sa be ru~tored t healtl' anci îM. Sid StLcvy hVs gen-e ta R d V zge ýo. .,,.J ,... trnthagai. LIIke here ;1-,pe eI a prsition ~ Plauters Peanuits ............... 5c. and loc. Pîictures on Church 'Work Mr , . Har1old iUi& On 1Mprnl-ay evening, :11br . ~r and AMr5s. JIai YBrk lend Fresh Assorted Chocolate Bars, each........ 6c. a pleasant .vni - as. speiit hy the (iidren, Osfiawa, with îSpeiice Btir- ehildrIten ami thîedr parents in the 1îI y ýS. SudySchaol roomi, when the Rev. Sllaw piau~ghilig- is [Ile ordcl.r of tli Rexali CALENI}ARIiS (Xutt's DATE~ BOOKS H A.Bunt ogave -somie iterestlng day nd n iight ai_ nci an.e egaÎn ur antd edulcatîouad film on church w0rk villaga ifstreet ils becomr'g la dan- Your copy of these~ two imiportant folders are ready. odweby sonie of the numbers geronap for.pdsrn. -bran at tlie Chris m1as pragrailns of MocGregor Joeçs, BuiIington, Miss Ask for themt at your next visit to~ the store, i.f Le an ';and Kendal soliaois. A lvitzer, F armiW,)ispent New Yeair's -pl y "A Mail Oroler Wife» was quite wiîth his mother, î-Mrs. W. Dufdiey limui&ots and a piatomine by t.wvo Jones. g-iolsrpesntg twa angels was 31r. and IMrs, Harvey Osborne and JI iiical iiiiber aosomie wei ab- ini lid, of WLez h, M.Ed. 5ysOO D LI V dered reittons eluded- thei- eni- ris,1, and M.Lryuteroas FOR ANIMAL AND POULTRY FEEDING_ý lertainanient, whiclh was followKd by F1s ihMr. and 1Mrs. J. T. Peavce. 1 lu fhl. !Mr. and Mrs, Sid Burley, who have Double the strength of Standard Cod Liver ul, ~ Frm orm Nws been vis îting his poirents jthe past Membersaf tHe Farm Forum -gath- month, ihave Ugane to Taronto w-r per gallon ...................... 0 ered1 at M-rs. Chas. Thami-psoii's homne he is emplayed byMNair Con- anFvriday ved last to r-ece-ive a (t7coa C. eorofteAgricultulù hor îMr "JasTuffa ci, ho as bc-hen ifetfo ak nFlwr nourse wvhiých \wais conducted i T()landan hasp)ital since W n r 1gntfoaema Fow Kings:toii fionithe 26th to SOh f er Ing theîhlîys Wth lhi baý'th-- Deebrat xnich M i sAle r. Mr. Fred TUffa ý.d. ndvisited E I ToDaomsn î-cn Wasq 1 a dl gat e. She hi-,iiec, . Harold Burley. stad ltbhat there were 110 preserit Tis1om-n*y-1s îr'tYha m&,"îFîrm coaie and f> Mr. ond îMr P-f e esler oil New D R (U G S 1e? 'aOp~aivs" al f 'ers ~mn'. rind ln~ nig-Phone 68 1O rono, Ont. ere , qi'inlsruciv. 11.'. h 1 resI> nded ard ( ýI-iwer ,Ille ta re- csf an, ws one, of the ma i a s- t 1al-f the furuituve ____________________________________ aae . 'i'e rgeerw'e'ek1" l" d Woad which thIey mloved ta i-be1 L, r f m melnietii, gr was hleld at thie farm ome awýo-d ly Mr. Fraink 011- f r.M. c'iln on ind - j 111 ýýwi wen tl)e nmembers' heard 'a 1T as-a, niy i , i lie Uniited .. th......gicls huc brm l a ~n'y e e- Oronko ~10)Store News& ~ i- isky suinessa". Thie six i'n"ec 11t. nnIIsoreç1 by the i facoir,' rck of thie isýks iiiudy ea T'iie programmne Snwx9 a~ r~ar< erpet, i-Q5istdof pictures b1 cecil Car-1;So Queen Cotton Batts, size 72 x9 inches. 47e. I <' - --ve~ a. reet nmber Jrothe Quiiting Pieces, briglit rayions, for cushions and wý:s efloyed hyi patchwý,orkl. Package sufficient for an aver- il f dcodton lny age size qfiilt, pkg.......... ...... ...... 39c. n hutRgoodl nibet enl- Nu Ace Photo Corners for holding photo prints -î,ioydteevn .ini albumis. 