Dr. W. W ctures and Saturday LE PRINCESS" D orcthy Lamour ~4Ray Mýillanid "LITTLE -MISS BIG"' ON. and TUES. :Lttie Girls lu Blliet VJitk Vivian Bl1aine, Ge-orge P4otgomnery and June Haver (Color) WED. and THLIRS. «RACE IN HEAVEIN" M FOR SALE Purebred FOR SALE,,7 'coupe with Rqu mbMie ou. hone52 r11, EXPERT REPAIRS R. L. MYLES Phone 79 r 4 - ORONO RADIO REPAIR To ail mukes el Home and Car Radios. ,Aeriais Lnestnfled. Work Guaranteed Reasonahie Rates H-. DUVALL Poo54 r Il Leskard - Ontario 1 GIBSOIN'S BARRED ROCK~S Buy youoe Barred Rock Cicsfrorn ail relioble 1ong-estitb1ish.ed O.B.S- Breeder IiatcJhery of over 10H0 b4ood- tbeted birds. ýF«r bred-in livability,1 early an~d continiuous production <cfi large eggs, dvt vrlook our stra4n. Take your cb-'eks a onth cearliet if POSIIjY le. Ratches- weekly. Write for cimcu1ar and price list.,11 inquiries araweý"red prornp'iltly. Donald E Gib- sn, ~ owmnllOtar-io; ?hone j Clar~ke 3511. tf. 24. conrne Gouneil Cha ander tihe a I-nstitutc. A wolblank& luchSer'Ve4 0rarne Do-Laval Junior Cr'eam Separatooe, usdjust a ah'-ort wh i e. $45.00 Bob Hanoick, P¶honie 4 r 13, Orcnoû. NOTICE Fl eu ry Biss011 D-ouble T'rai-,tor Disc-s will cornàe throug~h about fl!4arc(,h in thse saizcs,- 14xl.16,212<4 an~d l0x12. Early onJers receive pre- f erence, also tractor plows , Levrr HJarrowsý. Apply J. . motjoy, R. R. No. 6, Bowmanville, phone 2503. MUSIC LESSONS The winter terrn bèlgins th is week. Elarol ruow for piaru or bheoýry lez- sýoïs with a qualilied, experTienced teacher. Students prepared fer Tor-l onto Co'dratry f uedc inations in ýFebruary m-d June. mrm W. C. Lynch' 'MAN WANTED Man wh enjoys outdoor work, toi learn eeand Fur -Farndng. Yeaoeiý rounid eniyen.Pernanem. posi: tAon to t7fhe right party. Don'tlý et the bees scaîe y3noa; w- have suy.wiedà. C. Rl. KNOX' Box 19,Ooo 'pSfrtage Ceainues i teuthera Ontario With the crit.ical shortage of power continuing in~ Southern Ontariol' it is most necessary that everyone co-operate in saving ellectricity. The ineed is urgent. It affects the welfare of everyone. Do your part by saving, electricity by every means at your comamand. THE DAILY PERIOD DURING WHICH SAVINOS SHOULD BE EFFECTED IS DETWFIEN 8 A.'M. AND 8 P.M, AN» CONDITIONS ARE PARTICULARLY ACUTE NET WEEN 4 PU.D AND 7 P.M. NElE #AU fSD4MW Of MEWAFS MYDU Wl ELP 19TffNM Turn off ights when nef required. Use the minimumq number of lights ii tho iving-reoom, consistent with good vision. Use electrically luted water sparing.ly and check leaking hot water taîpe. Do net Use range elements on "high" when a loeor heat will serve, and turn off ail elenients ais soon as possible. Cook oven meals as oftuu as possible and avoid th. unnec.ssary use of surface eloments. Turo off verandah and other outside lights. Turn off CHl umail appliances ais seen as possible. Do not use electric air heaters and grates, M à#4lE .N OF/E Eliminate the use of eloctricity for signs and store windows from 8 a.m. te 8 P.m., Turs of ffal lighits when netf required. Use e1ectrica1lt heatled wator sparingly and checloaking hot water tcips De not use electric air heaters. 19 f NDSTIEJ perotions wherever pracfiable, Dlights wbien net needed. Fhnes wluen flot reqvîd cand effect other $avings wherever lighting. Of ONTARIO OSe. 688 LA. Homue 5 W. F. WARD BARIKPïTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phonos: - OMo. sà2b Riunee 4" E0WMANV1LLE, ONT. ~VETFERINARY DR . .SHERWIN VETWRINARY SURGEON Pfiee ..l6$la 7, Ore J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automuobile TOUR MANIYFACTURERS LIFE wKill giadly %"t inl pland~Lug ginancini seurity for orK au' your family.' DANE FOUNT> Monuments The. RU1'FER GRANITE COMPANY phone 601 - P.O. BoX 629 Port Hope. Ontario Monuments, Gravemnarkers, Engiraving, GoId1.eafig TED JACKSOÎN Auctioneer and Valuate Ceudutta Auctlou sale. ed aH mime and at reaffenable rtes Commnict. with him et ?mi petr,, hart., -or soo big clerli, h. E. Mortom. Et Oro,%*, fordat.. JACK REID Licenh.d Auctioneer and Valuator Spocialize i Farm and Fur-niture Sales Conisu1t me for terme and dates Phonue 1620 Clarke Do You Know That, for a Mi age tw.uty-four, Tb. Iniperlal Lf suaCe ou. paiy wil guaraite. Ma fauly $5,000.06 ini oent of hMa d.ath .prleo te age sixty, for bse4ten 21% sud 31% ef fluat amant ye&rly. A4nd If 116 lres to age sîxty, -the Compaup WI puy bMm iiï.$5,000M. Why tuot coneuit your 10«1 repre.osntative F'RED LYCET te ste what a pln uclas tW8 va do fer you? YORK'S TAXIS" 24-heur Service Trips to Toreste o-fry Thuruds7 0101<0