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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Mar 1947, p. 4

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s Office s for- the no(r- and( s uif ered1 'score of Il to ffs and mi lîvesto, minnot !PcO e'very une of S- stde anddetuto eniane anid Protec- d unla rthe 1mliii of Vmpe3i iogh the Orono boys were out- dý by il to 3, 'ibis' d'oes noV arlcali theie waýs that 1muc-h1 iffceece eeon theto'eas as the Orono after their two lunldd:1ile aririving ut ,Suiiiidge around oMclok were tired from tei tip. They gnve tire Sundridge la tussale for thre first two per- buLt after thfat the yo'ung Oronoý lrs 'xilted, giv*ing ý,the Sundridge a un.a-way' ite IasV tperîod. the firat period Sundridge d three goals, keeping Oronoe he-s'. -Thera 'wastnshockey lan perié od svth Sndidebe to lkcep the lOron)losiplers si!- the second p' leriod Orono ont- 'd Sod ide 3 oalsý to 2, mak Hhe sco e 'Ithe end of the sc pernod .5 o la favor 'of Sun- 'o.- The Orono goals ila this per-i rere scoredî by Vernner,wh got and oneý for cilmeri. 'w adbefore il,, the(thirdi )C t-be 'O0ono boy's wltlVewh r-esul't th!Iat unride rapped Ssix-, goafls to give tbemir a comr- Jing lead lan'Vie playoff series.. ter- the'-amle ftheOrono bckey Sere take V the hotel w1here ioins Cli i, spon-sors of 113e Sun- Zo tearo, gamne hom a supper. ho stnyed 'Sud igeSat- y~ iiglht returning homfe on Su-- 8; ORONO 6 ama played their >îroao on Tuesday e semi-finals play- by a score 8 Vo 6 the OronioBn to 0'end 'after sy ongo )sb hon. 0 Veonneràa !d'e cor'ed fi ve gOals to -s one Vlid noVmnecnathat rono boys were outcasîsîd, The had (1jusît as mc of' the plaýyý es lOpponents, butt vre noV as! ,e wthei- lu eairithe netu. r and Schell cure given a! ng Penty Suadridge thrn ' tlree goals V tO go-.into 0the lie lirst by Stcee efrmhbit- Sen Ebbitsen unnssisted follow- ele Unasslsted. Gilmer and 'i! wre glven penaltices fr i nîg, fOll'ow-ed by XeJVh bWest1 d 01' the cd , g-o I prior to these Pénalties, 1Vennler ferom Venner. flamipbell lscered for Sundnlýlide floe d by Christie, 'hoth nsiseleaving -the 11 ore 5 to 3 at the eud of the secod. 'Orcwo scored right at the stairt of the tidpe-riod vwh-en Ven esored unaqs8istcdl, n-iakimg -tVo 5 for- Sun- drd'e. Sundridge came 'back fast s(oring twvo goals 'one_ by Ibitsen ndthe 'othter by McCready. Orono camie bckwhen Nradsoedon ca iieshot. Bill Hooey in the net for the Oooboys, loest his stick and mfinaged to stop the puuk vwith hîs glvbut Ibbiisen secured the pui-ck and co'.ed fol'oî~edby the lnast ga of the gaine by Venner, miaking it 8 to 6i for Sundridge. Wlth tis loss for thie Batnms, -rC os three hockey teamis, ,hniiors, Mlidget!sî andc Bantamîls are out of theý runnlnrg. the other t'wo teamris being, ellinatedl previous. Now thilat hiockey ilisOnishied in Orono, the boys are begining Vo thlnk of sammer, CMI11NG EVENTS Or-ono Womiein"s'Linstitute will s erve a St. Platrick's Supper cme- c'it1g at 5 o"lock 0on _ondfay after- noon), Marchl 7th,, in tre Council fhamber. Admnission 25c. nd 35c. Evcryoie welc'ome. a-S-c. Yhe scodSocial Eveinrg under the auspices of the Wý. A. of the UutdChur-clh, wîl hoe id on Frn- day, MaLrch 21st, inri the Sundiclay Scoo 1aill itoutstan.ding locail talnt and the Rev. P, Seymour, En- nsileas guest sýpeake'r. E,,very- one