0ay o 'Fi'd Mevicrenon r Ulserai at 2.00 p.11-. on 19H, with inter- in Y'elverto-n Cemie- CARD OF THANKS 111 o wislh te expr-ess my heartfelt <If ' s Vo 11my many friendis and Mv. bors for their eniquiries, letters, 'Mi gifts, visita and kird offers towa ia thie homie turing my ilnes ene o ~Dr. G. W.- M eNeil, Poilt4Y- M for he kniservices._--'MarySu TrIONAL MEETING ,d CIrurcir nn eon- eetingi .vill be lelci or aiy 27tlh,co enir Y, Jalluary 2 .H.A.-Port, Hope vs qy, Jamuary 24 'ubhie Sciro lktingl. iractice. Public saig ýy, Jai-uafry 27 lulic Schooi ktig ollege vis Bowmnanviile. :e arid Juivenile. )y, January 28 rhckey. lay, January 29 tr! 30 selection of items suit- ssive Card and Bridge ,tractive Bridge Tallys. NO, Ontfarlo, STORES ES IPRUNES 1 50-60 1 21c .2 Ibs. oice Quali ty. . box SFlour .,98 bs. [othes......pkg. an~d Saucer. pkg. .~tin r...........pkg. . 24 oz -tin J>orterhouse Steak or Roast lb &19C 17C. Ilc. $2.90 25c. 29c. 13c. Mec. 45C. 1.0c. 525C. Small Link SAUSAGE lb 35c, rida Celery.....2 stalks 29c. nach........... .... 2 'bs. 29c. .ist Oranges, 2S8'ý ... 2 doz. 45c. 'I Our Large Sele4 CARO For Any Occi Colemni&1 Co. Phone 89 sb4. Cooper, Toronto, spent the k-nid with lrs parent'; -Mr. and S. F,. COoper. iss ýAudrey Billings, Toionto, nt the week-Pnd wiith Mr. and ý ;C. W.,ilngs 'enry Leamen hasý left for- Tor- 0 hr he hes zsecured1 a poslil'i i tihe Genera] Electrie. i's Anna Staples and girl friend, 'olnonto, spent the week--end with ard ýMrs.M. H. Staples. r. J, mes Nixon, of Bowmi-alvi le, Sin town on Tu'esday afteno winig old acquatintance. ri. and _vfrs. A Hetfarris were day g-uEs'ts' aftnte home o,f 'M1r is. Olitrord CwaKirby. rs. Wilfred Froste left on Sun- !! last where s1he will spend 'a fewî sk viait with 'heïr brother in (o'rt4 r.,ini Mrs. Gien HWne, ck, o 'rbýý0oroh, ~e t'lie we-n hI aena Mr. and Mrs. Eg-er-- I lan C ock. r. J ck Arnott left coni ena of l'est week for Fort Qu'A-Jppel k.. to reamLne l'i-s position wili Depaýrtm'nt rl AgrÀ-icuLltur;e.. lsCaýro4 StapIea, R.N.w Toronto~ irai ilosnýpital. , nd girl friend. t Tu esday w i tl tVhs f'o rmiiieri',, niMr. -,nid M-s. _M. H. Stap1esz, fajor and l~.Ronaild Crabbe, o-f wa, viaiqtedl wi h Mr. ai Mrs. 'enrce Duncýan, and brOthier Mr. 'dCrrbe)p and wîfe o'ver the lass Edit!h Ca-ve1iaugh., of bihe teriu Hoptstaff, 7Toronito, wa s eelk-end viisitor at the hlom-e of andi O4rs. Lloyd Raneberry at rs. A. F. MclKenizie is in Sm1_ithf swith her Chfidren wilo were up with ba'd cold's contracteti ýn Dr. andiMs MKni were n in the Southern States. V4 'Ver h1as again set iin withia geance. The V-wo weeks of spvring, weather w'as br'ought to a close TLiLs'diay exrening wîien' the teïl-- uaire doeopped o Ic0 below zero, i'as Paulinie Sche'eier, of Billings, itana', îh visitinz with M,. and J. E Armtrog. M asScheeler) re.as a nurse in Japan, in con-V ion with t'ie American Armiei ,ices. ocn't forgett o attend the Junior key ganie at the local are-na ùon day evieriirgi, January 24th, ~e-, ,en POrt Hope an~d Oronýo. Gn il" dance will he -held d in~ ta nity H-1all, NewýýC'nstte, Thdaz-$J4day1 Ilin.g under t'ne aupcs ftei ýrd of Mainag-emnent. Russ Cte4igh- s Variety Dance BandtiJJ- zbe in Jr. and Mrs. Ross Stonehouse andi WaicOf Toronto, _Mr. Nornn Uion xith Ûtier qson and daug-hter -y andi Mild'red, and Mrs. F-red lon, o-f Peirytovu'. were Sunday ,ts of Mr. ani- dMirs. F. W. Truli. uiea number of the veterans at- Led the Zone Rai'ly of the a- nLegion, helti at Whi'tbyv on Fr1- 'evening of last w,ýeek. The i- tin the entertainmient was t'he ence of K'en Sobel and 'hia en- Laïers. r.- sdMrs. R. H. BFrown, Mr. 1Mrs. J. D.-Bror, Mr. and Nirs. ward Mlso o jýax, Mr. and S. J. 'T. Brown anrd famînly, orf New- lie, were Sunday dininer guest1s ofý iys andi ýveretz Brown iat Brow- 41S. H-arrisoln plans ';tO leaVe n'ext k for a vstw.ith her sister, Mr. mond, Ottawýa, She alýso hopes V o it her brothe'rs, Mrv. J. R. Stanley Manotick, aod Mr. lEari Stanley Rushand vwiilbe a'ay wo or ~eweeks. ?athleen Marie staples, dauglter' the late Mr. anid Mrs. A. J. ipes, 'Orono, was uniteti in mar- ee ia En-tmmue-l Coilege, Tovontor,, Jantsary 9tJP, to Dr. DavitiL eslie ikenzie, son oe the late Mr- an'd ,.J. A. maCkenzie of ncdne he Oshawa Sk.iing Cl1ub a" ong th mnembers fvom anitn 'nr to and Ajax Clrubs, 'and sorne from men, enjoyed .skiin'g at Brima.it ibe bHl on Sunday 1ast. Thres is one casua'lty wlio was taýken tO îýos'pitai suffering frornbod-yla- res. 4i Ou Sunday aiterrioon, J'anuary 10. enew executive o0f the Bwun le Brandir of the CanadianLein t for the purpose of arýrani lx cot'te O carry on tIre rl-k oa theleg'ion for 194 Î. .It w-1s Thur., i ri - Jan. 23- Hlerc's a IHoney nf a Hit" "iBREAKFAST IN HOLLYWOO] with Tom Breneman plus Susannma Alan Foster Curt is Turbian Bey "1FRI1SCO SAL' Saturday, Janiuar- Wally "1GENIUS AT BI(R 1EDDI Short PARK ST. Rever.ui Mialot SUNDAY, JAN. 11.00arrWosp "Temuperance". 2.30 p..4uc S Orono Plumi ..............................4 p........... ROY, T'HEKI <11%. j" T - cgg(w"- ff