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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Mar 1947, p. 8

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alifarma by biie rman- EC'itchlie. It coatains- n a id ,sstokedwithi ndf Sco h 5hrthorns nr 'frtBiibF-rm pecial uixSince thein wiil adertandthey de ia a hUrry. ng is pot basei on what vintisor but in generai Ita"miag "etods from thos t hoe. seem to be any acue' e and farm wagesare- cin Canada The aver- a's hibymcaie f ew stoaefclte eause, in England nt e motly futinastacks ater hey are baul- ns~~~~-l a!cvhehda e- le operations seem to er than they lre in ve have seen few cm al dryers are (requiel ceimIate. Grasnpruces er with wheat at $11.0 cens malting barley Ci Pl(. The farmeors are comipelleti to igro,, a peicentage of sugar beets, in certain areas. nToCaasbridge On flTi sac onigne vn by bus teofCi mbrî'dg, 60 mO ,-iles ýfromn Londo ant a1)eme -by r. Vin- c t n giutuaitct officer t-ok s rondlie Inv'rivfarnIn wve Saw Iarnulng u, naign ai ,ogethier they woik betweeni 9,000 andi 10,000 res. The' manager, Mri oprsoe -us, the stck UTey arebelivedto Ave tied est her&of miikingShort- tomis hinBrotas, abot 4M0in num- ber, anmitdey were a grand lot of dance of flesh. App l the Eng-I Iish breeder goes orýe for eidf averag1thanindjiIduI IIrecord'(s. One of the--ir bet ouxas 14 yerr is old, lthuhseddntio it, aind s-he had prod-ucetIabu15, 004 pouints of 4.47 per -ent ik.f bler best year Sýhe gave oretbn- 20,000pounds. Weather conditons kepitute cows conflned to thir Pshd, betde i to tCe knees itb long, carse straw whieh indicated ibte rank growthi they get in England. This bormalo has a large sable of Perchern atiltev brl-eet'Iannually heween 80 cati 100 mes of their oua. They had balh maie and fe- miale-iecampioins 1last year at -noýt of he leding shows. The Chiivers fairm isi-noted for thieir lar-Ige wlte vYorkshir-epi, one of thleir .gilts lastyarsiig nt auction foi, 400 guinýeas (abýout A Cattle sale Wedesdy mran wedroeit Re,Iing, ýa dsaneof som,)e 40 miles. Because f tb(etreme -cold me werelat la arrnvons ai a sale ~nf plirebred iGuernspYs a in O me~ ke tauction rn.This is svh-lere most of filhe large si o,0' giad are 1ef M and it is modem la every way. Sume very gond pries wore receiveci for the ciass of stock offereti. We thensdroe out tothe stock ar- tificiai nsmnaio tation 1 e mi!es from twn.This isonie the 1i.rgessttainof its kýiýA in Bitainand serv- nnaa ofaCOut 15 mils rdis 1Te kapsvea Shotbon, aersey and Il1elteýin bils. otora aethe- populair daLir-ycttein Enigianti. W ýe wteeuccopaiel by Mr Buron, dfIlhe Salada Tea C. wlw ertert'ined us at tea beforeè returai- ing to Lon-don. o $15.00RECIvED 5P AR I PA-'RtK BOARD DRIVE Between shovelling slow anti try- Ang ta keepthe homse warmanidt one Mhl Cha-sdg tIno her up andi do~wn yor back, it' etty bard to imiagine being ini the parkt akMing a Sun bath or siting la tue shade of a tree trying to keep cool, andl wat cl- ing tje boys and girls puay bail with the prespiration sram gd ow n their faces,, Accordig to te erendar spring wili arrive on thie 2lst of March. and shortly after that every'ody CHllbe cuttinig grass andti th kids will be getting out their simin uits, bail1 equipmîent, tennisý. rac1ketsý andi fîlshing poles. Pprpicnic dse wHii lie back in stle andtineighbors and frientis 01ilibenmeeting again v'witblrut havino' to rap aitute fronit door of uheir hms A park is r w'oad(er-fuL l istitution fori vr' oy The O 'rono iaruity aoiiPakbiasto ever-ybod w',\ith1io n fourmilesoe jOro'1o10ani it's .jut as fruee as thýe air, you bete but it costs miloaey to keep up a park, 50 ail you do your share b1y leaving your subsýcription withMissAimaCutteIýinl lVr R . R adelsoffice, or m[ail your chleque to tihe Oron ConmuityMeMqoial ParkBoard far- of dntosreceivetiby io iOrono Communitv i 1 - Meorina Park: Bo ý idsthi die for. furdI V. T. Miliel- [11. E. Arrns .rA Ifom s R. R.Wade C. B. Trril Oý . W. ,11Rolp II TonibertatWe$1 Toitrry Grady.......... Dr. W W. Serw0 R.ad' A.4 oreter........... un Jas. C. Tamblyn. orded [s to 5.