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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Nov 1946, p. 2

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e saying t it oiti a oîliry. ANUW -plïase miuner nid e. 1Il-hav e g a ga in1st',relýi0 inS 1br0aad1- ~-thley certaiiy shold be On r, and I quhie afteu lie ta tA thom. But wLy, Oh wby, mal'ny ministor's feel thlat a ns broadcast shond be given les $0 m-ouruifil as ta create prsinthaýt the fate Of mail -rai d]amlnation ratbier thanl saq[vatioli. That sort of mr s s Fsureýly an a par vwitbl IimaUginle were 0hC fire and onei sermons ai o a generatian of thinig the Gos- is a joyans thling auýd t reigAou cmmenita- eir -voices in brightÈ S thuls con\eyling thie Lt what the1y fhave ta worthi istoing ta. mir ardliuary eeya is depressing enoughi I' a littie mOire checer- isten 11ta a For-ceful with enthuilsiasml, re- thbt a btter word xo hereafer whmee liaster shail praise uls, v Master shah hiame; ýhall work for- mlouecy, shahl work for famle, lie joy of w,,orkýing., ;moue, . I woni- Seldom1- seen býy white mien and even more rarely phoctog-raphied, are the Lolos, fierce tribesmen of one of the world's v7ildest regions, in western Chinla. They were recently reported to have captured and enslav- ed downed American flyers> but Army investgiati on £ailed ta substantiate this~. The typical group of fighters pictured a-bove is armied with rifles bctught or capiured from the Chinese, whose village-s tlhey frequentiy raid HORIZONTAL <ab.) i," Pictured '7 Dizzliflty S-pE- HELEN T r- E N D freU.S. bîlaneI RE T AUBEL t'A -I iL E president 58 Boue 9ýA,",3C ,C 12 Eastbound 60Paid notice 1A DS pA SSED b sp (ab.) 61 SpiresAN,1:'T0 13 Hawaiian biord 62 Barter P l - 1 14 Notions VRIA 15 Indian armyiv Taunt 17 Manufacture 43 Boat paddles (ab.) 2 Capable 19 Tubercualosis 14 Distinct part 16 Slrnde tree 3 Daybreak, (ab..) 45 Verbal 18 Tharoughfar e (comb. forai) 20 Ireland 46 Rabbit 20 Miake a 4 Call for help 22 Makt:(s deeper 47 Angers mistake at sea 24 Distracted 48 ou aeccunt 21 Peruse 5 Rouind 26 Ascend (ab.) 23 Buying this 6 Arabian guf' 27 Rubbish 50 Couduct helps win the 7 Bamboolike 28 Foolishi fellow, 51 Load War grass 29 Beverage 53-Swiss 24 At liberty 8 Obese -ý1 Sea eagle mouintaiu 2.5 Parrot 'q Exisfý* 32 Dîne 54 Chlld 27 Three timnes 10 Italian1 coin 38 Ripped. 57 To exist <comb. form) Il eChallenge 40 Employs 59 Senior (ab.) 28WeýTste ___-T-1______ 10%___if cattle FT, F7TT7 30 Flndu queen *~ I' ~~I Agricultural Industry CHATHM, Ot. - Ontariio's agricui1 itiri(indus try, thie produ(ilc - tian- of it hybrid corui for break- fast ce real, is shdldta get inito full stride in thîs ar next 1mou1th whu u ipwards of 1500 farniers 0e- gin harvesting a 750000OO buhel crop valued at more than $1,OO. T'O lanle tho ucrap, wrmuareý rushing ta comrpietion fbore ane af the fairgost, corul driers in the Cotin- try. Built by the KelloggCopn at a casýt f $,50,000. it wiïll busk 4,000 buschels of crn a day and prepare it for luse i l hi anfc ture nf corn flakes by cnting lu i hialL thle norma i macisture content of betweou 25 and 10 percent. The reduction will be accomplished byv Subiecing the o rn toa acontinu- ;ure ipead Despite the reeit itrodunction a f several nlew and valuiabie isecti- cides, such asu DDT, benzinle ea chioride ý"('66'), Vesiol 1068 andi( otheUrs, the cblanig nu î ai euein gardenis at thlýis sasn ofthe year ta redulce the numbers -;of insects gegoi jta ibrntins jîlst as valuiable au1d ncsayas itve wa'týs, sy-UlnG. DxIsIttan, Divýision men-lt acArcutue WVith the aý!pproach oýf wne manyspeiesoF insýctso ekcaver in any conven-(ien2t she(iter wsihin and outsid hegrdnsn1cb aýs 0on stanlding crp rfus, beth le o'f rb ishin tdgrassr1ed lands, aIloulg fence r-ows auld gener ally lunaste lands wnlere protec tion ifrom thie a )aies ilte weaIther is ulaturaiiy plrmvided(. Sncbl places of conc aliment sbold beI) remioved and (destr-oyed(Jby buriusg or bur-yinig befre initer sets iu. This practice- at once remove ýs pa- teut1ial pest wbchotherw-ýýise v',i î emer-Ige nexýt srig othre-ateu 1the ne(W Crops. ý Whiere possible, Lau piougýhing shlould be done. Dead audvdillg ve'geta'tion sbouIHld erae u n hutruied. Stands af weeds lunearby wastelauds