MRS. L. REID ORGNO, Ontario EPARN ers of the Sixth Li noct have to go norti On Mvonday afternoo a 'lre, doe was !rocs faine of the by ail reports tihep ag ay timle in m'e ]ERS Local Ne.-ws a Mije',s Adele Mor tonTnt, spentca ie of over the wee-end 'with her pr N Sto Mr. and iMrs. A. E. Mor ton. oifl 0f M anid -Mrs. Stewart, of lthi, West, Seenl are visiting with thle latter's brother, Sixth Mr. and MVrc. Wni. Reid. doe Mr, and Mvrs. W. M. Stutt celebrat- ~.ig ed their 9h wedding anniversary on Wednes;day ILut.- Cha s. Cor-ne th your famnily to c'hurch. g o- A toic for the day, an inspiratiion by a for the week. deer Mr. MCGOwan1, of Tor-onto, Was ra-burîed in Oronio emyetery on Satur- Which day afterncon of last -week. end s you e bUtl Mr. Carlos Taikblyn, just e t of Orono, aise saw the doe, it racedl :rom the east across bis fairm and went into tihe orchard formeriy own- ed b--y lMr Chmara, thon turnied airound aa,ii and headed 1b-ck eas' he 'way it c ime.,'By the timie theýy raveliled ten yards' to get a look at the deer it had travei'led across , three ieilds, taking the f ences wiihi ease. Mr. 'George AMorton and Mr, 1Johni Stonle al,'o saw the doe cross thleir, larms. These amis' whichi are very wild certain.l'y bring a touch cf, the northi ouritry dlown to the thickly populat- Mr. C.13. T rreldturnedý' home S io-day (Thuisday) after spending a couple of ýdays in Tor-ontio. Arcund .Jfifty dollars was colected fçr t1ieChnaReief Funid, andÀc the mnoney has beer sent away o help xith the Chbinese cause. ntee Eve ycu any vsitors at your homree? If so, let the Times know. ,IV takes buit a minute o phone 9 r 1, cW g-îng us you' per-sonals. 1h. ".4<a#nec441 Q4/ S happe" ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS We can make you an attractive bouquet fé<r 25cf, 50C. and up #RED & WHITE STORES PURITY Vitaniinized ROBIN IIOOD Ail Purpose APPLE JUIICE QUICK OATS FLOUR with Cup & Sauü"er 24 lb large tina 0kg 75c, 33c 29e_ Wagstaffe's Orange Marmalade... jar 35c Ingersoil Cream Cheese, Pimento. pkg 17e Kraft Roka Cream Cheese.....pkg 19e Prunes, 70-80 19C Glenwood Diced Beets .... 2 .tins 19c Frosty "Ice Cream" Mix........... pkg 10e .8 Choclat, Malted Drink t~ OR~ Easy lTO Prepare t UK ~Healthful39 Dates ý....... 25e Apricot Jam..........botie 41c "Our Best" Baking Powder f...., in'19e Aunt Jemima Buckwheat Flour...pkg 19e Itaian Lemons, 300 .........dozen 29c B.C. Delicious Apples......6 for 25c. TRY The Canada Breadi ButermlkLoaf -Fresh Salmon 29c. Stea .k lb. oysters, .jar 59C.1 D-Km àum 9i=C Torointo, parental Mr.Fred Kelly, who has heen in che BowmanvielleHoptal for the pest week, returned home on WVed- nesday lad. M-iss Margariiet Wathen, of Tor- onto, is spendiing a couple of wee ks' visit with MrV . H. B-'rrett and Mrs. CPare. We are pleased to see Mr. Jas. Eagiescn cut agIaiafer being con- ined to thie house the pnst t-wo weeks wxith a bad c'od. MUrs. R. H. Brewn wvas taken, to the Bovwmanville Ho spitai whe're she underwent' an operation, and' is now doing uiely. Rev. Geo. McMullýen, Prof. of Pub- lic Spe2 kinig und Dramnatios at Vic- toria Colege, Toronto, deivered a splendid' 'address at Park St. Churchi last Sun'day miniing and at Kibyl Churclj in the afternoon. Several carloads of workers bound for Bowmiariville, *saw%7a and othier pintsýý experienced difficulty with the siiow blockted