erg Mercer bas -, started1 wock again in the Goodyear, Bow-] rnanville.1 Mr. and JMrs. Wi. Mercer and! Me, J. Bailey joueneyed tb Simcoel foc a conpple of days. 1Me. and Mes. George 'Caeke weree at their summier homne for the week-l end and on SunIday wece the guestsi of -Mes. E. Luxon.i Guest, with MIr. and mrs. Wm-.i Patters-oni on Sundny wece: MHr s. Jas. TopoMr. nnd Mes. Mar- woocl MeKee, Of Cadm-us. ~M.and 'Mes. Vera Johnson wece in Toronto on Sunday s'eeing Miss Betty Johunson off for the West C oa st. We are, plensed to report that David iMercer is bhome again after fi-ve wueeks lanPeterlboro hospital. lisý anrmr is n-ow out of the castL and we, uanderstand 'his leg is g-etting- aloag- satisfcctoeilY. It w'ill be at least; thi-ee weeks !before the east wili be! taken off his leg.ý We wilI be gladi to see David -ru-Lnni.g aeouid aan A s'hower for ýMe. and Mr-. R. W Stainton (n'ee ýMiss' Jean Hoy tooký place in the Orange Ha1ll oa Thurs- Wholes'ale ceilling peices for gi A tuek'ýeyg are 21/ý2c. per pouad hiL t'han thos'e la effect dueiing thie NoýveiibIe.-Decem<býIer pncking Pei thelWitcm Prices and Tende B( bas aaued These inew woeaeceilin'gs apply thoughout thie year and be at a ilevel 'which fs 11¾c. bE the 'highest seasonial eln -viousIty in effeot. MadumWho.lesýaIe prees ina vaied between 3,512c. and 39c. pouind 'accordi.ng to zones. Pre-vi l'y, proditicers h'ad inarlketed too 'hi iJ liduring thle ea rly fai s e,% w'ith a consequent secaccity at Chi mias, Board officiais raid. The s(dheduIe o ceiig pýrices roaster anrd fe-yer type cickens Z>Il qulities is also cevisedi. The niual ,)ac'ing period creduction 3 5/8c' Per pouudid 11 be lessenIed wil e e ff ec t i ve nastages OVE period of thrcee nl(Iths. Fuithier pirticuliflle mly lDe -1k 'l " Ya against coughs and colds geerlweil-bei-ng dioring Illev rtify your body anid incrense your tee Qlonfhs'.Children especiaiiy, sin rdlsden hef alan 1ny ovely gifts. vuIrug w-îeevelu- igthe br lide adgroom If tw wveA uer Ualed to the ApLtfo0r1 '111U an1 d'dess1 s1rnda y c is ceilng S te Snudy Sho ji room th claed reara!rItoia'inci Farzm RadioFou The .Farm iPadFormgocfft n ood start on" oaday i gh, Octoer Sthfîtthe hme of Me. ami Mi.EvniQuanýteli Ar1,e Farm-1 Liigstr'nldlard's hg"was the sub- ipct of thie eveing. A livelydics sioli- tOook pla ce on (1)Wod youl takýe a job in thie cîy at$i2.0 wek if you <gotf ha ? A unali- mous "N" was the res'ult. Questioni (2) Why ar'e som-ewoe dissatis- fied on the faemn ? W ha t oan b e doue about it ? To this question it was decided that electeiity aad pluiubing would help to m11akethne womlen more contented. 'Mrs.un- brill pro'vided a, very basty 1lunch and la social timte was enrjoyed. W. I. Meeting ' The Women's Institute met in the i'rary on Feiday afternoon. 'Octdber 25th, with the presidleu-t, Mrs, Wmu. Mercer, peiesidThijg. The rol l -I vas "Iloy cantit help the Instituite?" and some good replies were forthcoming. ln coninection 'wth a donation to the Adlelide Hoodless Foundation Fund, t was decidled to hold' som-e form ofl enteetainnient arouud the middle of Nûoembefr to maise funds towNeadsý this fun.d. Dub was decidled to hold a Hallowve'en 'Party oun'Thursday nig-ht, those in costmec to 13e admiittedl frce and a eliarge of 1<h'. aidmissýion for those who were not. 