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 1000 2 00 1.00 il 00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5,00 5,00 1.00 10.00 10.00 c Clds o Bekey'sMixtre,"-Acts likie a Flash-a single sip proves it" ........ .......... 40c. and 75c. Tyrrel's Bro.nc-hial Syrup, f ast and reffective, plasnttasting, bottie ...... .......60C. iPertussin, for cough and w,,hooping couigh 5e 99ü. Tyrrell's Ilorehound and lloney Cough Mx tumc- re, s not uLpseit' the stomach, ieal for children's eough, bottie,. .. ..........49c. Certified Bronchiial, Mixture, 8 ounces....49c, THROÂT LOZENGES "Cillenta" Throat Lozengesqof Peni- eilin, bottie of 20 for......$1.6â Vick's Coughi Drops for...... .5c. "Suerets", box ..25c. Smaith Brothers . 10c. CHEST RUBS Four-Square Chest jýl-b ...... ..... 39 c Mlusterole, three strengths, mîld, me- dEium ami stronig. 35C. Vick's Vapo Rulb.. 43c. Buekley's White Rub for.... -.....30e, 50C Mentholatumn. 29e., 55e Phonte 8 DRUG s ByRum, excellent as an after shave or- for thie scalp, bottie ................20C. Russian Bear Oil stimulates the natural growth,, good forl dandruif, bottie.....20e. SPECIAL - Talcun Po-wder, giant 9 oiz. tins, Sweet Pea, Gard-,en-ia and Lavendicer, tin .... 19c. Sk.ytone Mliecerizedt Crochet, Cotton, colours of pink, blue, Red Americani Beauty, 200 yard bcalis, eachlý. . .ý. ..,.... ........ ...... *.-..à3o0e. DeLong: Safetyý, Pins, neyer rust, guardled couls, assorted sizes, card........ ... ....... 8Se. Ancestral1 Linen Pads, correspondent siÏze, 62 sheets, pad ........ ...............5c, SPECIAL -Keln Padls make washing or wa-xing floors easier, reg, price 65c,l, for,. 35c. Heather Linien Enivelopes, 25 in pkg .......... 10c. Food Saver. Waxeci Paper, 100 ft. rolîs ....... 30c. G-XROCERY FEATURES Coupons valid March 6th-Sugar S43i, Meat M175 Lyon's Coffee B'eans, fresh stock, grounid as you wishlb.................... ......4e Tender Leaf Tea, 1-2 lb. ....... .....45e Aunt Dinahi Molasses, 16 oz. bottles, 4 for i cou- ponl, 2 bottles........- - ý........... ,-»-ý...37c, Bee-Hive Corn Syrvup, 5 lb. tin, 2 coupons..... 69e. Sh1-eriff's Seville Orange Mmal,111ade, Scotchi re- cipe, 24 oz. tin, 1 coupon ..........39e, Shieiff's, Good Morinî-g Marmialade, Orange, Lem-con ia-nd Grape-fruit, 241 oz. tini, i coup)on. . 39e. Shelled Walnuts, fresh stock, 2 1-4 oz. pkg. 15e . Herrings in Tomnato Sauce,. 14 oz. tin.....19c. Liby'sBoiedDinner, 16 oz. tins, each ..,, 19c, D'Arcyv Dessert Pears, giant 28 oz. tins, 2 for.. 49e., Packaged Dried Peas, whole or spitý*,, pkg.. .1e JAVEX BOTTLES - The Javex Company are unj-) able te upl the dlemand ow-ing to sh-orýtage of bot- les. Brinig In youi r empties and receive 2ec. a ijottie. for them-. URONO 5c. TO0 $ 100 ")%STORE YOUTR POPLJLAR SHOPPING CENTRE Northcutt and, Funleral Directors and Furnitur KINDNESS COURTESY Equipped to take carce of the modest fï, reasO4lable charge as ,wef! as thie Most exacting Teehone - Office 668 . Residen( 1eleplione Collect Smiïth re -Deniers 'SERVICE largeut fand -e: ý523 and72 Bowmanville Ont. anu u e anti work Room Lots 0f Wallpapersu We have several room lots of Wallpapers at GREATLY REPDUCED PRICES, to elear bins for our New $pring Designs just arrived. Ask to see them. Agý2entI for Jackman Flowers C h,,arl e s B. Tyrreil 1 Orono, Ont. 1ý17lmlllm ýIllll

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