100 corners for.............. 15c. -a200 corners for............ ........ 25c, WESLEY VILLE O1ld Engiish Solid Brilliantine, the ideai hair dressing, bottie .......... ............. 19c. Na(chrhservie for thles-ft\two Pro-phy-iac-tic Tooth Brushes, adluitsize. .. . 25e. .oîin. tath seere5flW~ Trushay, the beforehiand lotion, large bottie. . 49c. ~ M'r. aniM1s.> Fri 1- cIm11ci, neani Chan Speed Coat Seif-Poiishing Floor Wax, Raymod i-ont hnrsdy evenin -1nsiiper, pint tin .............6e i- s.Aile,', Pters. Mss Slman, 'f Eniailln ~ DiaondS Batteries, give good service, regular vistig er at-c, rs.Hîrr I size, eaeh ..... .............1e Boig.Leat1her Heel Potcorsaves s k n u* e ed ta berscîhool rsTreii nta n u- boots, per pair..................50e. Mr.HowrdRar-owlagh eftan Childrens Snowv Shov.eis, str-ongly buit2 sizes, - Fidy orNathBe 'he o s t ....... .......... .......... 2,C. and 39c. je dn eeiitta Sio1 ale entfehy roasted, red siçins, 1-2 l) 23e MsNalHadwaof Taronto, Blichied, 1-2 lb1. foù .......... ....... ... 25c. spet,thle holidlay with hbem maithier', Mr S. P.Toldaway Mr. f yril ýI1îj Miss ,1-Glara Daik pen te old-y -ee wthMm Hc-GROCERY FEATURES for rbýe ia Toronito, Ms. n-d rs.Amaad Tar-nykeCoupons valid January 9t>i, MefattIA67 aad5" Athr ews-maamd to "5 Minute" Creami of 'Wheat, 28 oz. pkg....... 24C. Bers v-e rNwYetis sdinnier 7 wvii ii d Mý. . renvlleFI-ett. Camp Coffee, bottie ............ ........ Mr. aild -s en Oughtreid -and Week-End -Special, Shortbread Cookies, 3 pkgs 25e nnapttihlflday wihem Iodized Sait, free-running, 2 lb. boxes, 2 for ... 15c. opa e ný ,Iv. alnd(l Mrs. Va-nuatto, lofi 1edl Canned Bologna, tin ................ 25c. Mr. îadMris. Shields, afMun ami , t in ............ ...........35c. Pleasanît, aad M1--W. Nchlî, f ee, Part Hloe, at Ms. aad Mrs. Carroil We-IEnd Special- Aylmner Green Pea Soup Nicîhols'. 3 tins for ,............. ........... 25c. Mr.LraneDnaof 1Tarante, Texsun GaefutJu ,20 o is 2 for- 2,e .j~~~ 3,* a~~ndo Miss; Leciaa eightoni, of Ham- GaerJ uc, oztn,...2e dl for hiUm ilton, vi'si'ed with i parents, Mm. Canned Fish, Mackerel, tin.............. 32e. -nU rs. dC egh o.i1 I Ail Tea and Coffee at the olci prices wile our stock lïlie- hiniily spelit Newý Year's D fay ini Part lasts. Hop ît thleho e f-MI.. and i-S. 1.China M "V C W r . . aas.)1s < onu Stpies efome Wsiy-RONO 5t'%. TO $1.0O STORE devastated by the illeeidentis bicnrtlaei Hi detfr ioth 01 pa-ilceleret' Ilg.s93dbbdYOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Mr.aend 2Msls. Siimon Broeog -'aI ý Mr, ail Mrs. lira-id Ba-irrw- t. are farmers. Mil- cloug-h aniBilly spent New Year's od, clothes, meDay wi'ihMr, aniMrs. E(1g11-Bar -_________________________________ ending; volnrow Iloue ahualof th[IL Motor Eqiinent Private Amb~ulance a must d lersIhare.shalt seboard -Mr. Wm. l* Ma son, iFtes 21' (ias f faithful s tinin favaur of Mm. Leoniard Ougli- N rh uta dSnt Mv C. a-iMs .Tanyeet Funeral Direetors alid Furniture Dealers calls10- <YOUI tarnledMvý. andiloIrs. Ci ofPortaand KINDNESS COUwRIFS17 SERVICE 'H-op)e, andi i -. PalinE, Petets to Znase dinîner a ,lMontday, Decemnberl Equipped to take eaye of the iuodost 1tunral at the Most