2-4 ES CHICKS R. Havey &Son. [il 25 YEARS îi),g heu thev il 1 ', du 1cs., uyr eari asý Caf a- POULTRY-KEEPERS Buccse i raiin babyhick sfo is our aI-afsi'te csoa witbchika afcad romal breet- et ies pulrmtset.Wit o oII 1947 pries li and catalogue, Monkton Poucty Farms Monkton, Ont, GOOeD CHICKS PAY BS Reati wl làlr.BrdhsifJlI ette, Que., esys aout aurchke AMPr tu, 19-"'he 298 chiek re. Scsivei- 1 splendidecudiion, no nue da d oto i ns diedj sinc. Tey are tCe masi vignrous buncb of rhideg 1 aven rscéived andi 1 have been hanIHng chieke for over 40 yeasmY s Order oow aud gsi the hast. Hers are au nrca atrred pnocl hmîxd, bacrri. Nlixeti. $10: oles 100; Whlite ïRpck Mriset $1,0 Pilets., e'5 "l~: Emaçn eghomu tuxed' t14 00:; PilaîsF, 12.10; Hsbrids tRock-rfIed Mxd $20:Putïete, $2300: Ilybrit leghorn-itork Mix- td, $1,0 uit,$5Ci ou alSO * jeîpt free cnicks. Ultdr h c t. chiery tritnnia Pighls. Onut 100 CHICKS FREE With ý-ery orde'r Of 1(10 pul;lel %hckve give 1('0 t7ica .olk our $'415 Whitle PiscIs. PluI1LE'i $25.95. Whiile lwghoru NOUiaS $24.15. Brw 1- ~ br o' n liai Legiloi [ed- s Rork Elyvhds, tA1,5 Lghorn- Roc HN!ariao $C5.95. Ail chîicas fbsc1c by Ngth 6etitrced. sock. Si (10 bsookîs you rotien B lnce CAYI.l (uarantepd Del ive'Vy -Ken! l<tch- Y4 ry, Cbaiham. Onitail. ! 1)g s it io, n ot a s i gce re-ac.týor il -Au I Mixe d mIc. plets (_, eaeh. Wieyour ordgi r laIton'ce.Ha- I OUCAN GMT A HEAD 8TAUT iIf yu purcase core 0fouur twc, and Ouros week cîd tarted chicks. ed, puilets o cokGr..Send for reduced picelt. Aiso0layng ai d re-aciy to iay puat.Top otc.h Clsikeres, ueih, nt. 3 & 4 WEEK 0OLD CAPONS 1- p Is o rai.,Papos.The price igheIr ta Ho, prîc,ýeto okeas Prcsof havbred 3 wea o(ICIici t Mers lt *2,c;to MayL11th 2e.; after M4ay 3th 3e.Prompt delIiv- .ary. Order troum this ad. ýor send fori, prt!uIrsLs vew Pnul- livei, iyand pi.Theýy aethe e sulite ftonr-oe ear1s of cars- fui ,1>i slecin reigin O r.S.The havatobe go, haaus w wn he er hs kind of chesfor ïouror ick 'l'Cos sbred s, Write for ree erativ ProdceComany, imited, tar In ky guarantsed to lilvachicks fromcf. bioodsstsd puiloom frs han. Chike!ud h'by 030 egmaies, wh lh egg rcrsfor pi tan, gsnrains Tel iherited egg iayngahlii'added to thirextr hsaith ard vigor nmake thm the hast ehi,'k hra'aiî, to,, 57VTt BREEI>ER HATCHERY 0F 5000 breeders1 ti le ot tnpia;ytobnok Four eikefr 97 ohaasus of gttig Lkevaw'suer lut", ad bh '51000 heospur brde nd al eai.Cimekestartad thanso bigs ris. Send 'îfor Prie' Let ouryGuide hih eleouho tA raies beitr puliets io o mpcaIancaw tTy pe Qusàen- Promp deivarymLake iawPoul tion guaranteed. PrAUred fer XBaregRok-ixdtae Ptiite22, Ccereia l, Ailhlg vailblmno. nclseadand le par' hck apsi, blane ('D ennm acar'& Polr HAVE TOU A MiNG "niED dyea' ig or lasi rt 0u ELCRICAIEQLTIUEN berSnEsk, Ci<nF,:Cc.-de ressorin,. a.C, or tIC.amotors ai size, '25or 0dc. hEleetricyhlf KV.A. Oas angine naraorplats aSo WINbalaRnceS. 612- VitArcoedgs inesr Wormn rteucind eae.Godieýn pumpe aloCmpateerlerePump,,lng1 4.rmArs.llance EW.,latrie or Ltd. 107 Beaer Rilili. Mont-, neai, or ieDerefOffc. aif ance. Witeý todray. James Grant &, poncs onp tahryTibe ry stmok.Saond or catalog. Mai'- famNursary. Gaiqt, Ont. PUR COATS PROM $,52, Ez R $5.30up.Mufe.alokaa.other bar- gaine.Wc ip. W., Thie Fur~- riiar. 127G usnW., Toronto. leaf tohacclvo. Larg pRsdor Ha- vans, 01j. .84 etsý. paýr pouind; 'Obourg or Rose Qasosl,0.94 ts. per pon;Small aain 12 e po i. Sippati postpatd. Specifyi f mîlOor stroog waoad. N. Laodry & (Co. 32 t.Ctern L. sf HOME1ý 1ý-M11AUDE RAT11'I"AM, N W idas, ehap, safaefficint.30? dollar fr plans to buiid your owui LINOTYPE FOR SALE conîplata with otor,gapofn 425 7 AdiadaSt. .,Toronto. NVE T T1 I-IUNIS Raisuprts.andtost equlipmel'nt- nfr ain for,,i,. stamp1. PEconomi'k "NEW POT TYPE QUEEN usa thsewlth otitstaniding pner- fomace ook 010wvfor Vnr adsr'Sprting dlvey e ca givepropt alieryif Nyou acf NEW 2M 4AP'EEw EsTING- b1ouse aireraf[ ge luos nfc forEeStieti...crtns. Mkasideai jI5r ekhwkDîsrîutusBo Engîns, ~4.l0, lectrc ihing ur4,rTTiret ON,30 p7l BILERAND tOK-, ar for sa)r le. enreton arc turin, Gangatn, Ontarn. EETEADTIRESAL IZ. SHE, Fýri T4CAFT Ii>PIE LEAIN'rE I'1EESand AN nes its 1$,,:.O.B.,i inc ',ludes com- pl!et i-nstrutos, inusrmaion su rin"sts. 5 ogeeliff lvd.To SUURANTPOPRT double grage lu 0 ono 114Acre TEC. E.WMATN LMAIIER atuet. .ManaadC. F0.Bo 14, amltoMnt SIN C E faimexp Send 889 Que St TRE"AT O Cn es Va ines le ts.1rea'c HAVE «d'OU F onsNuit El gin, JC1BE(A STIU'TEUING - CRRC sefcomplaeeIy. Anynu ý' WA-N T CDL 1Y RES1-1 milddi1 aaged ibache1lor ou)I mls froim to n , Ic rdiaaged widnwas b fou rWithpyr 1 prmet athwe refiont repair; b) christ ndru oo gdo isin.Rchstr FnEEtHIE tRIOP( nancialseurt I l T, ule monthe VET CANADIAN 1>7 AVEN-t L R COMETPH One Day M,0 ane,, ",oo ) Ani'Sz fo- We make printsYan frm print"s - of1- STAR SNAPSIOQ B,44) 129, Poest OîntI VEE ~,d- 4É& 9 Loi