first sign of a cold, doiwt-wait u' kepbut treat it with one of E tie listed below: ged Tyrýrelî's Bronehial Syrup, guaranteed reli tem oini cold, larg-e size --------------------- Lý 0 rd, - Buckley's M ixture ------- ---------- - lere Tyrrell's Horehioùnd and Hloney Mlixture. riol, and healin-................ medium - - - - - - sia e oiLy VV kl1t115 Uinem wViI away. WCrIno GoalI, Mope ;de ePa e1sécund l Mno;C, R0nde, . n b foui,1. W. rOWes, ai.,DC Enibly Joli Pspe,,Hon a M r. L w.,Shrion,1w. Wtmre , a01l it EepsîoTalor, d. MarkLýediei Burnettand harisonsub gli- Lf 1e re "ichr"Cro 1,ie 11o (hum) foed h Port Hoed bdgel at r'ý the l u oailn hreb te scoe oi thefirst periord by2 o t Orono goa~L4'igscr, $2~OO pkg. .15e. ..,~,. 42e, : ill 1beuat t h e ponit Fil p hast roogolof tHli, Medhust ~oredfor Pýý sooeffo.t. Marlivin un n h Por ~Upegoal, and ÎtI erinfor thle Oro-io Hope scored to goals, being, deflected ilito' the FOund's siate. J~ORT H' The seca nas be'iwa Newoa te 10 Wlfl Vo 1. hi by, 1Jev"n S,- Prunes, t ~Roquefor =t- 18c. and