~andidates Run .th Unit Makes Laest]1 is During Dec. 0ofl0 Cemetery Board Hlolds Anual Meeting ,ne 'aiual meeting cf' the Or-ono m'112eery Co. washeld M'ondywP'Il v,ery sm~a-1 i tÉeicIane 2present. The lection of directors re-suted it- H. J. Souchel-. s. -E. J. lHamm. as.- Chas. F. Awde. s - le~ss.R. R. Wd ['illar, j. esrnO J. D. Browýn and A. Gil- the' financial state- Receipts hand froiim 1945- curaI,- ---- ---- ------- igginîg...........-"- - tions.............--- 05bonlds.... or hand ---------- uni baank..... in Bank! 779.53 20).05 75311.88 726.78 $ 3226.78 $18,500.0O 2,856.62 IReve Noi The 146 ecorýds o(f se-d ptt s ligtht gineese o iert 'i eviKus year la194, a ota1o.2,168acies.- werýedpAssdlo\VCid y iýspe cia compaed .wtfls 117 ,cres n 194. Gree-ni, M\ountaini, 81 ac-res e1a,go. 48 acres;:RralNuw Yùrker,144 acres; .Warba, 21 acres; Rur-al Rus- set, 6 acre, and other valletiels,2 Thes-e recor-ds heve beenmd av 1 vl b J. W. Scýanli,ýl Assist,. alut Cief, Planit Protection Division, Feerl IaartmenLt o 0 c1tue ot a na. They are madea-up inr thr'ee grds Ceiflce , Founidation A. and Foun-dhionu, accorddng - te freedom fromi disenase, pirity to varipty, vligor mdIX ability lxi prolue higIs quality p 0otat1ee-,S. Co01nr1pilet ie lists o f the gÏrowes w,,fose fiellds have been pass- ed miay be ecuied new, ither from Mi-. Scaneil at he boyaaddes,, or, frôm arcutralrpreseitative. Tb.e Crons iSaad injWeeds ani Anoouniced By Adjutaretsin the dc, ing pries for pork =!î uets efctive jan. 15 hA Trad Bord.Th eseý were rnecessary f110%w crease of $2 per 100 pc United lKingdom hac pAce. TIevote fci- tIse new and (lDu hem liwas1 h Il -1o Tnes-ay te i Pliiers ur t1le Cunl iwlen eeve 1Norisi -ývigv1 Tow ýn sip1, was e 1 at teoengssiofo cnuu is. Ward1(en Green reý(-ecie Peeve E. 1Woo".d. TIsa naw aniber of fth niumcîp i Sis, dautigh Pli llip1)s of ;lInîni of Oroi tlis* îiev. jc St. Paul's o urchl, at ee pection of res- n -with licensing - w' "vas continueri Iail kn wnras ie n sin g h a e CollaCtedý- for an- water cleie 57. mid Pïesc(hOIbl lursas made (20 or health sup)er- Il 60C rechi î offices.,2 baie ir parvenilts- for aîdCorferenc"e e-, 0 Canadiân ider Nursingý ar., before for inursing service. mi.arize thec whole siuto ,lly: thne esýtimated total ýe of Prfisoîinursing i iii allrnce of thse nur-> rvice now s-tanidsý at 8.7«00.0 f 'ositas:1,200 are need mIe,7,000 are ineeded lanil private duty field. and -500 are Couil' ommo111da- fo ap- s n eed fer a educ-ation, Thse ienitifl-c adcn r advances ln lbas become ,2a pounîn for re5asis anccureil pora csa three to six cenits for C o oke pr cuts and four to saven cents fIr smioked bacon -1with Corresponîdi g ad-. justmenits for other, poric products. Officiaispoint out tHatcoied ad smokid cuts of pmrk pouk facy meants andlard wiii carry tire great- est price increase wth prices oýïfit,, mo)re s n r, ilidcus va, ying oal- Clghtly. The Beard also annoueced an up- ward djsusn in maiximum rîe of pfosirk a 13(1c omm iercial sau1e wienrs and bologna effectiv a Boecause picsof iraw imaterýials, hn va ii Ieosd e iL e xteat that it is unolonger possible to produca thee iproducts at thse existing ceili-gaý Boaird ffcilspoint oLit thl-atthe ad- wusn ,et ns ncessaryIo. LikewiSe t,1w cotof 1labour, nuplid, ia- fterials forl. kgighsînrae substa-ntially over tMse leels o which seeitinbg ceilgs awerSbas- ed. This incrcnse, together, with ad sult ilun a nr nat thse consumner leveil cf apprnimnately ýsiX cents per, pou 1 onpork satge, ieners arsd booia nd serais oncents per po-urd for. commerclalusausages. o- Shoots VWolf On CA, AR T'rack Near Newc-astle0 Th'le u>ild life- of' the north country taire a hi-gchIclwrnthy van- trire dlowni nito tile tickly populated pýý ottnofOitario. it is very slo that a -wolif is seen iu tis disýtrict. On SaIturdîay last, Jauiy1, ea wolF wans shot On fthe C.PR. tracks about 11-aîf a mile wstor tIshe b ayat Necstle, by Mr. Ainsleyý. M.T nibl-yn, tise scotiion foreman of the C.P.R. at Newcastle was going alonîg thretracks whan ha notice thés éiimal and vamae to the Conclusion that it waS a wlstrayed 'taosýt liLely fron tire north couintry in serhof fooc. Mr. Tamblyn haviag ne firearini ecnred threhelp Of Mr. Ainsley and the wolf ians fthan .Soon dispmsed Of. Tise wolf was taken intoNecs te and was displayed A0tepbi iin the doosway of the Applance Store of Mm.r Aiken, aad (1 rua I ea nj- of exciteinreI n ti tIevil- havst mian, Aý,t the ilarige 'e-etinwilie Swaaheat roes d f arn. A unhwaýs semved frons thI b shwJr., of Leveliand, _Mi- Sý, Mlc ips, a1 -Mit Mr ottand Ms usî ekr For 1tire hedig ip 0t roue, So utir the bnidia wor)ie an or bonsuit wtha mink fhat, s orhi ùcrsage. Il a 1c&eý wpres of bren n rluiaor TIse couple will marke ilbe r1 is Ourono tao , Cain a. St. Saviour's Church Affnual Vestry MW iii the ari s all on, Moixday irg, Ja r 2tlth. The congregattion wa sver reprmeeted despi-e thse var agigc reporits were rvaceive the var:ious ogaofton chrc adsouind Fusncial The CHollPig bofers werec for 1947: iReciors Wrsd-n-Mm1%Geel Morton. on and Ge, velope Secý xas, Ont