wcoe Admission, 25c. and 15~C. A Basket Social nd Dance Cillbe held AinKendal 'on Friday eeig Mrc-h l4th, under the auspices o Kendal iba-sebail teamn Admission, 25c' adies it baskets free. a-8-c The Oronio Homiecraft Giid will mee the Forth Thursday, March- 2'7th, and feature an iiouatstanding Sipring prorme Watch for nexti week's annocuncements. The Goýodwill Eve"nîg Axlir jinvie il ladies interested to atteiid a ardli meeting on Th11ur sdy March 2OîVh, alV 8 p.mi., at thre hom-e of Mr. Eer-eV Brýown, Plearse --me'et ' He Stnnd'a-y Sehool all ejiat 7.410 -where tasottn wil ho arma-1 The M.ýotfiercraft Grouip of the EoYmecraft Guild vhïclhalways mee the second Thursdlay aftel.oon of eich nlonth. Meeting t-his' o' a't the 'home 'of Ms.R. ae ATHLETIC ASSOCITION MEETING The Orono Am-iateûr Athletie s nociation will hold a meeting la th'e Arm-iouries oni Tuesdlay e vernng, MlardihShab 8.00pm. iEveryonle interested ln basebail are asked to SALE REGISTERS The undersig-ned has roceivedl sti-uctionis froni MMr. -Mike Gabo Lot l5, ýCon. 3, Hope Townsh"Iip, û halif myile west 'of Cantoin, Vo seill ýpu>bli-c auction Iris Hh~enCal Swinie, Poultr:y, Feriim achinery < somre furniture, onL riday, Ma Zlst, 1947. Salie Vo cme 1.00 p.mi-.. Terme Cash,. Posi no reserve. jack Reid, Anctiono- and I Lave beeninsirý-tructedl by Mr. R. C. Collacutt, Lots H an1d 11, Cn.41 'a igtonfiTowrship, 2 iles north of omnvle n the fManve-rs Road, to sel! by p ubli c anction o WednesayMairch 19Vhi, 194 7,hs entýire- stock of 11or1ses, CattIe and MVachiaiery, coâecigt 1.00 p.m. Termys 'Cashi. Positiv'ely no Rcserre. Pa-rna SoId. Jack Reid, Auc.tionieer.ý roR 'T" Saturday AND r land jects 'I hatve been instructed by Alfred Coulter uaid Soins, Lots 5 and 6, Con cession 4, Cavain Township, to sei by puiblic auction his Parn, Fairna Stock, Ina1pîernaentsi, Huly, 'rietc., a1s tho propnietors are i'ig up faring. Siale to comnimence at 12.,30 p.m.i sharp. The farm ceonsists of 180 acreSs ith 110 workçiag,'40 of wood In'd brlance pasturC, Ywith good house and harn, spring creekl and flow-ýing wi-1, also, cis'tern, svil'l 1e oflered f'or salýe subjlect to a, reserve bld. Tim Cas,,h. Ja-ck -Reid, Aucýtincer. A sale 'cf housthold effects will 13e heion (ihureh St. North, thle prop- er-,ty osf-Airs W. J. MarTt1tyn,ý on Salt- uirday, Mrh29Vh, nt I p.m. ,Termns Cs.Jack Reid, Auctioneer. The unders!igaed 1-ia ecied l- ~tutosfrom iMr.Ws ais o Classified FOR SALE One young grey gander. Apply to LOST One bub cap for a 194,3 Hudson Gomminador, between BowmanvMle and Orono, on T1hursdlay rig Rteward. H. Y'ork, Orono. cl0p FOR SALE Five inew Renfr-ew 1llandWatshlers now availfile for hnmiatiedeiey Buy now andOpbe redy for SPIng; also C mseparato'rs and Cookite Ranges on hand. Appiy te T. S. IMountjoy, Phonie 2503,ï, R. R. No. 6, WANTED Witin theli nex tÙw'o wees a place ! tO "om ad or.An1yOne. who cari g-ive this accomiomodation kindly teip mec or poe21-2, Orono, Harry Grady WE HVEON HAND A imited 0qu-antîty o0 Mlsss We areaso building up our snptply of fertilizer. Place your order earlyl t'O ensure your needs for the sprInIg seeding. LOCKÇWOOD BROS, Oreno, Ontario MAN WANTED M an oeijoys o(ut-door worký, to leaira Bee and Fur Farinrng. Yeur roulId employm'ert. Permaanent pDosi- tion to the riglit part y. Doni't ,et theý bees scare you; we ia-ve survived. C. R.IK-NOX Box 1,9, 'orono GIBSON'S BARRED )ROCKÇS Bu,.y your Barr'ed Rock Cicsfrolm a repliable long-e-stabhished 0,.B.S. Breeder HiaVcb1-ery or over 1000biood!