'A sumn of $2.Otl to be contrilbuted to) the pmb- lic speak-in'g contest wý,asý vobed, and n delegate vins ajppointed' to attend the area coniventininte oa York ýHotel, Toronto, in November. Gueýst speaker of the afternoon )iiwas 'Mes, 'Werry, the District president, whio spoke on InstiLte work, wltlch, she s'aid, is sujmmed up iii one word "service". A conbest in w'hich each miember was gîiven the line of c- s'ong and -were a'ýked 'Io siag thele uine ln 111u1111was 'eujoyed. The im-eeting closýed wibh the National Anthem and refres'hm'enits weree ev NE WTON 'VILLE 1Fifty-five attended Sunday .S hol In theane of the Bible CInss,- teaclher, tne pastor taitghit the les- Mes,. Cei Burley and Miss -Mary Burlley spent thie week,-end with ber duheMrs. Earle MEe~ of PeterIhorough. Floyd Milîson- fell throug-h the chute from the silo on lhis father's farmi last -week. Fortujnately hie suf- fered niothiing mnore seriou s thian a bcd s'haking -up) and a sprainied ankle. Me. and Mers'. Ski. Hutchiason, Me. Gaelfield HPutchlinson and'Miss Ru'hy Pack, Trenton, attended the edn of Mers. lutchinson's inephew, Me. Emeeipson Richards' in Bobenygeont. Mes. Franlk Baetou, andc hec son Mr. 'Fred Whitaker, Toronto, visited hec brother, Me. Joel Woekman, and siserlalaiMes. Wm. Whittakee, also Mes, Phoehe 'Hold'awny of Wes- leyrville. Rev. H. A. Bunit. Donald, 'Shay, Bruce Stewart, Olive and Doeothy Brown aand EdIna Dennuit, atteaded Youjng People's 'n,-iht of 'Crusade for Christ" la Oshav%ýa on MIondayý TUTRKEY PRICES Coughs and Coids,, Minimum Prices Aik-a-Seltzer Tablets.. 29e., 49c. Eno's Fruit Sait.----59c., 98c. 98c. ýNoxema Cream .------65c. Ex-Lax............-------1,5c., 33c. Fruitatives.........-----22e, 39ec. Pînkhlamn's Compouind -. 87e. saut >n 49C. wM Agent for Jaekman Flowers ÛCarles B. T 1yrreilmÎ DR UG S rie 68 Orono 5c. to $1 Store llallowe'en Masks and Novelties Pails, dairy, made of heavy tin.......65c. Men's Heel Prote etors, leather, saves wear on work socks, Pair............50C. Shoe Polish Liquid, 2-in-1, for black, ronor suede shoes, bottie............ .5. Climax Wall Paper Cleaner, saves papering, cgiant bottie ý.................45eý - Provision Jars, decorated, covered, eacI....35c. Lambeth Envelopes, white, pkg., 25 for....5c. Wave Clips, small and mediumýr sizes, each ... 5e Men's Ail Wool Feit Insoles, pair......19c. Christmas Cards, complete with. Envelo:pes le to lUe Reliable Baby Doli, 12 inches long, moveable- f eet and arms, Special............... $1.25 GROCERY FEATURES Coupons Valid Oct. 31:- Butter Red Rose Orange Pekoe- Tea, 1-2 lb .............43U Meat -M57 1-2 lb. for .....25c. Spic ai-d Span, tin........ 24C. Lynn Valley Peas, standard 4 oz. tin quality, ungraded, 2 tins.,,.-27e. .55e Aylmer Mushroomn Consommne Soup, 2 tins . ., 27c. York Corned Beef Hash, 15 oz. tin .......25c. Select Chili Con Carne, 15 oz. tUn ......23c. Cannedl Mackerel, 15 oz. tins.........32c. Mqincemeat, limiited quantity, 2 lbs .......... 39e. UFRONO 5c. TO $1.00O STORK"E YOUR POPULAR SHIOPPING CENTRE îNo'rthcutt and Smith Funerai Directorgauad Furtniture Deaierg KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped to take care of the modrest funeral at the molst reasonable charge as Wefl as the largest andA Most exaeting Telepho-ne : Office 668 - Residence : 52 and 726 I'eiephone Collect Bowmanville, ont. Frost NeChciica Fod . 1,l, $225 mi 4.45 Frost eo-hem cFood Capsules.....f 2 $.5and $5.C0C Certfie Haibu Lier GOu Capsules, 50W's.----6 9. 10'. 11 Pu (es od Liver Cmon aits laatyflaivmred, cad-coated, eaýsyto take, 5)0 ifor.6---5e. 100 for ---$S15 Certified( Extract of Malt and Ced hi iver Oi, t) b. jar.........-----59c. 21lb. for 98c----- Ib. f(or -.............--$L69 Kepler Extract ofr Malt and COd Liver Oiu - -- -----75e. and $125) Aihaetesit..................-------$1.Û, 1.5,$3.50 and $15M0 Scott's Eiînu1isîon --- ----- ---- --- - ---59c. am l 98ic. Wamupole's ExtraýctaW Cod Liver .--- ---- $1------00-- Relief From%-MMR. \,il Ahhh Buy. the2n through your BaLnk, In- vestment Dealer, Trust or Lo'cw Compamy, or tbrough your Payroll Savi'ngs Plan. They are scfe as canada - pay good irderest - and you con, get your moriey back aï