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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Mar 1947, p. 1

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Outnumber Rabbits At Hooper Voted Most 1 Plaver 0f The Juniorsi thes andimn tbint the on thleir rk dur in" 'will be Harold Orono Boy ScoultS- eoleetîon, under the~ Le Orono Boy Scous, ii Oonao 'n Saturday. This coiection xvii aeÉwives tinie ta ea es of saivge materini 'cted during- tie win- 1collection ta consia tresýses, sera'p metal, 1papers tied ini bundle, gooda. Place your uibin frnt cd youv xbnthe truck passes nissed. Program for W.M.SS Meet- ing BeingHeId In Oshawa M jszs Ad0,ela ïd(' -, arrison, United Charch Missionn1ry fromi West Cia i vili 'be the guest speaker at the l 9ti AnnuniMetn of the Osfiawa Pres-1 byterial of the Womans Missîonary Society of the United C'hurcht whichi iwill be held on Tuesday, March l8th, iii Simcoe St. Uniited Church, Osh- The reception and registration will be at 9.30 am.Theadrs of wel- eon-e will ha' given. by Mrs. A. D. -ornett. "Eyhibits frünm Depart- nients" will ba meantioned briefly by Mrs. Bruce HFarrison., Backstoc1k. The "Ii x Memoriami" Service xiii be condiucted.by 1Mes. 1M. F. KirLnnd and M'rs. G. Teiford, of St. Andraw's Cburch, Oshawa. The aifternioon session xiii open. wýith an OrganRi eital by Mr. R. G. Geen, orgainist of Simcoe St. Cha.reh, aýt .15 p.._Miss Adelaide Hiarrion is a missionary with wdeexperiece m".d heri-visit is 'looked for-wnrd to very mc.Miss arions dres es are schedled for 10.35 arn. andh A gooýd attenldanice is hoCped1 for, -Expienses 0f FBalnt-am Teani Th-e Orono B,'ntamnit e am were giron a very pleasant surprise wheni the Orono Oddftiellnv, hrough IW. J. Riddell, presented the Wreasurer of,0 the Oo~ Amateur Athiletic Asso-1 tiatinni, Stan Payne, 'with a sulistan- tial1 cheque ta h'eip 'defrnay the teami's e-çpenses on thDeir trnp to Snrde Al votecof thanks lýs aodue C. B. Tyrreil iand Lyai Lowery who -o genlerously supplied t'heir cars to leptransport themtenm to Sun- dridIge. It is 'only vwîth the help of orgnizationis and ml-en with sotn bloo'd in their vinsthat it is posý- sMe Io carry on the work among the younger, boys, as' their gtere- ceipts woCuld not cover thei expen- Youth F7or Christ Mleeting A rery fine programlme wns pro- vided last saturday night at thle Town flai C- Il rnv1i "Youth For 'Chrisýt" 1brou7git Tlarol Colnyouthful wa, Zr veter-an of Tornt, s the 'speaker, Laýurie Hart, cornetist, of thep Saivation Armiy, Toronto, accompanied by MAU Work- men, Sogani't end cixirmaster of! ilviinilty IChurcli, Boanîle nd the Quackenbhush Child s'song'sters, ailso of Eosafil.An e-xcep'tionaliy godmaieqattej' nydfromn Toronto as ýweli. Mixr oilnsre- nffirmied 'hs faith in Itie old fashiion- ed gospel wiich 'la said had carriîed him through Yl the evils and hard- aLLipc of thre late wr Rer.Mr, loTBhen OF Bownwanrile, lad' the mieetinig, and Mrs O'Brien wns ýthe - M _______________ -________ Re d Cross Establish- 1Transfusion Service! temjor factorus cotribui-mo be causes of 1etiin ,tie-land is thle lack of adequatel piliin n f-litîsin aur hosp)i- - e pu witi idetsard ot ier C1n 'ens incii rtvictimýs of, fire, thoýse suffeing thiroýgi accid!ent, is and diseas;e, needing blood to their lires. T ýeienmai (,r i ty of dian hlos;pitals find difflculty inl iding sufilficient blood ta ee gendies. is Ys an important Red Cross ,(ce nn1d a Costly aa vih esit aurcad jin tains of lires srd tinone fifti of the $5,000,000 xviile usIed ta Pnsure tCe 'et r-equýired by -the S OC i e ty in nbfI ity o f ie -sa v Il r)l e i and lasmatirou i aur hos- sto al Cnainsfrons co0ast ta DranFederation Plan- 1 ing Sumïimer Picrmi, The eguer eeaing of he Duir- tuire i-'as heid on _MarIC et n inpteofthe roads ther ai a 1 f 1 iyto d attendance. After the ( iinute s h'ad berend the following 13 businea iwaatranaa ted Rusei Oboine ieprt- for the ij comiinnttee on. salaries ans far as the Secretary andTIl sue were con- r cerned, and this report 'c1 esu itted at tihe regul1ar meeting in i In thre trs of the Ciream Pro- dtuem Asscitio, loyd Su7ttoni,C RseiWhite and Normian