- tested birds, 'For bredi-ýInlivability, early and contfinnous; production of large eggs, d'on't overlook Our straini. Take your chMics a 11ontlh ear-lier if posýsible. Hatehes weekly. Wýýrite for circulair and price Ilist. AUl inquiries aýnsyîweredc promptly. Donalld E. Gib- son', 'o 'avlOtao;Phone 1 , :astel3811. t-f. FOR SALE Cuartier îSeed Onats, cleaneýd at Gar- net Ric-kard's îSeed 1an Plant, Apply to Ken-neth luR.R. No. 1, Oronio, Phoue 15 ring 3. FOR SALE onle Coal' Brooder Stove, 500 chlick ca itylaA-! conditi. Apply Vo Raymnd Crap'anor phone 51 r 6, Orono. a-S-p. FOR SALE Eigt god'lum ps of pigs, big, eilough to fiish offT. R. Bottrel, oneConessonnorth of Newcastle. FoRi SALE Suffolk Ramr, f2 years oljd th is spring. Phonie 6 r ), 'Ororoo, c-10-c. James E. O'Boyle Phone 7-16 - Orono Business License NoD. 130û4970ý; War. ime Prices and TaeBoiard BUILDIYNG, CARPENTERNG, AL- TERATIONS, REPAIRING, PAINýT- ING. Good wOrk at fair pri-ces-, by the, heour or the job Radio Service! The, combinatkiic f epreccon- plete data on.ail makes, aud modemr test equàiment will enisure P PROMPT, REASONABLE AND EXPERT REPAIRS R. L. MYLES Phone 7S9xr 4 -ORONO RAD-IlO REPAIR Te ail ïmakes ol f Home enn-d Car Rds. Aerialc Instal-led. WI'ork Guaraniteed- . Reasonable Rates 1 Il. DUVALL Phono 5,1 T Il1 LeeRkard - Olntaio. Prof essional tory M1EDICAL A, F. McKENZIE, MRD. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Ilours 2.00 to 4,00 p.m.; 6.30 te 8.00 pn Sunidays and Wednesdays hy appoinitment only PHONE 47r1 - ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mllason, B.A. Barrister and Soli'citor BOWANVjýILLE, ONT, Phones : Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD B1ARRlisTiER SOLICITOR NOTARY Ph'ones , Office s25 Residence499 BOWmAmNVILLE, ONT, VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINAýRY SURGEON Office Main St. Oronoo Phonle 63 r 7, Orono J. C. GAMERY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Atmbl and Liability ~OrioNO, - ONTAIRU0 MANUJFA'CTURE RS LIFE wilI gladly assist in planin7g financial security for yourself mnd yourý faimlly. DANE FOJN-D Phono 8r1 ORONO The RUJTTER GRANITE COMPANY phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 port lHoýpe, Ontarie monuments, aem kes Enrgraving,Godafn AUCTIONEERS TED JACK.SON Aucetionteer and Valuator Conduicts -AutiionSales of ail sizes and at reaseniable rpîtes Conmmunicate with hlmi at Poit Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerlzc, AL E. Morton, at Orone>, fer date-. JACK REID LicesedAuctionleer and Specialize in Farmo and Furniture Sales Consuiût me for term-s and dates Phonie1620 - Clarke Do You Know That, for a mnan age tweaty-four, The Iniperial Life Assuruanico Com- PanlY Will guarantee bis family $5,000.00 ln evenlt of uis death prier toe ge sxty;' for betweenl 2% ani 3 of that .10unt yearly. And if ho lives te aige sixty, the Company will pay lm the $5,000.00. Wly -not eonsult your locail representative FRED LYCETT te se what a plan suc]h as this willi CIO for you? YORK'S TAXI 24-hour Service Haývinig lad our car repaired we are ready for taxi business agarLu

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