shoud escy-theLd ud ilestroyed or, bttrstii the whole area Should ho burued er nder suprviion sothat the ire 10l o get' beyon1d contrai. Cocoonus sbould bescpe rom lenfces, buildings and shirubbery and egg-imasses c0f sumectsmweeKrenut Ccom tMes and buishes and destroyed.In othecr wods acomlplote dean upIcam paigu shiould be1 aefu' yplannled and carriedI ont iu and airond eve-ry gardeni. Octobeur is a Suitale U Iauth for such work. ConmpuIlsony ancatioýns for thle hiorses of Berli, wh-ich havýc ebeen th ack af tispart in tle capital, have been ordered by themnipa auitharities, who halive igr-eçlto find ),-,ce for a rest-cure- for te in oultlyýing caunitry- district-;, Thrle authourities recogniized jthait theu horse ýs wopld bc iuniable ta work iii the coinig winiter ula they, likec humus, had an3 ipporitunity taù relax ýili the stt4lýand lconItempiate, I SPECIAL OFFER AT Io% SAVING ey ~vtn intcesdurng uiS pe- cialInto 0 1o*9Oter for a Made with PIe hiun mdsitium Siaa Ga~ïtaenust ý o %warp Ea elt ean Satsfctin ssr foi.d IAllen 98 Queen Toronto, Ul i us~ 'n ____ le Island Alaska Highway Open to Tourists Roaci To North Fornis Great Link te Continental High- wvay Systeni Thle Alaska Higbwavy -hw through a wiIdemueýss kun0 oul Y to tappers and sonrdough pros- pets-was one of lme aru's gmaent conmstrcin jobs, says th New York Times, By agreemeut %éth Canada the road as pushed thraugl by the TJited States Armiy ii, the perliousns mtlis after Peari H-1arbor ta- aid Alaskan defeuise. The waork inave uilding a tweny-fur-ootroadbed acrass 1,600miles of sub-Arctic trraii- lmskeg swamps glacia gorges a"nI mlolnutainranges 'where tempera- tureCs of 90 heýIOW zerO are kua10wn The route iay fromi railhead in Canada's Peace River cauntry te Fairbanks near the Arctic Circe. Ail throughi the war thle road, whlich cost $138,000,000, ea s- seritially a imilitary proect, Open AUI Winter Lastwektihe Aiaska H-ighiway was Open ta tourists, The Dominion01 or' Canada, Lic ad tknback the Canadian portion ias-it April, ,vas prepariu'g tao)perate it asa gateway ta the scenlic nlorthw,ýest. A grave,-l surface bas h een laid over the eritire lerigth af the route, samec portionls have heenl widened ]ta thirty-six fceet, anid grades hatve býeen levelled ta a mai;xilnm lof 4 per cenýt. Roa andian Enigin- eesare prepared ta keýep it openl ail wbiter, wîth ighý,tceen mainiten- lnce camps at intervals of uiuetv mile. Ne gas sta-tionis are beiiug blft and touirist campits and htel for fishecrmen amd big game hunters are sp)ringinig 1up)lu the hithecrto silent fastuiesses of the -Ynkoui. The stepj added a big lnkta the con- titnential hgwysystem Iwhlichi- wilI soon extend ýlfromi Arctic Bering Strait ta tropical Panamia. mocves initc storage bins.- White' hybrid corn is a vcry te- cent cfeveiopmniit and( the crop rais'Ld lu this area is the first ever grown oun a commercial scale lun Canada. Its production has bceen spoulsore!d by RelloggQ'swhich bhas be(en imiportînig -wbite coru fromi South Africa and the United States silice Caniadian farmlers ceased gwigthe open poiiinated varie- ties several years ago. To free it- self eromn depeu*lence on) these imi- ports and devolop a source of supply close ta its Laudndaufactory, the comnpauiy contractod lasýt sprnig ta huy from Ontaria armlers a inii- mumi of one mjillioni buishels of w hit ybrid ri m mnally. Folloiug the aunouncemeut of the cantract, one of the iargest lu the hisýtorly of Otroscor-ilboIt, 187, farmelrs, lsing seed provided hy the compauy, planted upwards -of 201000 ajcrems lu Blenhimi, Merlini, Tilbury, Forest and uieighboinriug districts. Virtuallyiy te cetire drap bhs beonl grovwn lwitbin a50ml radius of the L-oidonl plant wvhicbi, will luse h it uring :19-17, Economy "There are mnany litle mays of practising caonomy in thle lhomie," proclaimied Mý1r. Wheeze to bis guest, aftur making sure Mrs. Wbeceze was Ont of he(arinlg. "So," euicouragod the visitor po- litey. "Yes. Lasýt wiuter my if ie said we iinust get a new sofa lu the sping:" issu 45-1946 8~a THE ROYAL Noviembo1lr lZ1h Io 201h I1946 at the COLISEUM-- Take the family. D( young! Reduced railre fer Court oIe Maybe -- -- -- - orson by sonthe nlot -toô back on and

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