Wilsn c ariid the îSeecr'etry were appointed tô a deSa ith -aiu metters portainhrng to this Associatinadthe Secretary 1wua s instriCted to atteid the mweing I, in Toronto on bechaif of the aboya cir-JE gan-izationIIoni]Ma'rch th. Receîiving an invitation fron R'R. t! Stev(ýIIS to h'old the Apri 2rd FIe'- ( eratiion me-icetinig at hishborne, thia in- (c v-itation wve-s ninxoiii-iusly accepted. Thoe irectors et iareas appjoint- Ib ed arec,: Clarence J. Allen, 'Carroi T NhosEd. Nichols, Alln Woodi I Hl. Mo Hn arvey MValcolim, Nor- man Wilson, WallerRnde C. Os- A borne, F orlhes Ileyiand, ar. Daveyv, Everton WVhi te mnd Ralph fi Larmer. Several cmiteswere appo)int- tI cd in connection Wth the annual aï pinc he date 'or which vi]Ii 4aan- p noun'ed later. M. H.FL pls lre-u ,Sposible for the pryparation of tHec groundis;. Walcer Rayndo sand E., 1umr< epnshefor theý ar- 7, !ranilging of a machïinery exhýibit; ti the Scrtiary to cornact severa,,l or- v gnizations Y sking that exhibits bel maeat this picnie and E. Summoerst to arranlge for pastuIre improvieent ans SUU testing exhiit. t was de- ind tine c'mmîuvtee in charge [0 ne a ae fo1llows : Walter 'Reynol'ds', AM.1 Resolution 1351- Staple, E. iSummers, Forbea Hey- J'ast1srntr'tbnt land, xaston Banister Mrs. J. C. armny tvuck be prurch Tr inilyni, IMrs. John Baker- and the MiUle. Secretary.i Resoluition 1"52 : L Thre Secretary reqported an tie Kay - Ac<oeipffigne ir HDsEpitalSceseand wns istruet- snowpioinig thOugiru ed fo sacne the literature and con-,ship for the yenrs 19,1 tact the forumis asking tiemr to ap-1 and agreeinig as to pay Point a memier from theirorni-sae t.ion to meet with uns 'as s'oon as Re'altion 1353 : Joc poussile. K'ay -- Aslkîng tint al Mn. E Suxu amindthe Secretary ing calcium hord for xvereta be a cmmitiea ta maýke- fur- r1ords, on the saine h thie'r inqurienz into tire dfitc-h proposi- vious yenrs, to apply t tion as te the sedurig of maecnry Roatd Supecrintendent a nsitileS. not inter than Aprii 10, At thle close of the0 meeting a Resoiution 1354 : ..- sp)lendcid l unuheon was provided- by p.anent of tire Tow,,-,nsh Russail Osiorne. audits. 0Resolution 1355 GIRLcUIDE NEWS 1F1.wde as oee,1u The following buis' The Guides' were twenpty-six pid : strong thisý week. Tie ev.ening was On'tario ProvinclilTTea oupened by the Lieut. xvo cildtie forin stiijn ---- - PatrolLeadersMtinthe Patrols f eh E. L aNctn iila une. After tlint tinere was knotn tin------- 'tying and a coule of songe. Theonpo Goal and Lnh girls ýwere dfivided irrto gop' fire plie's undar thea supervision of Mliss Pani- Iliief............ .---- found iwuorking on reed xor;eight IMfs.H.Mri under' the supervision Of UMs.GOl- rsE. J. Randîli, 'R hart wonking Whth dy; nîe work- Aftr areaa -- inog on morse code. J. C. Gamey, auwâtr'sn Finial rrngements weretoen M.LI. StAple, a'uditQr nin11de for ie ?Carniral iin aata J. J. MVeillor, salany a-a be ield on Taud; y.'Marci l18% penses----- Giraîmetingat tie Guide 1Hal t alaton's s e, r-eief 7.30 Weho e ta se A ipOtais out ER. H. Wod, onetaMn in full uniform ithe foillowinig Tues- Orono Wei Times.~ day, to carrly on witli tiainiok. tisnad pi~ig Four Af te pii-Dor,,een Ail- Sp'cial c'ontnacts.---- Lws Resouton lut: drnd inePiasey, Marie LusJnnes .- Tint tus CA and Ann Best are Working bard foir djouru 1ito ime1et agan tiair Golden Bar. Tais eek thyclC hn ambr, Oon on pas'edthein skipping ts. ,fns aWfApi,1y Browiekin jeanie Wiinmsanis ioz Anay ofiocil ix1tir issed by ber pack and trope si s oflote transacti n en bc bnck soan.th isveofgn Di ne.Piasey w\on han sioe cIena- inig badge t1his, ueek. Tetesvrrep'orted a cia erenng a~decîde'd W. . EETNGrepeiptabe1ing overc charge of the pro-grani The 'Women's Association Of Park ser%,ed a e-crýp ' ~t(~a St. Churc hbeldtieir Marci mieet- the e tig.>Tie pr mng on Tuesda,!Ly afte1'noon, 'avci sisted of twb vadxx i1th. Thera wn a good atten1ïd- 1by Mrs. L.ogan n nd oeue 'once of ladces anid tHey ,were w 1i-Yv-on', n4 't'w 'jia commed iy lts. Littiewood Who pro,- ducted b TýZxs. )1tel ided. eoyedth in nrsar Paed'en Elosikin,

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