Ihiglhway 'bet'ween iOrono and Newcastle ew1y last Monday mornig. The Mat flepartment of the Me- tiîc Art Produets CO. Ltd, le now operating five days a week under the new mngmn of E. R. Woodyard, having commn-enced production a,,s moon as it mus purchased. Sine-ere s'ym-pathy is extenided Mr. and. Mrs. E. G. .Hay, Bowman- ville, in. the loss of fheir infant daughter, "Judith Arn, ho piaseed away ýi n te ;Sick Childre"s Hcoapi'tp, Toronto, on Saturdlay, 4February 8tb, aged 5 days. The regular~ Park St. Y.P.U. meet- ingwa heldt on MondIay, February lotih. Whlere are al Orono'e. younig peope spending theïr Monday even- ings '!We wudlike Vo cetherst corne an-rd make Our Y.P.Ut, .imeetings worth -while and interesting for aIl. M1r. Le Roy Brownuï, *f Cliatonl, whbo was attending meetings in Tor- onto in conneoti with arclue Spent !Sund'ay no'th hie parent, Mr. and !Mrs. J. MD w. Le Roy says we have no ýsnow hLïre to -what they have in the Clinton district. SUýnd!ay night ,Stanley Cara of-Kirby, Iipped on sonueie at his home and broke two smialbones lm one cf hie ank-les iand ba&ly seplinter- ed another. Mr. Çhapinan sipped met doutside of lis bouse.lHe was taken to Oshawa for an x-ray and the bones rwere set on Wednesday, The "Youth For ýCrist" menceting pnedfor iast Satuirdaky evening 'bas been postponed until sometinve in MAarch. Weather conditions and tranýp'or*,Aton problem mcletis myove Advieaible. Particulars ocf the jMaroh meeting will be ptblished later. There ise Vo be a PresbYt-erY, ePOn- sored Vaent-ine Party at Kmi St. United Cbur e, Oh'a'wa1, on Mbsxday, Pebruary 17iih, at 8 p.eni-. Yo u ng people are askepd to my-eet at thie c'huirch at 7.15. TËhis is a go)od o;p- portunity to introduce your friende Vo- Y.P.]J., so brin.g them along1i We talke tiis opporturity to comi- pliment tihe Orono Police Trustees,ý on' the fine, m-arner in vbich they had the -now remnoved frm the buiness section cf our Village. 'Tbe banike a'long mrain stmeot were from fve Vo,, six feet higbi efore VIe remnoval.M. IParrow Was eploedwith 'bhis email ovred ehovel ard in a couplie of days the snow w;,as trucked away. 'The Orùno idetHockey team lwere defeated by Ajax on Wh.itby ice on Tu-esday evening last by ithe score of6 to 2. Up Vo ten innutes Vuo the end of the game the score stood at 2 aIl, but the Ororo team-t ble'w deoper ,ýintosreang t te es and AjaxSecored foUr go-ais, losiig 6 Vo 2. his je the firet gaine oIf the playoffs. The return gaine wil be piayevd in Orono Arena (tonligbt) Thu-,rs-day, Feb.l8h On-- Friday eveing of last week aftier the hockey garine witfh Wb-itbry, Veyoung peo-ple 'of the town de- cided "it wa'S time Vo ciae v r Mrs. P. 'M. Lu-nn. They arvda thie hom1e ard -were Invited inVot)n joy a social tiinie. The boys wiere givein a 111gbt lunch-1, and wbletbs wae being mace, the boys turn'ed ,their bande and m ind o ihi ilnd by Vueý' ti-me th!ey deparoed, it W' ild t+t a vlo-ri- hard ctruck For Phione DI( Cartoon in Clar Popular science Short Saturday, Febr. 15 The Worýld's Favorite Adventure story! A Fabulons Tale of Dange-r and Darîag I "lSWISS FAMILY ROBINSON" Freddie RBartholomew, Tlmn 1HoIt, Thomas Mitchell. Cartoon AISe Fox Late News Techiiicolor Cartoon Shorýt - Post War Rra s. lttlewoed miiiimtef serîes: Wh: Selieveàand 'V Il. Some Fi lief s. 2.30pm-Gu trial plaints Oro 'Pi New I I I -~ w- - P'hono 9 ril